WHY Targeting is So Key
02:07 2Getting Started
01:31 3Ad Breakdown 50% Content, 50% Targeting
03:13 4Scaling Limitations: You're Always Limited by Audience or Budget
02:05 5Quiz - WHY Targeting is So Key
Custom Audiences
6Deep Dive into the 11 Types of Custom Audiences
30:57Timeframe Breakdown
02:51 8Naming Convention for Custom Audiences
04:42 9Best Audience Sets to Start With
02:31 10Using Event Audiences to Automate Lists
03:08 11Quiz - Custom Audiences
Lookalike Audiences
12What is a Lookalike Audience?
09:26 13Which Custom Audiences Create the Best Lookalike Audiences
02:27 14Strategy for Lookalike %
02:48 15Naming Convention for Lookalike Audiences
04:55 16Quiz - Lookalike Audiences
Saved Audiences
17Demographics, Psychographics and Behaviors
13:37 18Narrowing and Excluding
07:06 19Geo Breakdown
04:12 20Using Connections
05:08 21Combo Audiences
04:29 22Audience Sizing
05:00 23Naming Convention for Saved Audiences
05:55 24Quiz - Saved Audiences
Ad Implementation for Freelancers
25Get ROI for Your Clients
08:54 26Scaling: The 3 Ways to Grow a Custom Audience
02:19 27Avoid Audience Burnout
05:33 28Expanding a Lookalike or Saved Audience
03:31 29Split Testing Audiences
05:19 30Determining When an Audience is Not Performing
10:46 31Quiz - Ad Implementation for Freelancers
01:55Final Quiz
33Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Deep Dive into the 11 Types of Custom Audiences
Alright. So did you know that there are 11 types of custom audiences on Facebook essentially. This is why Facebook is so powerful for advertising but don't tell anyone since most people think it's all about the saved audiences. You know being able to target people based off their income, the number of kids they have the age of their kids, the car they drive etc. All that is really cool. But remember this fundamental marketing truth, a warm audience will almost always convert better than a cold audience. So if you want to drive conversions for your clients, you need to be running a lot of custom audiences. Now. Custom audiences are essentially all warm audiences by a warm audience. We simply mean that they have had previous touches with the brand or in other words these are retargeting audiences. A custom audience is based off an if then trigger if they perform action, X, Y or Z. Then we can put them in a bucket and target them. So if they watched 10 seconds of your video you can target...
them. If they've been to your website three times over the last days you can target them. If they click like on your client's pin post, you can target them. Most folks correlate retargeting with just the website. If someone visits the website, the pixel, you know they're pixels, you can retarget them. This is what amazon does so well. But if this is the only retardant you've experimented with then you've been leaving a lot of good audiences out there on the table. So you don't need to pixel someone for each of these custom audiences, right? It doesn't all happen on the website. Many of these are native actions people are taking on facebook that the algorithm tracks. So we're going to walk you through each one of these audiences one by one, so that after this lesson you'll be a pro using custom audiences. Let's hop over to the laptop and show you how So like we're discussing, there's 11 types of custom audiences to go over them. You want to be in the asset libraries. We like to run everything through business manager. If you don't have a business manager, you can go business dot facebook dot com. Do you see? And it'll walk you through setup, then you have this hamburger menu up here on the left, you'll come to all tools and under assets will go to audiences. That's where you'll build and create all these audiences, which is where we recommend you create audiences, you can't create them on the fly, but it's for a number of reasons better do it here, especially for optimizing because if I want to boost a post, it's better to have the audience already created and know everything that goes into it. So I'll come up here to create audience. If this button does not work for you, it's a permissions problem. So if you're working on an ad account and all of a sudden you can't create an audience. It's because the client didn't give you the proper level of permission, There's five levels of access for the page and three levels of access for an ad account. So if that's occurring, just make sure you go back to your clients say, hey, I need more permissions, I can create these audiences. So let's dive into the custom audiences. The first one we're gonna cover is customer file. These are your email lists. You can see you have to upload these. It could be for male chimp or any other provider or delivery system. I can also do things like an Ltv Lifetime value, which we'll talk about in a second. But let's just go ahead and upload one. Okay, sure. Wants me to refresh. Okay, let's try one more time. So we can custom audience customer file on your own. There's four steps up here. The first is to add a list. I'm just going to choose one of these. We have so I'm going to go see SV and do this contact list. You have to choose where it came from, where you acquired this list. Is it from customers and partners from partners that you buy the list from someone else or through your own efforts. So in this case is strictly from customers. It's a weekend list. I can name it to the audience name. We'll go over naming convention a little bit later. See custom wow contact lists. The next is we want to map what categories. So I first name, you can see here first name on the left. So choose that and I'm letting you know which of these things I want to upload by the last name. The reason this is important is because within a list you can upload for just certain categories. So I could upload just all the males within a list or any of these people living in a certain zip code or a certain city. So maybe your client has a really big list of a million people that you just want to target. A segment of that list. So that's what you can do here with these different categories. You can say yes, I want to target just the people living in the United States from this list. And that's what you would upload. So then rather than uploading the entire list and then having your audiences be polluted you just upload the categories that you care most about. And then of course I want to upload the email, which is what matches A typical match rate for Facebook. You might see 50-55% matrix. Since some people will use throwaway emails if you choose the wrong category, it will give you this little air sign. Otherwise, the exhibition means it's not going to upload. If you want me to be The match rate might even be less closer to 10%. So I changed my categories, I won't go through each of these. But first, last name of course the email is one that matches upload and create. So now it's going to start uploading these. Take a few minutes. Okay 357 rows uploaded. The next step is this trend 10 minute action. So I could create a look like audience or create an ad off of it. I'm just going to select done To end this audience one last thing And you can see it's it's started to create this. It usually takes about 30 minutes from to update the audience before you can use it in an ad. So the size was saying not available same for any custom audience. So you just check back in about three minutes and should have that data. So this is a new feature as you can see you may or may not have it available in your accounts. Facebook rolls out these features not all at once and going out progressively but one of the categories you can upward for is lifetime value. So let's say your client has multiple products or maybe they're in clothing so they have recurring products so they might have a list of everyone that's ever purchased from him. But what I could do is I could just say okay just upload the people that have spent at least $100 on our brand because maybe some people spent like but some have just spent, they bought one thing for $15. So I can say Only the people that have spent $100 and more upload those and then I can create a look like off that. So that way I'm not creating look like off all my customers but just off the ones that according to a certain lifetime value and we'll cover lookalikes later and how to choose the proper seed audience. But this is how the email audiences worked for this first type of custom audience, this customer file. So there's a lot more that we're gonna get into here. The next one will be website traffic that will be covered. Okay Let's go on to customer service. # two. The 2nd 1 is website traffic. This will probably your most powerful these of course is pulled by the pixel. I can choose either people who meet any of the following criteria or all this is basically and or or India's or people who do A or B. All is both people who do A and B. It pulls from the pixel. The pixel should associate with the website. That's a common question. We get a lot should have multiple pixels. You should have one pixel per website that you're working on. I have a few different options. First I choose the if condition I want if then trigger. So if they visited anyone on the website Over the past 30 days and I can go up to 180 days. I could do specific pages. So if the RL equals, you know if they've been to the thank you page or a download page and this is one of my favorite ones. I like to do visitors by time spent Have the three options here are 5%, or 25%. These are the people that are spending the most time on your website. A lot of people might hit the website long enough to get pixel, but they may not stay very long. So a lot of that retargeting traffic might not be very high quality. So especially if your clients have really big website audiences where they have over 100,000, then you'll definitely want to create some of these time spent because it's hard to reach an audience that big. So this way you kind of filter and you'll probably expect to see that some of these audiences will perform really, really well in terms of their R O S, C P A and R Y that they're driving for you. I can also do inclusions or exclusions. So I could say the top five overall or people that have been to a certain page because maybe they've been to the download page, but they did it really quickly. So they weren't the top five, but they still matter to me. Right? Or again, I could exclude, say or exclude people that have been to the thank you page or that have been to an event page. Whatever it is based on the goals. There's many ways to exclude. You can also do events in a later lesson, we're going to talk specifically about events and how those works. You won't cover that now. And then lastly I'll name my audience and again in a later lesson we'll talk about naming audiences properly. That's why I say custom website visitors 5% 30 days, create audience. And again, right then it can try and help me create a look like or create an ad that's fine. You'll see again. Populating, going searching for who fits the if then condition Let's hop over to # three. This is for apps, if your clients have an app, I have a lot of different things I can do. So first you have to choose the app, same as the website I've got any and or all conditions that I can choose and then I just have a ton of different if then triggers some of these will be based off what they've set up within the app. I can say anyone has opened the app, the most active users used by purchase amount used by segment new facebook log and connections. Top 25% House. So if your app has downloads in it or games or different events, you'll set those up in a different part of business manager based off what the client has will give you more freedom, but you can do app retargeting right? So it ties back usually the apps they have facebook o off one quick authentication, people log in and as they're interacting the app they're making in app purchases. You can track that if they're downloading how much time they're spending in the app. So usually if the client has an app that might be middle of funnel, maybe they might have in app purchases. But for example we did ads for the Warriors for five years. Golden State Warriors basketball team and of course they had an app so we could target people. They were spending a lot of time in the app and sell them merchandise, sell them jerseys because they're looking for warriors up. They're always reading about the news, these different things. Those were our low hanging fruit. It's it's it's a good middle funnel content so I can say awesome App opens 30 days In this case it's pretty broad just saying anyone that's been in our app in the last days and again, Facebook tells you just want to go up to 180 days. Some custom audiences are larger in their time window, Some are smaller. The web and apparatus 1 80 days 30 is fine for this example. So I'll create that audience. This next one is offline activity. You'll have to have these events set up. We're going to switch accounts to show you guys this one this is our friends. Ashley home store, the biggest furniture store in the US CoK any days. Ashley home store same as before I got any or all offline events will be huge for local business increasingly. So this is a big initiative from facebook driving people into the store, you can see people who have interacted offline, they've been in the store, they've been purchasing things. So these aren't necessarily people who've been pixel but we still have the same events that we can set up. So if someone's made a purchase offline, if they've been to one of my store locations over the last 30 days Or 60 days maybe I want to show them a coupon online to try and drive them back into the store to try and say thank you to collect a testimonial. A lot of different reasons. So I can have the different events here. Again a lot of these are just the standard events from the pixel, the nine standard events but some of them could be specific events you set up to, you could just say we have been in the store and then I'll name it custom, I'm fine purchase 60 days. So as you guys are seeing not all of your clients will qualify for each of these 11 types of custom audiences. Some of these will be specific to the vertical. A lot of folks maybe in e commerce obviously won't be doing any offline activity but it's still good to know these for the clients to do. Let's hop back over to this account. Now the next one is engagement which actually houses multiple types of custom audiences. So we're going to go through each of these. So the first is video. Now video is one of our favorite types of custom audiences. I have a lot of different flexibility in terms of if then triggers I can set here, you can see that I can sit all the way from three seconds, 10 seconds up to a 95% for how much they watch. We like to retarget based off a 12th view. A three second view is a quantity view. That's what a view is counted as once someone watches for three seconds that count as a view. I think facebook recently even changed to two seconds But three seconds all its equal is a quantity of you. A lot of these are accidental videos start playing by default and people might be looking at the thing above it. In the video below is actually playing Because of that we like to target based off a 12th view. Some people might do these other ones unless you really have a ton a ton of views. I wouldn't recommend doing that because you're just cutting your basically handcuffing the algorithm, you know, Leto CPM it's better to set wide parameters initially. So they have more room with an audience to serve ads to you have a lower CPM Probably better results giving wide parameters. So we need 10 seconds. I'm gonna choose the videos just like my page we have a lot of pages in our business manager chooses one by random. I can select one or multiple videos and I can even see The views. These are the three second views that shows me. So my 12th will probably be about a third is the average. So this one has 67, 3 2nd views. So my 12th probably has Maybe 20 - 30. Here's a pretty good one though. 3400. So this audience might be 1200. So I could choose this video. What I can also do is I can choose multiple. We call this a mega custom audience. So I can say anyone that's watched Any of my videos over the last month. This one's got 21,000. So that might have 8010 2nd views. Anyone that's watched any of these videos over the last month, then show them something else. So, I can either choose one specific video or multiple. For videos. I can go back to 365 days. That's pretty long. We'll talk about what time frame windows to choose later on. They noticed, choose 28. It's a custom mm hmm. 10 seconds. Any of you. Okay? Get the horse. Okay, so there you go. Pretty easy. Right? Again, if you have a video that has a lot of views, you can retarget based off one video and especially if the content matches with it. You can really get pretty creative with the sequencing where you can say video A leads to video B and then the video si tu video de Right. So especially if the customer journey is really specifically mapped out. But if you have two or three videos around the same category, it might be good to combine them together. You don't always have to combine all of them. We do like to create these huge mega video of the audiences were also anyone that's watched any of my videos over the last three months, the last 180 days, 3, 65 days. And I'll just pull all the videos just so I can have everyone tagged do that occasionally. But as far as an evergreen funnel, I would just choose the videos where you're running the most and create 12th retarding audiences based off those. Great, it's going to take up to 30 minutes. Okay, click done. All right. So the next one is lead forms. If your clients are trying to drive leads directly on facebook, let's choose what's metrics for this one. You'll choose a specific lied for him And you have a few different options here. I can do people who open the form. My favorite is this Middle one who opened but didn't submit the form. So I'm trying to collect email addresses. Second, say the way this works is they click to expand the form because we have videos saying, you know, sign up below to get our list on the six things you need to know about buying a house or about the Golden State Warriors or buying furniture or whatever it is and maybe a lot of people quick to open that. But they didn't have the time to finish entering their information. You can still retarget those people. So even though they didn't go to the website, Even though they didn't watch the video for 10 seconds or even though they didn't click like on the post, you can still retarget them through this lead form retargeting, which I see very few people doing. But if your clients are trying to collect leads using Facebook's native lead forms, which is one of the best ways to collect leads because it's a frictionless experience. Unlike sending someone to the website and collecting their email there better just to do it on facebook. Then you want to make sure that you? Re targeting people again. I would do this Middle one the most because opening will retarget everyone including those who submitted and then you can do people who open and submitted which is essentially just the email that you're collecting. But the reason you might want to do this is people might submit, but they might give you a throwaway email address or maybe you're giving something away your clients giving away an ipad for example. So people want the ipad, but they don't want their email address to get spammed. So for me, I have an old yahoo email that has over 50,000 emails in it that are unopened. So anytime I sign up for anything, if I'm at the airport and they want my email to get access to the wifi or someone's doing a giveaway at an event. I'm say fine and I just give them my throwaway email, my yahoo email. Right? So that might not match back to my facebook login. So if your clients generating leads emails but they're not high quality and they get bad open rates when they send emails one way to get around. That would be to come here and create an audience of everyone who submitted the form and you can target them on facebook is that way? Maybe they're not even getting the emails from your client because it's a throwaway email but you can still target those people. Let's do this Middle one though. I like that one and again you can choose multiple weed forms, just like the videos. So if I have multiple lead forms, like the one that's open any of my lead forms over the past 90 days. So come down here and name this bad boy, Say custom sweet forms open. No send that 20 days create audience. Hopefully you guys are starting to see the power of these custom audiences again. This is why we call this the crown jewels of facebook as people are taking different actions. It's really easy to retarget. These people put them in buckets, full screen experience is the next one. These are canvas ads. Oh I see a canvas is basically the landing page but on facebook so it's dragon drop. So you basically rebuild your landing page in the format of a facebook ad just like the weed forms before it is going after a more frictionless experience. And I have to choose a specific canvas. In this case we just set up on this campus tutorial and again I have the different triggers. So I can say people who opened it, it's a drop down so there's a little carrot they click. So initially it might be a video or an image or a text or whatever. Maybe it's an image just says um you know, we love furniture. Do you love furniture? Quick to learn more and then it opens them to this whole little landing page within facebook and within there I might have different links to products or videos. So I can also target people who clicked on any of the links and the experience because they could click on the link but it doesn't take them to the website so I'm not able to pixel them, but I can still target them based off if they're clicking around within my canvas at This one. Unlike the website retarget, a little bit more powerful because it goes up to 365 days. If you remember when we talked about website audiences, those only go to 1 80. So two great reasons to use canvas adds a more frictionless experience. Facebook has shown that if Your client's website takes longer than three seconds to load Over 50% of the traffic will abandon the request. So you'll often see if you look between link clicks and landing page views. A link clicks when they click on the add to start going to the website. Landing page view is when the pixel actually fires And captures them. A lot of times we'll see a drop off higher than 50% meaning we might have 1000 link clicks but only 4- landing page views. So one way to get around that if you're trying to troubleshoot for a client that has a slow landing page or slow website is to rebuild some of their landing pages here in canvas ads because the average consumer needs seven touches before they're going to convert from the first touchdown to conversion. So canvas is a great way to get a lot of those intermediary touches without him to send people to the website. Since whenever you send people to the website you're dropping a lot of traffic. I always like to look at where the traffic is dropping out and any client. Even clients with fast websites just because it's friction because people go from on their phone and the facebook app to boom. Now switching to browser friction, you're just going to see a drop off. So use canvas ads if you can, that's one way to troubleshoot a client with a bad website and then make sure your retargeting again, a lot of people might be clicking around opening it but not buying. So retarget all those people canvases. Great to a lot of these are great because you can retarget specifically off the piece of content. Just like with video, video canvas ads, lead forms and events are I think the four types of custom audiences where you can choose one specific piece of content and retarget based off it. Others you can't, you just bucket them together so I can say anyone that interact with piece of content a then show them piece of content be right. That's the power of facebook. Is that sequencing? I don't think a lot of people understand that a while ago. Procter and Gamble came out and said we've tried this online digital thing and we found that traditional works better. Well, yes, if you approach facebook with the traditional mindset of just blasting your audience is the same creatives. It won't drive you the greatest results. But if you sequence your content together where you recognize the consumer needs multiple touches before they're going to buy and where you try and have relevancy. Like when you're talking about every ad is half content. Half targeting you have that relevant seat. That's where you can drive results for your clients. So utilize these custom audiences. These are really cool features. Guys that you can choose one specific piece of content and say anyone that engaged with this particular thing because maybe it was saying something are offering something but they didn't buy or they didn't download or they didn't give you their email address. And then what can I say to them, that's what makes a powerful marketer. So lastly we'll name this a custom canvas tutorial open and click 3 65. Okay, create this one. Alright. I think there's a few more audiences and engagement to go through These last three Facebook page. You choose your page like always we have the any or all conditions and I have people who engage people engage primarily in three ways they can like comment or share my posts. I have a few different options here. I can say people who visited the page. This is going to be pretty small. Nowadays, the majority of the traffic does everything in the news feed. So let's say Your client has 100,000 page followers, You'll probably find that only 5-10% actually navigate to the page. Most of them will just interact with your clients content in their own feed. So that audience might only be 5-10,000 who visit the page, but you can create that, you can say who have engaged with any poster ad click to call the action button, send a message to your page or saved your page or any post. This one is going to be really small but you can see this one is the catch all. So let's start with. This one includes everyone who visit your page or engage with your pages, content or ads on facebook or messenger. So it's basically all of these combined. Unless this audience is really huge, there's not too much need to niche down to these other ones. But again, if you have something specific to say with the content, then you can get really specific with the targeting until that point, wider parameters are better. For this example we're just going to say anyone that's engaged in general Over the past 28 days. So it's a custom FBS for facebook page and just make sure you choose the right page. If you're working in a business manager with multiple pages, you can see, we have like hundreds of pages in here, it'll just choose one at random and you might even name it on the page. Some clients depending on how they're set up is might have multiple pages based off location. If you're doing small businesses or local businesses like Ashley Home store, they might have a page for each of the different cities. So things like that you want to include in the naming. Okay, we'll create that audience. Great. Just got a few more of these custom bonuses left. The next one is his Instagram business profile. So we have the pretty much the same set of triggers people have visited the business profile, engaged with it, send a message or saved any poster ad. And again, I just choose a different option here. So I've always different options. For whatever reason, it doesn't let you type it in like before it wants you to scroll, just choose the right option. This one's standard missile and it would be the same thing. I can choose up the window and do 28 days. So it's a custom Sgs for instagram. Mhm You can just say instagram engagement to again, we'll go renaming and how our naming convention works in the next lesson. The last one here is event. If you remember earlier, we said events were cool because you might have noticed when it comes to the page, I can't choose a specific post. So on the page, your client might have multiple posts where maybe they have five images or let's just say they have three. They have a cat image of dog image and a fish image. I can't say anyone that clicked like on the dog image. Right? I I bundle them all together. I can just say anyone that's engaged in general with my page target them. But events, we'd forms canvas ads apps. I can choose a specific piece of content. So here again we have an event. That's what I wanted to do from my page just to show. So I choose this specific event. Yeah, workshop. I can see I have different categories. So we had a three day workshop event and I got 62 responses. So eight people said they were going, 54 people said they're interested. This is just a small example, but this is a great returning audience that very few people use. But if your client uses a lot of events, you're going to notice that dramatically more people will stay interested than people that actually go because they're not able to make it because it's too far away. In this case it was a pretty expensive paid event. I can retarget these people though. Second say people who responded going or interested responded going responded, interested, who visited the event page, who have engaged have engaged with the tickets who have purchased tickets who have had intention of purchasing tickets. So there's your, your cart abandonments, right? This includes only the people who enter the take purchase flow but abandoned did not finish. Each of these kind of tells you in this case, I'm just going to target people who have responded as interested. And again, I could include more or exclude. But that way I've got only eight people came. I have 54 people here. I know these are small numbers guys, but if events are something important to your client's business. These numbers should be pretty large. Hopefully in the thousands you're gonna find that you have a lot of people here that are interested in the event. You can retarget and then you have something specific to say, say, hey, I know you were able to come to our last event. Well I've got good news, we have another event coming up or we recorded the event. We wanted to share some of the takeaways with you. If you enter your email, we'll send it to you. You can already start seeing hopefully the ideas are spending and how you can target these people and what you might say to them. So again, we're gonna name it, will say custom VM event interested. 3, 6, 5 days. This when I was still a year. Sure. Great audience. The last type of custom audience we're going to go over. Those were all the custom audiences for engagement is this store visits. And again to this one, I'm going to switch to the Ashley account since they actually have the setup. So if you're working in local, this takes a bit of setup to get in place, but it's pretty sweet once you have it. So choose the page. It's like the country, United States Visited in the past 90 days. Sure, I can see I've got this accuracy meter from high medium to low the way they tracked the store visits is based off the GPS. So I have my store tracked. If I do medium or lower you'll see down here. They're warning you that these might be people that maybe were in your store. But it might have also just been walking by on the street or they were in the store right next to yours. Or especially if your store is part of a building that houses other stores is gonna be really tough to get that specific. But if you remember earlier, if we just take a step back with the offline activity, these are people who purchased in the store or do these different things. Of course there's gonna be a lot of people that come to the store offline but don't purchase, don't interact right? They just come in and look around. Maybe I want to retarget those people as well because maybe they're just doing their due diligence or researching for whatever the local businesses selling. I'm just gonna choose medium for this example and then name it. So it's a custom store visit. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yes. Many days. And it refreshed it. So the Ashley us. That's how you create the store audience. So those are the 11 types of custom audiences. Again, each of your clients won't be able to probably have all these apply. But one of the first things you're gonna want to do when you work on account is come in here and create these custom audiences and we're going to teach you what type to create and how to name them the next lessons. So let's head back over and then move on to the next lesson
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