WHY Targeting is So Key
02:07 2Getting Started
01:31 3Ad Breakdown 50% Content, 50% Targeting
03:13 4Scaling Limitations: You're Always Limited by Audience or Budget
02:05 5Quiz - WHY Targeting is So Key
Custom Audiences
6Deep Dive into the 11 Types of Custom Audiences
30:57Timeframe Breakdown
02:51 8Naming Convention for Custom Audiences
04:42 9Best Audience Sets to Start With
02:31 10Using Event Audiences to Automate Lists
03:08 11Quiz - Custom Audiences
Lookalike Audiences
12What is a Lookalike Audience?
09:26 13Which Custom Audiences Create the Best Lookalike Audiences
02:27 14Strategy for Lookalike %
02:48 15Naming Convention for Lookalike Audiences
04:55 16Quiz - Lookalike Audiences
Saved Audiences
17Demographics, Psychographics and Behaviors
13:37 18Narrowing and Excluding
07:06 19Geo Breakdown
04:12 20Using Connections
05:08 21Combo Audiences
04:29 22Audience Sizing
05:00 23Naming Convention for Saved Audiences
05:55 24Quiz - Saved Audiences
Ad Implementation for Freelancers
25Get ROI for Your Clients
08:54 26Scaling: The 3 Ways to Grow a Custom Audience
02:19 27Avoid Audience Burnout
05:33 28Expanding a Lookalike or Saved Audience
03:31 29Split Testing Audiences
05:19 30Determining When an Audience is Not Performing
10:46 31Quiz - Ad Implementation for Freelancers
01:55Final Quiz
33Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Demographics, Psychographics and Behaviors
the last type of audience we're gonna be covering in this course is saved audiences. A saved audience is really nothing more than a combination of demographics psyche, a graphics and behaviors. So before we dive into the accounts, let's go through a quick overview of those three categories. Just we have an understanding Demographics are mostly age, gender and location. You can target anywhere from 13 to 65 plus on Facebook and get as Nero was targeted by the ZIP code or a drop pin. This can also include fun items like someone's job title or the employer psychographic sar people's psychological makeup. In other words, what are they interested in? Right. Facebook has hundreds of interest categories for you to choose from, including lifestyles, take a stay at home moms, parents with teenagers, heavy tv viewers etcetera. And lastly behaviors are perhaps the most interesting item of saved audience since these are based less around profiling and more round stones actual actions what politica...
l groups they belong to, what stores they shop at, whether entertainment choices or patterns are etcetera. In general, there are a lot of bells and whistles to play with when it comes to saved audiences. Right. So we want to jump on over to our test account and walk you through a lot of the features that are available and create some saved audiences together. The last type of audience we're going to talk about is saved audiences. I just want to walk you guys through a few of the features. A lot of people get excited about seeing audiences. You can combine with custom audiences were going to go over that a little bit later you can add like we were talking about demographic psychographic behaviors. So demographics includes locations, you can do down to the zip code or city. So maybe I live in Gilbert Arizona. I can choose the city itself, the current city only or if I have a local business and working with, I could say people that live within a certain radius That goes from 10 up to 50. So by default it will put on and you can stack too. So maybe I have one brand that has multiple locations. Maybe we're in Gilbert and peoria so you can see, they'll give you the map. So we have some overlap now but it's so should cover our bases for each of the offices and I can do as many of these as I want keep adding cities even if they're in different states. So maybe I also have one, I just opened up in san Francisco over in California, so include that as well. And then I got the four options here. The first is everyone in this location. 2nd people who live in this location, third people recently in this location and then fourth people traveling this location unless you're in the tourism business, I'll probably just do everyone who lives in the location since if you just do everyone, you'll have a bigger audience but it could be a lot of people like these to indicate that are traveling there or just passing through or recently there but left people who live there is based off their profile information. So most of this data is data that people list you list where your hometown is the relationship status, all these things below that. I have a job, we're going to go over on a later lesson how to really get creative with the location targeting. But below the site of age, I can go from 13 To 65 plus as well as genders and languages. Again, we recommend using wide parameters. Some people will get really creative with who they're targeting And they say, Oh my audience is 25 year old man, that's my avatar, the target, this really narrow audience. We talked about an ad as half a target audience, half a piece of content. So if you have a content or an ad that matches with these demographics, that's okay. But if your client just has generic content they're sending out there, then you're gonna want to choose wider parameters. So that way it allows the algorithm to optimize more for you because it's not as if facebook is going through each age gap for each location and allocating evenly, you know, $ each, they're going to find your winners and allocate the majority there spend towards those But there's still other people within these larger buckets that might be responsive. So even though your core audience, your target audience might be, let's just say 18- year olds, maybe I'm selling athletic shoes. There's still going to be some people that are older or younger than that that would be interested in buying. So by having wider parameters you allow, face would go find those people for you down here detailed targeting. We have the three options of demographics, interests or behaviors you can just type anything in and we'll give you some different results and also show you how to browse so I can put travel and it's going to pop up a number of things. So one is people interested in travel. This might be people who go to a lot of travel websites who click around on photos of people traveling or comment on those kind of posts. I'm also going to see, I have some behaviors which are probably more powerful. This is actually people that actually do travel, not just people that want to travel or say they like travel, but there have been traveling frequent travelers, international travelers and then you have some other categories that facebook suggesting might fit in line with travel that they're trying to say maybe this would work. Air travel, a travel agency adventure travel, travel, photography. You also have things like job titles. So people that are travel agents, travel coordinators and sometimes other things like schools as well. So a ton of data here for anything you're interested in. One of my favorite things to do is to use the suggestions feature because maybe I'm trying to sell tickets for the Golden State Warriors. So I want to target people who like Steph curry, but I don't know the other players. Well once I choose something up here, facebook kind of catches on pretty quickly too, who are going after and they suggest options I might not have thought of before. So okay, kevin Durant, you can see the more of these Golden State Warriors players I picked probably the more they're gonna suggest those right now they have like Michael Jordan's Carmela, Anthony people that don't play for the Warriors and I choose gonna say Warriors. See this is just another player's dream on green. So now they're starting to suggest, okay there specifically after the Warriors players, Clay Thompson, Andre Iguodala, Shaun Livingston. Alright, so and then I might think of some other players I know, and it's not just about basketball. Could be anything you type anything in here, make sure you utilize the suggestions feature because it just gives you ideas that might also fit within your audience and there's gonna be some overlap. That's okay. We're not looking for perfect audience. We're gonna go over narrowing and excluding a little bit later as well. But suggestions is one of my favorite features. One pro and con of using it that I will say is we know when we're optimizing an ad that it could be working because the content is good, but it could also be the the audience is the right audience. So when you use the suggestions, I might have a ton of players in here. So let's say I run an ad against this audience and it performs really well well. The problem is I don't know who which of these players is causing the audience perform well. Is it the dream on green fans really like to buy tickets or the step curry fans? So if I wanted to find that out, the best way of course would be to run them one at a time where I would have a kevin Durant audience and then a step curry audience. But the con of doing it this way is that my results might not be as strong because when I use suggestions again, I've set wider parameters. I'm allowing the algorithm to do more of the heavy lifting for me, I'm allowing them to optimize more. For me. And in general, you want facebook, you want to have as much data as you can to the asset level, which is where you're targeting is so bigger audiences, all its equal mostly are better because it allows more data to go through those accents. So by choosing multiple things here, I expect my overall performance should be better. But what I'm able to learn and have as a takeaway will be less as a marketer because it's more of a black box, right? I've got a ton of things in here where I know in general this audience is working well, but I've got so much variables in here that I'm not sure what within these many variables is causing it to work well. Whereas if I just tested one or two at a time I would understand which works, but the overall performance was probably a little bit less. So you kind of get it, pick your poison there. Those are the pros and cons of adding multiple interests or behaviors into one audience. Let's walk through the browse feature a bit. You can see they break it down here demographics, some cool things in here. I got financial income. They just pulled away some of the income targeting the civilian target based off buckets 50 200 K on and on. Now it's based off percentages and it's household income. So if there's multiple people in the household, it's not just the one person I can do life events. These are always fun ones. People with anniversary or birthday coming up. They were just engaged recently that have recently moved in the furniture business. I might be interested in charging that audience politics. People that are likely to engage with liberal or moderate or conservative content or people who affiliate with these parties. Maybe if I'm working for political campaign or client would be interested in that parents do they have kids. What age? Right, preschoolers, teenagers facebook has all this data relationships, are they single? Are they married divorced in an open relationship widowed. So a lot of stuff you can do here with the targeting, one of our favorite things to do is to target based off employers and job titles. Since these are indicators of authority and again, some of this facebook recently polled as part of the whole Cambridge Analytica and just trying to be more pure oriented and have tighter security. But in general there's still a ton of ways you can target people, which is the whole point of this course is teaching how you can target anyone out there that falls within your target market. Then we have interests, interests are probably the least powerful behaviors are more powerful. Interests is just again people that could be clicking around. So when we worked with the warriors, if we won the championship, we have all these great videos that a lot of people engage with. So as facebook notices, users engaging with different pieces of content, they put them in these buckets. So if they notice that I click like on every step curry post, I see they put me in a bucket of someone that likes the Golden State Warriors even though maybe I didn't actually like their page. Right? So just as a quick example, if I come down here and type in State Warriors, It's going to show me that the size of this audience is 46 million. But that's more than the amount of people who have like the Golden State Warriors page. So as people are interacting with the content, they're placing you in these buckets. Facebook is so that's how interest works. Interest is a good starting point. Almost anything you can think of you can type in, it could be a band food, a restaurant and a shop as an interest it used to be, you can type multiple pages in. That's not the case anymore. Even some pages with a lot of followers won't show up as an interest increasingly they're kind of pulling more and more of those away from us. But there's still as you would expect the big pages, Mark Zuckerberg or even last night I think even dentists who will be presenting this course Shows up as an interest 79,000 people. Alright, so different people with high authority. If they have a blue checkmark they might show up here but not everyone with a page will show up right? Like I don't show up. That's the last time I checked. No results found for Logan young. I'll bet fiber shows up. Right, so fiber is an interest or fiber dot com? obviously there could be some overlap between these 3.4 million Plus 1.7. Right, So that should give me 5.1. But when I look at my audience size, I'm sure going to be a little bit less than that. I'm just doing my line. Yeah. C 4.8. So there's obviously some overlap there. That's okay. Those interests gets starting points, saved audiences are great for top of funnel by the way. First touch all saved audiences after that, most of the other touches should be custom audiences. And then down here got behaviors. Again, they pulled away some of this data but there's still quite a bit here have things like purchase behavior, people's cultural affinity. What kind of mobile device they use? Their digital activities? Are they a gamer and they recently purchased something on facebook? What internet browser they're using their email domain. And like we showed beginning at the travel people who are traveling frequently. So you can always come in here and browse just to see and again, give you more ideas about there's just a lot of ways you can target that. People don't even realize, I don't even realize there's thousands of different audiences. You can select it here. So it's good to familiarize yourself with this and utilize, You know, the suggestions feature for Facebook to help you create these audiences if you're not sure where to get started and then you can just test a few different saved audiences. We've seen one in posts will be a winner. So you want to create multiple audiences to test and when you find your winners allocate your spend against those and these next few lessons we're going to continue to stay here on the laptop and show you guys just a little bit more about how to really go deep and saved audiences and how to utilize some of these cool features. So let's hop over the next lesson.
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