Class Introduction
Lesson 1 from: What to Say When…Tips and Scripts for Tricky Situations at WorkIlise Benun

Class Introduction
Lesson 1 from: What to Say When…Tips and Scripts for Tricky Situations at WorkIlise Benun
Class Introduction
04:20 2...Others Need to Know What You’ve Accomplished
03:00 3...Someone Else Is Getting the Credit for Your Work
01:55 4...Your Boss Is Micromanaging Your Work
02:23 5...You’re Getting Too Much Work
02:15 6...It's Time for Your Annual Review
02:19 7...Your Project Has Missed Its Deadline
02:49 8...Your Boss Is Getting Too Personal
01:59...Co-Workers Are Distracting You from Your Work
02:17 10...Dealing with Co-Workers That Ask Too Many Favors
02:09 11...The Client Doesn’t like Your Work
01:37 12...Your Manager Doesn’t Totally Understand Your Work
01:57 13...There Is a Miscommunication
01:55 14...You Make a Mistake
02:12 15...A Client or Co-Worker Doesn’t Follow Through
02:08 16...You Won't Make Your Deadline
01:57 17...You’re Getting Mixed Messages
02:16 18...Dealing with Unresponsive Colleagues
02:19 19...A Co-Worker Talks Too Much During Meetings
01:50 20...You Think You Deserve a Raise
02:10 21...Networking with Strangers or VIPs
02:31 22...A Meeting Goes off Track
01:49 23...You Need to Leave a Meeting Before It Ends
01:23 24...You Arrive Late to a Meeting
01:33 25Conclusion
03:40Lesson Info
Class Introduction
What to say when: tips and scripts for tricky situations at work. So here's the thing. Most of us are not taught how to communicate clearly and assertively at work. So you may get tongue-tied or frozen even when someone asks you a question you don't know the answer to. And you may, as a result end up losing out on opportunities to grow. This course will help all of that and more. You will improve your career one conversation at a time. I will be going over many different scenarios and provide for you in bite-sized segments actual language you can use and the rationale behind it. We'll cover things like, your boss asks you to do something that isn't realistic, maybe even not possible. What should you say? Or your accomplishments aren't acknowledged and someone else is getting the credit for a project you did. Or a client or coworker agrees to do something and then they never do which prevents you from doing your part. Or you attend an out-of-town conference and you just can't bring your...
self to introduce yourself to anyone. Or you make a mistake and don't know how to tell your boss or the client. Or you submit your work and they don't like it. What should you say? In this course, I'm going to try to change the way you think about the various situations you find yourself in. Because your perception is just that, your perception. And there are so many more to consider but we don't usually have or take the time to do so and that needs to change and if it does, I guarantee it will only help you. You see, the thing is there is no right way to respond and there are many possible ways to choose from. In fact there are infinite ways to respond to every situation but underneath all of them is the imperative to take charge of yourself. So I'm going to outline two to four different types of responses for each scenario I present. That way when you are in the moment you have several options to choose from and you can decide which is most appropriate for the situation. My hope is that once you get into the groove of this and try them out, it will come more naturally and you will never again have to feel that horrible frozen feeling of not knowing what to say or of blurting out the wrong thing and then dealing with the aftermath. So here are the approaches I'll be using: Curiosity, because I do believe that questions are the answer to everything. So when in doubt see if you can come up with a question to ask. I'll give you lots of examples. Generosity and kindness, what can you offer? And don't think you have nothing to offer, you always do, if you listen for what would help the other person. I'll give you lots of examples. Humility, you can never be too humble. Apologizing without over-apologizing of course, can be surprisingly effective. It can make someone aggressive back down or someone blaming you suddenly take partial responsibility. Think about how you contributed to the current situation. I'll give you lots of examples. And finally, humor. Using humor to disarm, diffuse, de-escalate can be surprisingly effective but it really does need to be done with a light touch. And keep in mind that humor isn't always appropriate. So use it with care. I'll give you lots of examples of this too. So think about all of this as an experiment. If you try out these new mindsets and practice these new strategies you will become much more confident about how you handle yourself with your colleagues in the workplace and that will help you grow professionally. Who knows how far you can go. Make sense?
Ratings and Reviews
Karlie Jessop
Love the format of this course - it was so great to be able to select a specific situation, and then quickly learn a couple of approaches to each one.