Day 1
1Money: Your Relationship Depends on It
30:02 2Time to Take Back Control
25:45 3You and Your Money
30:16 4"Predict" Your Financial Future
29:07 5Taking Real Action with Your Partner
36:32 6Money is Not a Dirty Word
25:57 7Identifying Your Beliefs
27:36Examining Your Beliefs
27:12 9Creating a Lasting Change
36:53 10Conditioning Habits
17:33 11Changing the Meaning
23:42Day 2
12You, Your Money, & Your Honey
15:44 13Understanding Your Spending Type
38:21 14Dominant Money Type Breakdown
25:57 15The Know It & Grow It Money System
39:05 16Kym Gym System in Real Life
24:37 17Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
31:10 18Old Talk vs Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
23:54 19Owning Your Self Talk
30:38 20Money Talk Rules to Live By
31:29 21Setting the Intention
23:29 22Breaking Down the Money Rules
27:18Day 3
23Designing Your Future
20:39 24The Vision: Dreamstorming
32:50 25You & Your Honey: Capture What You Want
25:14 26Aligning with Your Partner
34:07 27Making Big Decisions with Your Partner
29:46 28Money is Attracted to a Plan
26:34 29Commit to Each Other 100%
25:41 30Revisit, Revise, & Recommit
31:05 31What's Next for You?
22:12 32Support & Setbacks
27:04 33On the Road to Success
26:36Lesson Info
Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
multi millionaire self talk. Ah. So how many of you heard of Jim Carey? Yeah. How many books? Um, so Jim Carey he was when he was a struggling comedian, he decided, decided that he was gonna make $10 million But he didn't just decide this. He did two major things that I want you to notice. Number one. He decided by when he's going to do it. So he said I I will earn $10 million a year. By the way, I will earn $10 million a year by 1995. Now, not only did he say that, I mean, he did say it, and he decided it. He also said it out loud. He'd be driving in his car and, you know, over the hills of Hollywood and be like screaming at the top of my lungs. I earned $10 million a year. I definitely know I was here. You know how wacky is just right. Looked a little bit like this or something like that. But he's like, committed to it. He has his multimillionaire self talk, but he took it one step further. He also wrote himself a check. You know, the story. He wrote himself a check for $10 million w...
as able to cash it by 1995. You may not remember, but in 1995 that's when Ace Ventura came out. Detective, Whatever. The 1st 1 was on, Dhue got paid $20 million. So not only did he reach his goal, he exceeded his goal. And that starts with your multimillionaire self talk. That's what you're gonna learn. So this is within the key, the four keys to a richer relationship. This is the second key. So we've gone over the first key, which is clarity. You've got clear about your money type and about your money, right, The Kim Jim system and no, to grow its system. And now you're in communication. So the first question is, how are you communicating to yourself? So you want to identify your current language patterns? What do you say to yourself? And sometimes you you might think I don't know. I don't know what I say to myself, you know, So you have to sometimes think of a time like a specific time. When you got that emotion, right? We talked about your emotion with money so maybe you can think of a specific time where you felt stressed about money. What were you saying to yourself? What was that record playing in your mind? And what is the record that typically plays in your mind over and over again? I'm gonna tell you mine in a minute. So here's the question. This is what you want to write down. What statements do you make about money? And I'd love to get the audience involved here. Can you guys think of just about money? What do you say? Yeah, clarifying question is, how does this different from, like, the belief statements? Awesome. Good question. Ah, lot of times what you believe you end up, you do head of having a language pattern around it. Um, but how does it differ? I mean, it's really more intentional. So what I want you to do is take that stuff that, like, plays in your head that does, like, shape your beliefs, right? The language shapes your beliefs or the and the belief shapes shapes the language, so it's all intertwined. But now I want you to have intention. What I mean by that is now have the talk that you want to play in your head, that's gonna get you on the path to mastery. So you get to decide. So if you noticed, let's say, um, you know, you noticed your behavior is that you don't look at your money, right? And you may be say to yourself like I don't want to look at you. And what might you say about money? Like, What would you say? You believe you believe that looking at your money will give you anxiety? This may not be your exact belief, but you may believe that looking at your money may give you anxiety. You say I don't want to look at me runny. I feel sick, you know about. Or if it's specifically about money, you might say. I don't know. Look, my money, that's what you say. That could also be a belief it can. It can overlap. So what? Do what statements do you make about money? I look at it another time. Okay. Profound. Okay, perfect. Perfect. Not right now. Okay, that's the area. Very common. So it's like, you know, it'll happen someday. Right? Someday leads to a place called Nowhere, right? So it'll happen someday. So essentially, you're saying I'll look at it later. I'll do it later. And a lot of times when I say do the exercise now or take the next 10 minutes in the break and do the exercise now because I know that people do that. We're human, right? You're gonna have other things going on. You're gonna forget that it's a huge priority. So awesome. So that is a statement you make specifically about your You're looking at money. What else might you say about money? Just like money in general, like some of the money is. Stuff might come up like it's you can base it on some of your beliefs. What might you say about money? Well, like I hear my Sally spendthrift voice say, I don't know. This quote quite goes into this, but like, Oh, what the can I say? Oh, what? Pick back. Oh, what the hack. Oh, what the heck? Like I'll just buy it? Yeah, OK, so you might say, Oh, what the heck with that? So whatever's playing your head, it's not right or wrong. It's just to start to notice it. And what's interesting is that because it's you have so many thoughts and so much going on in your head, you don't necessarily realize what you're saying to yourself. Some common ones. Maybe, you know we can't afford it. That's something you might say to yourself and out loud, like one teaching money, parenting. This is something I noticed all the time is that parents would say things and then their kids and end up saying it. They're like, I don't know where that came from. Oh, yeah, I said it. I said it. No wonder my kid is saying it, for example, who was telling me that they were driving along in their van and their five year olds in the back? And he starts going. We're on a budget. We're on a budget. We're on a budget. And the mom, she was like, Oh, where did that come from? Oh, probably me. I'm always saying we're on a budget. We're on a budget. So when I work with parents, so much of it is their language patterns. If you're saying it to yourself, you're probably saying it out loud as well. Now, in a second, I'm gonna show you self talk. Self talk is a little bit different because that is mostly going on in your head because you would never say it out loud. I want to tell you that in a second. But give you an example. My husband, he grew up, and he what he heard all the time is we don't have the money. I can't afford it. Um, you know, And they actually went through times where they couldn't. I mean, they were They didn't have much money. His father was a horse. Shughur and they they had, like, times where they couldn't pay their bills. And I remember him telling me stories about how he would, like, go into the clock, You know, the like, the cabinet were all our food was I keep going there, like, in the closet, and he find some food like a can of corn. And he taken at this time like years. I don't know. When he was in high school, his mom, his parents got divorced, his mom got remarried. And, um, they were like, I think, five kids in the house and they were all in high school. And so they were all, like, you know, eating a lot. And he would just like take corn or take puffed rice like whatever he could find and hoard it and eat it because he felt like they never had enough. But instead of adopting that language pattern himself, he decided the opposite like I will not be like my parents. And now he is all about choices all about saying yes. I mean, even with our daughter, he doesn't like to say no to her. So it's like, Daddy, can I have some ice cream? Yes, and she goes right now because she knows Daddy will say yes, but it doesn't mean it happens right now because he doesn't want to run the language pattern of no, no, no in our house. If we say the word, can't we have to do push ups? Three push ups for the word can't because this is my husband's idea. He's his dad said, Can't never did nothing, can't, never did nothing, and so he always felt like he could do anything. That's the one thing he completely got from his parents, and he could do anything, and he fully believed that. And that's why he is where he is today. And so in our house we say the word can't. This is our daughter and us. If we see the word boring, it's pushed up time because we have to interrupt our pattern because we don't want to give that to our daughter. First of all, we want her to believe she could do anything. And so it just doesn't exist in this Very cute, because he's like, I cannot you know, she uses that. I cannot do that. I like that kind of counts. Honey, you know, at least you're conscious of out of that school or you know instead, she'll say I'm not able to. So it's great is language pattern, right? So So those were his. But what about your? So give me some of your Zarina or Rachelle. What? Some of your statements that you make specifically about money, if you could. One of mine is I'm out of cash at the moment. I'm out of cash at the moment, OK? Make sure you write that down. Awesome. So it's kind of just a pattern. You're like a it just won't happen. So this is really, really good, because you see, the glass is half full, right? You see things as an opportunity. One of the beliefs that you have given yourself a one would that said you totally disagreed. That said, you know, I don't think there are opportunities or something, but opportunities right here, like no absolutely opportunities, right? And so you say, I don't have This is so awesome. She's softening us. I don't have cash at the moment. Tells your brain I'm good. I'm OK. It's all gonna work out for you from online. And basically group had said I don't have a head for finances. The bosses statement is I am never retiring. Group also says my cousin always says we're poor. Um, you know, the there These are some of the patterns that they're sharing, that they want to interrupt. And yes, it's exciting because you're pretty fit, woman. So it's obvious that this is money workout Eso you're like, OK, I guess you're saying cancel lot. I e o boring. Yeah. Yeah, Well, those were really, really great examples, and that's so amazing that you're recognizing that now, because now you have the opportunity to shift it. So you want to look at two things. You're gonna look at the statement to make about money, so I can't afford it. I'm not good at finances were poor. Those were perfect examples. Awesome. And if you keep saying it, by the way, you're right. That makes sense. If you keep saying on poor, you're right. If you keep saying I don't have cash in the moment, you're right. If you keep saying that, I'm not gonna finances. You're right. So you got interrupt this pattern, right? Change it so that you don't continue along that path. Good. So what if it's a situation where I keep telling myself? You know what? I work so hard, I deserve it. I deserve it. Cool. So if it's sir, I mean, things are going to serve you and things or not, but I deserve It is a very spendthrifts ality salary belief for exactly I deserve it. Which gives you permission to buy things. You don't necessarily need s o. So you could change that. We're gonna talk about how to change it, but to give you an example, what do you think? Give me an example. What do you think you could change it to? That will serve you at a higher level. I said I deserve it by, I guess it would be an added to. So, yes, I do deserve it. And now is not the time or yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I would acknowledge that as well as acknowledged the fact that not now, right? So what I might say. And I'm just thinking off the top of my head. Maybe, you know, someone at home has as even better example. But I might say, um, I deserve it. I'm worth it. And that's why I make good money. I deserve it. I'm worth it. And that's why I make good money. I deserve it. I'm worth it. And that's why I make good money. You know, I'm showing to you some emotional intensity. This is like the stuff about to teach that you're getting a preview here, but it's like Teoh own it, and it doesn't have to be about things, so I deserve it. Do you do deserve it? Like when people tell me that, like I think that's great, like you deserve it. But if you feel guilty later, you don't have the money later, then you say you deserve it. But your beliefs, it's not adding up. It's conflicting does that make sense? Well, well, the thing is, is that you know when it's when I because I think about things before I buy them. But it's like the way that the Internet works. Now it keeps popping up in my sidebar because I've stayed it as all my wish list guests. You point words like, Okay, by using online. And you do? Yeah, I don't like I don't like the shopping in the store. How? Remember? Remember yesterday when I said amputate? That's something. You gotta amputate the Google trying to sell me stuff. Yeah, just that pattern, right that, like you. And I don't know if you can turn that off, and I don't can really I don't get that stuff. It's not a pop up. It's just like on the side of my Okay, So you need to train. You remember how I did train my brain to put my hand over the right side of them? Yeah, kind of like that. Like you don't have to physically do that. But maybe you just you just start to train your mind to look at the left side. If it's coming up on the right, like or you just gonna tell you out of order here or you just interrupt the pattern, like, literally You're sitting there. You're on your computer. You see your wish list, Something you want. What's something you want? There was a pair of shoes that just tissues. Scalia's seat is a pair of shoes. Yeah, And you're like, Oh, I want that. And then you go like this. No, I will not buy that right now. No, no, no. Okay, cool. Come back to work, all right. T o okay. Just won't buy it, because they don't have to slap my hand, take a rubber band. You just have to recondition a new pattern, a new language and new belief. All that goes together, it's not make sense. Okay, We're gonna We're gonna decide some of those in just a sec. So then I want you to think about what's yourself talk. So this is your current self talking. I'm going to give you on example. So when I waas, I believe I was probably about 10. Something like that. And I really wanted to be in the gifted program, like some of my friends were in the gifted program. And you know they get these. I remembered like they'd get thes green Flyers like they got to go Teoh to a special seminar because they were in the gifted program and I was like, Man, I want I want to be in the gifted program But they didn't invite me to, like, be in the gifted program. And so I was proactive. Even as a young child, I was like, I want to be in the gifted program. So I'd like And so I told my mom and she did whatever she did. And, um and I had a chance to kind of like apply. And so I remember a chair like this. I was sitting like having this test, and I was like, sitting like this and it was similar. There were, like, three people, and I was like a young kid. And I'm sitting here like, all really nervous. I'm like, I want to be in the group. Good program. What was going on and on in my head was, I'm too stupid. I'm not smart enough to be in the gifted program. I'm not good enough to be in the gifted program, and I remember they asked me these questions. I don't remember all of them. I don't remember even many of them. But I remember one of them was there. You've noticed? I forget words. Sometimes the question was Robin. Now please tell us what is a tripod. And I was like Tripodi, Tripodi, Tripodi, Tripodi Like I should know this. I'm 10 years old, like you think 10 year old would know what tripod is right? And I I didn't know. I'd like to say I didn't remember because that sounds better than me saying, I don't know. But I'm admitting I didn't know and I went home and I was like, Yeah, how did the Tasco How was it? How was it? And I said, Well, I just I don't know some things I remember like they asked me what's a tripod? And I couldn't I couldn't remember what a tripod was and my mom goes, You don't know what a tripod is. Tripod, Tripod three Tripod three! And I was like, Oh yeah! I'm so stupid! I'm so dumb I'll never get in The gifted program record started playing. I'm so stupid! I'm so dumb will never get in the gifted program. I didn't get in. That reinforced it. I'm so stupid. I'm so dumb. I'm not smart enough. And I became, like, obsessed with proving that I was smart. So, like, I did really well in school. Like I four point. Oh, you know really well in high school and college, everything, like I just did really well, magna cum laude. You know, my mom was saying, like, always telling me to, like, Write down my honors and tell people about it. I'm like, Mom, Like I graduated a long time ago. No one cares what honors I got. But here's the funny thing. Like that language pattern, by the way, didn't start there. Just so you know, I was probably 10. That language patterns started when I was probably 23 for four years old. Where did I get that from? Any guesses? Maybe being told? No moving told. Now, honey, I guess this well, I did mention that maybe there's like a formative event where you created that story about your life, so any of those could've impossible. Any of those could've impossible. The truth is, the reason I have that belief is because my mom had the exact belief and In fact, I was talking to my mom just a few days ago before we started the seminar. Knows telling you, Remember I told you I put their heads on that on that chart and I said, Mom, and put your head on a chart and make sure look good, you know, whatever it was and I told her about, You know, that I'm also and tell a story about the tripod and, you know, because I didn't want her to feel about because, you know, I don't want her to feel like she made me feel stupid. I'm not blaming her by any means, and I just Tillerson bombing and tell the story of Tripod. And she's like, What's What's the story of the tripod? Like she had no idea. First of all, of course, you know, and I said Tripod three Trifon. And the reason I do this down, by the way, is that this is a pattern interrupt that my husband does to me when I run this pattern so literally, like she I don't know if she said it like that, cause now I have, like, reconditioned myself. But Trevor, he's always like, if I say I don't know. I don't know how to do it Or, you know, I'm acting like I'm not smart acting like I'm thinking that, right? I'm getting this ready. And I'm like, Well, I don't know. I don't know, like, I don't know the answer to something he goes travelling through. True. Both. Like, you know, I cried about that my whole life. But anyways, talking to my mom about it, that's telling him you may use this and she said, Oh, yeah, You know, I always felt like I mean, I knew she always felt like she was stupid, but what I didn't know I learned this like, three days ago. My mom said I was always really, really good at school, and I got really, really good grades, and she basically was exactly the same. And I always knew she got into UC Santa Barbara and she went there. And then she ended up leaving because she felt too stupid, even though she got and she just told me the other dead. And I didn't know what how she got in. But she said her grades were so good back then, she didn't have to take the s a T s. She was always really bad at, like, s a T s. So was I. Standard tests, standardized test like I was never good at. So we're very, very similar. And so I developed this belief that that means I'm smart and this means, I mean, it means I'm smart. If I can do well on these tests, it means I'm stupid. Stupid. If I don't. And lo and behold, I might have the exact same belief, right? And so she worked hard, and she got to UC Santa Barbara and then because she felt so stupid Onley because of her beliefs, she still hadn't overcome these beliefs. She ended up leaving going to San Jose State, so she felt smarter. Shouldn't feel like she was the dumbest person in the class. She felt like she was one of the smartest classroom that was hurt. Like it's all made up, right? That was her stuff. But isn't it interesting that I took on those same language patterns that I took on the same beliefs? And first I had to become aware of them? Remember the A's. I have become aware what those language patterns were. Take action. My husband made me take action to some degree by interrupting my pattern. Three driver, right? And then I had to shift those those beliefs but also shift that language. So if I catch myself saying I'm so stupid like, I just I'm like That's total Bs and I know it's not true. Logically, by the way, none of this is logically true, you know that. But you're saying in your head. So what is some of your self talk? Go back to this one real quick shell arena, either anyone, So some of myself talk is a lot of what we talked about yesterday in dealing with, um, you know, my mother issues and I really resonate with everything that you just said because I my mother and I are very, very similar in a lot of different ways, and we've done ah lot of work on it, and it's been a theme, just ancestral. Historically in my family, the women in my family and the way we believe we are about ourselves, partly from culture, partly from, you know, outside things that have happened to us. And so there's this for pattern pattern that keeps on repeating no matter how much my mom warns me. I still go through that same process because part of it is the experience of it. But the difference is me trying to figure out how to get out of it. Yet your mom can tell you all she wants, and my mom says, Oh, honey, you're just like me. But you're a better version of me. Like even the other day when I said that I'm like Mom, I'm just like you. Look at that. Wow, I didn't realize I didn't know you were an overachiever. I never would have described my mom as an overachiever. And she tells me three days ago I'm an overachiever and I'm like I went over, like, really were exactly the same. And she goes, No, Robin, we are not the same. You are a better version of Hey, like that's how she feels good about herself because it's all about, you know, she likes to give. So yeah, so in part of that, you know, part of the great thing about my mom says she sees my potential as much as I see the potential that she has as well. And so she pushes me to keep going with what it is that I'm creating, which is a lovely and great support. And at the same time, it also when I look at her and I see the choices that she made and how I don't want to make those choices, okay, You know, I'm gonna be just like my mom, but it wouldn't be anything like my mom. It's like that that conflicting beliefs got conflicting beliefs set. Well, it's really interesting. My brother, he just got married and we went to Europe. And he and his partner have been together for 10 years. Thank you for the new laws. So my brother and his boyfriend couldn't get married. Um, and we went toe your oven to Francis. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. And they have this wonderful ceremony. They were just is very spiritually were like this white, these white outfits and they actually had everyone else and in the, um, and everyone else attending. And there was, like, 30 people there for going to Europe like it was the Fourth of July was amazing. And they're sitting there and they're going through the ceremony. And they took time that they wanted to the special thing to go around to their family members and tell each person what they're going to take with them in this relationship. And so he said, you know, well, I'm in very, very touching, You know, every one of us got this gift of he had decided, and he didn't tell us what he's not taking. No, I didn't say I'm not taking that. You believe that? Your stupid You know, I'm not gonna have that one. But he said, you know, Robin, what I'm gonna take is that you're very persistent. You always go after what you want. I'm gonna take that with me with my new marriage. And he said, you know, for Mom. Dad, I'm gonna take this on and take that. And he literally made this decision to just I I can choose my life. I can choose my language. I can choose my beliefs, and I'm gonna take the things that serve me with me. And I'm gonna appreciate everything I got. Like, I love my parents. I love everything about them. I love them and they're things that I learned from that Just didn't serve me and you say thank you. Thank you for that information. Self talk. Thank you for a really good way to say it like this. I just recently learned that I love it is like Thank you for sharing. You're an idiot. Thank you for sharing Brain. Thanks. Right. And move on. That's fine. I don't need to take it so you can consciously right now. Decide. Okay, These are the things I want to take with me. And so it's not conflicting anymore. Like I still love my mom because everyone, by the way, wants to belong to their parents. So there's gonna be something that you do just like them. Or just to be like them, so that you always belong So you always feel connected. It's just in our blood. It's it's in nature. You can't help it. So just decide this part. I will take Thank you very much for that. This part I will learn from and leave behind. So what? Some self talk that that you say besides about money? I'm so bad at math. I'm so bad at math. Also, anything else you guys can think of? This is just coming to me now, But basically like I have no doubt that my husband and I will be wealthy enough where we can live on our passive income. Awesome. And I believe that's good languages that multimillion, a limiting belief hidden in there. And and I believe that I will well, but together since we were 19 I know I've no doubt that I am part of that, Um, but like with my own business, either's limiting beliefs that, like when I when we're looking at the goals was like 10 years from now I was thinking, Well, what can I do for money wise for my specific business? Yes, it was like I was thinking, you know, a $1,000,000 I make a $1,000,000 goal is 10 years and there's a living there's limiting. I didn't want to put that down because there's limiting, like, why wouldn't be able to do that, right? Right, Like I'm not good enough to do. That is basically what wraps up in there. So there's did Frost. So it goes back to the logic in versus what's really going on in your head. Okay? And I can totally relate to that. My husband say I don't you know, I make a $1,000, in three years. No problem. Make $10 million. Three urgent problem doesn't matter, right? I mean, he says it doesn't matter how he just decides. And if he doesn't make it true, misses the target. It's no big deal like he doesn't ever feel bad about it. For me. We're going over goals. I'm like, I don't know how I'm gonna make a $1,000,000 like I don't know if I'm gonna do that. Like, I just want to put something attainable, you know? So I like to do because it's, you know, just to combat that is to, like, start with the three year and then you can see it. Kind of like if you're, like 11 year, like I want to make 100 this If we just focus on income right now, one, you want to make grand and make it a stretch. So if you're making grand, you know, you could make it 100 grand or grand. Whatever feels like it's hard to new, it's it's a stretch, but it is attainable. And you're like, Yes, I could do that. I could see how that could happen because you're like logical brain like I am right and then maybe said three years I wanted making 300, or half a 1,000,000 or whatever and you're like, OK, like, can you check? Check in on your system That feels good, Cool. Instead of just ignoring and say, We'll just say it anyway. I mean, you could do that and that's fine. That's fine. But if you don't believe it and you constantly have those like negative things coming up, you can kind of convince yourself that it's gonna work in the by 10 years. You could make a 1,000,000. So it's kind of like you just gave yourself logic within all that stuff. That's not logical. Well, that makes sense. So I'm a logical person. So I have to go through that. And then I'm like, OK, I can see that happening. I've done that. I mean, when I first started my business, I was charging $250 for a financial plan and then I had got a coach, and then I went up to 500 and I like I didn't feel comfortable like charging much more than that, and I was doing like people were getting so much value, so much values, charging way too little. And so then I went to 7 My goal was like to get 10,000 but like, I could kind of put it out there. But then I just had it like incrementally get it and monitor it until I got to that point. Well, that makes sense, but we're talking about multimillionaire self talk. So Scrabble you want. Yes, we've got some feedback. Some self talkin face says, You know, my negative self talk is I always fail. It's too hard on and then Goop says, Well, they're relating it to another saying, which is if you work hard, you can accomplish anything. And then Miss Motivated said, Our Mrs motivated says, I've been lucky to have extra money come in here and there. But when it does, it's already needed it somewhere else. Instead of helping me helping me move out of debt or into more savings. Okay, awesome. So we're about to go into this. First I want to know how what will happen if you don't change, we get some leverage and then we're gonna go through the process. So everything you just shared is awesome. I'm going to take those those that language, that language patterns that you have right now we're just identifying on I'm going through it. So it's kind of cool, but you and identify him, and then we're gonna figure out, like, well, how to change them, how to replace some and to decide which ones you want. Adopt. You know, maybe you're cool with adopting something different. 800,000. Yeah, I have a pushing. What if a the partnership. One person has the multi $1,000, headset and one person has the, um, Cyr City mindset. What do you mean? Like specifically what? What would happen to their relationship? What would happen to their money would have headed. We had a we come Teoh point of the consensus where we can Well, for your goals, like for things like your multi 1,000,000 yourself talk, you need to figure out what's going to serve you. So just kind of like I told Reno earlier is like focus on you for the self talk, focus on you. Now you may have a goal as a unit, as a couple that you want to want to be making a $1,000,000 a year, but maybe like that's kind of more his goal or her goal. Maybe I want to make a $1,000,000 a year and my husband is fine. Just making quart of a $1,000, a year. I don't know. It doesn't matter. But what am I gonna say so that I can be the person who I want to be to get there? It's really multimillionaire. Self talk is more about what talk is going to serve you.
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as a participant in the course, and now a week later, going back thru watching the videos, following along with the book, doing the homework again, i have to say i am still 1000% overjoyed that i put my business launch on hold to attend Robyn's course and Attend to my Life and my Relationship and put them first for the first time in my adult life. i went into this with an open mind, believing whatever i got out of it would be greater than what i came into it with and by the end of the first day i felt like i had won the lottery! i was terrified to sit down and figure out our net worth, believing we were Billions of dollars in the red. but lo and behold, when i just put the battle ax down and did the work it turned out our assets had us sittin' pretty. Imagine my shock! my entire outlook changed, my beliefs were able to shift and i've been able to make grand changes in the way i deal with money in even the smallest of ways since then. i found that piece to be so phenomenally empowering habits i thought i'd never break are totally conscious decisions now, before i reach in my wallet i ACTUALLY THINK do i WANT to spend this on that right now? or would i rather SAVE it for later. I don't even have to have a goal in mind. the image of our assest growing is a serious turn on! Robyn's light hearted approach really brought my guard down, she gave me facts and knowledge first, when i was handed that 150 page book, i said to myself, "self i said, knowledge, cool." then she walked on stage with her sense and humor and i said, "AND Robyn's funny- BONUS! i'm definitely learning something, let's go!" and learn i did. I'm thrilled at the follow up and i'd say to anyone considering if they should invest in this course, it's unorthodox in the least, and if you're open and willing to do the work, it can, as i am living witness, be absolutely transformative. personally and triangularly- that being between you, your hunny & your money. take it if you dare to break free of whatever bonds are holding you from living with your love in your highest purpose, calling, and love light! If i could gift one thing on this earth this moment to everyone i love it would be taking this course with Robyn. (holdin the space, prayin n holdin the space...)
I absolutely LOVE Robyn Crane. What a great teacher. My man agreed to go through the video course and complete the workbook with me based on a clip he saw one clip of the course. We've gone through half the manual workbook and have been able to communicate better outside of the work, already. I am feeling better about talking with my spouse about money than ever, and we're both learning more about each other's ideas about money and our beliefs. Wow. That's an eye opening experience, I thought I knew what he thought about money and goals but I was surprised a lot at the answers he wrote in the workbook. Sharing with eachother is key-- I'm so pleased with the results and we're not even half way done! That you Robyn and thank you Creative Live!
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