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FFT Editor

Lesson 8 from: Xfer Serum Synthesizer: Sound Design + Music Production

Tomas George

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8. FFT Editor

<b>In this Xfer Serum Synthesizer - Sound Design + Music Production lecture, you will learn about the FFT Editor.</b>

Lesson Info

FFT Editor

OK. Now let's have a look at this FFT area up here. So this allows us to generate and change the shape of our waveform. And we can do this by drawing in harmonics and their relative phases to one another. So it basically allows you to build a waveform using the harmonic series up here. You'll notice it goes to 48 bins. But if we change the zoom, we can actually add up to bins. For this example, we're not going to use that many bins. So I'm just going to change the zoom to eight times. So you can basically just click and drag the first bin to create a sine wave and we can add more odd and we can add more odd or even harmonics to build a sound. You can also click and drag on a load of them. You can also click and drag down on the bins to get rid of them as well. And you can also right click and go on and clear all. So the lower half here, this allows you to adjust the phase offset for each frequency bin. So you can change the shape by adjusting the phase of the different bins. There are...

a few more right click options as well. You can also clear from a specific bin. So you can clear high frequencies. So from bin 13 to the end, we can also right click and go on clear low frequencies. So from start to bin 15, obviously, we're just hearing the higher frequencies there. Let's just draw in some layer frequencies. So it can sound a little strange without the fundamental frequency. So most of the time we will want this first bin, the fundamental frequency, we also have some randomized options by right clicking and going on to these randomized options here, we could randomize the low 16 bins if you wish. But like I said, it can sound a little strange about this first bit. You can also repeat the action, this will continue randomizing. But there are a few more randomized options here. I recommend going in and test them out for yourself. You can also shift an Octa up. You'll notice it will shift the bins over, we can shift an octave down. You can see it will shift the bins over again. You generally want the lower bins to be higher than the higher bins. But it really depends on what kind of sound you're after, we can also set a progressive fade. So make the sound a little bit more usable, just make this a bit more random. So if we right click on here, we can go on to progressive fade. So we could also do a randomize all and then go on to a progressive fade as well. We also have draw even harmonics only and draw odd harmonics only. We also have this button here. So the FFT editor will take in the harmonic content of what's drawn in this wave table. So you can further edit the shape in here, really go through and customize this wave table. So you can see in real time it updates when we move these bins. OK. So that's the FFT editor. Thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next lecture.