Lesson Info
30. Determining When an Audience is Not Performing
WHY Targeting is So Key
02:07 2Getting Started
01:31 3Ad Breakdown 50% Content, 50% Targeting
03:13 4Scaling Limitations: You're Always Limited by Audience or Budget
02:05 5Quiz - WHY Targeting is So Key
Custom Audiences
6Deep Dive into the 11 Types of Custom Audiences
30:57Timeframe Breakdown
02:51 8Naming Convention for Custom Audiences
04:42 9Best Audience Sets to Start With
02:31 10Using Event Audiences to Automate Lists
03:08 11Quiz - Custom Audiences
Lookalike Audiences
12What is a Lookalike Audience?
09:26 13Which Custom Audiences Create the Best Lookalike Audiences
02:27 14Strategy for Lookalike %
02:48 15Naming Convention for Lookalike Audiences
04:55 16Quiz - Lookalike Audiences
Saved Audiences
17Demographics, Psychographics and Behaviors
13:37 18Narrowing and Excluding
07:06 19Geo Breakdown
04:12 20Using Connections
05:08 21Combo Audiences
04:29 22Audience Sizing
05:00 23Naming Convention for Saved Audiences
05:55 24Quiz - Saved Audiences
Ad Implementation for Freelancers
25Get ROI for Your Clients
08:54 26Scaling: The 3 Ways to Grow a Custom Audience
02:19 27Avoid Audience Burnout
05:33 28Expanding a Lookalike or Saved Audience
03:31 29Split Testing Audiences
05:19 30Determining When an Audience is Not Performing
10:46 31Quiz - Ad Implementation for Freelancers
01:55Final Quiz
33Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Determining When an Audience is Not Performing
alright now that we're drawing to the close of our course, we're ready to approach some of the more difficult questions. Remember how we've talked a few times now about how an ad is 50% content and 50% targeting. So if an ad is sucking, how do you know which item is broken? It's not like facebook tells you why the ad isn't working. So let's bring in Dennis again to help us answer this tough question that we get all the time. You know, when I ran analytics back at yahoo, we had something that we call the quality index which at google was then called the quality score and at facebook is now called a relevant score. So as Logan was explaining the combination of content and targeting is an ad and the intersection of those is the relevant score. When you go into ads manager and you go down to the ad level and you can rank all of those different ads. Facebook will show you those relevant scores. If you have a relevant score of say three or less, that's a signal, that facebook saying this ad ...
isn't doing very well If you have a relevant score of one. Oh man, that's something you should basically shut off because you're if that happens too much they're in danger of shutting down your account. But to Logan's question, if you do have a low relevance score or if it's not converting or if the ctr is low or the conversion rate is low or some other business metric, your cost per lead is low, How do you figure out what it is? Most of the time, 80% of the time it's going to be an issue of content And the client hey I understand on Fiverr you have to deal with what they're giving you. These are little jobs, they're paying $10, bucks, $100 to run a campaign. You're not there to try to coach them as a video producer. I mean who are we to tell them that? Their landing page sucks right? Especially if it's something that's brand new but most of the time it's the content now. Think of it this way traffic times conversion equals R. O. I. So if we're not getting a conversion over here is it because we brought the wrong traffic or is it because it didn't convert on the landing page? So look at your cost per click and all the different things that happen prior to them getting to the website, assuming you're trying to drive a conversion on the website. So that's the relevant score. The cost per click, the ctr the negative feedback, you know the all the different things that related to what you see directly in the ads account and then look at your landing page conversion rate. If that landing page conversion rate is low, it's usually because the content on their side is not performing and it may even be it's not performing because their offer isn't very good. They're trying to sell a new product that really nobody wants or they haven't generated enough social proof. That's when you have to go back and have that difficult conversation with the client where you can pre record that response saying, hey, I did my job as a facebook certified advertiser as someone who's done facebook a lot and we've driven you the right traffic based on your goals continent targeting right? But if they don't convert, that's not up to facebook, that's not up to me. That's about you having something that's so compelling that someone who isn't aware of you, someone who doesn't, you know, maybe you haven't properly explained the benefits to get someone to buy something that's relatively expensive. It's difficult to get someone to convert straight off of a facebook ad and you should be not ashamed to mention that that's the case a lot of times and you'll know this because of the nature of the kind of folks that are in fiber Is that they expect that they can spend $50 or $ and generate thousands of dollars in sales. That is the number one thing you have to constantly be guarded about because they'll say, Alright, Hey, I spent bucks, I spent $200 with you and I didn't drive tons of sales. Well sometimes you have to test, sometimes they have to come up with a better video, Maybe they don't know exactly who the right customer is. So they gave you the initial goals content and targeting, but it didn't work out. You should be able to iterate look in business, you should be able to tell them and you should know that it's like hitting a half court shot in basketball. That's tough. If you only have one shot, that's really risky. It'd be totally unreasonable for the client to expect that you get one shot, throw it up there and you're gonna make a swish From half court, right 45 ft away. But imagine if you set the expectation with the client, Hey, this particular, I didn't work. Let's diagnose is that the content of the targeting. It's usually the content. And let's keep trying. Let's, let's tweak the landing page. Let's try another video. Let's try a different target. It's hard to really know is that the content or the targeting right? And let's, let's keep trying until we see a particular pattern until we see that one particular ad or one particular landing page has a high conversion rate. If that's it, then how is that different? Then all the other ads that we've run so far. So the cool thing about Fiverr is that people are willing to buy the first one with you because it's so cheap. That's how Fiverr started. We were there at the beginning, we were one of the first people when fiber first started and we bought hundreds of gigs. We understand from the buyer's standpoint and from the seller's standpoint on these Fiverr gigs, right? But Hey, set the expectation, we're gonna test, we're not promising victory the first time through And set the expectation that will continue to try and will improve over time. And anybody who's a reasonable business person, even if they're on a low budget, should understand that it's going to take multiple cycles and with Fiverr the beauty is that you can try this $10, $100 at a time and show gradual improvement. And as long as you're willing to do that and document that you'll be able to show, Hey, we were able to like, let's say you want to get six pack abs, you're not gonna get that one day in the gym, four hours of working. I don't care how hard you work out. Right? So most of what's necessary for success is getting those goals, continent targeting in place, letting the system tell you what's working or not And be totally accustomed to. And okay with the fact that 90% of your ads are not gonna work, know that 80% of the time it's content. If it's a targeting issue, then it's probably because you targeted too far down. So if you have a custom audience that's already working and that's, that's the best kind of client when you have a client that's already converting and they just want more sales off of facebook When you have that situation and like Logan told, you you build a 1% lookalike against that and then you run it against an ad that you know has already worked. Maybe it's there google add, maybe you're running to a landing page on their site that's already working. Maybe you're running a facebook lead ad with an offer that you know, has already performed. Then you have content that's performing against a target that you know, will work. Either it's that custom audience or is that 1% custom 1% lookalike based on that custom audience. That combination of content and targeting when you have both sides working. That's when you find a winner. If you're missing either one of those sides on content and targeting, you're gonna have to play Sherlock Holmes over and over again until you can find a winner and set that expectation with the client. Alright. Isn't Dennis awesome. So much knowledge. Let's bring him back for one more bonus question. Before we move on to our last chapter, bonus lesson audiences not spending budget. This is a tough troubleshooting issue. We hear about all the time. What do I do when my assets aren't spending their budget? So Dennis the floor is yours on this one man. We get this all the time when ads aren't spending, hey, you know, I loaded up everything ready to go, it's not disapproved, but it's not spending any money. Well there's two kinds of not spending. One is it's not spending at all and then two is just spending a little bit, but it's not spending as much as you would like it to spend. And both of those are frustrated. Let's talk about the first case when your ad is spending zero, Sometimes it can be stuck in an ad approval queue. And the same is true with Google, it takes a few days. If you're launching a brand new account, you might have to wait a few days or maybe you've exceeded your spend cap because initial accounts, you get $5 a day, then it's $10. Then it keeps going up as you demonstrate that you have good behavior. You might also check the account to see if something turned off somewhere along the way because maybe the campaign is on, but the ad set is off or maybe these two are on, but the ad is off for the ad is on. But the ad set is off. I can't tell you how many times we've gone into an account and it's not spending because one of the levels from the account to the ad set. I'm sorry, the, the account to the campaign to the ad set to the add one of those things in that chain is off. It's like saying, hey, my microwave isn't working. Yeah, well you didn't plug it in. So you need to check that another thing is that you're targeting might be too small. So if you're running against a custom audience or if you have some kind of exclusion where you're excluded, you're accidentally excluding the people that you want to actually have in there, then there's nothing for facebook to go against. Sometimes the developer of the client might say that the custom audiences working or it was working before, but maybe the pixel disappeared. Maybe they moved everything to some other landing page and they didn't tell you maybe the developer changed things. Maybe they had some re marketing campaigns, like maybe they had email and S. C. O. That was working really well and you were re marketing against the audience that that drove, but then that upstream audience dried up. So then there was nothing for you to remark it against, right? So the audience is shrinking. Usually it's a case of the audience not being there if you're not spending anything at all or something being turned off. If now let's go to the second case. If the spend is low, let's say you're only spending $50 a day and you've cranked it up to $50 a day. Well, it's probably because you have set some sort of limiter, like your bid is too low. So we or you've selected a narrow replacement. So we always like to start when we have new campaigns we say automatic bidding, which means you're bidding by objective and not trying to set a manual bid and number two is automatic placements, all placements on, I can't tell you how many times people are saying like, oh, I don't want to run audience network because it's crap or I only want to run news feed because it converts better because we have social proof. Yeah, it's true. Like right hand side, you don't have social proof or audience network, There's more garbage. You, you gotta run exclusions. But when you start out, run all placements do automatic bidding because if you, if you come in and say, hey, I want to drive leads for $25 or less And the system finds based on cost per click and the initial conversion rate that Europe at 30 or 40, it's going to say I'm not meeting their objective, so I'm not going to give them any traffic at all. So in order to troubleshoot what's going on, if you're able to look at the ads and if you're willing to look at them over time, it's actually okay to let things run and be slightly unprofitable because then you have data that you can learn off of
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase