Day 1
1Sue's Background and Philosophy
38:05 2Sue's Posing Rules
47:22 3Live Demo: Flow Posing
45:21 4Posing Q&A
12:21 5Mirroring Practice
16:23 6Live Posing: The Ottoman
17:37 7Live Posing: Covergirl Shot
26:06Live Posing: Beauty Shot
12:27 9Live View Shoot: Q&A
16:28 10Live Posing: The Wall Shot
13:07 11Bonus: Relaxed Mouths
08:06 12Audience Before & Afters
24:51 13Final Q&A and Wrap Up
33:10 14Wardrobe
16:23 15Freestyling
16:49 16Twos and Threes
46:31 17Shooting Curves
59:39 18Shooting Curves Q&A
29:37 19Bonus: Top Model Release App
02:21 20Natural Light Studio
31:33 21Introduction to Hair & Makeup
12:53 22Hair & Makeup Demo: Big Hair and Light Skin with Amanda
1:10:58 23Hair & Makeup Demo: Dark Skin with Ty
21:37 24Photoshop Sue Style
54:45 25Photoshop Q&A
12:21 26Business Sue
18:33 27Fusion Video and Stills
40:20 28Building a Business
26:50 29Pricing & Booking
18:02 30Business Goals
24:34 31Gift Vouchers
10:03 32Bonus: What Should You Charge?
02:45 33Marketing Your Business
28:07 34The Science of Marketing to Women
15:41 35Sales
13:13 36Sales Q&A
27:03Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Photoshop Q&A
okay if a client buys the image before it's printed how much more time will you spend on retouching well they see the image reattached the two minute mac and depending on how much it needs for me how much I spend on it maybe another two minutes or another five minutes so another teen minutes if it's something really important that has to be removed thank you oh how often do you calibrate your monitor I don't I love what I did was I seem to taste my lab my legs in the beautiful work I used the agent melvin and uh I see to the h okay it seems to be a really good color you seem to met my color beautifully I've never calibrated my screens and he said I can't so I said but you seem to be like a stop doc so I allow that is an adjustment in my image order and I seemed it but I don't use a calibration a lot of people are asking about light room and do you use it light room is a magnificent tool and if I was back in the big studio shooting four hundred portrait a year I would have liked room ru...
nning in all of my computers because I no longer shoot that volume I'm now doing maybe one to two shoots a week as myself cause I'm only in sydney my brand is only myself I don't have the tin stuff and sydney what you're gonna hear about next um so I can manage my own workflow but are you talking about twenty five images I don't have the quantity of images to do light room s o I never you never lent it because I'm not a wedding photographer I don't have the quantity either off adjusting multiple images at one time however now that I've been seeing light room I'm looking at the new light room and how just remarkable it is and I'm pro adobe in any form I've owned every single vision of photo shop even before it was called photo shop and I'm going teo goto a light dream seminar and odd julian cost I saw her speak at w p p r she baloo me away with her knowledge and I mean I I do a lot of folks up she just absolutely is amazing and I'm gonna go and probably do one of her seminars and lumet and up here but I've just never had the need to have flight room that is amazing everyone's using it now more than fish you talked about swapping lies yes could you show that or maybe put a video on your block if it takes longer yes sure um a really good one would bay actually here and as you're swapping the eyes on this one will it be similar to how you would swap out ahead yes okay well no ok well and a quick note folks if you want julian cut costs to come on creative live to teach light room send out some tweets olly molly that woman just is and you know what she's kind of looks like a librarian thing yeah and then she has the funny a sense of humor and listening to her is off I really enjoyed a sheet I announced here at w p p you and I've never seen you talk before I always sort of considered that a light room discussion would be like pulling teeth really boring but you know I didn't bring hits one with me okay before he'd swap what I did I'm gonna I'm gonna head swelled up on two is I will lessen this area here let's say I love thee here blowing on the shock but we didn't quite get the expression I'll pick up the face I'll drop it on and I could drop my hope a city and move it around until I get the level that I want um once I'm on or close enough I can write free transformed take my place kalugin free transform and then I go to my e for a racer make sure I feel that their age all the way around to you later on and off make sure that you have got it right if we do it so I just had to watch my dance lesson drop on it's the fastest way for may I told you it's like all the people that are riding on twitter right now I really liked soup rice for two days and now I think she's a heck yes go for it I'm a hack I am a hack I taught myself photoshopped so I totally hacked it out myself and then all of a sudden I had a studio with six three touches in it doing four hundred portrait's year and we hacked their way through four hundred a year in order to get paid so I hacked it as much as I possibly could hacky hacky all right what I actually did with the eye and let me just put one into position for you so that you understand um this was after our conversation used today about the eye being invaded I'll just create a little vision then lots of people are applauding you for the hacky hacky um basically any movement in the eye any shift in the eye really all I'm doing is where you've got two choices here you can actually ghost over the I well know it so you can literally pick it out and match eyeballs right or you can buy director here literally let's say their eyes a little bit open we can literally hover over the eye is sixty percent cloning on the people and you can just pop it straight over and that works as well your other option is you can lay so through here less so pick up a copy and paste control t or and just lift up through the eye here and just left a lazy eyelid or a smaller I and then just make sure that you replace the director I'm sorry replace the direct gaze off people yeah so the idea is that you're lifting this so you know better than a facelift better than I left is time consuming though so you don't really wanna be doing that you only want to do it for people with a lazy eye over there if they don't want they want your eye fixed photoshopped question do you ever whiten teeth well no I don't actually americans have really white teeth I love shooting over here everybody has like super white teeth uh I don't really oh the camera I kind of shooed quite high key but I feel like the camera kind of blows out the teeth although I've removed braces and if people have said to fill in my tooth or fix my tooth I will do that questions in the money ok from rose shoot you mentioned that using sentiment toast action from totally rad uh what what do you use that for and also went on when in your process do you know what I love about early read is um it's just open simona ten lines a really big problem for people in images and so is discoloration sometimes when the faces different colorants mind is obviously not a very good example of that but what I would do is I've set up a layer that I called tan lines and when I hit ten lines I've put an extra layer on top in cinnamon toast in the center and if I take this layer off cinnamon toast is like a toasty cinnamon keller about then I've put another layer of the top so with one button press I can just go to the top layer and race back and I contend samona wherever I want to just like a spray tan you know like I'm basically spray tanning is doing so it's that's the heck version but basically I do that to fill in tan line so I just really likely a race back ten percent and white tan lines and bounce it up if I want to make a darker or take more cinnamon out I can lighten that cinnamon toast or die cannot ride up so she's looking really l a and really new york and then I can die can andy saturate that bottom one on any level that I want so I've just set up this cinnamon toast which is a color shift in ten I'm sure this will take forever will you figured just I don't really understand actions okay used them sure action's er anything that takes more than one button press so when you go to here uh I've got lighter darker and vibrant now in order to make this shot lighter without pressing that button so in order to do it manually I go khun manned in and bring up the kids and then I might lighten it by going one stop lighter there and I'm lightning the image correct right so I'm changing the kids and then I hit okay now when that something you do all the time you go in and you record yourself doing that action and then the next time you want to make it lighter you just go lighter because the idea is that you don't spend time wasting time on going command in change the curves you know if it's a custom action that you don't use very often you have to go and do it but I used lighted doctor and vibrant all the time so I can open image straightaway and pump more contrast into it just like that I can close it down lightning that d separate it I can do locate the image I can de seta right the color anything that I do more than one button press I have an action for to speed me out yeah next question just to clarify this is your own custom actions toolbar yes say we had seen a question from not sure who it was from but about eyebrows dues do you do the same uh when you're warping eyebrows and where do you I don't really get to warp eyebrows eyebrows are what a team to do because eyebrows would change somebody immediately if anything I can shape them so I can go tio my bin until my brush or any of those things in a temper steamed I can fill in eyebrows if there's a gap in them and if I feel like that too big or that they're misshapen I can definitely do this if I'm going to give her an eyebrow lift so if I'm going to lacey this area and shift her eyebrows I'm going to significantly alter the shape of her face so I am going to make her look really different by lifting her eyebrows up so I don't want to change the structure of her face although I could change the structure of her face dramatically I could lift her nose up I could warp pino's fleder I could warp your nose forward I could make your cheeks smaller I couldn't make her chin longer why would you do that because as soon as you change the face you've changed the image too much question from tanya shields can you explain again what one stop lighter and one stop darker means in terms of photo shop okay so if I go to command in and this is my curves and if I lift up through the centre I go a stop lighter and darker there okay so that's taking me through the mid range of my history um so basically it takes the whole image up the question is how much is a star on guessing when I got it I got it to stop and at the same way that you do a stop in your camera right it's just like a bang around to stop it's one it's a little jump one one level
Class Materials
bonus material with purchase
Ratings and Reviews
Michael And Dawn
Dawn and I watched the workshop taught by Sue on glamour photography with much anticipation, and we were not disappointed. In fact after only the first hour we turned to each other and, at the same time, said "We should go ahead and purchase this course." Which we did on Sunday, the last day of the three day course. The CreativeLive team did a great job on producing the workshop, the set looked great, the sound and camera angles were unobtrusive as they should be, and the on-screen talent were engaging and approachable as usual. They interjected with questions from the audience in a timely and relevant manner, and humored us all at times as well. As it should be, the real star of the workshop was the information that Sue was providing, but a very strong supporting role was Sue herself. Even though she never made it past the 9th grade, she displayed enough wisdom to make us think that we wasted a lot of time sitting in school. Sue had both Dawn and I captivated, her likable New Zealand accent, was so warm and soothing, that I think we would have listened to her say almost anything. However, "anything" was hardly what she had to say, no-no, she had a great deal to say, and we found all of it so educational and inspiring that we can't wait to put what she tought us into practice. Sue's "Keep-It-Simple" approach to glamour photography is refreshing, she does not complicate a shoot, nor does she complicate the business end of things either. Her philosophy is "A confused mind says 'no.'" So her pricing, marketing and re-pore with her clients is simple, understandable and repeatable. Dawn & I fully recomend this course to anyone looking to engage in glamour photography, not just for the mechanics of learning the studio process, but more for how to think about the process and your interactions with the client, we think that Sue's interaction with her clients is her real "secret" to her success; she makes the photography session for the client a wonderful experience and that experience is what gets them to market her via word-of-mouth exposure, which is the best kind of atvertising and best kind of accolade for a photographer. Thank you Sue, we were both entertained and educated and a little bit mesmerized by your workshop. Hope to see you soon on the CreativeLive stage. Michael and Dawn Mitchell Digital Mitchell Photography www.digitalmitchell.com
a Creativelive Student
Loving every moment of this course so far and I've learned so much from Sue's gentle but wise words. It's so important to be true to yourself and as much as I've enjoyed most of the Creative Live classes I've taken I've had a much different personality than many of the teachers, I am so happy to see how Sue is able to stay calm and quiet and still maintain perfect control of the situation...I had huge anxiety sometimes at shoots thinking I should be bold, boisturous or entertaining to be successful. Looking forward to following her class today in between my son's hockey games...so lucky my computer is in the kitchen and I can watch and still keep things at home fairly sane! lol thank-you, kerry www.snickerdoodles.ca
a Creativelive Student
Watched 80% of it live and after constantly screen grabbing :D I BOUGHT IT. This was my 3rd time watching a CreativeLive and my first time purchasing a course. (Loved Zach and Jody and will probably buy that when the time is right...still a little scared about weddings.) ANYWAY - SUE IS AMAZING!!! She is so open, inspiring, fun, funny, knowledgeable, TRANSPARENT, giving, smart, creative, expert, unapologetic, grateful, enlightened, adorable, gorgeous, hilarious, yet still imperfect and human and not intimidating. She will make you laugh and cry as she laughs and cries. You cannot argue with her MANY YEARS of experience. She is just in love with what she does and it is contagious. I have told people IN PERSON that her online CreativeLive course changed my life. I bought another online course for 2K last year...where was Sue back then? This is worth more than the 2K 6 week course I took. I obviously have a girl crush on her! www.CarolineWhitePhotography.com
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