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PM Oscillators

Lesson 14 from: Massive X Synthesizer: Sound Design + Synthesis

Tomas George

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14. PM Oscillators

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about the PM Oscillators in Massive X.</b>
Next Lesson: Aux Modulation

Lesson Info

PM Oscillators

Hello and welcome to this lecture where we're going to be looking at the PM oscillators. So the PM oscillators are used to modulate oscillators one and two. So we have 2 p.m. oscillators oscillator one and oscillator two. We can click on these shapes here to choose the waveforms. So we could use this as another LFO for example to do that, we click on PM one to enable this. So this means that PM one will be modulating oscillator one and we just turn up the dial under PM one to increase the intensity of the modulation. But to make this a low frequency oscillator, we're going to make sure this is on ratio over here. And then what you do is drag this number down. For example, if we select 1/8 and that means the frequency of PM one is an eighth of the frequency of oscillator one. So this is technically three octaves below oscillator one. And let's hear what this sounds like as you can hear PM, one was modulating oscillator one, you can hear that movement in the sound. So for example, if we ...

drag this number even further down, it will be a slower modulation. Let's try 1/20. And now, for example, let's choose a triangle wave to modulate Oslo to one. Let's hear what this sounds like. So you can hear there that the modulation has a triangular shape. So it goes up and then down, then up and down, we also have PM two, which is another oscillator we can use to further modulate oscillator one or oscillator two. For example, we can click on PM two for both oscillator one and oscillator two. So it's modulating both of them. So let's just turn up oscillator two and let's go over to PM two and change this ratio to a really low number. So let's try 1/40 that's increased the modulation here. So let's drag up the style for PM two and let's play this. But now. Ok, great. So PM two is modulating both oscillators, but let's disable PM two on oscillator one and let's hear what this sounds like. So it sounds similar. So let's pull down oscillator one and now we're going to hear just oscillator two being modulated by PM two. Ok, great. So there's lots of different modulation options available to you with using PM one and PM two. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.