WHY Targeting is So Key
02:07 2Getting Started
01:31 3Ad Breakdown 50% Content, 50% Targeting
03:13 4Scaling Limitations: You're Always Limited by Audience or Budget
02:05 5Quiz - WHY Targeting is So Key
Custom Audiences
6Deep Dive into the 11 Types of Custom Audiences
30:57Timeframe Breakdown
02:51 8Naming Convention for Custom Audiences
04:42 9Best Audience Sets to Start With
02:31 10Using Event Audiences to Automate Lists
03:08 11Quiz - Custom Audiences
Lookalike Audiences
12What is a Lookalike Audience?
09:26 13Which Custom Audiences Create the Best Lookalike Audiences
02:27 14Strategy for Lookalike %
02:48 15Naming Convention for Lookalike Audiences
04:55 16Quiz - Lookalike Audiences
Saved Audiences
17Demographics, Psychographics and Behaviors
13:37 18Narrowing and Excluding
07:06 19Geo Breakdown
04:12 20Using Connections
05:08 21Combo Audiences
04:29 22Audience Sizing
05:00 23Naming Convention for Saved Audiences
05:55 24Quiz - Saved Audiences
Ad Implementation for Freelancers
25Get ROI for Your Clients
08:54 26Scaling: The 3 Ways to Grow a Custom Audience
02:19 27Avoid Audience Burnout
05:33 28Expanding a Lookalike or Saved Audience
03:31 29Split Testing Audiences
05:19 30Determining When an Audience is Not Performing
10:46 31Quiz - Ad Implementation for Freelancers
01:55Final Quiz
33Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Get ROI for Your Clients
by now you should have a clear understanding of customs saved and lookalike audiences and hopefully you've taken the time to go ahead and build out some of these audiences and experiment with the targeting possibilities and facebook of course, what matters most at the end of the day is being able to drive results for your clients, not just being able to say I can build these audiences. So like we discussed in the beginning of this course, half of every ad of the target is the target audience. The other half of content right? Which means target is going to be critical for your success. So we want to get some tips from the pros. We have Dennis, you who's made this video below explaining how you can drive Ry for your clients. Dennis has spent over a billion dollars on facebook ads and was one of the first advertisers to use the platform back when they were called facebook flyers instead of facebook ads. So let's hand the microphone and the video over to dentists. So getting R. O. I. On cl...
ients is how you get them to pay you more money up front and also how you get them to renew and by your task over and over again. The key is that you have to collect their goals, content and targeting if you get these items in place and you set them up properly. Like Logan told you using the right business object choosing content that's actually going to convert such as one minute videos in square and vertical format and targeting against those custom audiences. Then you are using the facebook algorithm to do what it's supposed to do. It's doing the heavy lifting and then when you prepare a report at the end you're able to show that you're driving more of whatever it is they're looking for. Do they want leads? Are they trying to drive sales of their product? Do they want landing page views? Are they trying to get the phone to ring whatever item they're choosing? If they know what that particular item is worth, Let's say they're trying to sell books at $5. They're trying to drive phone calls that a dentist or a real estate agent. Phone calls at $ and you're able to do that, they will keep paying you more money. The key is you have to focus on the goals, content and targeting and that's something that is not in the little tweaks in facebook ads, there's lots of different features that you can use and it's easy to get distracted and not focus on those key goals content and targeting always do that. The algorithm algorithm is gonna do what you want and the client will be able to feed you the ingredients. You need to be able to do that. Alright, another great way to scale your client's accounts is by using manual bidding once you find some winners, there's a few different options for how to set up bids. We want to show you instead of telling you. So let's jump into our test account to walk through these. So you know which options are gonna work best for your clients. Screen share for a bit. Alright, so as you're running ads for your clients when it comes to targeting, everything happens at the ad set level, which is where we get to choose our target audience and there's some other components of the asset level. We're going to just go over like bidding. So we run everything in as manager. Again, this is just another part of business manager as manager. So I come here to the ad set and click edit and down here at the bottom. I can place a bid. So first I choose what I'm optimizing for versions. Landing page views could do link clicks impressions, daily unique reach Facebook says that per ad set per week you want to get 50 conversions. So if you're not getting 50 conversions you might optimize for landing page views but otherwise do conversions conversion window, it's based off how long your sales cycle is. So the bid strategy, I have two options. One is lowest cost or two is target cost and the difference is lowest cost will bid up until certain points like you see this graphic on the right so I might be getting conversions up until my bid. Maybe my bid is $10. So it'll get me cps for up to $10 but if it thinks the CPI is going to go over $ then it won't spend a target cost is more worked around the average. So you can see in this case some conversions will cost more than my bid, some will be less. But it's going to try and average them out to my bid. So when it comes to setting a bid, there's two components really. Every bid has a floor and a ceiling. Now the floor is how cheap you can get the bids for. I always recommend letting the ads run first Before setting a bid just to get some data and you might let the ads run and find that you're getting conversions for $10. So that's your floor right? Because by default facebook is bidding on optimized cost per conversion. They're just trying to get the lowest cost. Now Your ceiling is the client's goal. So let's say the client has to sell their products for less than $50 to be able to be profitable. If it costs more than $50 to get a sale at that point, They're losing profits. That's the client goal is a $50 CPA. So your floor, It's how low you can get it right? $10. I can talk about the ceiling is how high it can go before losing probability. In this case $50. So your bid should lie in between your floor and you're sealing the reason you use a bid is for scaling because all its equal as I increased spend on my ad sets. I expect my cost prayers are going to go up because initially facebook goes after the lowest hanging fruit. So maybe I'm selling T shirts, they're going to go after the people they think are most likely to buy t shirts early on. So the more I spend, the further and further facebook has to reach to get those conversions. So when I'm trying to scale is really the best time To use a bid because think of it as a fail safe. So it's a way to increase your budgets without having the risk of C. P. A. Just totally going up because the fear is that maybe I increase my budget from $50 a day to $500 a day because I have a winning ad set. But then the CPU could go drastically up so I can do that. But I might want to do it in combination with setting a bit. So maybe here Let's see whatever the spend is on this $1.2. This is just like an evergreen $ a day. So maybe I want to actually spend $200 a day. Yes it's significantly higher blah blah blah. So what I would do is then I would come in and set a bid caps. Okay, yes- Facebook spend $200 a day. As long as we're keeping the conversions under. Let's just say $40. So again let's say my floor is $10. So I can't just put $5 I've been getting 10, let's say facebook, you go get me Conversions for $5 the ad set won't spend because facebook can't do that you know it's below your floor. So I want to sit in between my floor which is 10 and my ceiling which is 50. So I can say Facebook spend $200 a day. As long as I'm getting the conversions For $40 or less if the c. p. a. starts to go above $40 and quit spending. So I might find that the ad set even though I put the dud budget $200 a day is only spending 150 or 125 and maybe even only $50 a day they're going to spend up until they had this big cap. So the target costs is an option where if the assets are having a hard time spending, you might want to choose target costs instead because you'll likely find they'll spend more this way because again it averages out so some of the conversions will cost more. Then my target cost of $40. Some might be because there's a lot of different variables. Some days maybe the traffic's not online or they have other competitors bidding on them as well. So if the assets aren't spending, you might switch to target cost but initially might start with the lowest cost bid. But again before any of that let the assets run. Let them get some data, find out what your C. P a floor is, understand working with a client what the ceiling is and then set a bid somewhere in between and do it for scaling right? Don't do it just to set a bid and then keep the budget the same. That makes no sense because oh CPM is already trying to go after the lowest cost. Anyways do it when you have a winning ad set, do you want to put more spent on? They want to scale out in combination? You can exponentially increase the budget while placing a bid. And this is a good best practice because facebook says that if you touch your campaigns too often it resets the algorithm so you can see appear, it says initial learning complete. So every ad site goes through this learning phase where facebook trying to find out what the best way is to optimize you know, within this target audience. Who should I show the ads to at what time of day on what devices and what parts of the country to get the best results and they go through a two week learning phases how long it takes for the algorithm to basically get up to speed. So whenever I come in here and make a lot of edits, I'm resetting that back to zero. So it's better to just be able to increase your budget once or twice than to be in here every day increasing and decreasing budgets. Some edits are necessary. You might edit placements, you might need to increase the budget, change the bid totally understand that. So we're not saying never make edits but try and eliminate the number of edits you have to make right. So by using a bid in combination with scale and you're able to do that. So those are the best practices and how bidding works and how you might approach setting your bids right? So that should wrap up this lesson. Let's go ahead and continue discussing how we can drive more ry for our clients through scaling and some of these other methods.
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