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...The Client Doesn’t like Your Work

Lesson 11 from: What to Say When…Tips and Scripts for Tricky Situations at Work

Ilise Benun

...The Client Doesn’t like Your Work

Lesson 11 from: What to Say When…Tips and Scripts for Tricky Situations at Work

Ilise Benun

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11. ...The Client Doesn’t like Your Work

Lesson Info

...The Client Doesn’t like Your Work

What to say when the client doesn't like your work. So here's the situation. You submitted your deliverable for a project and the client doesn't like it, but can't articulate why. Or they say something that doesn't give you any direction and isn't helpful. Here's the solution. Part of your job is to help others come up with the language to communicate what isn't working. What you're thinking, but shouldn't say. "That jerk doesn't know anything." Here's what you could say. When you use curiosity, you could say "What isn't working for you? "Can you point at it? "Can you identify which aspects aren't working?" You may have to hold the client's hand during this process or provide multiple choice options for them to say yes or no to. You could try generosity. "It seems like you're having trouble "articulating what's not working. "How can I help you do that?" Or, with humility, "I'm so sorry to hear "it's not working for you. "Let's put our heads together "and figure out how to make it bette...

r." And maybe humor. "Uh-oh, is this one of those the CEO's wife "doesn't like red situations?" But here's the overarching lesson. You have to sometimes be a detective to find out what isn't working, so you can come up with a better solution, all without taking it personally. Try to steer the conversation to the business objectives the work is trying to solve. Make sense?

Ratings and Reviews

Karlie Jessop

Love the format of this course - it was so great to be able to select a specific situation, and then quickly learn a couple of approaches to each one.

Aleksandra Walker

Student Work