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Routing - Part 3

Lesson 6 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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6. Routing - Part 3

<b>In this Massive X Synthesizer - Native Instruments Massive X Guide, you will learn about Routing in Massive X - Part 3.</b>
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Routing - Part 3

Hi. In this video, we're gonna dive a bit deeper into the routing, more specifically how to use modulation with the routing in massive X. OK. So you see here, we have these two mod objects mod one and mod two. And what we can do is we can use modulation sources to modulate a given parameter or a given object in the chain. So let's say for example, I wanted to modulate the bit crushing effect. So what I do is I grab the output of the modulator and connect it to bit crush here. I'm just gonna move that just so it's easy to discern the different signals there. And what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come over to one of these LF OS here. Now, if you haven't dived into the modulation in massive X, yeah, then don't worry so much. This is gonna be a really, really basic version of it. But what I'm gonna do is choose a waveform over here on L four and then I'm gonna go back to routing. I'm gonna grab this icon over here and connect it to mod one. So L four, this shape here is modulating mod one now...

which is connected to bitcrush. So we should hear an effect there. YYYY cool. So what's happening here is this shape this LFO at this rate? So very slow moving LFO is just modulating the effect of the bit crush. So it's just changing the effect of the bit crush over time. OK. So that's how you use modulation with the routing as well. You can just replicate that same process with any of the other modulators connected to modulator two in routing as well and then just connect that to another effect. Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.