Day 1
1Money: Your Relationship Depends on It
30:02 2Time to Take Back Control
25:45 3You and Your Money
30:16 4"Predict" Your Financial Future
29:07 5Taking Real Action with Your Partner
36:32 6Money is Not a Dirty Word
25:57 7Identifying Your Beliefs
27:36Examining Your Beliefs
27:12 9Creating a Lasting Change
36:53 10Conditioning Habits
17:33 11Changing the Meaning
23:42Day 2
12You, Your Money, & Your Honey
15:44 13Understanding Your Spending Type
38:21 14Dominant Money Type Breakdown
25:57 15The Know It & Grow It Money System
39:05 16Kym Gym System in Real Life
24:37 17Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
31:10 18Old Talk vs Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
23:54 19Owning Your Self Talk
30:38 20Money Talk Rules to Live By
31:29 21Setting the Intention
23:29 22Breaking Down the Money Rules
27:18Day 3
23Designing Your Future
20:39 24The Vision: Dreamstorming
32:50 25You & Your Honey: Capture What You Want
25:14 26Aligning with Your Partner
34:07 27Making Big Decisions with Your Partner
29:46 28Money is Attracted to a Plan
26:34 29Commit to Each Other 100%
25:41 30Revisit, Revise, & Recommit
31:05 31What's Next for You?
22:12 32Support & Setbacks
27:04 33On the Road to Success
26:36Lesson Info
Money is Attracted to a Plan
When this stuff gets overwhelming and it gets scary and there's, all this fear and emotions, stop per sec. Take a breath. Go back to the beginning, which is what's important to you. And even re center. So you remember, I want to hear one more thing with you. My mother talked about my mom, right? I've told you things about my mom, that if if it's coming together for you, and and I'm not sure if it will. But this is so my mom, my mom says, great segment, which is personal, so my mom, because she was just all about compliment. Remember I told you that she's, like you're a better version of me, like she's, always complimenting, right? So first it's, great segment watched it all. Then it says, where's, your necklace. So my mom it's so my mom and then I heard about the ivf decision is the first I'm hearing about it heard about the ivf decision I will contribute her ray give my mother a big round of applause that is hilarious that is so my mom like giving wants to make sure I look good and al...
ways wants to help just here I'll pay for that's why mom I'll pay for ivf sure okay for all right sure ok I'll take your money so that's amazing and it just it it just it chokes me up because my parents just are so amazing like my husband and my daughter is so amazing and we're getting to the end of this course so this happens to me sometimes the as the as the end approaches I get more emotional because I'm thinking about how what I'm doing and how I'm living my life and who I'm becoming it's who I am I want to be and to be able to see you in the audience and to hear your feedback and your questions at home I this is this is what 00:01:58.569 --> 00:02:02. I live for because I get to serve you and help you 00:02:02.22 --> 00:02:07. and watch you transform and there's been so much transformation 00:02:07.04 --> 00:02:07. here 00:02:09.02 --> 00:02:12. and I get to do that and that just allows me to have 00:02:12.52 --> 00:02:14. more time with my family 00:02:15.82 --> 00:02:19. to be ableto have choices so I get to choose if I 00:02:19.12 --> 00:02:21. want to make millions of dollars, or if I want to 00:02:21.19 --> 00:02:24. just not make anything and go on vacation with my 00:02:24.86 --> 00:02:25. family, 00:02:26.82 --> 00:02:28. and I'm bringing this back because this is what's 00:02:28.51 --> 00:02:29. so important, 00:02:30.82 --> 00:02:34. it is what it all comes down to. So please remember 00:02:34.43 --> 00:02:36. that. Bring yourself back. 00:02:38.62 --> 00:02:42. Now the section is called. Money is attracted to a 00:02:42.53 --> 00:02:43. plan 00:02:44.85 --> 00:02:46. some people don't like to plan. 00:02:47.72 --> 00:02:51. Some people love to plan. Some people plan so much 00:02:51.67 --> 00:02:53. that they don't do anything because they're always 00:02:53.25 --> 00:02:55. planning that sound familiar. 00:02:57.82 --> 00:03:01. So before I go into the specifics of the plan I want 00:03:01.63 --> 00:03:02. to give you something 00:03:03.52 --> 00:03:06. so when my husband and I were speaking together and 00:03:06.13 --> 00:03:09. doing business together we we first did a product 00:03:09.44 --> 00:03:11. so that when people came to our website we can give 00:03:11.11 --> 00:03:14. them away you give something away for free great way 00:03:14.01 --> 00:03:17. to just provide value you get their trust and give 00:03:17.69 --> 00:03:19. them something that they can take and actually learn 00:03:19.97 --> 00:03:22. from and then you know they might want to work with 00:03:22.17 --> 00:03:24. you or or whatever so we had something called the 00:03:24.68 --> 00:03:27. shake your money maker system so shake your money 00:03:27.68 --> 00:03:30. maker so we did this five part video series and it 00:03:30.86 --> 00:03:34. had these five steps and I didn't actually think I 00:03:34.02 --> 00:03:36. was going to share this with you I didn't see the 00:03:36.1 --> 00:03:38. relevance but through these days you know things were 00:03:38.41 --> 00:03:41. always transforming like as if you ever do a seminar 00:03:41.82 --> 00:03:44. you'll see like you plan to do something but then 00:03:44.34 --> 00:03:46. the way people are reacting and you see what they 00:03:46.83 --> 00:03:49. need then you add stuff or you take things away right 00:03:49.55 --> 00:03:51. it's always transforming these guys know because every 00:03:51.75 --> 00:03:54. morning I lie ok here's the new slides I made some 00:03:54.35 --> 00:03:57. changes cause I'm thinking about you and what you 00:03:57.46 --> 00:04:00. need to get what you want so the shake your money 00:04:00.64 --> 00:04:02. maker maker system came out and I'm gonna it came out of something to add right and I want to before I go into the shake. Your money maker system. I want to show you something that my husband created that it's, like, I just think, is so incredible and it's going to give you giving insight into what we're about to cover. So he created this, this tree here. So this was a tree, frank and there's, a ground and what's below the ground roots. Yeah, rooster, below the ground. So this is called a b d'oh. Have a tree. B do you have you've heard that before? Maybe you haven't. What does that mean, reena, what does that mean to you? Well, first, you have to be the person that you need to be, do the things that you need to do in order to have the things you want to have. Wow, you need to be the person you need to be, then, because those are the roots, then you need to do the things you need to do to have what you want to have. Perfect, beautiful, thank you. Haven't we been talking about this this whole time? Your life is not about what you do with not about what you have it's, who you become. Number hell on earth is meeting the person you could have been. So don't wait till you have a million dollars to be very loving and sweet and accepting and generous. Be loving and sweet and accepting and generous first. Then do what you need to dio the plan. Do what you need to dio to have what you want. And then this tree. Those are apples or something will bear fruits maybe that's a car you're tesla's you know, maybe that's your business maybe that's a vacation seventy five thousand dollars vacation in fact that's a big apple, whatever it is, but even though we're focusing on what? What do you want? What your goals, right? We talked about goals that is have but you're about to do the plan that's due. So wait, wait robin, I'm confused, we just talked about have them talking to do and then we wait, but no, this whole time we've been talking about you and who you can become that's first. Now I need to know what specifically do I need to do? And then now that you know what you want because you don't even know what these apples looked like before now you know what kind of tree you have then little bear fruits I'm not cool. My husband made up that drawing that's like you've heard it before, but never like this because he he did that and I love it I love it. So the shake your money maker system it's not just to shake your money maker, by the way, we just thought that was cute, but it's also really to get whatever you want, okay, so the first step is to be specific we like to remind people, be, do have. So it starts with b be specific. What are some of the things that you are now you have have been specific about. 00:08:04.94 --> 00:08:06. Arvid, you have something specific that you wrote 00:08:06.97 --> 00:08:10. down is a goal. Be specific about what you want, what 00:08:10.35 --> 00:08:12. do you want? Specific. 00:08:14.14 --> 00:08:14. Yeah, 00:08:15.74 --> 00:08:20. yeah, it was in ten years. Tohave sailboat. Okay, 00:08:20.36 --> 00:08:22. is that specific sailboat? 00:08:24.04 --> 00:08:29. When ten years that's perfect it's measurable. Okay, 00:08:29.84 --> 00:08:33. so in ten years, arvid, do you have a sail sail boat 00:08:33.47 --> 00:08:36. and you can say yes or no, we will know if you bet 00:08:36.02 --> 00:08:39. your goal instead of saying, you know, so at some 00:08:39.14 --> 00:08:42. point, even sailboat is more specific than boat. You 00:08:42.41 --> 00:08:44. can get even more specific. What kind? 00:08:45.94 --> 00:08:47. But if I call you up in ten years, you have a little 00:08:47.8 --> 00:08:50. canoe, didn't really reach your goal. 00:08:51.76 --> 00:08:54. Maybe unless you said you wanted canoe, be specific, 00:08:54.59 --> 00:08:55. it's, really simple. 00:08:56.74 --> 00:09:01. Okay, what's, next be do I have you're gonna love 00:09:01.72 --> 00:09:02. this. 00:09:04.38 --> 00:09:05. Do 00:09:06.08 --> 00:09:06. nothing. 00:09:09.64 --> 00:09:09. What 00:09:11.11 --> 00:09:12. we're on money is attracting, too. A plan. You're 00:09:12.9 --> 00:09:14. telling me to do nothing. 00:09:17.2 --> 00:09:19. You did here's what I mean. 00:09:20.89 --> 00:09:23. If you wanted to fix your garage 00:09:24.14 --> 00:09:26. like we just did, we just fix their garage. We've 00:09:26.14 --> 00:09:28. put french doors on the backs. We could make it a 00:09:28.23 --> 00:09:28. game room, too. 00:09:30.04 --> 00:09:32. So if you want to fix your garage, what you gonna 00:09:32.5 --> 00:09:32. do? 00:09:35.65 --> 00:09:36. A contract? 00:09:37.54 --> 00:09:40. Nothing. I'm not fixing that. I'm gonna call a contractor. 00:09:43.64 --> 00:09:46. Are you fixing the garage, or is it getting fixed? 00:09:46.58 --> 00:09:47. It's getting 00:09:48.34 --> 00:09:53. the contractor fixes the garage that's nice still 00:09:53.15 --> 00:09:57. gets fixed. You still get your goal crotches fixed 00:09:57.14 --> 00:09:57. new doors. 00:09:58.94 --> 00:10:00. What about? If you're going to go to the dentist? 00:10:02.09 --> 00:10:04. I mean, why go to the dentist? Just pull out your 00:10:04.88 --> 00:10:07. two, you know there's, something wrong with it, it 00:10:07.57 --> 00:10:08. hurts. 00:10:10.22 --> 00:10:13. No, you're going to go to the dentist, right? That's, 00:10:13.29 --> 00:10:15. do nothing. Yeah, you got to go there, but you have 00:10:15.71 --> 00:10:19. someone, an expert, do it for you or with you. 00:10:22.06 --> 00:10:24. Do nothing also means. 00:10:26.66 --> 00:10:27. To delegate. 00:10:31.18 --> 00:10:35. There's a lot of stuff in here, you know, like you're 00:10:35.07 --> 00:10:37. kim jin money date, for example, there's. A lot of 00:10:37.75 --> 00:10:41. tabs, maybe with your partner, you're like, okay, 00:10:42.36 --> 00:10:46. all take, I'll take the net worth tab, I'll figure 00:10:46.05 --> 00:10:47. out their statements and put it in there. Can you 00:10:47.99 --> 00:10:49. take the money mass tab 00:10:50.8 --> 00:10:53. that way it gets done, and I don't have to do everything. 00:10:54.76 --> 00:10:56. Are you still come together and have transparency? 00:10:56.7 --> 00:10:58. Well, of course, it's on the spreadsheet that you 00:10:58.33 --> 00:11:02. both see so it's total transparency doesn't matter 00:11:02.12 --> 00:11:05. who fills it out, usually both to look at it, so delegate 00:11:06.86 --> 00:11:07. leverage. 00:11:11.36 --> 00:11:12. You have someone else do it for you, 00:11:14.72 --> 00:11:15. right? 00:11:16.66 --> 00:11:20. Be specific. Do nothing 00:11:21.55 --> 00:11:22. house. 00:11:26.66 --> 00:11:27. I have a map. 00:11:29.76 --> 00:11:31. You are so lucky. 00:11:33.06 --> 00:11:34. You have a map. 00:11:35.76 --> 00:11:36. Can you hold up the map? 00:11:39.51 --> 00:11:43. Is this my yes, hold it up. Sure, though, 00:11:45.61 --> 00:11:49. is, is this my money mastery roadmap, the one in your 00:11:49.25 --> 00:11:52. hands, marina, is that my money mastery road map, 00:11:52.39 --> 00:11:56. no it's mine, it's, yours, it's, your personal money 00:11:56.68 --> 00:11:59. mastery roadmap. You get to put whatever you want. 00:11:59.45 --> 00:12:01. Want on it and on the back 00:12:02.36 --> 00:12:06. if you don't like my rules. Ten rules tto six rules 00:12:06.08 --> 00:12:10. to live by you don't like the use I don't care. Choose your own it's, your map, not mine, your personal money mastery road map. So you need a map, but let me tell you about a map. My friend rachel knight this is my friend rage one of my best friends moxie got in that picture um this is a recent picture but I was hoping I could put a picture of us actually travelling together but I couldn't find it in time so I just wanted to be able to see rich if you remember rate uh she is the one who I said it's a scaredy cat and we were travelling together write a new zealand on the magic bus if you remember and I told you that that clipboard came around for us to fill out to sky dive and I was freaking out even though this girl's usually the scaredy cat and I was very afraid and very nervous but she signed up so I had teo so we've been friends for I don't know twenty five years something like that maybe longer and we did we actually traveled around the world together so it was really amazing was for a year but when we first left so we got that we have these you know huge backpacks on we're backpacking and actually our first stop was new zealand so we went to new zealand and like within about a week of our first our first week of the year of travels get us like the first week we decided to go on a hike not just a hike we decided to do like an overnight you know hiking trip so it was going to be like a trick. You know, we had three days planned. We have these huge backpacks on. We had food with things like that. But we didn't have tents because the place we decide to go, which was a place called fear inaki forest, this place, taranaki forest. They had huts, so I'm like, cool. We don't have to bring intent. We didn't have one anyway, we're travelling without a tent. So we start hiking, you know? And actually, before we got there, we went to the, you know, the information center. It was a sunday and they were closed, so we couldn't get a lot of information about where we need to go. But luckily, they had a map outside the door. So I picked up the map start, you know, got to her destination and started hiking, hiking. And after about an hour to we got to a fork in the road and we saw it. We pulled out the map and we said, which way should we go? Left or right? And always on the map. Right there was this place on the left was like this. And the place on the right I have these little huts right place on the right was like this ten twenty two so I said man they've already been hiking for two hours I don't want to we were in new zealand so we figured it's kilometers right so we can hike another ten kilometers get to the hut cool so we'll go this way oops so we're hiking and hiking and hiking it's getting colder and colder it starts to snow now we're still hiking and then rage who remember I told you this is a little bit of a scaredy cats you can kill me for saying that but she's like started starts toe blow things up like you know we're not going to survive it's seven o'clock it's starting to get dark we still hadn't got to the hut and I was being more like my husband I was like I think I see it do you see that and we'd be like walking walking and that's getting darker and we take out our our our flashlights put it on her head and then and then we're hiking we go down this like really like crazy cliff like we had to kind of struggle to get down there and then there was a flat area and then we kept going for like twenty more minutes and is a little bit of snow it's cold we're tired we're like where's the hut and finally my light dims it wasn't working very well and rage put her foot down she was like we are not going any further we're going back to that flat area and we're going to sleep and I was like but I think I see the hut so we go back we were like we didn't have any we didn't have ah tent right we didn't have any tarp or anything so we put down like some plastic bags that we had our our food and we put him down you know we put down our genes to be like as at least to get the moisture from the snow it wasn't like a ton of snow but it was like wet ground you know we put it down and then we got into our sleeping bags at about seven thirty and we're like good night let's hope we survive this the next morning we wake up we survived so far we had food and what I forgot to tell you is that as we're hiking one of the reasons great said enough is enough is because the trail we were watching we were we were following a trail right some after falling a trail we have a path and then we would see these trail markers like on the trees and we know where to follow its like white trail marker white trail marker so there was there was a there was some instructions right tells you where to go you follow the trail marker so we did and then we got to a point where it was really hard to tell where the path wass like the trees were kind of on the path and everything in there before you know it there was no path and every once in a while we'd see like a tree that had fallen down and market I'm like there's a marker let's go and she was like there's no more power so we have no more path so that's why we went back right the next morning I was like well let's go find the hut I think I see it and she's like robin there is not a hut you did not see it we're going back yeah and she tells me on the way back that she was like last night she was picturing like writing this letter to her parents saying I'm so sorry we died the first week we started our travel for the year and she by the way thinks about like the worst that could happen right I'm kind of in the middle and then there's my husband so anyway we survived it we survived and we went all the way back in the four hours whatever it was we got to the beginning of the trail and someone was going in and we're like you did not want to go on that trail like it's crazy like we've never found the huts we ended up sleeping outside and the guy's, like, which way did you go? Is that, well? We went left, we saw that it was ten kilometers, so we I don't know how we never got there, because we should have been there by then and he's like, oh, you went on that he's like that path is known to like during the winter, just like they don't. They don't keep up with it, like no one goes on that more like, but way that we're going to find it, and he goes, what do you mean, we pull out the map? We show him, and he looks at and he's like that's, the number of beds. You're obviously smarter than I am. So what? The point of the story? Why don't you tell me? I know how to read your mind, great know how to read your map? What else? What else? Things may not be what they seem. Great. What math is that your math applies to what you're doing. Okay, great. Yeah, okay, let me ask you this. If we had a guide. Let me ask you this way. Actually, if we had a guide let's, say, my dog, who had never been there, would we have gone to the hut? My dog doesn't know that path. She doesn't know new zealand. We would have had the same problem if we had a guide, someone who is from new zealand, who knew the paths? Who knew the area? Who knew with the maps been even that guy? But someone who really, really knew would we have gotten to the huts? Yeah, yes. Here's. The takeaway. A map without a guide. We'll get you lost. If we had a guide, we would not have gotten lost. So why am I telling you this? I'm about to talk about how, in the next segment, how you're going to have challenges, and I'm going to encourage you and beg you not to do it on your own. Know what you want, be specific, do nothing meaning, get help and talk more about this. How do you get help who's going to help you, but get someone to help that knows what they're doing? Not just any guide, any mentor, someone, who's, who's, walked the path, do you know? Marriage counselors who are divorced. What do you really want to take advice from that person I'm sorry someone out there is really mad at me like I'm stepping on your toes I'm sorry and I'm sure you can teach a lot but come on I mean do you want to learn from a scuba instructor who doesn't know how to swim no pick your guys pick your mentors that make sure they've they've walked the path you want to learn well from someone who's broke you know how many people listen to advice from their friends oh you shouldn't do that maybe you're going to go home and you have this really excited right and you bring this to just a friend you're like ah you had took this course I was online I was watching it was really really great I'm really excited and the like that stuff doesn't work that's not gonna work that's all b s stuff love whatever it is right and they're totally broke but somehow part of our system listens to them oh no they think I should so I'm not gonna do it I'll just listen to my broke friends do what they do and then I'll be broke it's it feels easier and more comfortable right? So I'm challenging you because I'm telling you it they're going to be things that come up when you get home and I want you to keep on the path I don't want the path to disappear on you but if you're not watching the path of you, don't have the appropriate map. If you haven't finished your personal money mastery road map, you're not gonna know where to walk. You're not gonna know what to dio, so you're not gonna have what you want, even with a path and a map. How is it possible for a person? Who's experienced long periods of unemployment? Tto learn how to relax with money, do the math, the path, and living through that period, wondering when your next contract's gonna come through and going through all your savings there, saying it takes its toll. How do you get to this next step? Good question. First I would challenge you to ask yourself that question I can give you an answer and I will give you an answer but what do you think? Because part of you knows the answer now if I'm not saying it's not difficult not hard but if you don't have let's say you don't have any income maybe you have unemployment I don't know but what I still want you to do is to do all these things do the money mass because it may be tough to look at sometimes if you see like your bank account go in your net worth your bank accounts going down going down going down because you're spending your savings or maybe you're spending credit card because you don't have any savings so I get it but what your system will feel is that you're being proactive you're doing something about it and they're blanks there things that it doesn't want to see and because you know how to shift it and by the way how yu do anything remember it's how you do everything so when you start committing to this and you have your goals remember what sarah and matt said sarah said that when we knew what we wanted and we knew that it was attainable we started to prioritize those things like yoga little things they started make more money so when you start to apply these things if you're committed to having more money and you're very clear because part of the reason you don't have a job maybe because you have conflicting beliefs because part of you your system wants to stay poor I'm not sure you would know better than I so you have to go through this especially all the stuff about the psychology of money, right? Most of this is psychology what's going on your head and when you do that you will see and when you change your beliefs that there are opportunities everywhere instead of obstacles everywhere I don't know what you believe I'm just giving an example guess what's going to show up opportunities if you know with your heart and soul that you have value whether you go get a job and maybe right now it's tough for you to get a job or maybe you learn from this and start your own business and just start making two hundred dollars a month five hundred dollars a month and it was the most beautiful thing now that you look back I mean, talk about this and next segment, but you see that this setback I'm not having a job which fast forward to the future ended up you starting a business maybe that this hardship this setback was the best thing that ever happened. Tio how many you have experienced that right? So I would see it as an opportunity I don't have a job it's an opportunity, an opportunity for me to grow to to provide more value what can I do to change myself in that interview? I am totally on. I am confident just having this the confidence now, because you have you get your own beliefs, you're aware of this stuff that can land you a job. All affects your entire life. It's a great question, thank you.
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Ratings and Reviews
as a participant in the course, and now a week later, going back thru watching the videos, following along with the book, doing the homework again, i have to say i am still 1000% overjoyed that i put my business launch on hold to attend Robyn's course and Attend to my Life and my Relationship and put them first for the first time in my adult life. i went into this with an open mind, believing whatever i got out of it would be greater than what i came into it with and by the end of the first day i felt like i had won the lottery! i was terrified to sit down and figure out our net worth, believing we were Billions of dollars in the red. but lo and behold, when i just put the battle ax down and did the work it turned out our assets had us sittin' pretty. Imagine my shock! my entire outlook changed, my beliefs were able to shift and i've been able to make grand changes in the way i deal with money in even the smallest of ways since then. i found that piece to be so phenomenally empowering habits i thought i'd never break are totally conscious decisions now, before i reach in my wallet i ACTUALLY THINK do i WANT to spend this on that right now? or would i rather SAVE it for later. I don't even have to have a goal in mind. the image of our assest growing is a serious turn on! Robyn's light hearted approach really brought my guard down, she gave me facts and knowledge first, when i was handed that 150 page book, i said to myself, "self i said, knowledge, cool." then she walked on stage with her sense and humor and i said, "AND Robyn's funny- BONUS! i'm definitely learning something, let's go!" and learn i did. I'm thrilled at the follow up and i'd say to anyone considering if they should invest in this course, it's unorthodox in the least, and if you're open and willing to do the work, it can, as i am living witness, be absolutely transformative. personally and triangularly- that being between you, your hunny & your money. take it if you dare to break free of whatever bonds are holding you from living with your love in your highest purpose, calling, and love light! If i could gift one thing on this earth this moment to everyone i love it would be taking this course with Robyn. (holdin the space, prayin n holdin the space...)
I absolutely LOVE Robyn Crane. What a great teacher. My man agreed to go through the video course and complete the workbook with me based on a clip he saw one clip of the course. We've gone through half the manual workbook and have been able to communicate better outside of the work, already. I am feeling better about talking with my spouse about money than ever, and we're both learning more about each other's ideas about money and our beliefs. Wow. That's an eye opening experience, I thought I knew what he thought about money and goals but I was surprised a lot at the answers he wrote in the workbook. Sharing with eachother is key-- I'm so pleased with the results and we're not even half way done! That you Robyn and thank you Creative Live!
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