Day 1
1Money: Your Relationship Depends on It
30:02 2Time to Take Back Control
25:45 3You and Your Money
30:16 4"Predict" Your Financial Future
29:07 5Taking Real Action with Your Partner
36:32 6Money is Not a Dirty Word
25:57 7Identifying Your Beliefs
27:36Examining Your Beliefs
27:12 9Creating a Lasting Change
36:53 10Conditioning Habits
17:33 11Changing the Meaning
23:42Day 2
12You, Your Money, & Your Honey
15:44 13Understanding Your Spending Type
38:21 14Dominant Money Type Breakdown
25:57 15The Know It & Grow It Money System
39:05 16Kym Gym System in Real Life
24:37 17Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
31:10 18Old Talk vs Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
23:54 19Owning Your Self Talk
30:38 20Money Talk Rules to Live By
31:29 21Setting the Intention
23:29 22Breaking Down the Money Rules
27:18Day 3
23Designing Your Future
20:39 24The Vision: Dreamstorming
32:50 25You & Your Honey: Capture What You Want
25:14 26Aligning with Your Partner
34:07 27Making Big Decisions with Your Partner
29:46 28Money is Attracted to a Plan
26:34 29Commit to Each Other 100%
25:41 30Revisit, Revise, & Recommit
31:05 31What's Next for You?
22:12 32Support & Setbacks
27:04 33On the Road to Success
26:36Lesson Info
Taking Real Action with Your Partner
what I'd like to do is bring on some guests. I'm really excited, Teoh have them with me, and they I'm what I'm gonna show you. Is that there? They're gonna talk to you. Hi, guys. Um, I can you see me? Okay. I don't know. Okay, great, Great. So cool. Look at you were in a little time and everything. I was like, Awesome. Thes two are so amazing. You may recognize him. They were actually in the video. You recognize them? Um, such amazing people, so loving and warm and always willing to help there, actually, in New York and New York City, And they took the time out of their day and and, you know, leaving work and all that to make this happen so that you can hear not for me, but from real people taking real action and having ah better life because of it. So I just taught them about this exercise of where you are and where you want to be. And they wrote down some things really about like what they, like, ultimately would like or, you know, really allowed them to dream. And in a minute, guys ...
after Sarah Matt share with us. We're gonna take the next step, which is really showing taking what you really want And like deciding Like, what? Air them the biggest priorities. Like what would just make your life a little bit better, you know? So, for example, for Erica, you know, she said, Well, I'd like to go out, you know, four times a month, essentially, and have a really nice dinner. She could say Well, to have a better quality of life once a month, 200 bucks or she can say four times that a 1,000,000 spent, 50 bucks, whatever is important to you. So you you did this with me? Yes. We have our spoken right now looking at And, uh, I'm Keynes quickly. Oh, we're started working. You know, I was super anxious about money. We'd both come from the arts world, were both actors, and we were used to living the starving artist dream, which is actually a nightmare way. I didn't have a lot of hopes that we when we did this exercise, Robin kept encouraging me to dream bigger because I was placed in a really low ceiling. There's no way we're to growth like I don't even wanna dream because it seems so unattainable. And one of the most positive aspects of this exercise for me was that once I had to sit here and put an actual price on things and break it down and we had this overestimate side and then a more realistic side. I realized that there were things I was leaving out of my life that were totally attainable or so much closer than I actually thought they were. Even something as simple as yoga. You know, at first I wrote down well, that would cost me $200 a month. And right now I'm making no money. So that's impossible. No. One. I research and re prioritize a little bit. It was like, Oh, I could take yoga for $18 a month because my friend listen to me and was like, Hey, there's a program where you could do that online and I love these classes and it will totally change your life. And it did. Oh, yeah, Then big thing for me was being able to break it down and put a number on it. I again that establishment of hope, in a way, being ableto set a goal and set a target. To be able to fight for that goal in that target was huge for me. Specifically, um, family vacation, that my family's always gone to a trip to the British Virgin Islands. We rent a boat to sail. I'll just like camping on the water for two weeks and being able Teoh have my own way and rent a boat like for myself and for my family was gonna be a really big deal for me. And being able to figure out exactly what I had to do to make that happen was really empowering. What is it? Are all these rules we thought were out of reach until we started doing this and the most miraculous part to me with the fact that I didn't want to talk about money Before this? I was really anxious. We came from very different backgrounds. I came from a very poor family, like one working parent with four kids like I worked and worked and worked to get where I, Waas and Matthew came from a really affluent background, but that comes with its own issues. When your parents are constantly providing for you and you're not sure you provide yourself. And so we both brought all this emotional, all these emotional issues surrounding money, and then we got out of grad school. It's not making any money as an actor. So what really changes for me? When we started doing these exercises, realizing that I could have positive emotion, that was something I had never that's huge. Once we started talking about these things and they were dreams and in and introduced a little bit of hope, and there were a little baby steps you could take. All of a sudden those were a tape. And once you've crossed off water two on your list, he started realizing, Oh, I could do this And I know for both of us have dramatically changed the way we acted in our current jobs of Matthew and changing positions. And he's tempted firm. But he just found out in the past two weeks that he's actually gonna get a full time position. Oh yeah, congratulations. And I just negotiated a huge raise, which I mean went from like it was like a $15,000 in growing on that fact that day Today we were changing the way that we were acting and we had goals in mind that we were pursuing instead of feeling like we were behind an anxiety ridden. And now we've got the things that were on this list. Like, um, I will wait for start doing this. I was like, a savings like we can have a saving thing right now and now is going out like we definitely put money away. But we started small. I started with a small percentage of my paychecks. That seems like nothing. When did you go? I started more and getting to that, like dreaming or not. That dream yet give you wrong reflect less than a year in the marriage, but it seems like it's attainable. Yeah, and and, uh, what's really awesome is I mean, they saw you guys on the video, which is really cool, because you can Can you see a difference in this? I mean, the emotions like what's really amazed like we're so lucky that we had you in that video because in that video, you know, they're sitting on the couch and they're like, you know, there's there's definitely some tension there, and Sarah is getting super emotional like Oh, you know, Sorry. Getting really emotional about it. Like it's like they haven't really talked about it before. And at the time, that didn't have a job like he had jobs. But you didn't have a job. And I mean, this was, what, like, six months ago? Not even. I mean, and they started doing these extra not even six months ago. I just can't believe, like, not just I don't know all your like, how much money? How much more money you have? Obviously, you just told me that you got a huge raise. And now you have Ah. Ah, full time position coming up. I didn't know all that, but you don't need to know the details to see it in their faces right now. It's amazing. It's amazing. So I talk a lot all about, like the relationship and how when you deal with this money stuff, it completely enhances your relationship. And you guys are like poster Children for me. Like just showing like, beautiful exemplar. You know of what it looks like And the change and how fast it can happen. Yeah, things are marriage, to be honest. I mean, the our biggest anxiety point this money. And then there's also this cultural thing where you're told people get divorced because of money all the time. When you look at your parents, think about that. And so that was an added stress. And once we started doing this and feeling like we were drowning or like, this didn't happen attention to break us up, it makes you get clear. And you'd be afraid to talk about anything that you're afraid of. Like, this was one of the things I was most afraid to talk about. And if you could talk about this, then you can talk about anything because they're switch stigma and right moved transparency. And the open line of communication is huge. It helps it that goals across the board. You know, we're having reason your system that I know you're probably gonna talk about later of where we were going through and doing all of our line items in knowing exactly saving in and even doing that has helped us get clarity about how we talk about holes in general, even career things are family. It sets up a system that believes in tow everything else you do in terms of communication. Awesome. I mean, imagine like here they are. They're like, 27 years old really young, right? I know. Never supposed to say like a woman's age, but when their 27 year deal with it, Right? Uh, yeah, but a young young couple just, you know, just got married recently and like, what does your now that you can look 30 30 years ahead? Now that you have these skills, these tools, something you can keep going back to and uses as you change in your relationship changes. What do you see, like for your future Now that maybe you didn't see clearly before I thought we were always going to struggle. That's the biggest thing that we were coming from positions where we were so stressed about the fact that we chose in an artistic life that we really limited ourselves. And now we have already stepped outside the box so much that I'm I'm not afraid of us being able to be flexible in the moment and figure out how to do things like there's never gonna be anything that gets us stuck. Whereas before freedom What? I just can't imagine that sentence. There will be never anything that will get a stuck, like coming out of stairs. Now, before we have the conversation like before this all be dead like that would have never come out of your mouth like amazing transformation. Like it's so, so awesome to see I'm so proud of you guys last last couple minutes. What? Let Matt start. What? What advice would you give them? All these listeners around the world. People in the studio here, they want to hear from you probably more than me, because you are experiencing it. What advice would you give them? Um, throw your heart and your soul at the program, but do it with partner. I think it really comes from the relationship. And you always have to different perspectives whenever you're working with someone else and make this happen. And you find that strengths that each person has and you find the weaknesses and you're able to complement each other and the open line of communication again. The way it makes you work as a team is it's true, like there were things that I before this I kind of always thought, you know, I only knew this artist side of my husband. And what if you do it together? That's when I discovered that he had this huge math brain that he was actually a planner, not hurt. And I was like, Whoa, I had actually been doing more of our budgeting. And once we started Teoh who should actually be taking a leave because my anxiety Britain tendencies are gonna keep us a little trapped. I mean, it showed me a whole different side of you home and done these exercises by myself where we tried to do some of them. Definitely because we were on different schedules, and it just wasn't as effective for us like doing it together. We could keep each other in line, but we can also, or new things, which is really the point. I think it's not really just about learning who you are. This is your money and your relationships cells. Wow. Well, thank you. Oh, my gosh. I'm just My heart goes out to you guys. I love you guys. Thank you so much for joining us. And, um, I'm so, so grateful. You've had such amazing results that you can show the world and and continue to do what you're doing and obviously they helped so many people. And now they're not feeling stressed and crazy. Not only will their relationship continue to grow but their whole life. So thank you guys. Give them around. Glossing over, joining you guys. They said something really significant, which was that they did it with a partner. You know, the question is, how do you get your partner to set an appointment and sit down to talk about money? Such a great question. And I'm covering that tomorrow. Okay, That is what I call opening the can of worms. So you need to be here for that to get that, Because it's I can't tell you quickly enough, but I will give you one tidbit so that you at least know what to do. And here you're gonna You might not like this, but the trick is to just do it. Let's do it. Yeah, got bring it up. So we'll talk about how And there's something called the three ds. How you specifically do that and what you can say. I'm so you'll get that tomorrow in those sessions. But you have to make it a priority. Commit to it and then go for it. So that's my advice. Any other questions? Awesome. So I'm That's a perfect question. Thank you, by the way, for whoever. Whoever asked that question Because I know ah lot of you here and at home. You're in relationships, but you're not sitting next to your significant other. And this is why you need the program, right? Because you're going to take this home. And then if you only do this, what happens is you might change and things will probably get better because you change. But if they're not changing with you, sometimes you grow and you grow. You know, I don't want to pass them, but you grow at different levels and then you're not on the same page. I mean, I was fortunate enough that my husband, I we met a Tony Robbins event. So we're both, like, had a very high value of personal growth is very important to me, very important to him, and and so, like we're growing, we're both growing different rates, but growing together, it's because we do this stuff together so awesome. Okay, go into the next exercise here. I just wrote down some of things that's in your manual of, like, some examples. Now, what you're gonna dio is to you're gonna just take that number. Now, I know you want to add things later and don't worry about it, but just add up. So add up all these things. So if this was all one person, I would just add this up. So 100. 275,500 I think 35. What's I forgot? That's a 7000. Can't add that way. 886,700 and 800 is 9500. Did I get that right? Someone check my math? Yes, I'm a financial planner, but I use a calculator just like everyone else. So if it's not right, it doesn't matter. But what this tells you is that you you want to add this up and then you're gonna multiply it by 1.5 what that is that's basically taxes to to account for taxes and inflation. Because maybe you want these things. But not for another 2030 years. You know, eso just kind of buffers it a little bit. And once you get that number, you're gonna multiply that by 12. Okay, so go ahead and do it. Don't do it perfectly. Do it at home. Just get a number. You can always add to it later and get a bigger number. But I just want to show you Ah, um, the example. So I'm just gonna can someone Juve, Can you just do that math for me? 9800. I was so close. Who needs three extra $100? Okay, times 1.5. All right, I've is 14,007 0 that's what I missed. I got out of the threat. And what was it, sir? 14, 14,700. Okay, Mostly that by multiply. But I was gonna put it here. 176,400. Okay, so what I wrote here is that you're going to get a very big number. And the more you allow, allow yourself to dream, the bigger that's gonna be so you might be thinking, Uh oh. You know, it feels overwhelming sometimes. So we had Sarah and Matt come on to tell you that Yes, it's overwhelming at first. There is some anxiety. At first. I'm not gonna lie and say That doesn't happen. Like we all have these crazy emotions around money. People are freaking about money. But what did they dio? Well, they chunked it down, they prioritized they took their list and they decide what's most important to me in this list. Okay, these are just some examples what's most important to me. And so when I I use this example, I said, Well, I picked saving for retirement, um, and organic food. Okay. And at first my number was $1000 a month that I thought it would cost toe that I feel, you know, that would be ideal to save right now. But then I thought, Well, if I saved an extra $500 this is all additional, by the way, I save an extra $500. Like I feel good family, some making progress in organic food like I buy some organic food. But I'd like to like, really by a lot. But if even if I just increase that to $200 a month, that's cool. I think I could get, like, the most important things organically. Get it Now we take this number and we added together And what do you get? We can all do this math 700 bucks a month. So I went Well, this is just a example. But in this case, we went from $14,000 a month that have this ideal lifestyle to let's let's just make it a little bit better. I can make it a little bit better. I can have 700. It only cost me $700 a month. And then I could start thinking about Now that you know that number just like Sarah and Matt, did you start thinking about what can I do? How can I do to get that? What can I do to get that extra money for them? Like they increased their salaries about to teach you something that's going to show you which in which areas, Or you can decrease your expenses on some stuff that you don't about you right now, Maybe you're you're spending money. Not maybe. Most likely, you're spending money on things you don't value. Maybe you just by money, buy things impulsively or you spend money impulsively. So you start to recognize those patterns and you're like, Well, this I really want those two things that's important. Me, You can prioritize and cut and cut out some things that are less important. So did you guys do that? Even just a couple things that would really make your life a little better. So circle those things, change the numbers, and tell me what number you got now, Erica. Um, well, I'm picking a house cleaner and massage, OK? And I haven't cut down the numbers, but I'll say $200 for the house cleaner. And, um, you need $ for the house cleaner. Yeah, I guess I really have. No, I don't have a very good idea as to how much I have a very small house. I mean, like I said, when I go, unless I'm sure you can find it for less, let's say it's 100. Okay, 100. And then, um, massage. I had massages down, okay. And I had it for both my husband and I. I can cut that out all. No, I need them, but he doesn't. So, um, I was thinking, you know, once a week, but we could go down to, you know, once a month or twice in one. Okay? And how much would that be? So you got 100? I'm just gonna put it here. And then what was the next thing? Um Well, let's go. How much for the massage? $300. 300 total. Okay, so that's 400. So, for you, in your opinion, to improve your lifestyle, most important thing is to get the massages and start. What was the first thing again? House cleaning a house cleaner. Um, and that would improve your lifestyle. Yeah. Can you see how would make you feel better on a daily basis? You can. You see how it might even affect your health massages, Right? How It's gonna affect your relationship. So relaxed food, right? I mean, does that feel better? Toe have a smaller number. And now do you feel like it's more attainable? Yeah, Awesome. So here's what I want you to take away from. This is that progress equals success. One of the key things that Sarah Matt said is it We made these new choices things that I didn't even think that I could have. And then we we got him like I got yoga and I had this and our income went up. And then now that we cross those things off our list, like did that did that. Now you're like, OK, cool. What's next on the list. And, you know, cause you've just accomplished it, you know that you can accomplish it again with new things. Is this amazing feeling? And are you now in control of your money? Are you in control of your your choices? Your decisions, right. Are you in control of how you feel every day? And some of these these changes that you made that you will make will help you feel that you're more in control? It's not awesome. Like some powering Right. Okay, so I want it. I want to bring out some specifics. Here, let me see. Where are my main? This? This one. Okay, I got some props. Told you I was gonna have props. I did not lie. And this is the first. Well, the guitar was first, I guess. Yes, its a mask. So, Batman from Batman, It's Batman. Where's the mask? Right? Why does he wear a mask? Two inches. Identity, T changes, identity, concealed identity. What else? Yeah. And why would he do that? Why would he want to conceal his identity? Why doesn't want anyone to know who he is? He's a prominent member of society. Okay. One. He's a prominent member of society. So he doesn't want people to know that he has that other life. Right? What else? You can create a whole new character. That's great. That's great. Like, now he could be this basic. This superhero hey, has his life where he was, like, I'm a wealthy man. And then he goes out and save the world like he could be whoever he wants to be. Anything else you can think of. Well, there's controversy around Batman, So some people like him, and some people don't says that anonymity. Okay. And if people don't like him, what could happen that he personally get retribution? Yeah. And what about his family or a slow right? They would be in trouble. Just another. Another thing to think about. Right? So? So people wear masks for all different reasons. Because guess what? Batman is not the only one right. And I'm not the only way. And my daughter is not the only one. Kids love to wear masks because they love to be someone else. They love to hide a part of them so they can be who whom ever They want to become right. And you are wearing a mask like it may not be this this these masks, you know, maybe you know my daughter She loves to dress up. Just be whomever she wants. I'm a witch. I'm a cat. She's a cat most the time, most of time without the costume, She's just like half cat. She just decided a which whatever she gets to be who she wants to be. And this is weird cause I don't think you want to be this, but even even pretending to die in a knife stabbed in you but I don't know where she gets it from. No idea. So we we all like to dress up. We all like to and maybe not. Maybe not literally, but figuratively. So I want you to think about is what is your mask like? Where do you wear a mask? Meaning like are you wearing a mask in front? Your neighbors? Let's say like pretending like you know you have more money than you and then you dio or at work pretending like you know things were cool. When you're about to get divorced, whatever it is, you're wearing a mask because even the people that you love the most of you often times will tell. Like all your deep secrets to there's still a level like there's still a mask. Right? So I'm here to tell you it's okay to wear a mask. Like when your friend e I don't care if you wear a mask like in front of your neighbor the front of your friends like I don't care. Like if you want to protect yourself, protect your family whatever you think is necessary. Fine. You can wear a mask, But what I don't want you to dio is to wear a mask in front of the mirror. Stay with that for a sec. Oh, yeah? What are you not telling yourself? That's true. Where you're not being authentic about where you truly are, who you truly are. Maybe you're you're playing this role and you're like, That's not me. No, I do si do things sometimes when I when I, like, push my husband away or treat importantly, You know, I do those things and I'm like, that's not who I am. That's not who I am. What is this mass ticked off like BB the rial. Me, like loving And not about not. Don't let fear Don't let the fear control me, but But instead, you know, just reveal myself be who I am without that fear. Even if I have it, don't let it stop me. Right? So what I want you to do is uncover your money mask. It'll be authentic with yourself about where you are, but I want you to be authentic with yourself and true to yourself and know the specifics about your money math. Now, money mask has a double meaning. Here. It stands for how much you make, how much you spend and how much you keep thinking. Well, Robert, that's very creative. And I said, Thank you. No, but it's true. There's a double meaning right who you are. And also how much money you have. You need to get clear about that. Okay? So go ahead. You can turn to your manual. Do you have it out? Yeah. You guys have the page. Here we go. Page 33 is just showing you how much you make how much you spend and how much you keep. Now, it's really simple. For right now, all I want you to do because you probably don't know this. Okay? I don't go like pulling up spreadsheets if you have them. Whatever. I just want you to Teoh to recognize what you think this might mean. Make a guess. Your best guest. Okay, Ballpark figure here. So how much you make write down the number. This is, by the way, on a monthly basis. OK, this is what you take home. So if you make $100,000 a year in your paycheck, but you don't actually take home, you know, whatever. You only take home 4000 or 5000 month. That's the number that you want to write down. How much you make right down that number, how much you spend and how much you keep. Okay. Where you are right now? Yes. You'll have a chance right where you want to be. So write that down. And if you don't know the numbers, please just guess because what I'm gonna have you do for homework is I'm gonna give you now. Don't be overwhelmed by this. It's a spreadsheet. get ready. It's a spreadsheet. It's like numbers. But I'm gonna give you this is one of the bonuses when you when you get the course, is your gonna get this spreadsheet to help you figure out the specifics. So right now you're just kind of guessing, and I want you to do that because I want you to see after you make this guest how close it is to reality because here's what's awesome. The way you are acting, the way you are behaving the way you show up in the world is because of what you believe to be true. We're going to talk about this in the next segment what you believe to be true, right? So if you believe that you're making, let's just say you're making 5000 month and you believe that you're spending 4000 month and you have 1000 left over. This belief about this number is going to be how you experience the world, how you show up, how you feel, your emotions, right, everything right. If you believe to be true that you make you spend 6000. It's a negative 1000 you don't know, by the way, cause I'm saying you're guessing, right. If you believe that to be true, then you're gonna react a certain way you're gonna have experience based on what you believe. That number is, Does that make sense? Okay, cool. So I want you to guess, especially you can. And then what you're gonna do for homework is you're gonna fill this out. So tonight I'm going to give you this again. But fill this out so that, you know, specifically in what categories? Your spending money. Look back, your statements. Now you might say, Well, I don't even have that. So it's still gonna be a guess. Fine. Then guess in what categories you're spending if you have to. If you don't know all the numbers, I still want you to try to think about each category. So you get more clarity of your money, okay? And then variable expenses. Okay. I gave you category. So it's all there for you. So all you gotta do is fill it out. All right? You committed to doing that homework? Cool. You at home? You committed to doing that homework? That would be yes. Chat, chat, chat, chat, chat make sure you're writing in comments and questions in the chat because I I feel like you're there. But I can't see you. And I don't know what you're thinking. I see their facial expressions and based on those facial expressions, I'm like, OK there with me or they're not with me. I need to repeat that, you know? But I don't know what's going on with you, So if you're feeling anxiety, you can share, like, what emotions air coming up for you. A lot of people see the spreadsheet and they're like, uh, you know, all this stuff bubbles up like numbers. I say the word numbers and you're like a no won't do it. Right. So all this stuff comes up, so allow yourself to experience that please don't judge it, okay, except yourself. And then just notice it in your manual, right down. Like maybe when things come up when I go over things right down, like what you're noticing so that you can start to know what to shift and in the back of your manual there's something I think I used very technical terms here. In the last few pages. I wrote stuff not serving me to the at the highest level. Very technical stuff, not serving me. So use that to write when you notice something. Not serving me like the anxiety I feel about looking at the spreadsheet or whatever. And then write it down in your manual. Capture that. Okay, pick a balloon. Any size, whatever you want. And go ahead. You can stretch it out or whatever, and I want you to blow it up as as big or as little as you want. It could be anybody. It could be a huge Doesn't matter. Okay. And when? When you're done, whenever you like, the size of it. Okay, don't tie it off. Just blow it. We could show the camera how you know, Everyone has a different size now. Um, Rina. So So this is things balloon just not blowing up. This is very interesting. I want you to remember this, by the way. Just something to think about. Okay? Don't tie it off. You got it. You got it. Come on, Come on. Okay, perfect. Don't tie it off. Just hold it. Okay? Just close it off for now. Just like that, okay? Just it still be this will be very interesting. It doesn't mean anything. It's just there. There are balloons. Okay, cool. So I want you to think of this as representing your net worth poor ratio. She got, like, unlucky, right? Getting this balloon that doesn't blow up or whatever. But what's cool is that you could be like, Whoa. How How is this representative of my life? I only can I can't blow anymore this blue. I don't know anything about your financial situation, but isn't it interesting now? Um, Arena, Tell me how much air is in that balloon. Two breaths, three breaths, three breasts. And how much air like the you know, how do you measure air? I don't know how you managed air, but like the units of air like, how much do you have in there? Because, like, your breath might be, like, longer than America's breath or or or than Rochelle's breath. I don't know. OK, good. You don't know, right? Okay. And, Erica, how much air do you have in there? Um, 10 cubic inches. 10 cubic inches. Awesome. I love when people just make stuff up. It's awesome. Okay, cool. So now what? I want you to Dio is put a little bit more air trying to pop it. Now think of this. If you know if you can start, think of this is your net worth and let's just say even though it's obviously not true. And I said that for a reason. I asked you to tell me the units because I don't know what, like, there's no way you can possibly measure it, right? There's no way you can know, like, just from holding this balloon with what we have right now. How much how much you actually have in there and most people are walking around. They have no idea how much air is in their balloon meaning how big or small their net worth is. They might think they know and have a number in their head, but they really don't have it because they're not measuring it now. Some of you, everything I do, measure it now if you measure it, that's different now. So we're gonna talk about congratulations. By the way, if you measure it, my guess is that you have more money because you measure it. But guess what happens if you're not looking at it. Boohoo. Sometimes we're not paying attention to your money. Your money starts to disappear. Right? So what your net worth really is, And you may know this already. That's okay. Is is how much you own. What? Your assets minus what you owe. And that equals your net worth. So is really, really simple. You take what you own. This could be your house. This could be your car if you own it. This could be this. You own your checking account, your own your retirement account. You own your investments, right? All those statements and you're gonna add those all up. So right now in your head, even though you don't know and you'll have it in front of you, I want to take your best guess right down. How much do you own? Right down, Right down. If you own your car out. Right. I would just be What? The price That it's what you can sell it for? Exactly. Yeah. And so you don't have to be exact right now. You're gonna have a chance to get exact. But can you write down what you think you own? $5. I got $5 in my wallet. Cool, right down, Got nothing else. He property all everything. So you would take what you own. So you add up the value of the property. You don't even if you have mortgages, you add up the value even if you own your car. But you have, ah, alone on it. You added, You're gonna have a chance to subtract that later. The loan. So you add the car and you don't have to own everything out right? You can either guess how much you own. You can guess how much you owe, what's your debt And then you can subtract it Or if you don't want to do that because I just want to get a ballpark here, You could just just think like, what do I think? My net worth? Iss I think my net worth is a $1,000,000. I think my net worth is ah, $100,000. I didn't think my net worth is negative. $500,000 or negative $5000. You think your first figure out? Are you in the positive? Are you in the negative to own more than you? Oh, okay. What's amazing about your net worth? Is that you? What it's telling you specifically is, Are you getting richer or poorer every single month? So I'm gonna show you in this Kim Jong No, no. Your money to grow your money system every month when you look at your net worth. When you look at how much you own, Manish, how much you owe. And you put it on this in this system using a spreadsheet here. And this is gonna You're going to get this. You have this in your manual so it shows you what are the things that you own, walks you through it, Okay. And then you're going to get a number. So what? I don't want you to do this for homework yet, because I'm teaching the system tomorrow, so just write down the number. But I do want you to have a number, so you can see when you do it. House house, How close you are to the actual number. Does that make sense? OK, you with me, you might be student loans or something. Yes. Student loans. Yeah. On here, for example. Your secured liabilities are your primary residence. Your car loan. If you have a second property, something like that, your unsecure liabilities or credit cards. Student loans? That's worth Okay. So just guess my husband I were thinking about what? Can what can I give you? Ah, here and at home to continue with this process so that you have success Because I know how it is. Sometimes you know, you go to a seminar, you learn all this stuff, especially if you're not engaged writing down, taking notes or using the manual. You don't get much. You don't retain much if you write things down. If you participate, reveal you'll retain 60% more. But then you go home and you're like a now little idea. So what we created was a 12 week integration program. This is for everybody. Even if you don't get the course, you can. Still, if you're watching at home right now, you can still just text your name and email to this number. It's 2014 to 50133 So those of you in the audience take out your phone. I know everyone has it close by. So you put in your little text message to 014 to 50133 Robin, Robin and robin crane dot com. But write your own send Now I get it now this website we just created so it may not be up, but then you're going to get a message that says Go to this website robin crane dot com slash 12 week And then you're gonna need to confirm your email what you're going to get, and I'll talk more about this. But you're gonna get a private link to the Facebook groups or private Facebook group. You're going to get messages for me. I'll leave you voicemails. I'll send you emails. I'll send you texts and I'll send you some videos like tutorials. The system I just start like started with I'll show you that system and tutorials t using that. So when you implement it, you'll have all this stuff. So that's what you're going to get with that program.
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Ratings and Reviews
as a participant in the course, and now a week later, going back thru watching the videos, following along with the book, doing the homework again, i have to say i am still 1000% overjoyed that i put my business launch on hold to attend Robyn's course and Attend to my Life and my Relationship and put them first for the first time in my adult life. i went into this with an open mind, believing whatever i got out of it would be greater than what i came into it with and by the end of the first day i felt like i had won the lottery! i was terrified to sit down and figure out our net worth, believing we were Billions of dollars in the red. but lo and behold, when i just put the battle ax down and did the work it turned out our assets had us sittin' pretty. Imagine my shock! my entire outlook changed, my beliefs were able to shift and i've been able to make grand changes in the way i deal with money in even the smallest of ways since then. i found that piece to be so phenomenally empowering habits i thought i'd never break are totally conscious decisions now, before i reach in my wallet i ACTUALLY THINK do i WANT to spend this on that right now? or would i rather SAVE it for later. I don't even have to have a goal in mind. the image of our assest growing is a serious turn on! Robyn's light hearted approach really brought my guard down, she gave me facts and knowledge first, when i was handed that 150 page book, i said to myself, "self i said, knowledge, cool." then she walked on stage with her sense and humor and i said, "AND Robyn's funny- BONUS! i'm definitely learning something, let's go!" and learn i did. I'm thrilled at the follow up and i'd say to anyone considering if they should invest in this course, it's unorthodox in the least, and if you're open and willing to do the work, it can, as i am living witness, be absolutely transformative. personally and triangularly- that being between you, your hunny & your money. take it if you dare to break free of whatever bonds are holding you from living with your love in your highest purpose, calling, and love light! If i could gift one thing on this earth this moment to everyone i love it would be taking this course with Robyn. (holdin the space, prayin n holdin the space...)
I absolutely LOVE Robyn Crane. What a great teacher. My man agreed to go through the video course and complete the workbook with me based on a clip he saw one clip of the course. We've gone through half the manual workbook and have been able to communicate better outside of the work, already. I am feeling better about talking with my spouse about money than ever, and we're both learning more about each other's ideas about money and our beliefs. Wow. That's an eye opening experience, I thought I knew what he thought about money and goals but I was surprised a lot at the answers he wrote in the workbook. Sharing with eachother is key-- I'm so pleased with the results and we're not even half way done! That you Robyn and thank you Creative Live!
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