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Routing - Part 2

Lesson 5 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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5. Routing - Part 2

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about Routing in Massive X - Part 2.</b>
Next Lesson: Routing - Part 3

Lesson Info

Routing - Part 2

Hi. In this video, we're gonna dive a bit deeper into the routing in massive X. OK. So I've got some routing going on here. I've got a couple of oscillators going into uh the beginning of this effects chain here and the noise oscillators going into different stages. We've got these other objects here as well. OK. So we're gonna play around with a couple of these. Let's start with this one. So this one's F, so if we go up to the F section up here and choose an effect from this menu, so like a filter. So we've got low past four here, for example, have some resonance, get that cut of frequency down to filter the signal because let's say, for example, we've got this first noise object here, turn it off a bit. So right now that's going into the phaser, the phaser. Actually, I'm gonna turn that down a bit cool. And what I'm gonna do is disconnect the noise object for a moment. I'm gonna connect it first into this F object and connect the output of the F object back into where that was connec...

ted, just gonna move that there. You can move these around by the way for your visual sake and just like organizing your patch. OK. So noise one is now going into this filter and then it's going into the second stage there, you can hear the noise filtering, you know, you you know, you know, let's turn up the gain of the filter. So this is a very, very basic filter. Let's have a look at another one of those uh chrome filter. Let's have a look at another one. OK. So we have different implementations of filter here. So in this case, we have a band pass which just allows a window of frequencies to come through. So it's basically like a high pass and a low pass combined. Oh You and now let's move on. Let's for example, connect noise two. So noise two, if you remember is the bubbles, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna send that now to another object. So that's object A and then send object A to where noise two was going to originally and let's load up a pit crusher, let's turn up the mix on that, really crush it. OK? So as you turn it to the left, it's emulating a reduction of the resolution there. So you can get very creative with a bit crusher in the effect chain here. Cool. So now let's experiment with taking oscillator two and connecting that to the B object you can see now that organizing these around makes quite a bit difference in terms of work. Let's move that over there. So B let's go up here to add an effect. Let's do ring modulation. That should be interesting w difficult to discern at this point. So let's turn down the other oscillators and just focus on oscillator two. Oh You, you, you, you, so the rate of modulation has been increased by this number uphill and you can invert the oscillator as well. That is modulating the ring modulation. OK? So that's just another effect that you can add into the chain when you're using routing in massive X. Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.