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Edit Page: Interface

Lesson 11 from: DaVinci Resolve: How to Use Every Page

Casey Faris

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11. Edit Page: Interface

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Edit Page: Interface

Let's have a look at the interface of the edit page. The edit page is the third page over. We actually skipped the cut page 'cuz we're gonna go over that in a second 'cuz it's important to know a little bit about the edit page before you jump into the cut page. You can kind of think of this as a Final Cut or Adobe Premier or any kind of non-linear editor. This is the editing app inside of Resolve. And let's take a look at the interface. The interface is made up of panels, and we have our buttons here at the top that open and close the panels just like in the media page. And just like in the media page, we have the media pool. But the difference is that the media pool lives on the left side of the screen in the edit page but it does allow out of the same things. So. Just like in the media page, we have the media pool here, and we can organize all of our clips. It also lives here in the edit page, and we can do just about everything that we could do in the media page but just right here ...

on the side. If we double-click on a clip in the media pool, it'll show up here in the source viewer. This is where we can preview different clips from the media page. Basically, anything that isn't in the timeline already, anything that our audience isn't going to see, we can kind of pick up and look at and kind of inspect a little bit before we put it into our timeline. Speaking of the timeline, here it is. This is really where we put together our story. Anything that the audience is going to see has to live in the timeline because that's really where your video is built. The timeline's where we arrange the different clips both in the order along the timeline and time as well as up and down kind of in layers. This is also where we add all of our audio, and our music and really anything that happens in the other pages also kind of comes, and lives on the timeline here. And the edit page is really where you adjust the timeline. So this is kind of the main panel that you work with in the edit page, and anything that happens down here, you can see what the audience is going to see up here in the time line viewer. So as we play the timeline back, we can see it here in the timeline viewer. Sort of in the middle of our interface, we have the tools. Now a lot of these are tools that we can use to adjust our clips down here in the timeline. For instance, the blade, if you click on a clip, will split it right where clicked. I can use our normal selection mode to move things around. So we have those tools to work in the timeline as well as some view options, and as well as some other kind of preferences that we can set right here. Next to that, we have our zoom bar, which will let us zoom in and out of our timeline. And then we have our volume preview. So we can turn our sound off or on by clicking on this little button. And we can also adjust the volume of our playback here with this little slider. This doesn't adjust the volume of your movie, like how it will actually sound is just kind of like your headphones or your speakers. And we also have little tiny audio meters right here. So when we play this back, we can see those bouncing around. And I just want to pass that on. And those are the panels that are up by default. Up above our media pool, we also have a section for effects. If we can click on that, that'll open up another little panel down here, which we can kind of switch out with the media pool if we want to. But this is really where all of the effects live inside of the edit page. So things like if you want to add a filter to a clip, either an audio filter or a video filter, this is where our video, and audio transitions live. This is where some of our graphics live. That's kind of just like your big toolbox to be able to grab things and use them on clips in the timeline. Over here in the upper-right, we can click on this button that says inspector, and that will open up the inspector, and whatever clip we have selected, we can adjust the properties for here in the inspector. This panel, as well as the timeline are really the major things that you're gonna be working with in the edit page. Anytime that you want to adjust the properties of a clip, that happens inside of the inspector. Next to the inspector button, we have our metadata, which works just like the media pool. And we can also open up our mixer with this button right here. And that'll give us a little bit of basic audio mixing controls inside of the edit page But that's a pretty good overview of the interface of the edit page.

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DaVinci Resolve - 17 Shortcuts.pdf

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user 714f13

I'm glad to see the DaVinci Resolve courses have been added to Creative Live. Casey Faris does a great job with his teaching. In this course he clearly explains the layout of each page and shares example workflows for each. It's really good as an intro to Resolve.

a Creativelive Student

Helpful class if you are interested in DaVinci Resolve. Casey Faris presents the information clearly and doesn't waste time. Looking forward to his Color Correction and Fusion classes.


Made navigating through Davinci an exciting thing to do! Great work!

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Casey Faris

Casey Faris is a self-described "video nerd" who creates tutorials and vlogs about video editing, color correction, and all things related to post-production for the 250,000+ subscribers to his YouTube channel. 

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