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A Brief Overview of the Wavetable Modes

Lesson 10 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

A Brief Overview of the Wavetable Modes

Lesson 10 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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Lesson Info

10. A Brief Overview of the Wavetable Modes

<b>In this lesson, you will learn a Brief Overview of the Wavetable Modes in Massive X.</b>
Next Lesson: Modulation - Part 1

Lesson Info

A Brief Overview of the Wavetable Modes

Hello and welcome to this lecture where we're going to have a look at the wave table modes. So that over here at the left of oscillator one and the right of Oslo to two. So these just give us some additional options in terms of how the wave table is actually played back. So each of these options gives us two additional controls in terms of how the wave table is played back. So for example, if you have a format wave table open, let's just click on wave tables format. And for example, Talkative sq and then go to the wave table mode and choose format. We have these two additional controls in regards to the performance. So this is great for those electronic sounds that have those growling tone to them. Let's just play this back and I'll move this format doll while I'm playing it back. Hey, and let's hear what this sounds like when I move the second level harmonic control as you can hear it was adjusting the format of the sound without actually adjusting the pitch. So that's the equivalent ...

of someone with a deeper voice singing the same pitch as someone with a higher voice singing the same pitch. Ok. So that's just one example of one of the wave table modes and how it can multiply the wave table options you have in massive X. So when you select a different wave table mode, you will have some different controls as well. So play around with these and find one that's most suitable. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.