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Serum as an FX

Lesson 26 from: Xfer Serum Synthesizer: Sound Design + Music Production

Tomas George

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26. Serum as an FX

<b>In this lesson, you will learn how to use Serum as an FX.</b>
Next Lesson: Mod Matrix

Lesson Info

Serum as an FX

Hi. In this video, I just wanna talk about how you can use serum as an effect when you are producing in any digital audio workstation that supports third party plugins. So you can load serum effects as an effect like you would a compressor or an EQ on your channel. And the cool thing about that is it means you can use your favorite serum effects on a vocal chat for example. So right here, I've got a vocal loop loaded up and I want to use the reverb from serum on it. So let's have a listen to the vocal, get your bags off the wall. Great. And now let's enable the reverb, get your bags off the wall. Cool. So I can use the same reverb that I like using in my serum presets on my vocal track as well. Get your bags off the wall and a quick note about the order of plugins that you have. Let's say I have the compressor before the reverb compressing the vocal bits. Let me just get to some settings that I think are appropriate. Get your bags off the wall, get your bags off the wall. Course. So th...

at's a conservative compressor setting. I've got on the vocal there just taming the dynamics. But let's say that I had this after the refurb, the behavior of the compressor and the reverb working together now is gonna be quite different basically before I was taming the dynamics of the vocal and then applying reverb to the output of that. But if I'm compressing the reverberated signal, I'm also at risk of kind of changing the behavior of the reverb tail because it's technically turning the signal down and stuff like that. Most of the time, this stuff isn't noticeable, but you should be aware and should be mindful of the order of your plugins or order of effects. I'm not saying that you shouldn't compress after reverb. I'd never say something like that, but you should be mindful of it because it is important. The signal flow of your effects inside serum and outside of serum is important and does make a difference. Let me know if you have any questions about that in the Q and A section of the course. So that's how you use the serum as an audio plug in inside your digital audio workstation. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.