Day 1
1Money: Your Relationship Depends on It
30:02 2Time to Take Back Control
25:45 3You and Your Money
30:16 4"Predict" Your Financial Future
29:07 5Taking Real Action with Your Partner
36:32 6Money is Not a Dirty Word
25:57 7Identifying Your Beliefs
27:36Examining Your Beliefs
27:12 9Creating a Lasting Change
36:53 10Conditioning Habits
17:33 11Changing the Meaning
23:42Day 2
12You, Your Money, & Your Honey
15:44 13Understanding Your Spending Type
38:21 14Dominant Money Type Breakdown
25:57 15The Know It & Grow It Money System
39:05 16Kym Gym System in Real Life
24:37 17Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
31:10 18Old Talk vs Multi-Millionaire Self Talk
23:54 19Owning Your Self Talk
30:38 20Money Talk Rules to Live By
31:29 21Setting the Intention
23:29 22Breaking Down the Money Rules
27:18Day 3
23Designing Your Future
20:39 24The Vision: Dreamstorming
32:50 25You & Your Honey: Capture What You Want
25:14 26Aligning with Your Partner
34:07 27Making Big Decisions with Your Partner
29:46 28Money is Attracted to a Plan
26:34 29Commit to Each Other 100%
25:41 30Revisit, Revise, & Recommit
31:05 31What's Next for You?
22:12 32Support & Setbacks
27:04 33On the Road to Success
26:36Lesson Info
You, Your Money, & Your Honey
Session two is all about you your money and your honey so I want to acknowledge you for for taking this on and really putting yourself out there to learn money mastery and actually I'm really excited because there you're already getting involved you're already committed to this and I'm so proud I'm so proud of you and I want you to recognize that what you are doing what you're doing by taking this on by going through this workbook and doing the exercises you know what you're doing you're doing what wealthy people do you're looking at your money you're looking at the truth you're you're getting conscious of your beliefs so that you can shift them and I want to tell you I mean this is I know what the wealthy people do because I worked with them and I got to tell you also is that wealthy people have challenges too okay I actually have um a great friend now uh who I worked with who he actually found me on facebook he was looking for someone to help him he's like does anyone know someone wh...
o helps their money and not just looking for a financial planner I want someone who can really like help me like figure out my beliefs and and really get in control of my money and this guy you won't believe it, but his net worth was ten million dollars less than forty years old his thirty nine and I was introduced to him through facebook my husband actually saw his post cause it was he's basically saying you know someone who can help him with my money who can give me clarity about my money who could help me talk about my money you know and improve my beliefs and like all these things I was like I do that do that do that cool and so he called me up and way ended up booking a meeting and then he decided to hire me annie it was awesome 00:01:58.319 --> 00:02:01. because he flew me down to florida um and he wanted 00:02:02.02 --> 00:02:05. he wanted immersion you know, heat wealthy people 00:02:05.98 --> 00:02:08. by the way it make decisions quickly like we had one 00:02:08.65 --> 00:02:11. conversation that was it and he flew me down to florida 00:02:12.06 --> 00:02:15. they make they make decisions quickly and then they 00:02:15.63 --> 00:02:18. want to get things done so I flew down to florida 00:02:18.66 --> 00:02:21. and it was awesome because uh you know, I got to experience 00:02:21.46 --> 00:02:23. it was well have nice car picked me up you know were 00:02:23.95 --> 00:02:26. driving to to the house and then I get to this beautiful 00:02:26.93 --> 00:02:30. house it's like a mansion you know, it was just amazing 00:02:30.11 --> 00:02:33. and he said he would put me up in a hotel but you 00:02:33.3 --> 00:02:36. know he had like so many rooms like I did I just said 00:02:36.27 --> 00:02:39. no it's fine I'll stay there a great guy he was friends 00:02:39.78 --> 00:02:41. with friends so don't worry it wasn't like were there 00:02:41.93 --> 00:02:45. any thing but anyway so I go there and he has this 00:02:45.81 --> 00:02:49. beautiful pool and lovely backyard and he has like 00:02:49.75 --> 00:02:53. six rooms not just bedrooms but there was like a bar 00:02:53.82 --> 00:02:59. there was a workout room there was basically like 00:02:59.06 --> 00:03:01. a pool table you know like a game room and all this 00:03:01.67 --> 00:03:03. stuff and it was just really really cool and he's 00:03:03.98 --> 00:03:07. just the nicest guy like the sweetest sweetest guy 00:03:07.84 --> 00:03:10. in the world and he was like let's get to it like 00:03:10.47 --> 00:03:13. I want immersion and so I took all this stuff that 00:03:13.93 --> 00:03:16. I've taught you I mean actually what I taught him 00:03:16.73 --> 00:03:19. and what I went through with him everything in here 00:03:19.5 --> 00:03:23. so I have based this manual on what people like my 00:03:23.93 --> 00:03:26. private clients needed so that they get the results 00:03:26.41 --> 00:03:28. that they want and it it was really, really neat we 00:03:28.8 --> 00:03:32. spent about three days going through everything from 00:03:32.67 --> 00:03:37. his beliefs to his behavior's teo his money and tracking 00:03:37.73 --> 00:03:39. it all the things that you're going to learn today 00:03:39.61 --> 00:03:44. so I tell you this because I'm so excited I'm so excited 00:03:44.24 --> 00:03:47. for you to get mohr get more of this and all the things 00:03:47.66 --> 00:03:49. we're going to go through today it's just really going 00:03:49.82 --> 00:03:52. to be so amazing it's going to really transform your 00:03:52.41 --> 00:03:54. life great thing about it is I'm going to make it 00:03:54.58 --> 00:03:58. super fun do you have all these props about to bring 00:03:58.62 --> 00:04:01. out some very exciting one guns and so you get to 00:04:01.57 --> 00:04:04. have fun in the process and speaking of process I 00:04:04.96 --> 00:04:06. just want to say one more thing 00:04:08.04 --> 00:04:12. let this process the process take you where you need 00:04:12.67 --> 00:04:13. to go 00:04:14.64 --> 00:04:16. okay you might be asking questions like well how do 00:04:16.65 --> 00:04:19. I talk to my partner and what do I say and what do 00:04:19.18 --> 00:04:21. I do and how I look at my money all that's going to 00:04:21.61 --> 00:04:26. be answered all in the system but you gotta trust 00:04:26.18 --> 00:04:29. the process and it's an ongoing process so as you 00:04:29.59 --> 00:04:31. figure out your beliefs and your behaviors and get 00:04:31.84 --> 00:04:35. awareness and condition yourself the new patterns 00:04:35.15 --> 00:04:38. the money abc is that we went over yesterday yeah 00:04:39.24 --> 00:04:42. I'm reminding you you're not going to do it perfectly 00:04:43.64 --> 00:04:44. do it good enough 00:04:46.24 --> 00:04:49. keep moving through and you will just go with the 00:04:49.83 --> 00:04:53. process okay trust the process I put a lot of work 00:04:53.78 --> 00:04:56. deck you know almost a decade to figure this out so 00:04:56.33 --> 00:04:59. just trust me it's nowhere else you can't get it anywhere 00:04:59.39 --> 00:05:01. else people are talking about money or people talking 00:05:01.55 --> 00:05:03. about relationships but no one really is talking about 00:05:03.57 --> 00:05:07. it together right so it's all there for you okay cool 00:05:07.17 --> 00:05:08. so what you're gonna learn today 00:05:09.74 --> 00:05:13. are the four keys to a richer relationship 00:05:14.54 --> 00:05:18. so let me ask you first of all, what do you think 00:05:18.84 --> 00:05:21. inside my own definition of rich or richer relationship 00:05:21.63 --> 00:05:24. what do you think that means? What do you think a 00:05:24.54 --> 00:05:26. richer relationship means to you? So how about rena? 00:05:28.74 --> 00:05:31. A richer relationship. Well, based on communication, 00:05:32.94 --> 00:05:36. basic communications, communication. Like the foundation 00:05:36.73 --> 00:05:38. of communication. Being able to talk with one another, 00:05:38.72 --> 00:05:42. have a conversation. Okay, so based on communications, 00:05:42.8 --> 00:05:45. so if you're communicating, if you're communicating 00:05:45.1 --> 00:05:48. well, you have a rich relationship. Is that so? Yeah. 00:05:48.64 --> 00:05:52. Ok, great. That's. Awesome. Okay, what else? Um, I 00:05:52.95 --> 00:05:57. think with especially they about my racial relationship 00:05:57.11 --> 00:06:01. in terms of money, uh, I think thinking of the money 00:06:01.52 --> 00:06:05. menage twas like way. We both have a relationship 00:06:05.18 --> 00:06:09. with money that totally and we're like that totally 00:06:09.39 --> 00:06:12. takes the things up a level for us. I think. What 00:06:12.63 --> 00:06:15. do you mean by that? It's? Awesome. Really? 00:06:16.46 --> 00:06:16. Because I, 00:06:18.16 --> 00:06:21. my husband and I are very committed to relationships 00:06:21.14 --> 00:06:23. with each other and relationships with other people 00:06:23.7 --> 00:06:28. and working on growth and authenticity. And, teo, 00:06:29.76 --> 00:06:32. take that commitment and structure we have with our 00:06:32.96 --> 00:06:36. personal relationship. Uh, and move it over to the 00:06:36.16 --> 00:06:37. money piece? Yes. 00:06:39.96 --> 00:06:43. We'll just make that much stronger, because I think 00:06:43.81 --> 00:06:46. in my, for my perspective, it's, like money, it's. 00:06:46.78 --> 00:06:49. Just the thing. It's something there, 00:06:50.8 --> 00:06:53. and to be able to just really look at it as, like, 00:06:54.56 --> 00:06:57. a relationship that you're working with is going to 00:06:57.72 --> 00:07:01. make things that much easier and better for us. Awesome, 00:07:01.21 --> 00:07:03. thank you. So what I took from that, this might not 00:07:03.69 --> 00:07:06. be the exact language, but is that you? 00:07:09.06 --> 00:07:10. And your money. 00:07:14.46 --> 00:07:14. Like 00:07:16.86 --> 00:07:20. great meaning, if you have a good relationship with 00:07:20.31 --> 00:07:23. your money, I mean, this is you said it. I mean, you 00:07:23.14 --> 00:07:25. got it with the money men at twelve, right. But what 00:07:25.39 --> 00:07:28. it sounds like before you and your honey, we're focusing 00:07:28.45 --> 00:07:30. on your relationship, and you were really, really 00:07:30.29 --> 00:07:32. good at it. Sounds like you're really, really good 00:07:32.14 --> 00:07:34. at it, and you both want similar things, and you want 00:07:34.01 --> 00:07:36. to grow and that's another thing, by the way, if a 00:07:36.98 --> 00:07:40. rich relationship is growing. 00:07:43.52 --> 00:07:44. Not dying, 00:07:45.39 --> 00:07:48. right? And so, if you're growing, you're, you're romantic, 00:07:48.54 --> 00:07:51. your intimate relationship. But you're ignoring the 00:07:51.35 --> 00:07:54. money side, and you might be thinking, and I don't 00:07:54.28 --> 00:07:55. know if this is true for you or not, but you might 00:07:55.75 --> 00:07:57. be thinking, well, he takes care of it or he's, good 00:07:57.89 --> 00:08:00. at it, and maybe I'm not, and I'll just let him hang, 00:08:00.84 --> 00:08:04. handle it, so we're good, but then there's all these 00:08:04.51 --> 00:08:07. underlying issue that are going on with you and him 00:08:07.71 --> 00:08:10. around a relationship with money. And if he has this 00:08:10.89 --> 00:08:15. relationship, so you and money that's him, 00:08:17.38 --> 00:08:22. and you have this relationship, you and money. I don't 00:08:22.3 --> 00:08:25. know how else to say not love, but if you have this 00:08:25.6 --> 00:08:29. relationship and he has this relationship, you and 00:08:29.98 --> 00:08:30. him 00:08:32.28 --> 00:08:33. can only last 00:08:35.28 --> 00:08:38. so long, that's, the potential arrow going through 00:08:38.45 --> 00:08:39. your relationship. 00:08:42.68 --> 00:08:44. But that's, what it sounds like that's. What you discovered 00:08:45.41 --> 00:08:49. is that accurate. I know I described yeah, that that 00:08:49.04 --> 00:08:52. does a good job, I think, of summarizing high level, 00:08:52.05 --> 00:08:55. yeah, yes, rina well, it's, funny that you're putting 00:08:55.13 --> 00:08:57. the u plus your, you know, your money. 00:08:59.88 --> 00:09:03. In the little heart just thinking about 00:09:05.08 --> 00:09:06. the intimacy of money 00:09:07.68 --> 00:09:11. right and how money can give you all of these lovely 00:09:11.23 --> 00:09:13. things and give you all these lovely opportunities 00:09:13.81 --> 00:09:16. and it's like when you're giving to your partner there's 00:09:16.07 --> 00:09:19. that level of of giving and then also the receiving 00:09:19.1 --> 00:09:22. of that yes right and within that relationship and 00:09:22.06 --> 00:09:25. so the whole menage a twenty thing like you were saying 00:09:26.08 --> 00:09:30. there is that but in depending on what kind of relationship 00:09:30.91 --> 00:09:32. you have with your honey and relationship they have 00:09:32.91 --> 00:09:35. with their money or you get your money or in love 00:09:35.08 --> 00:09:37. with your money together yeah is this someone could 00:09:37.68 --> 00:09:41. be having an affair with their money yes clark jacket 00:09:41.52 --> 00:09:45. on you or vice versa or something like that and you 00:09:45.32 --> 00:09:47. know you like your honey is having an affair with 00:09:47.2 --> 00:09:49. his money kinda yeah because I don't know anything 00:09:49.97 --> 00:09:52. about this money this is the right analogy I mean 00:09:52.62 --> 00:09:55. that's the perfect and that's going to bring us to 00:09:55.4 --> 00:09:58. the topic today I'm gonna fast forward in a sec but 00:09:58.37 --> 00:10:01. that's a perfect analogy and he needs to I know that 00:10:01.73 --> 00:10:04. you feel that way right away well I just came to that 00:10:04.34 --> 00:10:07. realization just yes write that down right yeah so 00:10:07.27 --> 00:10:10. make sure you capture with money so awesome so as 00:10:10.16 --> 00:10:12. this's really great because I'm sure people at home 00:10:12.91 --> 00:10:14. are thinking the same thing that wondering, you know 00:10:14.74 --> 00:10:18. well a mai mai is it weird that I feel this way you 00:10:18.53 --> 00:10:22. know right my third reel so however you feeling whatever 00:10:22.54 --> 00:10:25. that relationship is really acknowledge it write it 00:10:25.2 --> 00:10:28. down don't judge it but recognize it because the only 00:10:28.99 --> 00:10:31. way you can shift it and that goes to the a's that 00:10:31.56 --> 00:10:33. we went over yesterday right the aids of the money 00:10:33.78 --> 00:10:37. abc is awareness you've got to become aware they got 00:10:37.19 --> 00:10:39. become aware of that relationship is between you and 00:10:39.61 --> 00:10:42. that's a really good point that rina just just brought 00:10:42.2 --> 00:10:45. up become aware of the relationship between your partner 00:10:45.83 --> 00:10:48. and their money now be careful not to judge them but 00:10:48.72 --> 00:10:52. you can still say I feel it feels like to me that 00:10:52.39 --> 00:10:56. you're having an affair with your money and the other 00:10:56.71 --> 00:10:58. woman is your money and I'm not okay with it I want 00:10:58.95 --> 00:11:01. to know what's going on it's okay if you have an affair 00:11:01.27 --> 00:11:04. but I just want to know about it I want to know what's 00:11:04.25 --> 00:11:06. going on communications so for you communication is 00:11:06.65 --> 00:11:07. key 00:11:08.4 --> 00:11:10. richard relationship it's all about you your money 00:11:10.81 --> 00:11:13. your honey obviously I'm something that up like that 00:11:13.74 --> 00:11:17. make it easy and then it's good either grow it's growing 00:11:17.47 --> 00:11:19. right because your relationship is either growing 00:11:19.79 --> 00:11:24. or die so you can choose how you want to define richer 00:11:24.35 --> 00:11:28. relationship but overall if you even just take one 00:11:28.72 --> 00:11:31. thing growing and then you can add the components 00:11:31.8 --> 00:11:34. and here are the components really of the richer relationship 00:11:34.75 --> 00:11:37. these are the four keys so you can add your own and 00:11:37.57 --> 00:11:40. you can take the four cues that I have here so number 00:11:40.23 --> 00:11:42. one is clarity you're gonna learn today about getting 00:11:42.92 --> 00:11:46. clarity of your money types and rolls and getting 00:11:46.0 --> 00:11:49. clarity total clarity within the system of your money 00:11:50.7 --> 00:11:54. communication communication by the way is not just 00:11:54.28 --> 00:11:55. communicating with your partner 00:11:56.9 --> 00:11:59. first and most important thing is how do you communicate 00:11:59.56 --> 00:12:00. to yourself 00:12:01.62 --> 00:12:03. that's very very important because that's going to 00:12:03.65 --> 00:12:05. affect the way you communicate with your partner as 00:12:05.76 --> 00:12:07. well and the second part is communicating with your 00:12:07.76 --> 00:12:09. partner creation 00:12:10.42 --> 00:12:13. that's all about creating a vision, getting clear 00:12:13.62 --> 00:12:16. on what you want and then aligning with your partner 00:12:16.74 --> 00:12:18. and prioritizing and being on the same page yesterday 00:12:18.93 --> 00:12:21. it talked about how I want you to start to think of 00:12:21.68 --> 00:12:25. your relationship like as you guys as as a unit stop 00:12:25.43 --> 00:12:28. thinking I and start thinking we it sounds very cheesy 00:12:28.26 --> 00:12:31. perhaps but it's true I mean if you're married or 00:12:31.96 --> 00:12:34. if you're in a committed relationship or you want 00:12:34.52 --> 00:12:36. it to be more committed you have to start thinking 00:12:37.01 --> 00:12:39. of each other as a unit like we're individuals my 00:12:39.89 --> 00:12:42. husband I were individuals we both have you know different 00:12:42.72 --> 00:12:45. different goals sometimes and we have different beliefs 00:12:45.52 --> 00:12:48. and we're different people even though we're similar 00:12:48.11 --> 00:12:51. sometimes but we're different people but we a line 00:12:51.15 --> 00:12:54. together we become a unit because we want our life. 00:12:55.42 --> 00:13:00. We want our life to thrive together forever 00:13:02.12 --> 00:13:06. kill every anywhere cheesy but it's true and the last, 00:13:06.92 --> 00:13:09. the last key to richer relationship is commitment 00:13:10.45 --> 00:13:12. and that's commitment to each other is a commitment 00:13:12.97 --> 00:13:16. to to your plan. We're going to do some really exciting 00:13:16.89 --> 00:13:18. things in the next two days. We're going over all 00:13:18.73 --> 00:13:22. four keys today and tomorrow, so in this session and 00:13:22.17 --> 00:13:25. tomorrow's session, eso commitment is also about your 00:13:25.21 --> 00:13:27. plan and how to implement it. So when we're talking 00:13:27.95 --> 00:13:30. about, I'm going to bring up the money mastery map. 00:13:30.45 --> 00:13:32. Soon I'm going to show you that these all come. All 00:13:32.83 --> 00:13:35. these components are fit into this map. So it's, just 00:13:35.44 --> 00:13:38. this two sided thing. I don't, I don't have it up 00:13:38.19 --> 00:13:40. right now, but two sided thing that has everything 00:13:40.54 --> 00:13:43. you need on it, the system, everything is all in place. 00:13:43.65 --> 00:13:47. All right, corso. The first key is clarity. 00:13:53.22 --> 00:13:54. If you were money. 00:13:57.92 --> 00:13:58. Would you date you? 00:14:01.22 --> 00:14:03. If you are money, hey, would you? They? You? 00:14:05.09 --> 00:14:06. Good question, right? 00:14:08.19 --> 00:14:10. You are money so it's kind of a weird thing to say 00:14:10.19 --> 00:14:11. so let's think about that 00:14:12.54 --> 00:14:15. if you were money so here I own money and the way 00:14:15.34 --> 00:14:18. I act towards money write what I want to stay with 00:14:18.21 --> 00:14:18. me 00:14:19.89 --> 00:14:22. what do you ladies think? Well I'm more of like an 00:14:22.68 --> 00:14:26. ignore I think and I know that you don't want to meet 00:14:26.42 --> 00:14:31. someone who ignores it so no and that's why I'm like 00:14:31.24 --> 00:14:34. saying it again but that's why thinking of money as 00:14:34.95 --> 00:14:40. a relationship it was huge so huge like oh yeah like 00:14:40.86 --> 00:14:43. that was like the breakthrough already because like 00:14:43.45 --> 00:14:47. you say with us I would never ignore if any relationship 00:14:47.71 --> 00:14:52. I have I would never ignore that person the way I 00:14:52.39 --> 00:14:57. do money whatever so that is made which is really 00:14:57.52 --> 00:15:00. what's really really interesting about that if you 00:15:00.27 --> 00:15:03. could just keep thinking of money as a person it's 00:15:03.06 --> 00:15:05. it's not congruent with your identity all right it's 00:15:05.92 --> 00:15:09. just not conclude congruent with who you are so if 00:15:09.23 --> 00:15:11. you keep thinking about that you're like that's not 00:15:11.32 --> 00:15:14. who I am I don't ignore people I don't ignore what's 00:15:14.21 --> 00:15:17. important right and now that you've you've determined 00:15:17.58 --> 00:15:20. that money is in fact important and why it's important 00:15:20.64 --> 00:15:22. to you with the stair steps that we did yesterday, 00:15:23.49 --> 00:15:25. you can tell the beacon group with that now start 00:15:25.47 --> 00:15:27. to have this like I have to have a good relationship 00:15:27.92 --> 00:15:31. right or I'm not a good like I'm not a good partner 00:15:31.18 --> 00:15:34. exactly right that is, that is awesome. That's really 00:15:34.23 --> 00:15:34. huge.
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Ratings and Reviews
as a participant in the course, and now a week later, going back thru watching the videos, following along with the book, doing the homework again, i have to say i am still 1000% overjoyed that i put my business launch on hold to attend Robyn's course and Attend to my Life and my Relationship and put them first for the first time in my adult life. i went into this with an open mind, believing whatever i got out of it would be greater than what i came into it with and by the end of the first day i felt like i had won the lottery! i was terrified to sit down and figure out our net worth, believing we were Billions of dollars in the red. but lo and behold, when i just put the battle ax down and did the work it turned out our assets had us sittin' pretty. Imagine my shock! my entire outlook changed, my beliefs were able to shift and i've been able to make grand changes in the way i deal with money in even the smallest of ways since then. i found that piece to be so phenomenally empowering habits i thought i'd never break are totally conscious decisions now, before i reach in my wallet i ACTUALLY THINK do i WANT to spend this on that right now? or would i rather SAVE it for later. I don't even have to have a goal in mind. the image of our assest growing is a serious turn on! Robyn's light hearted approach really brought my guard down, she gave me facts and knowledge first, when i was handed that 150 page book, i said to myself, "self i said, knowledge, cool." then she walked on stage with her sense and humor and i said, "AND Robyn's funny- BONUS! i'm definitely learning something, let's go!" and learn i did. I'm thrilled at the follow up and i'd say to anyone considering if they should invest in this course, it's unorthodox in the least, and if you're open and willing to do the work, it can, as i am living witness, be absolutely transformative. personally and triangularly- that being between you, your hunny & your money. take it if you dare to break free of whatever bonds are holding you from living with your love in your highest purpose, calling, and love light! If i could gift one thing on this earth this moment to everyone i love it would be taking this course with Robyn. (holdin the space, prayin n holdin the space...)
I absolutely LOVE Robyn Crane. What a great teacher. My man agreed to go through the video course and complete the workbook with me based on a clip he saw one clip of the course. We've gone through half the manual workbook and have been able to communicate better outside of the work, already. I am feeling better about talking with my spouse about money than ever, and we're both learning more about each other's ideas about money and our beliefs. Wow. That's an eye opening experience, I thought I knew what he thought about money and goals but I was surprised a lot at the answers he wrote in the workbook. Sharing with eachother is key-- I'm so pleased with the results and we're not even half way done! That you Robyn and thank you Creative Live!
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