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Performer Tabs

Lesson 9 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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9. Performer Tabs

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about Performer Tabs in Massive X.</b>

Lesson Info

Performer Tabs

Hi. In this video, we're gonna look at the performer tabs in massiv X. So the performer tabs allow us to create multiple patterns using the performer in mass X and switch between them throughout our performance or throughout our composition. So, for example, let's say I'm using performer one to modulate the wave table. So I'm just gonna drag that icon and then turn up the modulation on there and then draw in a pattern. I'm just gonna shorten that loop there as well. So you can see and hear the effect that it's having just gonna turn up the modulation a bit cool. And what we're gonna do next is I'm actually gonna come over to this second tab. I'm gonna create another pattern. I want to shorten that loop as well. So I got this pattern and that pattern. What I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna come over to P two. I'm gonna drag that onto the filter cut off, increase the modulation, I'll bring down the cut off as well shorten that loop. So right now we're back on tab one, but we're doing it for...

P two. OK. So let's create another pattern and then tab two for P two as well cool and shorten that loop. So on the first tap on the first variation we have P one. So on the first variation we have this pattern for P one and this pattern for P two on second tab, we have this pattern for P two and this one for P one. So P one is modulating the wave table. P two is modulating the cut off frequency of the filter. OK. So how do I select different patterns? How do I move between them without clicking on this tab here. What you can do is you can go over to the grid icon over here and then you can simply select the octave of your keyboard which you use to trigger the tabs. So if I want to trigger the tabs, so what I need to do is just go over to that octave on my actual keyboard. If you have a smaller keyboard, you might need to press plus or minus in order to get up and down to that octave. And then you can use the keys on the keyboard as you can see here to select different tabs. So you can see the tabs moving here, you can see the tabs moving down there. So if I press C minus one on my keyboard, I go over to the first tab C# minus one D minus one, the shot minus one, E minus one, et cetera. So if you've already played in your performance, you can just use the keyboard to trigger the different tabs or if you're playing like a lead sound and you have two plus octaves on your keyboard, you could be playing the sound on the top half of the keyboard using one octave and then you set the remote for the octave below it. OK. So right now I'm actually using this octave and the notes upwards to play the music, but I'm using the octave below it to change the tab that I'm playing. So I'm controlling the performer with one octave on my keyboard and playing with another. So for example, see right now I'm just holding down a cord and I'm trigger in the different patterns with the octave below the cord that I'm playing. OK. So that's how you can get started using the tabs in performer in Masiv X to enhance the modulation that you're doing. Thanks for watching. And I'll see you in the next video.