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Lesson 22 from: Xfer Serum Synthesizer: Sound Design + Music Production

Tomas George

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22. Phaser

<b>In this Xfer Serum Synthesizer - Sound Design + Music Production lecture, you will learn about the Phaser effect in the FX section of the Serum Synthesizer.</b>
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Hi in this video, I'm gonna show you how to use the phaser effect. So the phaser effect is another modulation effect like chorus or flanger. So we have similar options here. But let me just take you through each one. So we have the rate of modulation which we can quantize against the B PM as usual. So let's do 1/4 and have quite a high depth. We also have the base frequency of the effect. So let me just demonstrate that to you, let me just decrease the depth first actually just to make this more apparent to you. So as you can hear the ringing is moving across the frequency spectrum when I move that dial and one. OK. And we had the feedback. So how much of the phaser signal is being fed back into the input? And as usual, if we turn that all the way up, we'll start to get some ringing. Oh And then we have the relative phase between left and right. So right now I'm gonna turn down the mix so that we can hear some more of the difference and I'm going to increase the depth again. So that's ...

the depth of modulation there, slow down the modulation as well. So try and listen to the details in the left and right channels there. OK. So that's how we can use the phaser effect in serum. Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video.