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Lesson 7 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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7. Macros

<b>In this Massive X Synthesizer - Native Instruments Massive X Guide, you will learn how to use the Macros in Massive X.</b>
Next Lesson: Performer

Lesson Info


Hi. In this video, we're gonna get started using Macros in massive X. So right now I'm using a Midi controller, a Midi keyboard controller that has a dial on it. I'd like to use that dial to manipulate some parameters in my synthesizer. So for example, right now, got very basic sound, got this filter set up. It's gonna bring down the cut off frequency. OK? And then from there, I wanna be able to turn the dial on my physical Midi controller and then turn the dial on the um filter cut off. First thing I need to do is come up to the right here, click on that icon and there's cog icon here and under the control menu, I need to load up my mini controller which is the key station mini 32. And then the easiest way to do this generally is to click midi learn and then move the parameter of your choosing on the controller. So it's learned that close that OK. So what I could do is just simply switch this over to Macro five which is already set to frequency. But what I'm gonna do instead is actual...

ly do this from scratch so that you know how to do it. I'm gonna click on number nine here and then select the parameter. I want Macro number nine to manipulate and test that first. So that dial there is now manipulating that dial. And what I'm gonna do is come over to this menu, click on this triangle here and then select Macro nine cos that's the one that I've chosen and click on this little icon here so that it maps. Now. If I turn the dial on my midi controller, you can see that it affects the cut off frequency there. Let's actually have a listen to that as I move the dial on my keyboard. Excellent. So all we did there was we first of all connected our macro to the parameter. I'll do that from scratch. Actually, let's do it from number this time. Connect it to that test that first that's working fine. Come over here, select my controller mile, move the parameter on the controller that's fine. So it recognizes it. And then from this menu, choose the macro you want it to work with and then just make sure that this triangle is selected. There you go. I'm moving the dial on my keyboard now and it's moving the cut of frequency of that filter. And of course, you could replicate this with any other macro or any other parameter on the synthesizer. Hope that's useful. And I'll see you in the next video.