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Essential Modulation FX - A Brief Overview

Lesson 19 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

Essential Modulation FX - A Brief Overview

Lesson 19 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

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19. Essential Modulation FX - A Brief Overview

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Essential Modulation FX - A Brief Overview

Modulation modulation encompasses effects like chorus, tram low and phaser. Each offering distinct sonic transformations by altering audio signals over time. Let's solo the piano part and look at some modulation effects starting with chorus. So let's tap on the plus button in the effects slot area. Let's go to modulation and let's select chorus, chorus, duplicates the input signal slightly altering the pitch and timing of the duplicate and then blends it with the original. This process creates a thicker richer sound similar to multiple performers playing or singing together. Chorus is ideal for adding depth and warmth to vocals, guitars and synths by adding parameters like rate and intensity. You can achieve subtle thickening effects or more extreme p shifting qualities. OK. So let's hear this back with a chorus effect. Try and play back. I'll increase the mix slider so we can hear the effect clearer and I'll also adjust the intensity and rate dial. So that's the chorus effect. Let's n...

ow have a look at the next modulation effect which is tremolo, let's replace the chorus effect with a tremor effect. And we can do this by tapping on the chorus effects and then go to a place modulation. Then tremolo again, let's show the details for the effect. Tremolo modulates the volume of the audio signal at a regular rate resulting in rhythmic fluctuations in amplitude. It produces a pulsating effect that adds movement and dynamics to the sound. So let me play this back now and I'll adjust the rate depth and smooth controls. So you can hear the difference tremolo can inject energy and rhythm into instruments like guitars, keyboards and strings. It's often employed to create vintage vibes or add a pulsating texture to Simpson pads, enhancing the groove and atmosphere of a track. Let's now replace this with the next modulation effect that we look at which is phaser phaser splits the audio signal into multiple phase shifted copies modulating that phase relationship to create a swirling sweeping effect. This manipulation of phase relationships generates peaks and troughs in the frequency spectrum again, let's play this back and adjust some of these settings. So you can hear the difference phaser is versatile, adding depth of movement to guitar Simpson drums phaser can range from subtle coloration to dramatic swirling textures depending on parameter adjustments and musical contexts. Creative modulation techniques experiment with automating modulation of that parameters over time to craft evolving textures and transitions. Dynamic adjustments to depth rate and feedback can yield mesmerizing sonic journeys within your compositions. Combine multiple modulation effects to construct intricate soundscapes. For instance, blending chorus with tremolo can produce shimmering pulsating textures while phase are paired with tremolo can evoke swirling rhythmic atmospheres. OK. So that's a brief overview of some essential modulation effects. I'm just going to bypass the phaser effect before we look at distortion, which we'll cover in the next video. So thanks for watching and I'll see you there.

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