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2024 Adobe Photoshop: The A to Z Bootcamp

Ben Willmore

2024 Adobe Photoshop: The A to Z Bootcamp

Ben Willmore

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Class Description


  • Adjust and optimize photos to compensate for under or over exposure and other shooting issues. 

  • Remove distracting elements using Photoshop’s retouching tools. 

  • Isolate complex objects with furry, hairy, or translucent elements, and replace the background with a new one.

  • Utilize artificial intelligence to make complex selections and retouching quick and easy.

  • Get the most out of Photoshop’s most powerful features such as Smart Objects and Puppet Warping.


Adobe® Photoshop® is a huge, unwieldy program with tons of features that are not easy to master without being guided by someone experienced with the program. Ben Willmore is the perfect guide for your journey through Adobe Photoshop. He has used Photoshop since the first day it was available to the public and has been teaching it for over two decades. 

Ben’s easy-going, straightforward style takes the mystery out of this powerful program and makes you feel like you can tackle anything. Ben divides this course into easy-to-manage, bite-size chunks, so you can master each skill one at a time and gradually build your confidence. Whether you're a 20-year designer or you're opening the app for the first time, this is the perfect way to learn and love using Photoshop. From retouching to masking to troubleshooting, Ben unpacks all the essentials and hidden gems, while giving you real-world examples to drive each lesson home. By the end of the class, you'll feel eager to make serious magic with Photoshop.


  • Beginners who want in-depth introduction without keeping things too basic

  • Self-taught users who would like to fill in gaps in knowledge and learn better ways to work in Photoshop

  • Long-time users who want to learn about the newer features


Photoshop 2024 v25.9.1


Ben Willmore’s passion for photography has taken him to all 50 US states and over 85 countries spread across all seven continents. He has been using both Photoshop and Lightroom since their inception. Over that time he has relentlessly pursued mastery of both programs and in the process has written over a dozen books on the topic which have been published in 9 languages. His latest book is titled Crafting the Landscape Photograph which is published by Rocky Nook. He began enhancing images digitally in the late 1970's, attended Compu-Comp (the computer camp for kids) in 1981 and in 2004 was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame. Ben has taught well over 100,000 people in person at events in 17 countries and millions have watched his educational videos. Ben leads groups of photographers on workshops to remote areas in the Galapagos Islands, Africa, Iceland, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia as well as somewhat less exotic places across the USA.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials

Ratings and Reviews


There were several mind-blowing moments of things I never knew, that were incredible. However, it was very strange how each lesson ended abruptly in the middle of him teaching something. It seems that this class must have been pieced together from longer lessons and we don't get the full lessons here. It was frustrating when the lesson would end mid-sentence when there was something I was very interested in watching to completion. Perhaps it should be re-named the A-W Bootcamp! LOL! Where not cut off, the material was excellent, deep and thorough. Definitely worth watching!

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