Class Introduction
00:59 2Software & Hardware Needs
01:20 3What is Resolve
00:44 4Resolve is Made of Pages
02:27 5Video Workflow Overview
03:06 6Media Page: Overview
01:20 7Media Page: Interface
05:11 8Media Page: Basic Workflow
03:29Media Page: Examples
04:34 10Edit Page: Overview
00:44 11Edit Page: Interface
04:35 12Edit Page: Basic Workflow
03:14 13Edit Page: Examples
08:06 14Cut Page: Overview
01:23 15Cut Page: Interface
03:33 16Cut Page: Basic Workflow
03:17 17Cut Page: Examples
05:38 18Fusion Page: Overview
01:42 19Fusion Page: Nodes
02:43 20Fusion Page: Interface
03:41 21Fusion Page: Basic Workflow
01:47 22Fusion Page: Examples
15:12 23Color Page: Overview
01:32 24Color Page: Interface
05:01 25Color Page: Basic Workflow
03:20 26Color Page: Examples
07:42 27Fairlight: Overview
01:42 28Fairlight: Interface
03:45 29Fairlight: Basic Workflow
03:12 30Fairlight: Examples
06:55 31Deliver Page: Overview
00:49 32Deliver Page: Interface
01:14 33Deliver Page: Basic Workflow
01:34 34Deliver Page: Examples
05:22 35Outro
01:08Lesson Info
Media Page: Interface
Let's have a look at the interface of the media page. All of the pages in Resolve are kind of broken up into these panels. And all of the panels you can open are close with these buttons up top. If they're bright white, they're open and if they're gray, they're closed. So it's a good idea anytime that you open up a page to really kind of look at all of the things that are available here in the top bar. And chances are if you can't see something it's because one of those buttons is grayed out. So starting in the upper left, we have our media storage. Now this is where you go and find media on your system. It's kind of like your Finder or your Windows Explore but it's built inside of Resolve. So here on the left, I have a list of all the hard drives that are available to me. And if you don't see this list, there's a little button here to open and close this list. And here, I can navigate to any footage that I have on my system. If I mouse over a piece of footage, it plays over here in th...
e viewer. So I can preview any media before I even import it into my project. This viewer, I have kind of the standard controls like you're used to on YouTube or any kind of video editor. There's play forward, stop, play backward, skip to the end and skip to the beginning. And I can also set this to loop if I just want to watch it on repeat. I also have this little dot here that I can move back and forth, that's our jog wheel. And so I can kind of just mouse to the right to scrub to the right and to the left, to scrub to the left. That's a nice thing if you're just trying to find a specific point in your video. At this little icon here where I can mute the audio. And those are kind of the main things that you need to know about the viewer. Down below the viewer and the media storage, we have our media pool. Now this is really important because the media pool is one of the panels that's actually shared in between all the different pages. The timeline isn't the only thing that is shared in between the pages, many pages have the media pool and also have several other panels that we're gonna be going over. But here's what happens in the media pool. This is kind of like your storage cabinet within Resolve. So all of this footage, this isn't in resolve yet it's just on our system. So if I actually want to open something up and start editing it and start working with it, I really need to import it into Resolve. So the easiest way to do that is just to drag it from the media storage into the media pool. And it's gonna ask me if I wanna change my project frame rate. It really depends on what frame rate you're working with. For now, I'll just hit change and it will set my project settings to be the same frame rate as this clip. So now if I double click on that, I can still preview it in the viewer but this clip is actually inside of Resolve now instead of just on my hard drive. Within the media pool, I can organize my footage. I'll actually just grab a few more pieces of footage here. And in this left menu here, I can right click and say add new bin and that will add a folder to my media pool. And let's call this Artist. So I do have a few shots of this artist that's working on her work table and I can drag that into a bin really easily and kind of get organized. So you can make as many bins as you want. They show up here in the bin list on the left and you can also see them kind of in the main menu over here. We'll touch a little bit more on the media pool in a second. Over here on the right, we have our audio meters so if we have something that has audio, that'll show up here, and if we double click on any clip down below, we have our metadata panel. And this is where we can look at all of the fancy data about our clips. One thing to note is in the upper right hand corner, there's this little kind of dropdown. And what I like to do is set that on all groups because then you can see just all kinds of different things about our clip and you can also type new data in. So I can type a description, lady pointing at paint samples. I can also log my shot, my scene, my take and pretty much anything else I would want to note about this piece of media. And this is really cool because this will allow you to get really really organized later. And you can even filter shots by some of this data which we'll touch on in a second. And again, this is for the really, really organized people. If you're not into it, it's totally okay. All you really need to do is put your media into the media pool and it will be in your project. In the upper right hand corner, we also have a couple buttons that we haven't touched on yet. If we click on inspector, that will switch out our inspector with our audio meters. And anytime we have a clip selected, we have some controls for the properties of the clip. This is one of those panels that not only lives in the media page, but also I think just about every other page inside of Resolve. So again, we'll touch on this more in other pages but it lives right here in the upper right hand corner. So that's kind of the need to know interface of the media page.
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Ratings and Reviews
user 714f13
I'm glad to see the DaVinci Resolve courses have been added to Creative Live. Casey Faris does a great job with his teaching. In this course he clearly explains the layout of each page and shares example workflows for each. It's really good as an intro to Resolve.
a Creativelive Student
Helpful class if you are interested in DaVinci Resolve. Casey Faris presents the information clearly and doesn't waste time. Looking forward to his Color Correction and Fusion classes.
Made navigating through Davinci an exciting thing to do! Great work!