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The Delay Function

Lesson 12 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

The Delay Function

Lesson 12 from: Logic Pro for iPad

Tomas George

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12. The Delay Function

Next Lesson: Automation

Lesson Info

The Delay Function

Delay. Another creative way to adjust the timing of your music is using the delay function in the inspector. This differs from using a delay plug in which will repeat the signal for effect. The delay function in the inspector delays regions by a matter of milliseconds, this offsets away from the grid and can make certain parts of your track feel more human to use the delay to and the inspector th select the region in the arrangement window. So for this example, let's select the midi region for the snap, then open the inspector and find the delay section which is under general by reducing the number you're making the region play earlier than the grid providing a sense of urgency. You can do this for pattern regions, midi regions and audio regions for pattern regions. You can also adjust the offset of specific steps in the loop by going to the offset tool and dragging a step up to make it later and down to make it earlier. This is a fantastic way to create interesting loops. So let's do ...

this now for the snare for now though, let's set the delay settings back to the default of zero. Next, we'll have a look at automation which we'll cover in the next video. So thanks for watching and I'll see you there.

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