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Lesson 24 from: Xfer Serum Synthesizer: Sound Design + Music Production

Tomas George

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24. Hyper-Dimension

<b>In this lesson, you will learn about the Hyper-Dimension Effect in the FX section of the Serum Synthesizer.</b>
Next Lesson: Distortion

Lesson Info


Hi. In this video, I'm going to explain to you the Hyper and the dimension effects which are both built into one rack here. So let's start with Hyper. Hyper is basically a unison effect where it multiplies the signal and slightly de tunes those multiplications to make a much fatter sound, not unlike a chorus effect or any similar modulation effects such as phases. So let's have a listen to Hyper at four mix. So it sounds like there are many of the same things spread out in the stereo stage there and we can adjust the amount of voices that we have here. So let's bring it up to seven and increase the amount that they're detuned by. And here we can adjust the rate of modulation between the teaching voices. When I choose the re trig option here, it's always re triggering the voices. So they always start at a zero point as opposed to just staying out of tune all of the time. Let's see what that sounds like. So if you don't want the sound to move around so much as it does without the re trig...

on, you want to have that full unison effect with multiple voices, that big sound, you can just use the re trig option to keep it consistent, but still quite large. And as always, you can just dial down the mix here, see how it's much larger than life now. OK. So let's move on to the dimension effect. What I'm gonna do is turn down the mix of the hyper effect first and then play with the dimension effect. OK. So it's just another modulation effect that's kind of mimicking a stereo environment. So it's just useful for increasing the perceived width of the sound. And it's not that unlike a reverb in, in how it sounds, you can also change the size of that as well. Combined with the hyper, it can be quite effective at creating a larger than life, almost echoy reverberant sound. You can quite clearly hear a difference in size between no hyper or dimension and width. So that's how we can use the hyper and dimension effects to increase the presence of the sound in the mix. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.