Day 1
1Sue's Background and Philosophy
38:05 2Sue's Posing Rules
47:22 3Live Demo: Flow Posing
45:21 4Posing Q&A
12:21 5Mirroring Practice
16:23 6Live Posing: The Ottoman
17:37 7Live Posing: Covergirl Shot
26:06Live Posing: Beauty Shot
12:27 9Live View Shoot: Q&A
16:28 10Live Posing: The Wall Shot
13:07 11Bonus: Relaxed Mouths
08:06 12Audience Before & Afters
24:51 13Final Q&A and Wrap Up
33:10 14Wardrobe
16:23 15Freestyling
16:49 16Twos and Threes
46:31 17Shooting Curves
59:39 18Shooting Curves Q&A
29:37 19Bonus: Top Model Release App
02:21 20Natural Light Studio
31:33 21Introduction to Hair & Makeup
12:53 22Hair & Makeup Demo: Big Hair and Light Skin with Amanda
1:10:58 23Hair & Makeup Demo: Dark Skin with Ty
21:37 24Photoshop Sue Style
54:45 25Photoshop Q&A
12:21 26Business Sue
18:33 27Fusion Video and Stills
40:20 28Building a Business
26:50 29Pricing & Booking
18:02 30Business Goals
24:34 31Gift Vouchers
10:03 32Bonus: What Should You Charge?
02:45 33Marketing Your Business
28:07 34The Science of Marketing to Women
15:41 35Sales
13:13 36Sales Q&A
27:03Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Live Posing: The Ottoman
now actually um we've got a live view camera so what I can do is start showing the audience at home what we can see through the camera while we're posing I think the biggest hurdle that you get through in teaching posing as you can watch somebody post from the side but until you see through the camera actually what it is that people are looking at you don't understand why I'm moving stuff away from the camera um so I've taken some key cards out of my posing manual that I'm going to work off with you and we're going to do a life you on the camera and the audience at home can see the life you through the camera so they can actually see what we're doing and why we're doing it now what they are saying is ah full screen version of it because we are going to do the life you I'm landscape so they're not going to see the composition but that's not important what they get to see is the angle of the body to the camera and why we have all the rules that we have so we've got time to work through a...
ll of these poses when you have opposing manual from any photographer the idea is that I have taken the best of what a cell in the best of what I shoot and I that I make money from to try and teach you these key poses you can add to them you can add people to them you can do twos and threes what if you do but what I'm trying to show you is all the all the basic tricks to really amazing easy posing in natural light that's quite glam or we can and also we had a bit of a call out in the chat room for teenage girls when I was talking about shutting down the body language for seniors and teenage girls I do think the seniors market here in the us is a huge market and we don't have a senior's market because it's not something that traditionally we do in my country although I photograph a lot of teenage girls and teenage girls love to wear here and make up if they're allowed to sow I will always look at the mother first and say can you girls have some makeup on is it lip gloss and mascara or can they actually have proper eye makeup I've had woman coming with thirteen year old girls that say she wants a full face of makeup if there is their preference I will allow them to do that but I will never photograph a twelve detained for dame fifteen or sixteen year old girl in any of my sixty poses so what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna go through every one of the poses I'm going to talk about how we can six it up and how we can bring it back down to friendly but still with a beautiful pose I'm going to go through all of the scenarios and we're going to do it through the life you camera so let's get this set up so on whilst I'm doing that and choosing images are there any questions I can answer what we're doing that I'll go sorry adele is wondering do you show some shots to the client during the photo shoot so they feel confidence in you okay so that's two really good christian goodness sorry rightly and that it was falling that's a really good question because two things that make me want to do that one is I want them to be able to see the back of the camera to see what I'm getting so if there is a particular shot a particular shot on the back of the camera that looks really beautiful and I know it's going to blow them away then I will show it to them for a quick second I don't let them study it at two things they will want to look at the camera for the rest of the shoot if you do that and secondly tomorrow you're gonna learn um how I should curves now for make curves is anybody who's not slim slim skinny so I slammed everybody in camera and then I do a little bit more in for a shock so too may my finished product is farrow shot and women can be really had on themselves so if you show them the back of the camera be careful what you're showing them because if they don't like it for any reason or if they see a pose where something's poking out or something that you could fix so easily that they'll never see me or they don't like the iran or something like that then they'll go straight into a negative mind so I try to yes I always want to give somebody a flesh of something generally it's a beautiful close up face shot and they use you look gorgeous and I'll pop one into the camera you know like this face shot that was here before and I'll show them that and they'll often go and you can get anything from tears teo oh you know so you just want to keep moving with it they're the hardest thing for them to do it that moment is trust you which leads me into something that I have to say that I have to tell I was supposed to say when I came back from the break is what the people don't know well you may know when I did the please come to seattle because I'm going to shoot you I photographed before girls and my audience here over the last two days they got a couple of hours with me and we did the hero make up and we photograph them so yeah and they had no idea of course that um we're going to be showing their photographs in an hour so it's kind of like uh yeah you get to see them for the first time with everyone else uh oh yeah I know I've picked I've picked some of my favorite shots that we took and I just want you to see them and you but I really wanted you to experience two things the idea was that we did not film your shoot because when something has observed it's changed and I needed you teo just get some minor and myself and you because that triangle off what we have what we set out to do is really important for my brand secondly I want you to experience what it's like to actually see a viewing of your images for the first time and unfortunately you just have to do that like with the rest of the world that that's cool you can handle it and so after we do opposing here we're goingto dio reveal yeah then what I'm going to do is I'm going to show everybody here I'm going to put all four of you into the position that I photographed those photographs and where I shot it in the corner so that people can understand that there was nothing special we had a box and a little cardboard and that corner over there and each of you get to gun stand in the position that you're in and we'll show everybody how we shot it and then go through a little bit of a flow pose around how you got all of those positions said you get to be reminded of health sore it wass when I was making you push that bloody chin forward and down all right so um yeah it's kind of freaky isn't that st somebody else is gonna steal your photos but I just want you to know that it was so cold photograph you all and I can't wait to show you really excites me okay let's get a life you going here so we'll take you to me can you ok come into here all right so what we're going to do now is I'm going teo get you now we're not going we're going to mark shoot of the six we don't have natural light we don't have a reflector so I'm not gonna put a reflector the otherwise she wouldn't be out to see the screen so I come up in just make this I'm gonna leave this beside me for the camera guys because when I work with a cad I want them to see it and they're going to come up and have a look at it okay this cat that I've chosen first is what I call the ottoman and the idea with the ottoman of course is that it's a lying down shot um the first thing I teach about the lying down shot and this is a really big seller in my studio funny I could work this tribe is there a secret to this guy's okay um it's kind of a wave you but you'll get it I just want you to be out to see what I can say this is the front in the back of the ottoman um I want to teach basic posing because I want to be able to show I just like you all to know I'm a trained professional and I can't get it off the tripod okay can somebody walking that's all in the way you hold your mouth can take that off there with god all right so what I want you to do so mina I want you to lie on there and you tell me like you were before for the kill perfect okay one of the things that I want you to do is to turn forty five towards me a little weed but more that tip sorry I've got to focus on that okay now I want your left hand to go out this way a little that one but away from me that's it and I want your right hand to god over your forearm that's it there now I want you to bring your shoulder hang on so you might just focusing this manually houses going away so once I get this right I'll be alberti you go okay now what I want you today is roll up onto your back hip and bring in a ford can you see what that does to your body line straight away to the camera okay yeah right now when I bring hitchen around to his shoulder I bring it around this way stop see how that engages here eyes and then straightaway I bring the shoulder up to meet it there can you see the difference in the body language now from her lying down position so let's do teenage girl let's go fled onto the tummy crush your ankles bring your ankles up bringing elbows together and bring your hands up under your chin you can bring that all the way around there put your hands down and stretcher elbows out and bring your elbows out so instead of crossing them in that's it and then just bring your chin around to that shoulder and just bring your knees together and your ankles together and ankles up you can bring one arm up under your chin so your night the other one I plan to your chin that's it we could do anything like that so to six it up we're going to bring more hourglass and more connection to the shoulder to take it down to more teenager we just dropped the hips down and close up that body line there so the idea here is when you go through the scenarios okay coming into this can somebody come and sit here who can sit comfortably like this one that come to me okay tobin you do this and I'll take control of here and then I won't move in toward at the same time but you can go in to the end that's it perfect kate said don't move all right now let's imagine she is in lingerie so I want the elbows just left hand over this way a little bit more left hand over that right hand across okay now the one thing that you notice is the first thing I've lost his head to call attaches up in point that's it okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slide hit albert back so here cleavage line comes back in now I'm going to use to shoulder to work forward come up onto your back hip and bring your knee forward okay and that gives it a beautiful shape into the booty so I actually call that little cat if you just put both hands over this and open up their elbow so I can still see there that's it that to me is like a little cat but sixty it's got that booty line it's really gorgeous and that looks good with a slinky dress that looks good when you're in underwear looks good when you're in a slip or you know latest of anything like that so from there to make it a little bit more friendly but still quite sixty pushed the knee back a little bit so it's not so high so she still has a beautiful shape in her waist but bring that left there about out and just touch your fingertips behind your head now what you do now is you put the hid into a side tilt and the side tilt makes it more friendly because straightaway that till comes down now really important you just use your fingertips on the back of the head don't close this down and don't actually lean onto your hand but do that some intel show them why not to do it okay I hight saying this I call it talking on the phone it's when people put their hand over the ear and it looks like you're talking on a cell phone ok it's really important that you don't do the talking on the phone there is never any reason why we clamp hell face or a hand up to our face not under here not here it could go towards it it can even touch it with your fingers but there's no reason for the hell of your palm to touch the face ever also it not only looks like it's talking on the phone the body language for I don't want to listen to you anymore is when you block your ear okay so that body language is a negative connotation it means I don't want to hear you so if you're talking to somebody about something and they're blocking the ear they have stopped listening to you okay and when I see it and body language like that both looks bored and I don't want to hear you okay so I want to frame her face so I want her fingertip to just touch down and then she can still work her shoulder towards her chin in the front and that has a beautiful line right absolutely I love that the body language the card for the ottoman says you can use an ottoman like this uh a studio a bid or floor the shot looks great on white or dark it goes on but basically it says the food school in the front of the cad she's wearing an evening gown she's got big here so we're blowing the here and using the shoulder so it's really fashion the second girls in lingerie so she's working their body line up so she's got there kept pose the young girl on the top right her body language is shut down and her hips a flat to the beard and the two little girls at where at when we've got these two little twins and the camera's coming around from the front war and I've moved two little twins over there and I think just two little girls here and what I've done is I've made one of them put her arm around his sister said that the faces kans stay together and I've kind of charlotte almost flat on so what I've done is I've taken two little sisters and they lift up really tall through the neck and shoulders and then they connect their arms so if you're ever comes here then they connect their hands and arms together by locking figures in hands here and then they sit up nice and tall and we can shoot them together so without moving you could do two young girls a teenage girl lingerie shot a mom everything without moving this ottoman okay all right any questions no checking one seconds so we'll see you do oh said would would you bring those four pieces of furniture on location if you're going on location would you bring no can't bring anything on location but the idea is that would be a good studio prop but I could do exactly the same post understanding where they are I am okay works exactly the same way works on a bid works him anything just pushed this knee back a little bit of stretch your arms out over there so your hands onto the camera across that one over there bring this album back a little bit working the shoulder lifting up nice and tall there's no reason that can't work on the floor and they do young girl so it fled onto your hips cross your ankles bringing hips up it's no reason they don't work anywhere so yeah good job tobin and you marrying type in which is kind of cute but way earlier question has come up about cutting off body parts and people are saying that ask about that again yes so okay so we weren't carrying off anybody packed the other choice we were cutting off legs going out off the frame you'll notice that this image here is really focused on mid thigh to the upper half of the body so yes I'm just the league's a trailing out and I'm cutting it off
Class Materials
bonus material with purchase
Ratings and Reviews
Michael And Dawn
Dawn and I watched the workshop taught by Sue on glamour photography with much anticipation, and we were not disappointed. In fact after only the first hour we turned to each other and, at the same time, said "We should go ahead and purchase this course." Which we did on Sunday, the last day of the three day course. The CreativeLive team did a great job on producing the workshop, the set looked great, the sound and camera angles were unobtrusive as they should be, and the on-screen talent were engaging and approachable as usual. They interjected with questions from the audience in a timely and relevant manner, and humored us all at times as well. As it should be, the real star of the workshop was the information that Sue was providing, but a very strong supporting role was Sue herself. Even though she never made it past the 9th grade, she displayed enough wisdom to make us think that we wasted a lot of time sitting in school. Sue had both Dawn and I captivated, her likable New Zealand accent, was so warm and soothing, that I think we would have listened to her say almost anything. However, "anything" was hardly what she had to say, no-no, she had a great deal to say, and we found all of it so educational and inspiring that we can't wait to put what she tought us into practice. Sue's "Keep-It-Simple" approach to glamour photography is refreshing, she does not complicate a shoot, nor does she complicate the business end of things either. Her philosophy is "A confused mind says 'no.'" So her pricing, marketing and re-pore with her clients is simple, understandable and repeatable. Dawn & I fully recomend this course to anyone looking to engage in glamour photography, not just for the mechanics of learning the studio process, but more for how to think about the process and your interactions with the client, we think that Sue's interaction with her clients is her real "secret" to her success; she makes the photography session for the client a wonderful experience and that experience is what gets them to market her via word-of-mouth exposure, which is the best kind of atvertising and best kind of accolade for a photographer. Thank you Sue, we were both entertained and educated and a little bit mesmerized by your workshop. Hope to see you soon on the CreativeLive stage. Michael and Dawn Mitchell Digital Mitchell Photography www.digitalmitchell.com
a Creativelive Student
Loving every moment of this course so far and I've learned so much from Sue's gentle but wise words. It's so important to be true to yourself and as much as I've enjoyed most of the Creative Live classes I've taken I've had a much different personality than many of the teachers, I am so happy to see how Sue is able to stay calm and quiet and still maintain perfect control of the situation...I had huge anxiety sometimes at shoots thinking I should be bold, boisturous or entertaining to be successful. Looking forward to following her class today in between my son's hockey games...so lucky my computer is in the kitchen and I can watch and still keep things at home fairly sane! lol thank-you, kerry www.snickerdoodles.ca
a Creativelive Student
Watched 80% of it live and after constantly screen grabbing :D I BOUGHT IT. This was my 3rd time watching a CreativeLive and my first time purchasing a course. (Loved Zach and Jody and will probably buy that when the time is right...still a little scared about weddings.) ANYWAY - SUE IS AMAZING!!! She is so open, inspiring, fun, funny, knowledgeable, TRANSPARENT, giving, smart, creative, expert, unapologetic, grateful, enlightened, adorable, gorgeous, hilarious, yet still imperfect and human and not intimidating. She will make you laugh and cry as she laughs and cries. You cannot argue with her MANY YEARS of experience. She is just in love with what she does and it is contagious. I have told people IN PERSON that her online CreativeLive course changed my life. I bought another online course for 2K last year...where was Sue back then? This is worth more than the 2K 6 week course I took. I obviously have a girl crush on her! www.CarolineWhitePhotography.com
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