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...You Arrive Late to a Meeting

Lesson 24 from: What to Say When…Tips and Scripts for Tricky Situations at Work

Ilise Benun

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24. ...You Arrive Late to a Meeting

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...You Arrive Late to a Meeting

What to say when, because of a crowded calender, you arrive at a meeting after it has begun. Here's the situation. You've told your supervisor ahead of time about your overlapping commitments, and she's okay with it, but when you arrive your supervisor neglects to acknowledge you. How do you get recognized? Here's what you may be thinking, but shouldn't say. I'll never get to add my two cents. Here's a solution. You do have to speak up. This is especially tricky in a virtual meeting where no one can see that you've arrived. Here's what you could say. When there is a reasonable pause in the discussion say with curiosity, "Hi, Jane here. "So sorry to arrive late, "but I got stuck in a marketing meeting. "Is there anything you need from me "that I may have missed at the beginning?" Or, with generosity, "Hi, I'm so sorry to be late. "My last meeting ran over. "Just wanted to let you know I'm here "if you have any questions related to my department." Or, with humor, "Hello, so sorry to be l...

ate. "I got stuck in a meeting with marketing. "They have so much to say. "Anyway, let me know "if you need me to weigh in on anything." The overarching idea is that these little incidents aren't a problem unless they're a pattern. So, simply make sure they know you're there and available. Make sense?

Ratings and Reviews

Karlie Jessop

Love the format of this course - it was so great to be able to select a specific situation, and then quickly learn a couple of approaches to each one.

Aleksandra Walker

Student Work