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Lesson 21 from: Xfer Serum Synthesizer: Sound Design + Music Production

Tomas George

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Lesson Info

21. Flanger

<b><p dir="ltr">In this lesson, you will learn about the Flanger effect in the FX section of the Serum Synthesizer.</p></b>
Next Lesson: Phaser

Lesson Info


Hi. In this video, I'm gonna explain to you the Flanger effect in serum. Now, a flanger is much like a chorus effect. But in this example, it's a bit simpler. But also Flanger tend to use significantly shorter delay times between the original signal and the delayed signal. So let's experiment with some of the features of the flanger here. So that's why it sounds like a full mix. You can hear how it's a much more metallic sound, but also it's a bit flatter than it was in the chorus which doubled up a few times over because it's only been fed back once. It's, it's not being multiplied by four like it was in the chorus effect here as well. We have the depth of modulation. So let's bring that down sync with B PM and go to 1/ and I increase the depth now. So the delay time of the fed back signal is being modulated at a rate of 1/4 relative to the B PM just gonna turn down the mix. So it's added a slight surrealness to the sound. And the feedback here allows me to determine how much of the s...

ignal is being fed back into the input. OK? And here we can change the relative phase between the dry and the wet signal. So phase is time. So it's basically just gonna be the difference in time between the two. And finally, as always, we have the mixed to determine the balance between the wet and dry signal. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.