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Recording and Editing Audio

Lesson 6 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

Recording and Editing Audio

Lesson 6 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

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6. Recording and Editing Audio

Lesson Info

Recording and Editing Audio

Welcome to the next lesson of our Logic Pro for ipad course where we'll explore the essential aspects of recording and editing audio. This lesson covers everything from capturing your audio to mastering the editing tools at your disposal. So let's dive in. So let's now add a new audio track which we can do by pressing this plus button on the left. Now let's choose a new audio track from this pop up menu. Let's now close the browser by pressing the browser button in the bottom left. Now let's rename this audio track. We can do this by tapping on the track icon and selecting rename. I'm going to name this track guitar and then tap enter. OK? So now let's talk about setting up to record on this audio track to start recording an audio track, select an empty audio track and tap the red record button in the transport bar Logic Pro will now record audio through the built in microphone on your ipad. Let's now tap record and record in a few chords on an acoustic guitar. OK? So that wasn't playe...

d Imperfect, but we will record in another take soon and I'll show you how to choose the best takes. Let's now have a look at the splitting and joining tools in logic pro for ipad splitting and joining tools are fundamental for refining your audio regions and creating a seamless arrangement. Let's now explore these tools in a concise overview. OK. So now let's have a look at the split tool which we can access by tapping this button here. So the split tool allows us to divide audio regions into separate sections, providing flexibility in editing. You can see that when I tap the split tool, the scissor icon appears and we can drag down on the region to split it. Now we can tap on the split audio region and drag it to another location. If you wish, let's now have a look at some of the uses for the split tool. So now we can isolate a specific part of the recording for further processing with the split tool. We can trim any unwanted sections of an audio region. And we can also create space between two audio regions for more accurate arrangements. The joint function seamlessly merges adjacent audio regions into a single continuous region. Maintaining a smooth transition between them to join two audio regions together tap and hold one audio region while tapping another. This will select both regions, then tap on one of the selected regions to open the menu and go to bounce and join and then join. Uses of the joint tool include combining multiple takes or sections into one cohesive performance, creating a continuous audio flow without audible gaps between regions. Let's now talk about comping, comping short for compiling allows you to piece together the best performances from multiple takes to create seamless performance. In the ipad version of Logic Pro this verse requires creating a takes folder on an audio region. You can do this by recording over an already existing audio region. So let me show you how to do this now. So let's now record the guitar part again this time over the audio recording that we've recorded previously, then select the region and go to takes and folders. So you can see here the two guitar takes that we recorded. Let's now select take one. However, for this example, let's select take two as I think this was played better than take one. So let's select the region again and select take some folders and choose take two to comp multiple takes together, use the split tool to establish a section of the take you like. So for example, let's make a split after the second chord. So the 3rd and 4th chord are from take one. So the first part of the recording is take two and the second part is take one. So let's move the play head ruler to after we play chord two. And now let's use the split tool to split here. Now let's tap on the second, split audio region and go to take some folders and choose, take one repeat this process until you have a full comp of your performance. So let's play this back now by pressing the play button to hear our comp for a faster workflow and comping, you can move this project to Mac and use logic Pro for Mac to comp. This allows for quick swipe comping, which is a more efficient way to comp takes, you can also import audio into Logic Pro for ipad, allowing you to incorporate existing audio files into your project. So let me show you how to do this. Now, one way to do this is to simply drag and drop an audio file onto an audio track. In logic Pro. First, you need to have files open on your ipad as well as logic pro. Then double tap on the home button and drag logic pro to the files tab. This will split the screen allowing you to drag audio files from the files tab to your logic pro project Logic Pro for ipad supports MP threes, Weals and a iff file types. Let's just drag the logic pro screen over now. So we can only see this. OK, let's solo this track and now let's press play so we can hear this imported audio file back world. And OK, so let's now uns solo this track. And let's now talk about some tips for recording audio use headphones to reduce bleed, wearing headphones while recording, minimizes sound leakage into the microphone, connect to an audio interface for better quality recordings, external devices that are used to connect audio inputs like microphones or instrument cables to digital devices are called audio interfaces. This opens up a range of options for recording including various microphones, guitars, bass, electric piano and hardware SIMS. And there you have it recording and editing audio in logic pro for ipad. From capturing the perfect take to using advanced editing tools. You're equipped with the skills to elevate your audio production. In our next lesson. We'll explore mi recordings and advanced techniques for bringing your musical ideas to life. So thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one.

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