Lesson Info
33. On the Road to Success
Day 1
1Money: Your Relationship Depends on It
30:02 2Time to Take Back Control
25:45 3You and Your Money
30:16 4"Predict" Your Financial Future
29:07 5Taking Real Action with Your Partner
36:32 6Money is Not a Dirty Word
25:57 7Identifying Your Beliefs
27:36Examining Your Beliefs
27:12 9Creating a Lasting Change
36:53 10Conditioning Habits
17:33 11Changing the Meaning
23:42Day 2
12You, Your Money, & Your Honey
15:44 13Understanding Your Spending Type
38:21 14Dominant Money Type Breakdown
25:57 15The Know It & Grow It Money System
39:05 16Kym Gym System in Real Life
24:37 17Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
31:10 18Old Talk vs Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
23:54 19Owning Your Self Talk
30:38 20Money Talk Rules to Live By
31:29 21Setting the Intention
23:29 22Breaking Down the Money Rules
27:18Day 3
23Designing Your Future
20:39 24The Vision: Dreamstorming
32:50 25You & Your Honey: Capture What You Want
25:14 26Aligning with Your Partner
34:07 27Making Big Decisions with Your Partner
29:46 28Money is Attracted to a Plan
26:34 29Commit to Each Other 100%
25:41 30Revisit, Revise, & Recommit
31:05 31What's Next for You?
22:12 32Support & Setbacks
27:04 33On the Road to Success
26:36Lesson Info
On the Road to Success
success. You have successes every moment that you're not recognizing. Instead, you're focusing on the things that you haven't done right. That you're not doing would have. You just celebrated all the successes. Your brain can't even handle it. That's how many successes you have tied my shoes. That is a success. Air people who unfortunately cannot control their body anymore. And they can't tie their shoes. This what if he just appreciated all that? Not just like Oh, I'm so I'm the man I could tell my shoes. You don't have to take it to that level. You stood up. You got out of bed. You got it. A bed today. Maybe you've been depressed for weeks and you barely gotten out of bed. And now you got out of bed and you got out of bed for two minutes and go back to sleep. Who cares? You go to bed for two minutes. You did it. Two minutes. Now, tomorrow do three. The next day do for hey, maybe double it every day. Whatever those baby steps are for you, please please celebrate your success. Will the...
re be obstacles? Will you make mistakes? Will you fail my heart? to say what I don't use that word fail. That means I learned I don't fail if I fail some things I learned on the road to success I can guarantee. Here's my one guarantee my broker dealer says You cannot guarantee. Here's the one guarantee. I guarantee you will make mistakes. I guarantee there will be obstacles. I guarantee you will fail at times or at least learn. Think of a movie that you really like. I can think of one. Any movie. The Princess Bride Ace Ventura added it in every single one of the movies. Whatever movie you are thinking off, did everything go right all the time? No, no. In fact, my husband jokes says I like to watch romantic comedies, and he says, We'll never be able to The will never be able to be in a romantic comedy like Our life cannot be in a romantic comedy because romantic comedies thrive on misunderstandings, right and people not being honest with each other, and we just don't have that so boring. We just are open and communicate boring. No one wants to watch that if we never made any mistakes, if you never make any mistakes. Does anyone wanna watch the life of your the the life, your life as a movie? Would you watch a movie? Let's say Oprah. And it's like, Here's the movie Oprah. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She got everything she ever wanted. She never had a challenge. She got in front of the screen. She was always the perfect weight, right? Yeah, Some people who might say they're born with a silver spoon in their in their mouth, But I guarantee they got problems. I guarantee they failed. I guarantee they've had obstacles, and I guarantee they've made mistakes. And people watch that show right? I've never seen it. But if people watch it, there's sure to be a lot of drama. So see your setbacks as set ups for success. When my husband four I met my husband, he had a dog named Isis, and he had. He kept telling himself to make sure to set the fence like she had the special fence right that, like made sure that she wouldn't jump like a run out of the yard. And he wanted make sure to train her and make sure that she was she? The fence was set up so that she wouldn't get hurt. I kept telling myself to do it could tell himself to do it. I can't tell himself to do it, but he didn't do it. And one day his dog ran out, got hit by a car and she died. He could have seen that. That's a setback is that we're all set back. That could be huge. You're not only do you feel like you made a mistake, you feel like you're at fault for someone's death, even if some of you may not relate to that because you don't care about pets, like for me now that I have a dog I never really understood, like how people like are so in love with their pets. I'm like, That's kind of weird, but now that I have a dog, I'm like moxie like That's the most of words, like she's so important in my life and like toe loser would be like, terrible. And he lost his dog. He felt like it was his fault. He he knew it was like there was no really. It's obvious, you know, couldn't really argue with that, but instead of dwelling on it instead of getting depressed about it. Not that he wasn't sad and didn't go through morning. He decided that there was a reason that that happened. He decided that that was a lesson for him. That safety is always most important for my loved ones. That maybe that happened because if I if I didn't realize that something could happen to my daughter, thank God like safety is so important. Get in the car. Put on your seatbelt. Funny. If you met my husband, you wouldn't think that one of his most important values was safety his family because, like, you know, he threw. Didn't did I show you that he threw Phoenix up in the air? Right? She's He's done that since she was six months old. When he takes risks, most people won't take no like that's not safe. Oh my gosh around my mother, who she is worried, worried, worried with my husband cause he's just he looks like a daredevil like he's just like taking chances like they think he's a crazy driver, like straight, fast and go around people. But he's actually very, very safe, and it's most important to him. Setbacks are setups for success. What challenges can you anticipate? So we talked about it like, Well, that would probably happen, but I want to set you up for success. So when you anticipate the challenges, Rina and start with you, what challenges can you anticipate? I already talked about some of them, right? Yeah. Um, well, some of the challenges that I'm actually currently working through right now are, um, filling up the classes that I'm teaching. And you know, a lot of the challenges that I faced. Our people don't have time. And so I'm setting up times in the future for people to to take classes in the future and setting setting up those things. But it is a challenge to fill the class. Part of the reason why I wasn't able to break even in the last course was because I had spent so much to make it such a beautiful experience for all the people that attended but didn't have enough people in attendance to cover my expenses of the space that I had created. So it's the challenge is to fill the space. Okay, so once because very specific, so specific challenges that in order for you to make more money. Come with this is right that you need to fill your classes. Yes. Okay. What are you not doing that? You know you should be doing to fill your classes? Uh, well, find a less expensive place. Okay, so that would be to write that down to you. Don't have do it right the second. Well, to know how much to know how much I do know how much I've already spent or that I will be spending on the class to know what is the minimum number of students I need to have in order to make it happen. And if I don't reach that goal? Moving to another date thing, that's right. Now, is it possible that you will still hear that I don't have time? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Your any other. Always as everybody says you do You ever feel like I don't have time? Yeah, yeah. So often times, by the way, in business, anything you get these objections. The most common objections you get are the most common objections you give. Uh huh. If you're constantly getting an objection, if you're in sales in business, even at work. You constantly get objections when I say I don't have time. I don't have money. What other objections do you get? I don't believe it's gonna work. I'm skeptical. Yeah, Most of it is. Is time and money, right? It's time and money. That's most of it. Yeah, And whatever comes up the most is probably some some objection that you have the most. So going back to what you said. Perfect example. So what's gonna come up? So right now we're talking specifically about filling her course. Now you have to figure out you just decided that's a new behavior. A new action that you can take. So what you're gonna do is gonna figure out find a space. That's I don't Even if you had 100 people in the class, find a space that's gonna cost the least amount to have 100 people in the class. No one cares about the decor. No, it's not that important. You don't need to impress them. Don't pimp your ride, get the absolute minimum, and then give them the experience. Yeah, When I when I was a singer songwriter, I used to bring pots and pans and have my have the audience member bang on them during this one song. Big surprise. I had everybody. You know where I got those pots and pans? The dollar store. I want to spend a lot of money, but I wanted them to have an experience. So you may need to get creative. And maybe you realize that you're you're planning at last minute? Maybe, You know, you say this is my class, and it's two weeks from now and you find the people are busy and you just try it. Let me try six weeks from now, see if I can get people in the course for six weeks from now. And then the other thing I would suggest, cause you're gonna get you're going to get a lot of knows. Mostly you're going to get nose. So you need more people in the funnel. What challenges can you anticipate you to? I'm gonna go. Um, I can see us have to having trouble finding a compatible roommate to fair a place. And the other thing that I'm looking at this time years reduced work hours because I work in retail, so my income tends to slide. Okay, so let's talk about the 1st 1 first. Thank you. That's perfect. So you're you're concerned that you won't get a compatible roommate. Okay, So have you to define what kind of roommate you want. We've talked like what? Little turn. Do you know what's important to you about having, like, what's what's compatible? Teoh? What do you concerned? I think that's something that we're still trying to figure out. Basically, I'm I'm pretty easy going. I didn't have very many issues with the with the last roommate, but it was just someone that we're Celtic really get along on the kind of level that she needs to relate to people on. So So I'm not here to give you all the answers. By the way. Really, what you need to do at home has come up with those challenges which challenge you're gonna anticipate. And then you just get ready for that and you decide what you need to dio to make sure that does not push you back. However, I will say just because I had experience in this my husband I decided we wanted we invested a bunch in our business and we decided that we wanted extra cash flow more passively than just are active cat cash flow right are making our income or whatever. And so we went on Airbnb I'm not telling people to go on Airbnb. I'm just saying it's one option And then we started renting out a room. We have a basement. We made money Like all the gals. This is fun. I like making money. It was no big deal with someone in our basin. We turned it into a room was awesome. Little, many kitchen. It was awesome. I made money like a lot and it was easy to rent and the people were so cool. And guess what? If we didn't like him, they were gone. And two days, four days, six weeks. We have someone for four months cool in San Francisco. It's really we thought about that, and it's really controversial here. Okay, so I don't know. The answer was giving you an option in the point of this. Is that come up with options? So here's what I want you to do because you're going to say no to a lot of my really bad ideas. I have a lot of really bad ideas. No, that's a really good idea because we thought of that first and now we looked into it and then it was So do what you want to dio. But here's my point. When that happens, you're like, This is a challenge. I want you to take it one by one. Take that one challenge then think of options. First of all, we can ask friends. I don't know. Second of all, we can, you know, post something and some on some website that people people think life is beautiful and they're more spiritual. Find go places where they hang out. Whatever it is, you start brainstorming our dream storming whatever what you can dio so that those challenges when they come up because they will instead of doing nothing is hoping you get a roommate you're compatible with. Define what is compatible mean to you, honey, What do you need? I mean for us, we don't care. We're so flexible. We don't care if we get we had someone your house that we didn't really connect with. They didn't love the guy. It's fine. Didn't bother us. We just then Well, we don't have to be friends with him. We just got to make money off of him. He was happy. We were happy to in exchange. Get it? The point is, here. Whatever issue is coming up for you, what challenge you can anticipate. You need to take each one and like taking on the big ones that, you know, we're really gonna come up. I mean, you could make it easy and you can just say OK when that comes up, like if it's something I just I know challenge is gonna be that when I look at my money and gonna get anxious so you can take some time and write five different things or what you can do, I can breathe. I can say thanks for sharing. You know, it's super simple, but you need to give yourself success. A success formula you need to remember. Why isn't a must for you to continue with this process? There's gonna be times when you don't want to do it anymore. You don't feel like it. I here to speak. I heard a speaker say that's it was phenomenal. He said their feelings and their principles and your feelings come up. You don't feel like looking at your money. You don't feel like filling out the money mastery map and your your you're doing what you're doing. You're taking the actions you're taking based on feelings. I want to start a business, but I don't feel like it. I'm scared. Those emotions that come out are stopping you, but your principles. If instead of living by your feelings and fears you live by your principles. What principles? Well, my new principal, my new vow is that I will look at my money with my partner. My new vow is that I will make. I will make sure that my business is profitable within the next period of time. That's a principle. If I haven't done that, it's because I didn't feel like it. Not because they're excuses why they couldn't pay you the money. They're always be those people. It's because you didn't do what you needed to do cause he didn't fall Your your principal, you followed some feeling. Oh, it feels good when I have a really nice room. I'm not judging you. You know that it shows an example because that we all do it. Does that make sense? No, I think it's discovering what those principles are and having an understanding of money and how money works in business. Because it's one thing to do for, you know, as a business number to be of service. And then it's a different business coach. You need a business coach. Different perspective. You're saying I don't know how you need a coach to show you how right? Yeah, and that's true. But you keep using the excuse and I could get what you want and you can keep it simple. All you have to do right now is make money, which means all you have to do is provide value and make offers, right. I'm providing value all the time to myself and my friend. But no, I think the more I and don't give it away for free no, they wouldn't give some stuff away for free. Look how much and gave away for free. Yeah, true. So you want to value yourself, but it's okay to give things away. That's what people do now online, everything. You have to take anything away for free. If you want to get someone's buying, they need to know that you can change their life. They need to believe it But you don't give away your services for free. What's really value? How valuable is your time? Don't give away your time for free. Okay, great. What? Why is it a must for you to continue with this process? Arbit, I think in the long run, it is one of the things that's really gonna help us even out our relationship. This is since now, and it's the main thing that we need your one of the main things that we need to address. Great. So I'm gonna go to the negative for sex. That was really good. What happens if you don't address it, get it? Just gets worse, Could get worse. It could get worse. Yeah, and if it if it got worse, let's just go to the pain for a sec. One of things I talked about was getting leverage. And one way you could look at this is wise in a must be to continue its toe to go into the pain. You don't necessarily have to have it on your map to see every day, but you need to associate to that pain. And the reality is, if you're like any of the Americans out there. 11 and two people are getting divorced, and money is the number. One reason that this could happen to you. I know you're not married, right, but doesn't matter. Same difference, right? You're totally committed, you know, and or maybe you won't end up together, whatever it is for you. And if you can associate to that pain and you love each other, which is obvious that you dio that's gonna help remind you do the things that are uncomfortable because everything you want lies outside your comfort zone. Otherwise you'd already have it. Why is it a must for you to change or to continue with this process? I'm taking off my world, My I'll have more energy and to be able to give more to the world, have more energy and give more to the world awesome and do the pain for me to just so we remember it. And if you don't, if I don't, I will just become a stagnant and deteriorate deteriorate really stagnant and deteriorate Onley that so just don't do it. Just don't continue this process. You only snagged and I can leave and say it's stagnant and deteriorate. That's cool cool to remember Arena. Why isn't must free to continue with this process? Because if I don't, I will lose everything. Is that all? I don't always everything. I will lose everything. Why am I going through each example? In taking the time when this is the last few minutes of the course, I want you to succeed. And if I'm doing this with them, I'm doing it with you. The more stories and examples that you hear, the more you can relate and said, That's my life. I get it. That's a good one. I'll use that steal it. Why isn't a must for you to continue with this process? You need to make sure to write that down in your manual show. I have to continue with this process because if I don't create lasting positive changes in my thought and behavior patterns and fulfill my money vows and stay on track with the mastery road map, I risk losing the man that I love more than anything. Well, how many times have you heard on last week? And maybe it's a lot a man I love more than anything. Look a lot. Go see the luckiest guy alive. My husband's like, Write that down. That's amazing. I mean, I didn't know coming from someone who said she was 100% committed. That sounds committed to me. So you just need to remember that too. And you're right, you could lose him. And he's a good catch. Yep, he is. You better get on that. Celebrate your success. I have to end this with a prop when it all comes back. Teoh is Do not forget, Teoh. I need to open that can of worms. I'd like to invite everyone back on stage to celebrate our success. And for everyone who is not here and not able to get back on stage or to get up on stage celebrate for them. And by the way, I want to appreciate them. Can we all appreciate all of you at home committed to making this happen? Committing to going through this process? You're still here. That is awesome. I can't even see your faces to yell at you when you fall asleep and you're still here. Isn't that amazing? Let's just give them some love and you can take any of these and we're gonna end the day. Uh and the course. This one's just gonna have to sit. I was Happy birthday. I'll wear the goofy stuff. We hold this on. Here's a clapper. He wants the clapper. That's a good one. What? That one one of you guys when these guys hold had every year. I don't know. All right, in costume. We're gonna sing happy. Am I? Remember that. And we're gonna show this. Remind people to celebrate. Ready for all you out there. Love to you all. Thank you for joining us. Thank you all for participating. Thank you to Creativelive because you all are gonna rock this. Okay, Ready And dio happy a my rich tandem Happy happy am I? I'm rich today Happier My I'm rich and happy happy And my wrist today Oh, happy I'm rich today for all you out there happy Are you your rich And you're happy Happy Are you your rich today Happy Are you your rich Sander Happy happy Are you your risk today? How happy are you? Oh, happy are you Oh happy Are you your rich today? Are you allowed? We got one more happy are we? We're rich and we're happy Happy our way We're rich today We are we We're rich and we're happy We are way Risk today Way, way How happy are way Where is? Thank you.
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Ratings and Reviews
as a participant in the course, and now a week later, going back thru watching the videos, following along with the book, doing the homework again, i have to say i am still 1000% overjoyed that i put my business launch on hold to attend Robyn's course and Attend to my Life and my Relationship and put them first for the first time in my adult life. i went into this with an open mind, believing whatever i got out of it would be greater than what i came into it with and by the end of the first day i felt like i had won the lottery! i was terrified to sit down and figure out our net worth, believing we were Billions of dollars in the red. but lo and behold, when i just put the battle ax down and did the work it turned out our assets had us sittin' pretty. Imagine my shock! my entire outlook changed, my beliefs were able to shift and i've been able to make grand changes in the way i deal with money in even the smallest of ways since then. i found that piece to be so phenomenally empowering habits i thought i'd never break are totally conscious decisions now, before i reach in my wallet i ACTUALLY THINK do i WANT to spend this on that right now? or would i rather SAVE it for later. I don't even have to have a goal in mind. the image of our assest growing is a serious turn on! Robyn's light hearted approach really brought my guard down, she gave me facts and knowledge first, when i was handed that 150 page book, i said to myself, "self i said, knowledge, cool." then she walked on stage with her sense and humor and i said, "AND Robyn's funny- BONUS! i'm definitely learning something, let's go!" and learn i did. I'm thrilled at the follow up and i'd say to anyone considering if they should invest in this course, it's unorthodox in the least, and if you're open and willing to do the work, it can, as i am living witness, be absolutely transformative. personally and triangularly- that being between you, your hunny & your money. take it if you dare to break free of whatever bonds are holding you from living with your love in your highest purpose, calling, and love light! If i could gift one thing on this earth this moment to everyone i love it would be taking this course with Robyn. (holdin the space, prayin n holdin the space...)
I absolutely LOVE Robyn Crane. What a great teacher. My man agreed to go through the video course and complete the workbook with me based on a clip he saw one clip of the course. We've gone through half the manual workbook and have been able to communicate better outside of the work, already. I am feeling better about talking with my spouse about money than ever, and we're both learning more about each other's ideas about money and our beliefs. Wow. That's an eye opening experience, I thought I knew what he thought about money and goals but I was surprised a lot at the answers he wrote in the workbook. Sharing with eachother is key-- I'm so pleased with the results and we're not even half way done! That you Robyn and thank you Creative Live!
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