Lesson Info
12. What is a Lookalike Audience?
WHY Targeting is So Key
02:07 2Getting Started
01:31 3Ad Breakdown 50% Content, 50% Targeting
03:13 4Scaling Limitations: You're Always Limited by Audience or Budget
02:05 5Quiz - WHY Targeting is So Key
Custom Audiences
6Deep Dive into the 11 Types of Custom Audiences
30:57Timeframe Breakdown
02:51 8Naming Convention for Custom Audiences
04:42 9Best Audience Sets to Start With
02:31 10Using Event Audiences to Automate Lists
03:08 11Quiz - Custom Audiences
Lookalike Audiences
12What is a Lookalike Audience?
09:26 13Which Custom Audiences Create the Best Lookalike Audiences
02:27 14Strategy for Lookalike %
02:48 15Naming Convention for Lookalike Audiences
04:55 16Quiz - Lookalike Audiences
Saved Audiences
17Demographics, Psychographics and Behaviors
13:37 18Narrowing and Excluding
07:06 19Geo Breakdown
04:12 20Using Connections
05:08 21Combo Audiences
04:29 22Audience Sizing
05:00 23Naming Convention for Saved Audiences
05:55 24Quiz - Saved Audiences
Ad Implementation for Freelancers
25Get ROI for Your Clients
08:54 26Scaling: The 3 Ways to Grow a Custom Audience
02:19 27Avoid Audience Burnout
05:33 28Expanding a Lookalike or Saved Audience
03:31 29Split Testing Audiences
05:19 30Determining When an Audience is Not Performing
10:46 31Quiz - Ad Implementation for Freelancers
01:55Final Quiz
33Final Quiz
Lesson Info
What is a Lookalike Audience?
wow the next types of audiences, we're gonna be covering our local like audiences think of a look like audience as a clone of a custom audience. For example, let's say you have a custom audience of people who have been to your website over the past 28 days. Well if you bundle these people together and look at them as a group, the group will have certain characteristics and attributes. The average age of the group might be 25-34 year olds who are predominantly male for every group or audience. Facebook has this data. So let's head over the laptop again to show you exactly what we mean by this and how it looks. We're an audience insights. Now again, this is a feature and business manager under all tools. If you want to know more about your audiences and the planning, you can come here and this is just before we really dive into look like audiences to show you guys how facebook groups people together and how when you have a combined audience, they have certain characteristics. So all I've...
done here is I've pulled my page and It's telling me the makeup of my page, right? So I can see that it's 46% women, 54% men, 48% single, 30% married. These numbers here Are negative 40 compared to the average person on Facebook tells your job titles. I can see what other pages they like. The density page was. Metrics page frank kern russell Branson location where they're located. Countries. Languages. So again, this is just to illustrate that when you create a look like audience, you're creating it off of a custom audience. For example, you could care to look like audience offer custom audience of people who follow your page and then facebook is going to group that audience and find all these pieces of data about them. You know, what's the makeup of that group of people? What's there gender, their relationship status, their interests, their page likes, their activity online and based off all these different data that facebook has on these users, then they'll create a look like audience based off that let's say this group overall likes these things entrepreneurs software. So let's go find other people that also like these things that fit in these different categories. And that's who will use to create our look like audience. So I just want to help you guys visualize that with that being said. Let's hop back over in the classroom bit and talk a little more about look like audiences. And then we'll show you guys from our test account how to build some look like audiences. So when you create a look like audience, you're choosing a custom audience to clone. Now, facebook will go and find other people who have similar characteristics to those found in the group. A look alike audience has to be built from one custom audience. We call this the seed And one or multiple countries, you can create a look like from one up to 10%. This is 1-10% of the population of the country or countries you've selected. So for example, if you create a 1% lookalike of your purchasers in the us Facebook will create an audience of the 1% of the us that most closely resembles your custom audience. Usually the swimming audience around 2. million people. So let's create a few different look like audiences together. She can better understand how this all works. Alright so now we're going to create some look like audiences together. So again, you're going to come here to create audience this time we'll choose a look like audience. The first thing we have to do is choose our source or a seed like what you're talking about. And it could be either a page or a custom audience. I typed inputs, metrics And maybe I wanted to choose just for example, let's say website traffic for the last 30 days. Now the look like has to be, it ranges from 1 to of the country or countries. So I could choose United States and Australia. Maybe new Zealand depending on what location I'm targeting in. Don't choose these countries for this example, I'm just going to choose the US. But just as you are able to see you can choose multiple countries but it does have to be a bigger region, right? You won't have any luck choosing just a city. So it has to be big enough for them to create the look like from so us that works And we come down here, this is where we get to choose our size, it tells you the size right here. So this one is 2.2 million arranges from one after 10%. And you can see that as I increase it increases to and this should also be based off the population of countries. Right now, I have the U. S. Selected but if I switch this to a smaller country like let's say Ireland Well now instead of 2.2 million by 1%, looks like there's only 29,000. So just recognize that the lookalike size will be dependent on the location that you're choosing. So it won't be dependent on the size of the custom audience but it will be dependent on the size of this location here. So let's go and go back to the United States and that's just good to be aware of because like we've been discussing your always limited by audience or budget and you don't want to be limited by audience. So this is some ways to overcome that by potentially adding other countries though, sometimes you are limited by the location. So in this case We'll just create one and there you go creates the audience. Super simple. Let's create one or 2 more. Again, just to show you guys. So this time I can choose a different seed, this type of custom. Again, maybe I want to Take my page loving young page and when I engaged the last 180 days and I have a lot of following in Australia because we go speak there a few times a year. So I'll choose Australia this time for the location and I could do a bigger look like Maybe. So 10% look like what I can also do under here under the advanced options is a nested audience. What is due to. So what I can do is create these little gaps and these nested audiences, which is the same thing as using an exclusion. So instead of having a 5% look like which if I drag it down to zero, you can see it would be 833,000. I'm having a 1-5% which is only 667,000. So the reason I might do this is maybe I already have 1% audience that I'm using in an ad set that's working really well. So I want to also test another look like but I don't want to have overlap problems or overlapping frequency. So one way to avoid that would be just to exclude the 1% audience. But I can also create this nested audience where I have the exclusion built in house essentially and you can see I can do a number of these two, so I could do 125, 5 to Estimated reach for each of these is 667,000. If I Make it less, that one is gonna be 500,000. And if I go create the audience again it will take a little time to populate it. But it should be able to go ahead and create it for me. And what I've just done is I've created two audiences in one go. So you can create all your look like audiences at once if you know you have a good seed because you can see, I just create one audience but here here's my 1-5 And then above it is the 5-8. So I can create up to again under the advanced options Up to six look like audiences at one time and I just choose the breaking points for each of them. So you might test having look alikes 2° apart at the time depending again on the size The 2° in the us. Like we were looking at earlier is going to be a few million people. If it's a smaller country, it might only be a few 100,000 people Or even less than 100,000 depending on what country you choose. So a lot of cool options look like here And we recommend starting with 1% look like we'll probably do the best for performance. But if you're trying to scale or just test different options, then it is pretty quick to create a lot of these on the fly and you can just test like we talked about throughout the course, Any ad is one piece of content plus one target audience. So you can test these different little pockets, These different nested audiences and just see whatever reforms best expected. The 1% should perform best, but sometimes having a bigger audience will cause performance to increase too, because the algorithm has more room to operate and more room to go after the low hanging fruit. So that's how you create look like audiences. Let's head back over to the classroom and discuss a little bit more about naming and some other things around look like audiences. Alright, fantastic. Now that we understand what a look like audience is and how to create them, let's move on to the next lesson where we're going to be discussing, which look like audiences will perform best for you and for your clients.
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