Day 1
1Money: Your Relationship Depends on It
30:02 2Time to Take Back Control
25:45 3You and Your Money
30:16 4"Predict" Your Financial Future
29:07 5Taking Real Action with Your Partner
36:32 6Money is Not a Dirty Word
25:57 7Identifying Your Beliefs
27:36Examining Your Beliefs
27:12 9Creating a Lasting Change
36:53 10Conditioning Habits
17:33 11Changing the Meaning
23:42Day 2
12You, Your Money, & Your Honey
15:44 13Understanding Your Spending Type
38:21 14Dominant Money Type Breakdown
25:57 15The Know It & Grow It Money System
39:05 16Kym Gym System in Real Life
24:37 17Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
31:10 18Old Talk vs Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
23:54 19Owning Your Self Talk
30:38 20Money Talk Rules to Live By
31:29 21Setting the Intention
23:29 22Breaking Down the Money Rules
27:18Day 3
23Designing Your Future
20:39 24The Vision: Dreamstorming
32:50 25You & Your Honey: Capture What You Want
25:14 26Aligning with Your Partner
34:07 27Making Big Decisions with Your Partner
29:46 28Money is Attracted to a Plan
26:34 29Commit to Each Other 100%
25:41 30Revisit, Revise, & Recommit
31:05 31What's Next for You?
22:12 32Support & Setbacks
27:04 33On the Road to Success
26:36Lesson Info
Dominant Money Type Breakdown
So here's what's most important. Because don't worry about who you are and what scale it is. What did you learn from it? This is key. What did you learn from it, Erica? Um well, I even, I think, learned a little bit yesterday with my avoider, al, because I did the mask exercise money mass. Okay. And once when I did it, it was better. The outcome was better than I had anticipated. Okay? Much better, actually. Okay, So can I use fake numbers? Yeah. Okay. Because you don't have to tell me the real numbers, but so basically, you thought this is great, because yesterday we did the money mask. And if you haven't done that yet, make sure to go back and review it that we're gonna go through that today through the Kim Jim note to the know your money to grow your money system. So the money mask again is how much you make minus how much you spend equals how much you keep. So I'll just make up numbers. Let's just say or do you want to give me real numbers or do you want me to make it up? Make it u...
p? Okay. I know how people are in front of like, on TV and everything. Okay, so how much you make? So let's just say you made I don't know you're in the city, so let's just say it's $8000. And maybe you thought you spent not what? Give me this one. At least more than that. I spent 7000. 7000. Okay, Perfect. So you thought you'd end up with $1000 positive? Yeah. Okay. And you found that it was a higher number, right? Like 2.5 time and 1/2 times. So this is so this is good. We have actually use 10,000 would be easier math, but this is fine. So So times 2.5 is 2500. Oh, my God. That's such a great example. And so for me being the avoider, yes, I'm like flipping out all the time because I'm avoiding and I don't want to know because I think it's a way worse than what it is. And so it was a really good lesson for me last night to be, like stop because I because I've been avoiding I am because of avoiding that I'm inviting so many stories in my head that I carry around and so to be able to understand that I avoid. But it's not that I'm just putting all this crap on myself. That is, um so, so accurate. I mean, I had a client who it was color Deborah. She did not want to look in her money. And And by the way, like she thought, it was really, really, really bad. Like in way way debt. This is really good story. Almost forgot to tell. So she since you don't know who she is, I gotta tell you the specifics. She basically she did her money mask. She did her net worth. She figured it now, and her net worth was about a negative. $65,000. Okay, so you could say Well, she was anxious for a reason. That doesn't feel good, right? She didn't want to look at her money. But here's what happened. Once you started looking at her money, she took on this new like new beliefs, new behaviors. She was like, I'm figuring this money thing out. And she started talking like talking about it. Like what? I'm seeing you know working with a coach. It's going really well, like I'm getting my finances in order like I feel good about it and I'm I am committed to getting out of debt. And she was talking to her aunt about this and her aunt, who knew that Deborah had a student loan. She said, You know what? I'll pay off your student loan Like that one conversation, her net worth went up. It's still negative number, but it went up to $35,000 going up, right, cause it's she just she just made 30 grand. Her net worth just grew by $30,000. She called me and I was like, Are you serious? You're not worth was went up in one day. I worked with you once. We've had one session and you're telling me your net worth one of $30,000. I'm like the story is amazing. Like I'm not gonna tell people that not tell them why. Because that's you know what? Well, you know, she was lucky. You could say you could make all these excuses. The fact is that she put it out in the universe is something new, like I'm taking control of this. This is gonna happen. I'm committed to making it happen. Guess what? Things start to happen. So guess what? That's not the end. She also of this. She had about 30,000 of this, um, was medical debt. She had, like, a exactly a tumor, But something in her brain. 27 years old. Poor girl. Um, And she had all these tests and surgeries done on her brain and not working because of it and all this stuff, And she just racked up that it might have been even higher than this. I'm trying to remember the numbers, but, um, so what I talked her about one of the sessions we had was all about negotiating with her doctor and with her insurance. And she started that, And I kid you not. I am not making this up. This is just an example, but I'm not making this up. The the one debt that was at maybe was 30,000 each because I remember it was 30,000 with the doctor. Um, and she hadn't figured out The insurance is on the cover. Not they already said no, but I told her to go try to see if they will, because you don't have the money to pay it. But the doctor, just by talking to the doctor on the phone, having a conversation, telling them she did not have the money to pay for this and hasn't been working and whatever. Not her sob story, like on the victim. But, like, I want to figure this out, right? Guess what? They said they would be happy to take $3000. The doctors already written it off as a loss. They probably millions of dollars in revenue. And they just want to get something because most likely, she'll never be able to pay it. And they know that. So if we have, these were accurate numbers. She was down to basically her on Lee. I take off 30,000 right? She was down. These aren't totally accurate, but to about $5000. And that was her credit card debt. And we just have to chip away at it. And then it was each month you look at your net worth and now you're a negative 5000 next month. Your negative next month here at negative 4600 whatever however long it takes, you're committed to getting rid of it. Yes, business owners. In the conversation, one of our user says so. If you're an avoider out and a business owner, how do you get toe? Who do you get to help you? A C p a C f p Both I mean, obviously this course, Yeah, yeah. If you're I mean, if you're an avoider alhough to get to help. I mean, you need a coach who knows how to help you with your beliefs. Okay, So I have I have, and I've had an incredible business coach who, um Heath. He's an incredible speaker. He's spoken on stage with Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, all you know, all DeMartini, all the big names, right? He's amazing. But he's really, really phenomenal helping me not only with my business, but making sure I don't get in the way of my business and my success. So what you need if you're avoiding whether it's in your business, cause tr Becker said the guy who wrote the secrets to the Millionaire mind. He said, How you do anything? It's how you do everything right. Which is why Erica feels inconsistent this relationship of their money. It doesn't feel good, because how I do everything is I treat people well, but I don't treat my money well, and that doesn't feel now that you realize that it's just huge. So if you're avoiding your money, it makes sense. You're avoiding the issues in your business. You're avoiding other things you're avoiding talking to your partner potentially, so it's gonna it's gonna relate in all other areas. That's why it's so amazing. This triangle is so amazing, right? Because if you change this one side, your relationship with your money, if you even just focus on this now, today we're doing both right this whole we're gonna do your money and your honey. But if you just focus on your side with your relationship with your money, everything else, including your relationship with your honey, including your business, including your life and how you feel in your spirituality, all that stuff will be affected. That's just how that's just how the universe works. Some people work right, so make sure you know what your money type is. I'm sure you do. And if you if you don't know exactly, just guess pick the top two and write that down your manual. Then you want to look at the beliefs. Okay. I talked about some of the beliefs, So in your man on page 70 it says you're what's my top? My top two dominant money types are the primary and in the secondaries. See that you'd write that down. So avoider al spent through Sally did that and then list any of your beliefs that are consistent with your money types. So what I want to do during the break is to make sure this is filled out for those of you at home, make sure that you do this. What are your beliefs? Because I gave you some. But it's not about me. It's about you. You get to decide and you get to recognize and acknowledge your own beliefs. And some of them are gonna be limiting limiting beliefs, and some of them are going to be empowering. So it's okay to see both sides. It doesn't have the positive negative, just whatever comes out and then you want to list any of your beliefs that air any of your sorry, And if your behaviors of the money type of your money types that are consistent with your behaviors. Right? So you look at will spend through Sally. Her behavior suspend a lot. OK, so that's one easy one to write down. I spend impulsively, you know, I feel guilty like that's that's something that comes up so you can write that down and then you wanna star what you want to keep and circle what You'd like to shift or you can even cross out. I usually cross out across out what you want to shift. Okay, The point here is that you were you You've learned something about your money type. Now, I want you to take action. I want you to take action so that you actually get the changes, right? So I'm about to bring up the your personal money mastery road map because I want you to see how it all fits together. It is so awesome. All these things I have done with my private clients for almost a decade, and I didn't have, like, just this one sheet that's like, brings it all together. And I'm so excited because now you have everything in one place and it makes it so much easier, so you can just glance at this and know what to dio. So your money mask on your pull out your money, your money mastery road map and you want to right where you are now. So if you did the homework and you got that number, write it down. Now, if you didn't do it perfectly, Please, please don't say I'll fill it out later. You can print this out. This is yours. This is a bonus that you get to keep. You can print out, over and over and over again. You can change it next month. But if you if you don't have exactly accurate numbers, write it down anyway and then you can always do it again. So let's just say my mask, I'm make we make $10,000. This is net, by the way. So this is not your gross salary. Wouldn't take your gross salary divided by 12. You take what actually you take home would be how much you make. And then let's just say I keep I spend Sorry. $ and I keep $1000. Okay, Now doesn't matter what it is. I could have used an example, said I made $10,000. I spent $10,000 I got zero left over, Right? Very typical. Most you're in the rat race. Most people spend what they make. OK, but if you make $10,000 you spend $11,000 in your negative $1000 again, you're just recognizing this X marks. The spot is where you are. Okay, What's so so amazing about this is that you'll be able to look back at this month's years from now and be like, whole week. That's where Iwas you know, I was making 10 grand, spending nine. And if it's better or worse now, you know Hey, I need to pay more attention or Hey, this is awesome. Whatever it ISS Okay, your net worth tab, I'm gonna go more into details. I'm not going to fill that one out yet. Um, daily, weekly monthly quarterly. All these things are coming up. The values Let's just use your values. One of yours, Erica, what are your 321 values? If you could give me one word, um, top ones growth. The second one's fulfillment. Yep. Third one's authenticity. Okay. Authenticity. I did it. Okay? I felt really long. All right? And you would write your name. Do you mind if I write your name on here? Sure. Okay. Erica, is it a c o K. C? Thank you for asking. Yep. Are really Why in I get it, I've been okay. And how about you? Arena? So money values some go from top top down, I guess. Ah. Create well, value for others. So that's number one up here. Um, the top U S O creating value for others. Uh huh. Yep. Next. Meaning, something of value for two others. Okay, let's Let's do it. Yeah, that's a sailor. Yeah. More meaning is actually in my top three. Okay, All of my top three. So and then so. Meaning? Meaning? Meaning empowering. And in time, I'm just gonna put meaning because shark meeting for yourself and for others is very important to you. Okay. And what's one more, even if it's different? One inspiration. Awesome. Now again, I want to remind you because we're not making it perfect. You can always come back to this later. It's just get three in there. You can print it out again, right? But if you're if you don't feel totally congruent with this arena, like if you're like, that's not really works, Okay? But I'm just saying so if you at home don't feel totally king grew with it, do the exercise again. And make sure you get, you know, three that you feel really good about that you want on your map. Now, how do you spell your name? R E N A. You are officially married. Just getting so that's how you do the front. All we've done is the mask, and we've done the values up here. You want you and your partner. Okay, You want to know what your partner's values are? This is very, very important. Because if you have your map, they should have their map. By the way, you should each have a map, and you want to make sure to capture their your values because your map and you want to know what they want because you gotta always remember you are a unit. You're in this together. It's so important for you to know what's important to them. Ryan. Okay, Now, by the way, notice what's on here? Things you learned yesterday. The money a BC's awareness plus action equals abundance. Believes supposed behaviors equals your bank account Conditioning plus consistency equals change. I'm going quickly on that because you already have it in your manual and you know it. But that's just a reminder. It's one of your signs to your future, right? Isn't this cool? Okay, then guess what else is along the road. You have clarity, communication, creation, commitment. Hey, guys, it's the four keys to a richer relationship. Do you see how this all comes together? You need this on the road, on the path to your success now what? They almost missed beliefs. Okay. What are your new beliefs that you've decided to adopt? Do you have any new ones? Um, I have I think I have written them. OK, so check out. Um, let's take a take a second to go to that. I'm gonna look back. This is from yesterday, but we're putting on the map, beliefs, beliefs, beliefs. So, like, I've changed one. So I was pretty on. I'm not very good at money stuff. Sorry. What paid you? Oh, well, the identifying your money believes is 44. Ok, I just got a 40 for this, okay? go ahead. Sorry. Um, so I was high, and I'm not good at money stuff. And so I know I've sort of switched that over to I am good at money. Okay? I am good at money stuff. Is that something you feel like? Good. Like just the way it's written. Is that fine? I feel good about my like I'm good at money stuff or I'm good at money or what's best for you. I actually think maybe, like I am in control of my money. OK, great. So your new beliefs A My new belief is that my new belief is that I'm in control of my money. Great. Now, let me ask you this. This is so cool. Can you tell him a little excited about I just can't wait till you use this like it's so neat how it's gonna help you. And this is the question I have for you. Erica. Do you see how having the belief I am in control of my money is going to help you along the path to money mastery? Yeah. Isn't that cool? So you can write as many as beliefs is you want to fit on here all the way on the road, but it's right here on the upper side of the road. Okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna move on to the emotions. Serena, what are some new emotions? This is in the beginning of your manual, money and emotions. It's right after the values on page 14. Okay, So you your homework was to like or what we did together? Yeah. That you decided which emotions you would like to feel, my love. Three were confident, joyful and peaceful. Confident, joyful, peaceful. Rina, let me ask you a question. Do you see how experiencing emotions of feeling confident, joyful and peaceful on a daily weekly monthly basis will help you on the road to money mastery? Yes, I dio. Yes, I do. And I'm going to Disneyland. Feels like one of those questions. Okay, so doesn't that feel good? Like, took what you learned yesterday. Your money mass, your values, like now there's a place for it. So you can just look at it all the time. Put this on your wall, and so you can remember. So one more thing on this side, the other side of it. Okay, so now what did we just do. We're on clarity. So now you put your primary money type. So for you guys, I'll just do one of them. So one of them was avoider out. You only say avoider alley or you don't care. I like Al to I'm cheap, Chip. It doesn't bother me, but some people like it. Okay, avoider out. And what was your school? Just two years a spend thrift. Sally. Oh, you know what? I'll do you, honey. Okay, outspent through Sally. Okay. And your your secondary America spend Thirst alley and your secondary chip chip. Okay. How long, Naza? More On what? That It's kind of an oxymoron. It is right. But that's so cool because there's conflicting beliefs. There's conflicting behaviors and that if you recognize that, you'll start to see how to shift it. Okay, so I got one more section here before we go into break. Is your money role okay? This the way to define this is your money. Role is really who is who is the leader? I should say the leader is the person who is who is taking care of the finances. Meaning they probably pay the bills. They may or may not look at the money cause it just depends on how you're leading. But you're you're more involved if you're the leader, your arm or involved in making financial decisions. If, for example, you make you make most of the money. But your partner does all of them does all the money stuff and also is more involved in the future planning, that sort of thing. You might make all the money, but if you don't really do much with and your spouse does, your spouse is the leader of that makes sense. So it's it's really how you're managing your money, not who's making it. Okay? The supporter is the supporter, right? If you're not the one leading with your money, then you're the supporter. It's very, very simple. Or maybe you're both totally equally involved. And if you're equally involved, your partners Okay. What are you? Very easy, Supporter? What are you supporting supporter? Okay, cool. So what? My husband realized cause I I knew this, but he didn't want me to tell him this. Um, actually, in fact, I used to have this as a leader, follower and partner because I was thinking of my parents and my dad is totaled the leader and my mom, just like she was a avoider. She doesn't really care. Toe look at the money and she just trusts him. And she would just follow whatever he says. Like you do the plan. I don't want to look at it. Don't care like I trust you. And he was a follower. Um, and they're not really partners in the money area. So I told my husband this and and so then when I if I was a leader, that meant he was a follower. And he was like, I am not a follower, and it's he's right. It's accurate because it's not follower. And no matter what you're doing, you are supporting, right. Um, so it was really good lesson. My husband teaches me a lot all the time on, And so just write that down, and then you're gonna write it here, so we would just right Supporter, supporter. Okay, Now, this is what I'm gonna give you for Homework is are we here? But that's page 72. So for homework, what I want you to do is take just in the break. So, um, you can do this you could do this. Now we have a couple more minutes, Um, or if you need to add more, just go ahead, do during the break. So what I want to do is to recognize first before you start looking at yourself, and you know what? I need to change all that. I want you to recognize what's great about your money type and your money role. So I want you just to, you know, let it flow right down. What's great about my money type what's great about my money role. And then I want you to add what's great about the combination. For example, Erica, you might say, I'm just gonna guess. You might say, Well, you know, my husband's a leader and he's really good at money, and so that's great. Yes, I don't really deal with it, so that's not so great. But I'm focusing on what's great. What's great is that he's doing a really good job, and I'm really proud of him or whatever. You know, my husband's making a lot of money. I don't know how much, but what's great is that he's making it any putting a roof over my head and That's awesome. So really, really simple. Just jot it down, then. You want to look at the potential dangers? Well, great that you looked at. What's great. Now what? What could go wrong? The fact that, for example, Erica, the fact that you have been in the past cause boy, is that long gone in the past, you haven't been looking at your money. You didn't have a good relationship with your money. You didn't treat your money. Well, boys that long gone way back then yesterday. The fact that you if you were if you were to continue if you didn't change if you were to continue to be avoider owl, what's the potential danger with your money? Let's say, Well, I think like the biggest catastrophic one is. If something happened to Chris, I'd be like holding the bag. Yeah, I got a great story about that. I'll tell you later, but that's true. That happens all the time with women. Especially right? Something happens like then what? I have no idea how to manage us. I don't know what to do and not only to deal with all the like, awful circumstance, right? Great. What could happen Let's say you know he's around what could happen with the relationship potential danger? Well, that's so being an avoider and thinking that it's way worse than it is that I I sort of induced stress upon myself. And so that's not That doesn't help. That doesn't work for teamwork with my husband, right? Absolutely. And so what could happen if you were to continue to do that and have a lot of stress? What potentially if the what's just a worst case scenario, what could happen with your relationship? It could, and it didn't okay, and that's what I want you to recognize. And it's not that I think it's likely or that you know, to focus on that, but to see how important this is to handle because 50% of marriages end in divorce, because the reason is because of money like, you know, the statistics and it's obvious that's true right here. So make sure you fill out the money map, make sure you do this and anything you didn't finish, like the potential dangers and what's great. It should not take more than five minutes
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Ratings and Reviews
as a participant in the course, and now a week later, going back thru watching the videos, following along with the book, doing the homework again, i have to say i am still 1000% overjoyed that i put my business launch on hold to attend Robyn's course and Attend to my Life and my Relationship and put them first for the first time in my adult life. i went into this with an open mind, believing whatever i got out of it would be greater than what i came into it with and by the end of the first day i felt like i had won the lottery! i was terrified to sit down and figure out our net worth, believing we were Billions of dollars in the red. but lo and behold, when i just put the battle ax down and did the work it turned out our assets had us sittin' pretty. Imagine my shock! my entire outlook changed, my beliefs were able to shift and i've been able to make grand changes in the way i deal with money in even the smallest of ways since then. i found that piece to be so phenomenally empowering habits i thought i'd never break are totally conscious decisions now, before i reach in my wallet i ACTUALLY THINK do i WANT to spend this on that right now? or would i rather SAVE it for later. I don't even have to have a goal in mind. the image of our assest growing is a serious turn on! Robyn's light hearted approach really brought my guard down, she gave me facts and knowledge first, when i was handed that 150 page book, i said to myself, "self i said, knowledge, cool." then she walked on stage with her sense and humor and i said, "AND Robyn's funny- BONUS! i'm definitely learning something, let's go!" and learn i did. I'm thrilled at the follow up and i'd say to anyone considering if they should invest in this course, it's unorthodox in the least, and if you're open and willing to do the work, it can, as i am living witness, be absolutely transformative. personally and triangularly- that being between you, your hunny & your money. take it if you dare to break free of whatever bonds are holding you from living with your love in your highest purpose, calling, and love light! If i could gift one thing on this earth this moment to everyone i love it would be taking this course with Robyn. (holdin the space, prayin n holdin the space...)
I absolutely LOVE Robyn Crane. What a great teacher. My man agreed to go through the video course and complete the workbook with me based on a clip he saw one clip of the course. We've gone through half the manual workbook and have been able to communicate better outside of the work, already. I am feeling better about talking with my spouse about money than ever, and we're both learning more about each other's ideas about money and our beliefs. Wow. That's an eye opening experience, I thought I knew what he thought about money and goals but I was surprised a lot at the answers he wrote in the workbook. Sharing with eachother is key-- I'm so pleased with the results and we're not even half way done! That you Robyn and thank you Creative Live!
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