WHY Targeting is So Key
02:07 2Getting Started
01:31 3Ad Breakdown 50% Content, 50% Targeting
03:13 4Scaling Limitations: You're Always Limited by Audience or Budget
02:05 5Quiz - WHY Targeting is So Key
Custom Audiences
6Deep Dive into the 11 Types of Custom Audiences
30:57Timeframe Breakdown
02:51 8Naming Convention for Custom Audiences
04:42 9Best Audience Sets to Start With
02:31 10Using Event Audiences to Automate Lists
03:08 11Quiz - Custom Audiences
Lookalike Audiences
12What is a Lookalike Audience?
09:26 13Which Custom Audiences Create the Best Lookalike Audiences
02:27 14Strategy for Lookalike %
02:48 15Naming Convention for Lookalike Audiences
04:55 16Quiz - Lookalike Audiences
Saved Audiences
17Demographics, Psychographics and Behaviors
13:37 18Narrowing and Excluding
07:06 19Geo Breakdown
04:12 20Using Connections
05:08 21Combo Audiences
04:29 22Audience Sizing
05:00 23Naming Convention for Saved Audiences
05:55 24Quiz - Saved Audiences
Ad Implementation for Freelancers
25Get ROI for Your Clients
08:54 26Scaling: The 3 Ways to Grow a Custom Audience
02:19 27Avoid Audience Burnout
05:33 28Expanding a Lookalike or Saved Audience
03:31 29Split Testing Audiences
05:19 30Determining When an Audience is Not Performing
10:46 31Quiz - Ad Implementation for Freelancers
01:55Final Quiz
33Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Split Testing Audiences
So as you're testing different audiences, looking for your winners, you should utilize facebook's split test feature, facebook allows you to not only split test content but also target audiences. Let's again head back over to our test account to show you how to set up some of these split tests properly. Alright, screen share for split testing. So a great way to determine which audiences or maybe your winners or you're losers is through split testing, where it's super simple, you have two groups, the ad that goes to him, the creative is the same, but it's shown to the audience is not at the same time in two different groups and you can set up through facebook. So here we are again in ads manager, I just want to walk you guys through this so we'll come to create a new campaign and let's just say it's a conversions campaign. Start over, so conversions and I'm going to choose this creates split test, it's an A B test. You can see there's some different variables Creative placement, audienc...
e and delivery for this video, we're just gonna focus on audience since this course has been covering targeting So maybe I'll just name at three Stephen King conversion campaign for naming campaigns. I know we haven't gone over the campaign aiming for the campaigns, add sets and add since that's not really what this course covers, but we do one for top of funnel to for middle and three for bottom. So we also have our own naming structure for that. Alright, so do continue. So here, the asset level is where I get to set up my split test. So first I choose my variable, what do you want to test in this case I'm gonna test audience And now it creates two assets. So the first Again, let's just say we want to test this Stephen King audiences small, one verse this larger Stephen King audience and tells the differences between them. I could even test multiple if I have, You know, four audiences 5 et cetera. For the sake of simplicity, let's just do this one A two B tests and from there everything is the same. Right? So you set up your budget, you can determine the split way to split if you wanted. So maybe one audience is really big ad set A I think it's smaller. So maybe add say I only want to have oh well 50 or I could say Ad set B, I want to have 6040 because that's A. B is a little bit larger audience. So that way I can still split test even if one audience is significantly smaller, I can avoid burning it out that way. Of course, the more money I spend, the more data I'll get the better results. My split test will be if I do a split test with $20 it's just gonna be limited amount of data. So facebook will tell me my results but the more you can spend on these the better and within reason don't go bonkers But you can see down here suggested budget $250. So you can do the way to split test, you choose the duration, Maybe I want to pace it out over 10 days again, the more time there's more ways to get more data. Like we've been discussing a little bit so three days might be sure, especially with something like the weekend where you're going to see different patterns because more advertisers might be advertising on the weekend and people might actually be out doing stuff instead of spending all day on social media. Like perhaps they are monday to thursday we like to do things over a seven day period so you get the whole week. It's that way you're not going to be having your tests messed up by variables in terms of the days of the week so seven days, if one adds, it's totally crushing it. You can end earlier. So let's say one asset is totally bombing that way you avoid a catastrophe or maybe you're spending quite a bit and asset b just like is not doing well then we don't need to continue spending against it. Like if facebook determines within 3 to 4 days that yep adds that A performs way significantly better, you know, cost per click is three times cheaper cost for conversions exponentially cheaper they don't have to continue giving spend AD set B when it doesn't really make much sense to do. So so that's an option there and then from there so I'm sure we'll choose that. I can either have it start today or I can say started this upcoming monday. His preference. These things are the same delivery type. Again, this course isn't meant to walk through campaign setups, we won't spend too much time on that and then you just continue on to the ad level where you'll have one creative that's shown to the two different ad sets because whenever you're testing, you want to be testing one variable at a time, right? You want to test to add sets with five different pieces of creative, it's gonna mess up your learnings. So that's how you create a split test, you'll run it, facebook will send you an email when it's finished. Will say, yep, here's the results of your split test, here's what we learned. Let's say this asset was a winner sometimes will say neither adds, it was a winner. They both performed about the same. And then from there you can kind of spend more against your winners, find out more which audiences performing that way. Really great feature to utilize for any of the variables. Again, this particular video focused on audiences, but for your clients you could split test content, split test delivery, all those different things we're looking at. So that's a split test. Another great way to just drive Ry three clients. So let's hop back over the classroom and finish out this last chapter
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