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Intro To Your Habits

Lesson 1 from: FAST CLASS: The Power of Habits

Art Markman

Intro To Your Habits

Lesson 1 from: FAST CLASS: The Power of Habits

Art Markman

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1. Intro To Your Habits

Next Lesson: The Rule of 3

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Intro To Your Habits

really over the next couple of days. What we're gonna do is to talk a lot about how your mind works and really focus on the question of where to our habits come from. How do we change those habits? And generally speaking, how do we make ourselves do smarter things? You'll have a much better sense of how toe to really maximize your ability to change your habits, but also maximize your ability to think effectively in a variety of situations. And that's that's ultimately where we want to go If we think about it. Ah, a lot of us want to be effective in our lives. I mean, our goal is not just to exist. It's not just to make it to the weekend. I've always said that my least favorite letters in the in the in English or T G I f. Right. I mean, if if you live just to get to the weekend, it's really a shame. We want to have that degree of effectiveness throughout our lives, which means we wanna have really good habits because it turns out that the bulk of our lives involved things that we do wit...

hout thinking about them. And so we want to make sure that when we're acting without thinking, we're acting in ways that actually promote the effectiveness in our lives, we want to be able to think effectively. We want to do smart things. You know, at the end of the day, we want people to look at us and think, Wow, that person's really got it together That person really does great things and and we also want to live a life that is authentic to who we are. So, as I said, the the way we're going to do this is actually by taking some lessons from the signs of psychology way Just way. Don't teach people enough about the way that their minds work, and it's so important. Toe learn about how you operate. I mean, each of us has a domain of expertise, and that allows us to operate effectively in that domain. Why is it that we're not experts at ourselves? We're going to start with something that I call the role of three. It turns out that there are lots of threes in your mental world and you need to respect that. You need to understand that. And so In some sense, this first unit is about how to learn more effectively, because if we're going to spend three days together, we may as well make sure that we really nail all the information that we that we're going to be getting and also that we learn a little bit about how to present ourselves more effectively to other people. So we're going to start with that. So I want to start by talking about something I call the role of three. Okay, which is really a basic organizing principle for the way that your mind works. And it's useful to understand this because once you understand that we have some limitations in the way that the mind works, then we can use that to influence what it is that we remember about new things and what it is that we do when we're trying to present ourselves to other people. Notice I'm starting this overview with three things. One of the things that you need to learn whenever you're presenting information to people is that you want to make sure that you prepare people for what it is that they're trying to learn, and I try to practice what I preach in this. So we're going to start every unit with a little overview of three ish things. Uh, we're gonna start by recognizing that your memory and your mental world is organized around threes. And when I say three, I mean three ish, three small numbers of things, sometimes two or four, maybe five. Definitely not 12 or 13. Your mental world is organized around threes, small numbers of things. And this is true in a variety of different levels. If you tell a story to someone, you tend to focus that story on who did what to whom, right. So so, so far, what we've got is that when we're engaged in trying to learn some new things, one of the habits that we need to develop is the habit of finding connections among the pieces of information that we're learning about. And so this is all it's all about habits. In this case, I have it to get a little bit smarter. And this is gonna matter. You know, we're talking about this issue of of of you know what people can do in business. Remember that when you are an entrepreneur in particular, an entrepreneur. You're creating a new business. You actually need people to remember something fundamental about who you are and what it is that you do. And so these kinds of tips are actually crucial because you can't rely on people already knowing who you are and what you're about. And so we really need to be focused on creating these habits to in order to create the kind of impression on other people that we want to create. So these air habits that are really critical for people who are out there in the business world, in addition to just being effective for our for our daily lives.

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Keshav Ittea

Great tutorial...concise and relevant

Samaris Hernandez

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