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How to Set Up Additional Oscillators

Lesson 16 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

How to Set Up Additional Oscillators

Lesson 16 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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16. How to Set Up Additional Oscillators

<b>In this lesson, you will learn How to Set Up Additional Oscillators in Massive X.</b>

Lesson Info

How to Set Up Additional Oscillators

Hello and welcome to this video where I'm going to show you where you can add up to three additional oscillators in max. OK. So over here in this section, we have some inserts. So if we click on the drop down menu next to A B or C, we have a few different effects, we can also select oscillator. So let's choose oscillator. So let's just turn up oscillator two and hear what this sounds like. But what we might want to do is actually have some thickness under that and create a kind of sub base with this additional oscillator. So what we're going to do and this additional oscillator is go over and change this to sine. So it's a nice clean tone and then switch this over to ratio and then drag this down to 1/2. So the sine wave is an octave lower than the two oscillators or half the frequency. OK? So if you play this bat, now we will only hear this additional oscillator. That's because the mix is at 100%. So let's dial that down. So now we're hearing a mix of oscillator 12 and this new additi...

onal oscillator, which is thickening up the sound. We might also choose to adjust the phase of the oscillator with this phase dial. So this shifts the phase or the timing of that oscillator relative to the other oscillators, we can also choose to invert the polarity of this oscillator with this invert button here. So for example, the sine wave instead of it going up, then down, it will actually go down and then up, which might have an interesting effect on the sound. We can add two more additional oscillators here with B and C as well if you wish. But the controls are exactly the same. OK. So that's how we add additional oscillators in NAS X effectively allowing us to have up to five different oscillators. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.