Why Grit, Persistence, and Hard Work Matters with Daymond John
Lesson 1 from: Why Grit, Persistence, and Hard Work MattersDaymond John, Chase Jarvis

Why Grit, Persistence, and Hard Work Matters with Daymond John
Lesson 1 from: Why Grit, Persistence, and Hard Work MattersDaymond John, Chase Jarvis
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1. Why Grit, Persistence, and Hard Work Matters with Daymond John
Lesson Info
Why Grit, Persistence, and Hard Work Matters with Daymond John
Hey everybody how's it goin'? I'm Chase welcome to another episode of the Chase Jarvis Live show here on CreativeLive. You know the show is where I sit down with amazing humans and I do everything I can to extract all that valuable insights out of their brain and help you live your dreams and career and hobby and in life. My guest today you'll know him well. He is the founder of FUBU that clothing brand. He's also very well known as ABC's Shark Tank Shark Mr. Daymond John and we're here today to talk about his new book Rise and Grind. Daymond. Thanks for havin' me. (upbeat music) Again thank you. Again veteran of the show. Yeah man you know you got some good questions I love it. Thank you very much I liked your last interview a lot. It was very very popular and that was a little bit about the power of broke but new book. New book. Congratulations. My new book Rise and Grind it's gonna be out January 23rd I believe, the 23rd? January 23rd. Just bringin' the heat your i...
n the new year. I'm goin' hard baby. And pretty much you know here's the concept of the book you know as we had talked about the power of broke and the fact that I wanted to get people to realize stop using the fact that you don't have money as an excuse. I understand everybody else in the world tells you you need money to make money and all that other kind of stuff. Yep. I wanna give people the mentality of alright listen I'm gonna do this myself and I need to use my slack resources or the resources that are right in front of me to get where I wanna go. So now after a lot of people have responded to that book really well and at first I thought they were gonna hear power of broke I don't wanna be reminded of me being broke. Or I don't wanna hear when Daymond was broke. They responded to it in a really amazing way. They started to ask well what are the techniques. Now I have the mentality what are the techniques that you do every single day and why are you more successful than this person or this person more successful than this person? We all have the same 24 hours in the day. So that's when I created this new one Rise and Grind. And the theory is that listen every day we're gonna rise. If we're not gonna rise we're dead right? That's your defense you're just rising, right? (laughs) Sure. But your grind is your offense. And I've studied I believe, I've studied dozens of subjects but I put about 16 subjects in this new book and they range from every where from award winning actress Catherine Zeta Jones to Santana, Carlos Santana to our crazy friend Gary V. to a young man named Kyle Maynard who was born with no arms and no legs and army crawled Mount Kilimanjaro I'm sure you know him as well. Yeah. To various other people Brian Lee who started Shoe Dazzle With Kardashians right? With Kardashians, LegalZoom, and then all the sudden he does Honest Company with Jessica Alba. I love that story he wanted to be a rapper? He wanted to be a rapper. You gotta read the book. He was a young asian man who told his parents he's moving to New York to be a rapper. I'm not even gonna tell you his rapping name I'll let you read the book. You know I asked them all the same questions and then some different ones. What do you do the first 90 minutes of your day? What do you do the last 90 minutes of your day? What did you do when you were that you no longer do when you're 40? What did you do when you were that you forgot to do and then when you started doing it again when you were 40 or 50 you realized what got you back to this point? Yeah. And I found probably over 50 things in there that everybody did in some way or another very similar. Whether in the morning, Joel Olsteen, whether it's in the morning they either prayed, meditated, mentally like me set a goal and zoned out. They took some time for themselves. Yeah. And I found various other things and it's amazing and fascinating. So this is what I wanted to create for people because I wanted them to either say I'm on the right track, I'm doin' something everybody was laughing at me when I do this. Or maybe I should try this one, or this one doesn't work as well as this one. And I've been using it myself a lot of the stuff and it's been working for me too it's been helping improve my life and that's I'm a student of my books because I'm tryin' to ask them the same exact thing that other people wanna know. Yeah. So let's, the tactical stuff I love because there's so many things. It's the people watching this show they're creators and entrepreneurs and they wanna get their hustle and their grind on. And I think a lot of tactics, before we get to the tactics I wanna set the stage. Sure. And there's a little bit of overlap between this and our last interview. If you haven't listened you should. You folks at home that are paying attention right now. But conceptually take me back to your first entrepreneurial moment. I think, I remember you selling hats or something like this? How did it start for you? I've had so many and even though you're saying the first but there are firsts in different levels it was just hustling, then it was just alright I have an idea and I'm really gonna try to make it happen. Then it was alright I'm actually gonna this idea was cool but now I need to create a structure of business and whatever the case is. So I've had many entrepreneurial experiences but I would say that my first official I'm in business having to pay taxes entrepreneurial experience was before the hats. I was actually a van driver in Queens in what we call gypsy vans. And this is a van, 15 passenger van, I would drive down the bus routes and pick up people for a dollar instead of the bus picking them up and they would pay cash and hop off and I would get up every morning five o' clock in the morning and I would go to bed 10, 11 o'clock at night and that was my first business. And I actually you know I enjoyed it at first 'cause it was fun and I was doing my own business like all of us entrepreneurs I was like my success or my failure depends on the choices I made and I was really excited about it but I got burned out. And I realized you know if you look at a Tim Ferris 40 hour work week or something of that nature I realized I was working 60 hours and making less than I was making when I worked as a waiter in Red Lobster. I was netting less and my health was declining. And I was miserable and then I went on to a couple other businesses which was obviously I started selling hats out of a passion and a love for a market I felt was being ignored and all the sudden bang it became FUBU in the blink of an eye which took nine years. (Chase laughs) But it was still the blink of an eye. 10 year overnight success right? Was there also was an autobody thing I remember? You were buyin' and sellin' cars to build 'em. So that was my side investment right? That was my alright my day job's not gonna make me rich it'll be my homework theory. I was driving the van. I had to save up as much money as I could. So probably about a year in after I paid for tickets, maintenance, and all that other crap you know Department of Transportation violations and all that kind of stuff. I had this idea that I was going to you know buy and sell crashed cars right? So I buy it a 5000 put 2500 into it and then sell it as 10,000 it was simple. And if you put the math together I was gonna do that every month and then they would start compounding. In two three years I was gonna be a gazillionaire. Pretty much simple I had it all planned out. And I love joking and saying Mike Tyson's theory is everybody has a plan til they get punched in the face and life will punch you in the face. I pretty much got punched in the face probably six months into it and then I found myself working at Red Lobster with none of that money. Because I was tryin' to do it for money. Yeah. You know I hate, I really hate working on cars. 'Cause I can't work on 'em. My hands are really buttery soft. My hands feel like veal. (Chase laughs) I'm not supposed to work on a car man. And I'm thinking you know... At least you know that about yourself though I love that. Well I knew it about myself after the first transmission you know crushed my foot and then I was real like you know what I think hats are better. You know so but again a lot of people out there are chasing their dream but their dream is to just be rich and that's not a dream. You know if you try to go out and just make money for the purpose of making money first of all you could end up in the wrong place due to it. You could be miserable and then when you get it if you don't have no goal on why you were trying to achieve this goal you feel unfulfilled. Yeah. So there's so much embedded in there. And again this is like a perfect overlap from our last conversation to this one. Which is for example working just for money. So inevitably this is like of the 100 or so people we've had on this show this is a pattern. You talked about the pattern for your book. Yeah. There's a pattern. This is a pattern in the book too yeah. Inevitably shit gets hard. Yeah. And when shit gets hard and it does In every business, every business it's how much do you care about what you're workin' on. That's gonna help you get through and if you're just chasin' dollars you know there are so many folks at home who are I feel like trying to figure out what their thing is and I what I loved also about what you just said is that you just named three or four things. You waited tables, you did crashed cars, you sold hats, you had your gypsy van pickup. Mm hmm. How did you get form there to what you really wanna do? What was the internal conversation that was like well transmission sucks I don't wanna go after money I wanna do something that I love. And so was love around the fashion part of it or how did you get there? Yeah so it was out of fear. It was out of fear, it was out of not trying to live up to everybody else's expectations and then it happened so I went through those periods of time as a young kid just tryin' to hustle to make money but at the time when I grew up and the area I grew up was Hollis Queens and in Hollis Queens 1986 ripped Hollis Queens apart in two different directions. One direction was it was known as one of the areas where the first assassination of somebody who was being guarded for a court case was killed by crack dealers because crack came in and ripped the neighborhood apart and a lot of my friends ended up becoming drug dealers and dying. President Regan was talking about Hollis Queens at the same time. At the same exact time simultaneously Run DMC, Salt and Pepper, LL Cool J, Ja Rule, Tribe Called Quest, 50 Cent, and everybody was from this area right, this one little three mile area. That's crazy. So I decided I wanted that part of the world. LL Cool J and stuff like that. My friends started dying and going to jail and I started realizing and these are friends that I were in first grade with. It's not like I came outside and said hi can I look to hang out with a drug dealer right? These are kids you go through life with. And I started to fear a couple of things. I started to fear that number one if I look at the stats by the time my friends go in and out of jail in 10 years I made more money working at McDonald's if I could and I didn't have to go to jail two and three years. I'm really cute, I didn't wanna go to jail man. (Chase laughs) it wouldn't have been beneficial for me. (laughing) it wouldn't have been good. Good for somebody but not you. I was a scrawny little kid you know I was 5'3". You know I didn't wanna go to jail. Also they had to look over their back all the time and the only thing worse than jail is they were dead. So I didn't wanna do that so I stayed away from that and I tried to do all these little businesses. Now when I finally realized this passion I wanted to do called FUBU it wasn't because I was like oh you know I'm gonna be rich, it was that at that time hip hop to me was and it still is a very valuable form of communication and that was our version of Twitter and Instagram. We were communicating through the music now right? The kids are talkin' about all these aspects and then I started hearing rumors that these companies didn't like these kids and I was goin' who's ever gonna show people that they love 'em and make this? So I started making it for passion, for free. Number one I was making it because I wanted to push this culture forward. Number two I wanted to show other people that I valued them. Number three is it gave me a reason to go on to the video sets to talk to all the video girls and eat the free food. (Chase laughs) I get to go on a set and see LL Cool J 'cause they're like hey you gotta get out of here. No, no, no I'm supplying the shirts and hats. Here's your chair sir. Yeah I didn't care if they bought a shirt or hat or not. I was there watchin' them do rock the bells I was happy. And then I had a reason to talk to people at clubs. And go out to the Javits Center at a flea market and talk to them. It gave me purpose. Yeah. And I would have done it for free forever right? You know everybody else is payin' to go to a video set or paying to go to a club. I'm getting in for free and I'm leaving with a bunch of girls' phone numbers. Yeah. Right and cool dudes who I can hang out with. Before I know it man I mean it just kept growing and growing and growing and growing because I had no problem working for 18 hours in one day on it. I had no problem I loved it. 'Cause you love it? 'Cause I loved it. So there's something about contributing to culture that makes you feel like you're part of a movement something bigger than yourself. That I feel is also a really common thread from people who have been on the show. And I think it's cool that you ranked it. Because you know one, let's talk about the fear. You know you said fear and being a part of something and supporting your friends and all those other like money or fame or connection was number three, four, five. But let's go to fear 'cause I think that I found it interesting that not a lot of people find their passion out of fear but I think it's very real and since not a lot of people talk about it what's your take? Talk to me a little bit more about your fear. Yeah so I think we all fear. There's a couple things we probably all fear. Being judged unfairly, not being able to provide for our loved ones and our family, death and losing people that we love. I think those are a lot of things but the fear, our sales are often about the fear of being able to be acknowledged and or the fear of failing and people looking at you as a failure. Yeah. 'Cause you... It's a human need right? It's a human need you wanna be accepted. Babies that don't get loved literally die. Yeah. So like human connection is a... You wanna be accepted. And you have to always second guess yourself. I second guess myself every day right? And it's the fear of saying, there's no point in my life that I didn't have fear and I call it a healthy paranoia in business. FUBU's doin' well okay well a hot clothing line lasts five years Daymond did you get bit by the apple, you know did you bite the apple once or get hit by lightning, no I gotta do it again. Alright you failed on the next three launches what are you gonna do? No I gotta do it again. Oh I gotta share this idea of who I am with the world I wanna empower other entrepreneurs but I'm dyslexic. I'm gonna right a book are you kidding me? People are gonna laugh at me right? You know you're gonna go on to be on a TV show. I'm not articulate I didn't go to college. You know you have people like Mark Cuban and he's a billionaire sitting next to me. You know I'm a couple of hundred million short you know? How am I gonna debate against him? Alright I gotta have a mental Judo game. I gotta create a chess board against him I can't lose this deal. Alright Mark Cuban gonna give you a billion dollars but you know just like when you have a house you only sleep in one bedroom right? Mark has a mansion, I'm sleeping in one bedroom and I'm here for your, you're the bedroom. Right man Mark's runnin' all around screw him and then bang I get 'em and I get 'em out of the deal. (Chase laughs) you know fear of you know am I am I leaving my daughters inheritancy or a legacy? How will they perceive me? You know fear of making my daughters public people where now they have pressure on them and I don't want, I wanna hide them from everybody. Or fear of anything else you know. The President of the United States, President Obama, made me Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship I can never let him down right? Yeah. It's always gonna be some level of fear and that fear is good if it's healthy. Yeah it's so crazy there's all kinds of good science coming out now talkin' about we've talk about how bad stress is for you. Stress is an amazing motivator. It is a motivator. It gives you superhuman strength. It gives you fortitude, it gives you power. Sure. And I think it's well it's admirable that you're willing to talk about that publicly. You said a couple things in there that I also wanted to touch on. And that is your dyslexia. Yeah. So Richard Branson was on the show not too long ago. For him you know he also wrote a book and was really concerned about the view of what that meant being dyslexic writing a book. Am I doing something that's... do I identify with this community? The fact that it's called dyslexia it's like a negative orientation. Sure. But tell me A so many folks at home we've all got our shit right we've all got our baggage how did you overcome that and are you an entrepreneur in part because of that and give me a little bit of insight there. So I didn't know I was dyslexic until probably about I think 15 years ago and I overcame it because my mother gave me so much love and passion and she told me that, she showed me where I excelled at and made me bust my ass somewhere that I was weak at. So you're doublin' down on your strengths essentially. Doublin' down on my strengths. And also it is one of the reasons I'm an entrepreneur because number one I look at a book and I know I'm not grasping everything so I have to read it three times when someone has to read it one time. Number two is even if I look at it and read it I don't know if I absorbed the information in a proper way so if there is a way I can do what it's saying in the book I go out and physically do it. I take action on it because I say okay I got it correct. When I was in high school I of course I didn't wanna go to history and I didn't wanna go to English class. So how did I, what was my cheat? How did I get out of it? Yeah. I went to a co-op program where I would get credit for going to work someplace one week and then come back to school the next. So now I cut my work in half. Alright, my schoolwork in half. Going there I ended up working as a foot messenger for a company called First Boston. It happened to be a venture firm. I would learn things in there like I would go upstairs and the messengers were the messengers were considered like you ever seen when the caddies went to Caddyshack and they got the day at the pool? (chase laughs) that's what we were. We'd go up to the corporate cafeteria. So we all come in there headphones on you know whatever the case is right rappin' and break dancin'. But I would see people up there who were complaining about they couldn't get another house in the Hamptons and they're on their sixth marriage or something like that and they were miserable and I worked down in the messenger center with people who were you know they may have been sending money home to Dominican Republic they were goin' home every night to their family and they had a better quality of life than the rich assholes that I saw upstairs. So I started to realize a saying my mother used to always say that money is a great slave but a horrible master and it started to build me as a person. And then I realized I was dyslexic later on in life and I was very harsh on my daughter who got expelled on purpose 'cause the schoolwork's very hard and I didn't notice that she was dyslexic. Yeah. Wow. And now I love sharing it like Richard Branson there's 12 sharks if you look at the guest sharks and eight of us are dyslexic. Whoa whoa say that again 12. Eight of 12 sharks. Eight of the 12 sharks are dyslexic. Wow. And you know and I got out and share this world of dyslexia because 20% of the world is dyslexic it's not a sickness we just absorb information in another way. And there were many president's were dyslexic. Einstein was dyslexic you know there are a lot of people who are dyslexic. And the reason why I share this is not to brag about myself being dyslexic but two of the things that are invisible challenges that kids have in school are hard of hearing and dyslexia. And when they have those invisible challenges a kid as you've seen what's been going on in the internet a kid doesn't wanna go huh because they didn't hear something right because what happens? They get bullied. Yep. You're an idiot, you're a dummy, you know whatever the case is so they shun away and they can be brilliant kids but what happens is if they don't have a support system like a loving mother around me or a great teacher who's our number one mentors externally from our family who says you're better than that they go out in communities and then the drug dealers, the pimps, and all the whores and all that stuff they don't care if you can read, write, or thing they go no you're smart. And then they lure you if you don't have the right things around you there's a lot of brilliant people who are incarcerated and or they found another route because they wanted to be accepted and somebody else accepted them because they wanted the fear of being made fun of was over here and I share this with people so that they look into this thing when they feel their child is having some level of challenges in school. What did you do when you figured out your daughter... Well first of all how did you figure it out and then what'd you do? My wife had my daughter tested but my wife honestly it was my first marriage, I was running the globe I didn't have time for schoolwork and let me tell you something she went to a school that was a very advanced school I didn't know what the hell she was doing. I didn't know what her homework was that was like 5th grade homework I was like holy crap I don't know this you know what I mean? So I was embarrassed to even look at it. And my wife at the time was like she's writing her words backwards and things of that nature. 'Cause there's various different forms of dyslexic. Dyslexia excuse me, even that's being dyslexic right there. That's like an unfair word. Like even the word look at the word it's like, anyway sorry. No it is an unfair word but you know anyway. So you figured out that she... Figured out, got her help, got her a way to harness the power of what she does and she's brilliant now in what she does so. Well you got embedded in that story also I keep sort of meta referring back to what you just said but the traditional education so CreativeLive exists in part to transcend this traditional system that we've got. That's basically it's advanced babysitting in one regard and also you put people in and you move them through this system all at the same time despite people having all kinds of different learning abilities and socioeconomic status and background and ability and then we create? It creates a bunch of widgets people who are you know it tries to make us the same. Yeah cookie cutter. Yeah but the reality is it's not what life is about so in part CreativeLive exists to be different than that. It sounds like you, schooling did not go well for you. Is that fair to say? Yeah I got left back in 7th grade. I was okay as a student I mean honestly I was pretty good because I really never did homework never did anything else I just went in class and pretty much aced it. I got generally Bs and I didn't put any effort in because it was just easy to me. Math and science was always easy to me. But I did have my challenges when it came down to... Reading and history. Reading and history yeah. Got it so how do you think that that world that you grew up in. You're not all that old you're quite young but how does that world differ from the world that you see today with respect to education and opportunity? Well I think that there's a lot more information that is at our fingertips good and bad that we can access. I think that the tools are there that we can get easier and quicker data from as we go into and do tasks and try to figure out who we are. You know back then I had to just go to the library and look through crap loads of encyclopedias and it wasn't interactive at all right? That was the worst. Card catalog, you remember the card catalog? Yeah yeah exactly it was. And even like you know I'll just do a selfish plug we didn't plan on it but I do have a program called Daymond on Demand that's interactive. I just thought about that since you brought it up. Okay of course. Eight hours of entrepreneurship or eight hours of my biggest mistakes and eight hours of solutions to run your business. But a typical example like that was not really at hand. And then also you know if you didn't have an education how are the teachers getting educated on this funnel system? How to separate things and things like that. So I think today it's way easier but as easy as it gets the application and the efforts have to be put in no matter what. And the distractions are way more prevalent today as well. For sure so I think this is a reasonable segue to the book because to me, you know again, citing CreativeLive here just for a second talk about plugging, that's why CreativeLive seeks to connect people with the world's top experts to help them learn. And in a sense that's exactly what your book is right? Yeah. Sounds like you learned from the people that were around you whether that was in business, or in the street, or your messenger gig or whatever. And in a sense is that still your preferred learning method and that's what you've done with the book? I mean tell me did you go to those people because they had insights that you didn't have or because you learned from them or what's the purpose of assembling all these great minds I went through everyone for Rise and Grind? Yeah and I'm sorry to cut you off. I went through these people because they were established in so many different areas of life. And I believe that just like when I first read Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich it says you'll see a word over in there over a hundred times. You may not get it the first time, you may not get it the 30th, you may get it 100th time. And you should read the book obviously if you're the four people on the planet that haven't read it. I figured that if I studied these subjects who all are massively successful at so many different areas in life that you were going to start to get it. You were gonna see the rhythm. When you see somebody like Santana, who is probably one of the top 10 guitarists in history or in the world, when you realize that he doesn't even practice the guitar anymore, he doesn't get up and rise and grind on the guitar he gets up and rise and grind on his health, his spirituality, and he says it flows through the guitar right? Now I understand he's a little bit hippyish but you're gonna learn a lot of things from him. There's a million pretty faces in the world. What made a girl from a small area in a Welsh girl from a small little town whose father owned a candy manufacturing little factory and her mother was a seamstress what made Catherine Zeta Jones leave home at a young age and become one of the most globally recognized faces on the planet? Everybody has a pretty face right? Yeah. But also let's look at the other side. Who like a Kyle Maynard who I shared with you had no arms no limbs how did he start wrestling at a certain age and in school and lost every match lost 30 or 40 matches whatever it is year one. Goes back year two, starts beating people and guess what they started to say about him? Hmmm? You have a unfair advantage. The man has no arms and no legs. I was like Kyle how can you have an unfair advantage? He said well if I'm wrestling at and somebody else is 120 and my 120 is all torso they said I had a unfair advantage. Wow. He said like trust me they don't want the advantage that I have, you know what I mean? Yeah, this is an advantage? Yeah this is an advantage. So I think there's a lot of things you'll see in there that no matter who you are, where you go, you'll always have people who say, oh, you know you were lucky. No you weren't lucky. And this is what I wanted to show people that people have this theory that the other people who are doing okay in life are all walking on clouds and walking on water. (snickering) right. It's not we all have our own problems right? Yeah. I share in the book that you know when you and I were talking here you had some really, you have like the 2.0 version of peanut brittle around here. Uh huh that's right the cashew clusters. Yeah those things right. I was eatin' 'em I was thinking they were really delicious. I know that you're you know into health and stuff like that. But I even share in the book how I went and I even though I was doin' really good in life I went and got something called an executive physical and it was like you know somebody said with all the money you have why don't you get an executive physical? I said what the hell is an executive physical? They were like well it costs about seven to $10, it's not covered by insurance but they check everything on your body. I said whatever I'll go get it because you know what everybody claims they don't have money for this but Louis Vuitton and the Mercedes dealerships are filled with people in there buying a whole bunch of crap right? Let me go get it. They find a nodule on my thyroid, I go and get it checked out, I go and get a surgery to remove half the nodule on my thyroid, it's stage two cancer. I didn't realize that I had it alright? Wow. And the reason why I'm bringing that up is that part of the rise and grind is our health right. So true. Entrepreneurs don't take care of themselves. They take care of everybody else. I don't have time for it, I don't have money for it, I need to buy a new cash register, I need to buy more inventory, I'll get to it tomorrow and you know what happens they don't get to it. And what happens after that? They're not like a person like me who will sit there and be proactive to find out how I can address my health. They'll put their head in the sand and say oh my God every time I see somebody sick I don't want this to happen to me and somehow they'll avoid and all the sudden what will happen right? So that's part of the rise and grind too. And I found that in various different people their health was part of it as well. so I know I'm rambling but I'm learning this stuff at the same time. It's through an epiphany for most of those people right? Yeah. Like we talked about our buddy Gary V. Gary V. came on this show in 2012 or something and he calls himself, that was when he realized that was fat Gary. And what fat Gary, what he then thought about it for a second he was not eating, he was not sleeping, he was not exercising yeah. And had that same realization that you were talkin' about. Does he exercise? Now? Yeah he's got a personal trainer that goes everywhere with him. Guys gettin' after it he's lost probably like 30 pounds. Yeah Gary is fascinating because I don't know how he exercises. 'Cause here's my point I was talkin' to him and he says that he walks around a lot of times 'cause with his shoe untied and everybody stops him and he says you know your shoe's untied. And I said Gary well why don't you tie your shoe? He said I don't have time to tie my shoe. I said but what about when you're takin' a crap? (Chase laughs) Why don't you just tie your shoe when you're takin' a crap right? And he goes I take a crap early in the morning so what if my shoe's loose at three o'clock? Well why don't you bend down and tie it? And you have time to go to the gym and you don't this is fascinating to me him with the damn shoe. Ask him about the shoe one day. I will, I will that's great. Speaking of shoes his new shoes came out. I think you probably saw... Yeah the K Swiss oh good I got another plug to use. Settin' these things up you and I didn't even talk about this. That's right. That's right. January 26th is the release of the FUBU Puma collaboration. Puma's 50th year anniversary, FUBU's 25th year anniversary the first time we've ever done a collaboration. It is hip hop to the T. Hip hop from 30-40 years ago when everybody wore Pumas to FUBU and it's a limited time so. And Gary sold out of his shoes I really love it. You know he is just, his grind is crazy and he's in the book too. Yep. I mean some of the things he says is just (Chase laughs) He said something and I don't wanna take it out of context. Sure. But I was like well what motivates you? You know when I said fear? Yep. Like fear was like you know did I... I can guess what his answer is but I'm gonna let you say it. I was like my fear was like man if people are gonna laugh at me 'cause I did FUBU one time and I may not be able to do it again. I was like what's your fear? He was like my family is dead. I go home and they're dead. (Chase laughs) I was like... Yeah it's highly paranoid. Yeah I was like holy crap. (laughing) That's pretty real. Yeah do you know that one? I did yeah he's revealed that to me. Usually it's he's dead but... No he was like family's dead Family is worse. I didn't wanna get in it, I mean that's not even how do you go about saying so how did they die? How do you get in that? What's the follow up question? That's just like hot potato and you just walk away from that one. I was like whoa my gosh. So trust me his interview is crazy. I get it. I get it. One question on the hip hop collaboration there. So Puma, Puma suedes from the way back. Yeah yeah Puma suedes the break dancing, fat laces, Puma suedes. Oh man. You know they're, we're doin' that collaboration and I'm really honored about it 'cause you know as a little brown boy from Queens who couldn't go out on a Saturday night and I had to listen to the old hip hop shows like Mister Magic and just color and dye my Pumas all night long that was my Friday night. Or takin' the little skinny laces and gettin' the iron and makin' 'em nice and fat 'cause I couldn't buy the fat ones. Oh wow. And starchin' 'em and makin' 'em fat again. It's amazing 'cause it shows that you know if you're really doing something you absolutely love you know you'll end up being you'll end up living the life you wanna live if you do it and you're disciplined though. And that's the purpose of Rise and Grind. Discipline creates freedom. Discipline creates freedom that's it. You have to be disciplined. You have to have a method. You have to act, learn, and repeat and you have to keep figuring it out you know? This book is not going to give you the answers to life. This book is going to give you a technique to act on it and then next year you may have to switch that technique up and use something else in there. Because people always ask us the same thing how do you have work life balance you know? How do you take care of your health? How do you advance your company but yet pay attention to the customer that really is taking care of you but how are you gonna move into this new area like without ignoring them? How do you get good management underneath you? How do you, you know cash flow is always an issue. How do you increase sales or reduce costs? How do you gain new customers in the world? You know what do you do with your kids? How do you spoil the kids or not spoil the kids? We all have the same exact problems so what we have to do is look at these techniques and create a bunch of disciplinary actions and you'll see what works and what doesn't. But some things are not gonna work. You can fix it, you gotta fix it you know? Alright so two, if we stay on Rise and Grind for a moment. So you talked about there's a couple of patterns. I wanna talk about those patterns and I also wanna talk about what I think we'll save the book for folks to go home and check it out so they can read about all the individual folks you name dropped but I wanna know what your morning routine is. What are your answers to the questions that you asked of other people? Well they've changed after the book. Interesting. And just small adjustments. My morning routine has always been to get up and I have 10 goals that I read. And before I get up what I do is I actually look at the phone and emails but not to answer them but that stimulates my brain. Because I'm dyslexic you use more of your brain to concentrate on something. That's why dyslexic people fall asleep easily after reading one or two pages but that gets me going. That gets my mind going. Now I cut it off immediately five minutes in. Okay. Because I don't wanna get inundated and/or drowned in those things. Because it's other people's priorities right? Everybody's priorities right. As Chris Sacca says you know my inbox is my defense and my outbox is my offense right? So I do that just to spark and get me going. Then I go over my 10 goals. The same 10 goals that I've read the evening before I went to bed because it's the last thing I'll ever think about. The 10 goals are basically very simple. Seven of 'em expire in six months and then the other three one expires in five, one expires in 10, one expires in 20. And I sit there and read those that expire in six months and they range from health, to spirituality, to business, to family and I read those goals and goal reading is a very detailed exercise that again I learned in Think and Grow Rich but then you can see Brian Tracy and a lot of other people have those books. Then I get up and I immediately do exercises where I give thanks to all the people that are in my life. And if I can make three calls to the people that I love in my life or texts or emails to tell them that I love 'em or I care about 'em I do that. Of course I do the normal ritual brush your teeth and all that other stuff. I try to put a little bit in my system. Which could be something healthy hopefully. If it's a bad night of drinking then it's not gonna be healthy which is something I always have to correct as well any of us. Yep. Yep. Because like Gary said I don't sleep as much as I'd like but I try to put in the work and a new technique that I have been employing due to all the subjects that I've talked to in Rise and Grind is that because I don't sleep much, not on purpose, I used to like to workout at midnight and walk the treadmill to workout because first of all my phone is not ringing like crazy I get to zone out, it's peaceful. The gym is empty whether it's in my house or anyplace else or whatever the case is and it gets me tired and I wanna burn the last meal that I've had and then it gets me tired enough to go to sleep. And I felt that I was using my time more productive. After you know going through these subjects and seeing how many of them get an adrenal kick early in the morning. Yeah. I started to do I started to workout early in the morning and what I realized is it saved me more time I was more productive during the day. And if I looked at the month I saved more time because I was more productive. Yeah. And I can still go at night and walk on the treadmill if I want to or do what I wanna do. I don't wanna replace that great habit with a nasty habit. I just double down on a great habit. Yeah. And so now I'm working out earlier in the day and what I'm finding is that even if I'm not working out it's getting to the gym to physically take that step go there. You may not even work out that day but it's the mentality of keeping that ritual going that keeps you going every single day. So that's how my day looks and then I start hitting the calls and everything else and I try to multitask because I'm you know moving on to the rest of my day. So anything in particular that you like to do on exercise? Just again so we can get tactical for a second. I like to honestly just burn cardio because you know with this new medicine and all this stuff you know obviously I've been gaining a little bit more weight and then the fact that I like Golden Corral is not helping either. Just moving the body really is what you're doing right? Just moving the body. But the reason I can do that is I can also email and do things at the time. Before I know it two hours have passed. Most people, a lot of people, will go on there and they'll look at a TV show and maybe that's their zone out. I happen to do emails and I knock 'em down you know and then I like to do calisthenics. Got it. So that's what your morning looks like. Yep. This is another thing I like on the show if it's possible people have been willing to go there I'm not, just a little bit of pressure but not too much share one of those 10 goals? I know you got some big ones and no's a fine answer. No is a fine answer. No no no not at all. One of those 10 goals that you read every day. It's easy one of the 10 goals is I will get down to 170 that's my fighting weight and you know after like I said the medicine and the things I've had to figure things out but I will get down to 173 pounds by April 15th. And I will do this by drinking eight glasses of water a day not eating any fried foods and meats and not eating after 6:00 p.m. unless it's after a workout. I will also put in 10,000 steps a day and in return for this health I will be able to stay around in my daughters' lives and walk them down the aisle. Incredible. So what happens is when I get to April 15th I can be 180 it doesn't matter. I reset the goal for another six months but you have to visualize yourself after when you do it 'cause then I say meditate and what you have to visually look at is me walking my daughters down the aisle. So powerful. Yeah you have to visualize it. Because something like losing weight for the sake of losing weight is hard motivation. Tony does a great job with this, Tony Robbins. Like how can you associate something insanely positive with the results of that goal and see yourself in that moment. I think that's powerful thank you for sharing that. No problem. Alright now the second half of that same question around the book. So in Rise and Grind you shared with us what your morning is but what are the patterns, not all of them, but what are some patterns that you saw? You talked about some sort of quiet meditation, spiritual practice in the morning. You talked about morning exercise, were there others? Yeah offense, when do they go on offense and when do they cut away and take time and no matter how much, how many fires are around them everybody takes a certain time to ignore the fires 'cause they'll always be there and go on offense. That's one of the things that they do. Appreciation for their family. What are they working for? Whether it's family, loved ones, community, or causes when are they stepping away to appreciate that 'cause they've worked so hard? And a lot of these things are super super simple. Yeah. But as you look at it you look at the things they do compounds. You know the efforts they make compound and create something much much bigger. And there's other techniques that I've noticed. You know Barbara on the show has a technique and I've seen it highlighted a couple different ways throughout the book. A lot of people write down what they hate, write down what they love and they start focusing more on what they love and start trying to outsource and/or get done with what they hate and they keep focusing on what they love. And what that does is it brings them over to that place in life where they wanna be because they're acknowledging what they hate and they're acknowledging what they love and if they make an effort to outsource this or get this out or stop dealing with these people or stop having these thoughts or being proactive to get this thing right they start to lean more towards here in life. Wow in a way it's sort of like a visualization right? You're seeing progress every time you check one of those things off the list. Yeah you know this is not in the book but I have a dear friend she's a hairstylist in Vegas and she wrote down a list. She was like I love doing hair 'cause I love the way it makes people feel but I hate standing in this beauty salon because those women in there are just gossiping and there's nothing of value there. I don't wanna stand on my feet all day and I don't wanna touch all these dyes that could give me cancer. But I do want to live somewhere by a beach. I wanna be my own entrepreneur. I wanna make up my own hours. So she started to look at that and she started to realize the weaknesses she had is she hated accounting, legal, and all these things that she may not have known. She started looking at this list and doing stuff and as she started to do more of what she loved and less of what she hated she started to say hey if you're an accountant or an attorney you're a female I'll come to your house and I'll do your hair and I'll be your I'll come there every month and do your hair every two weeks you on the flip side handle my accounting or legal fees or whatever the case is. So now she got out of the shop she's making just as much money doing that because they refer her to more friends who come on over. She has a better network here and now she's gotten out of the shop and she feels good about it because she's changing their lives and making them feel good about themselves. Yeah. And on the flip side she's gotten a couple Airbnb's and she Ubers during the day and she's now living you know she has a house in California that she goes out and visits every once in awhile. She stays on the beach every weekend comes back to Las Vegas does what she does. This took three years but it worked because she kept looking at this direction to go to and trying to find a way to get these things out of the way. Also folks at home like you could pay attention like this is who would think that there's a job that does not exist? I'm a mobile hairstylist for people that provide professional services and I trade those services so that I can not have to like if you ever wondered if what you want out there in life is available to you. It's there. It is absolutely there. You'll figure it out. You know being an entrepreneur or business person can be daunting to a lot of people that thought of it. But the reason why I think that I hopefully people resonate with my product, my books, and me on Shark Tank is because I like to dumb things down 'cause I'm I just have common sense alright? I like to say it like this, the same way you just said right there you know she figured it out that's what a mother does every single day. You know I always say the mother is an ultimate entrepreneur. She brings this beautiful life into the world I don't care what books you read it's not gonna be the same for every single child and she figures it out. Now dads do too but you know sorry guys Moms are special You're not actually giving the birth sorry. Moms figure it out they don't go and give their child up for adoption when the child has three earaches in a week and you're at the emergency room every night. You know and that is what it is it's simple. It's figuring it out, it's acting and learning and repeating whether it's a child, whether it's in business it's just figuring it out and never getting comfortable with it. There's another extension of that which I love which is so at what point do you just quit? You're just tired of it for example when you're trying to teach your child to walk? You're like after 10 tries like nope. She's not a walker. Ain't gonna happen. Ain't gonna happen. We're gonna just call it good. (Daymond laughing) It just never happens right? Like by and large most people in our culture walk and it's because there's this relentless like fall down nine times get up over and over and over. And there's so many things I think it's Cuban actually that says that something like business is the hardest sport in life or something 'cause it's like 24/7. Yeah. How does that play in your life? You talked about work life balance earlier. So do you feel like you have a life or have you made your life like your work in a way that you're joyful around that or how do you think about it? I'm constantly trying to figure it out and work on it. It is something that you have to take inventory every six months and see you know how you doin'. I try to get really amazing people around me to take the duties that I don't necessarily wanna do. I also start to say well why am I doing it? You know a lot of people don't ask themselves why. Yeah. Do I want more cars, more jets, and stuff like that? No I don't. Speaking of Mr. Cuban, I go to Dallas one day and I'm you know I'm like man Mark I never been to your office man tell me about it the math all kind of things you know it's huge probably right? And he's like alright I'll meet you and then he comes to the hotel in his pajamas and his little sidekicks were out looking at this sidekick and I said Sidekick. (laughs) Amazing. I said I wanna go to your office he said I haven't been there in three years. I said what do you mean you haven't been to the office in three years? He said what do I want more money? He said I wanna chill home with my son the Jakester. I wanna answer my things here. But I'm like but well why do you publicly give out your email if you don't want more work? He was like I enjoy sitting at home in my pajamas looking at this stuff. And I you know I realized you know he's just like me. Why are you doing things you have to ask yourself right? And that is your discipline right? Why am I going to work every single day? And of course I understand a lot of people here don't have the luxury like I am afforded now and you have to go to work, you have to. You have to keep the lights on and all this kumbaya crap about just do it for love is bullshit at the end of the day if you gotta keep the lights on right? Sure is it practical? But you gotta ask yourself why and I change my habits every six months. I adjust my habits every six months if I can as I take inventory. The beginning of the year is coming up. Yep. Or it's happened you know whenever this is gonna air. You know I know that you may keep it for a very good time when people really need it. But we started doing this Rise and Grind challenge a month prior to the top of the year. And as you know, you've been supporting it. And the reason why is that people in the beginning of the year get out of the gate at the race and they go oh I'm gonna wait til the first of the year I'm gonna start that habit then. How do you start a habit then? November 18th you're like oh in six weeks I'm gonna be tough. No you gotta start warmin' up and you have to take inventory and start makin' that adjustment so that in the beginning of the year you already started to adjust your performance not start your performance. Yeah. And now you're really ready to go you know? It's yeah a little more context. So when we started, when he told me about the new book and we said well it'd be great to get you back on the show I think the concept of you getting so much done and being such a productive human was infectious and the concept of starting this in December. Everyone in the world is waitin' til January 1st and you know half of those people by January 13th they're smoked, they're done, they bailed on their goal. And in part like you said because they they weren't prepared but what is with the New Year? Like why not now, like what's... Yeah it's like goin' to the gym and not stretching man. You know I'm gonna go to the gym and start pumpin' 150 right? Stretch you know, get ready. Alright get ready because you know if you're doing that you're already ahead of the curve. And for the folks at home like go search Daymond and CreativeLive or Daymond plus me and Rise and Grind there's a bunch of video nuggets that are just so good, so good. Alright so the book, we're lucky enough to get you ahead of schedule here your book is out in like four weeks something like that mid-January. Yeah mid-January. So that's clearly a big focus for you. What else is on the mid to near term here? So of course Shark Tank is always important to me because you know I have the privilege and the honor of being able to invest in somebody else's dream and it's been going on now 10 years. 10 years? 10 years, we're goin' on season nine. We're about to start shootin' season 10. 10 years. If anybody would ever told me that if you think about my adult life I've been on now a major network for 35% of my adult life or 33% of my adult life I never would have thought that. You know when I was back in the days watchin' Happy Days I never knew that I'd be the new black Fonzie you know on ABC I just didn't think that right. (Chase laughing) Thank you, thank you. Black Fonzie. Aaay but that's important to me. You can't write this stuff, you can't. Did he do it with two thumbs? I think all the thumbs whatever any time he did whatever he could. So that's important to me. I have a new daughter you know my daughter's two years old and she is making me revisit life in a certain way and the values of life and my other two girls are just about 20 and I've been so fortunate to have these people in my life that I'm working now more and more to be a bigger part of my girls' lives because we've sacrificed so much you know coming up in business. And I don't regret it because you know even though I was running the world running around the world tryin' to make FUBU better if I was a sanitation worker I would have been working 70 hours a week too because I don't know how to cut it off, I just go hard right? Yeah. And so that's important to me. I have Daymond on Demand as I've shared with you. Yep. Where people who want a little bit more of a detailed education and they're running a business they can get my interactive curriculum. I opened a new space called Blueprint and Co which I don't know if I shared with you last year this is a co-working space for fellow sharks. Not for startups this for people who are established who don't wanna take a 10 year lease. They wanna be a little more mobile in the world. I don't know I have bunch of other stuff. I have some other stuff goin' on. (laughs) I'm gonna put a pin in that for a second and shift gears. So we've talked a lot about... Oh one thing I have a Okay do this one. Sorry last one 'cause you can probably give it to your fan base or your supporters. And I saw Gary did something very similar too. This new thing about scoring our speeches has been pretty popular and I think that maybe we can do something together as well. Okay. I'm not tryin' to be a rapper. No, no, okay. Scored my speeches. None of the words rhyme, (Chase laughs) it's not about me it's about you, you know I don't mention Cristal, Versace in there, nothin'. No Maybach. No Maybach. No Maybach. Give me more context here I'm woefully missing this one. Yeah so a friend of mine was saying listen it was Martin Luther King's birthday and they were playing his very legendary speech and then they put a bed of music underneath it and it was really cool and he was like can I have some of your speeches? I said why? He said well honestly I'm a fan of yours but if I listen to your speech once just the speech itself it's cool alright. But I don't need to listen to it again maybe another time. He said but if there's some rhythmic to it or hook or somethin' like that he said I wanna listen to that on the treadmill. I wanna listen to that in the car on the way and I wanna keep listening to it. So Daymond instead of having you do a thousand speeches let me just play this a thousand times. I was like well I'll give you a speech. He was like let me chop it up and he did it and we been gettin' a good response and we just give it away to people. So finding a way to be a little more hypnotic I guess. No I think it's amazing I was just thinking part of my morning routine is I always will just program like five to 15 minutes of some sort of mental programming of consuming something that I know is valuable. It can be music if I need to get up. It can be a talk and recording that I've had of myself or someone else. That's brilliant, what's it called again? I think one of the speeches is called Wave the other one's called some other one. We're gonna give it to you just to give away. We're not, it's not for sale. It's just to give people Great. Yeah. Yeah. to hopefully give them... Okay we'll put that in the show notes. What's your hardest thing right now? What's hard for you? We've talked a lot about all the goodness. What's hard right now? You know tryin' to solve all the world's problems. It's a crazy time right now isn't it? It's hard you know. Huge victory yesterday. Alabama. Yes Alabama huge victory. Huge. Shout out to the democrats I think that... Black women came out. Yeah, yeah they came out, they came out. Being somebody who has a public stage I wanna every time I see you know a young man die at the hands of the police or a cop die because you know blue lives, all lives matter. I wanna save the world. Every time I see our leader talking about athletes not kneeling or whatever the case is but yet we're not addressing that you can still buy a weapon that can kill 500 people in a short period of time and you'll never need that type of weapon for target shooting and/or hunting. That weapon is still available to us at any given time and nobody's talking about that but they wanna talk about... An athlete kneeling. An athlete yeah kneeling or somebody getting arrested and tryin' to, somebody's brother getting arrested and tryin' to... I think that I need to try to take illegal guns off the street. How do I help stop human trafficking? I am on the Petco board, the foundation where I want to make sure our furry little friends of ours who can't fight for themselves, they're protected. The new MeToo thing that's been going on I think the that voices that have been silenced in the past need to be heard and I'm glad that certain people, who it's evident when after you see 50 different cases I think come out of nowhere I think they should be prosecuted and I'm glad that the victims now have somewhat of a voice. How can I help them because I was part of Joe Biden's It's On Us campaign. It's On Us, same. You part of it, yeah so you obviously know the stats. And a man who has three daughters and a beautiful ex-wife, a beautiful current wife and my mother I'm surrounded by women and I am a great man because of women. Most men wanna act all like this and that. No I'm a product of amazing, amazing women. How do I protect them? How do I let people know about early detection? Pap smears, mammograms, colonoscopies, endonoscopies because if you get early detection I've been getting so many letters now about people saying I helped save their life because they either nudged their brother, aunt, son or somebody to go get a something and they found something and caught it in time because of what happened to me. I'm cancer free, I'm running around here, I'm enjoying myself, I'm hanging out with you I want people to be like me instead of looking at somebody sick on TV goin' oh my God I don't want that to happen to me. I want somebody to say no I wanna drink and party like Daymond John and enjoy life because I got early detection. So all these things are the things that I'm... Stressing you out. It's stressing me out as well as I'm spreading myself too thin because I always say man my little two minute effort here and then two minute effort here maybe I need to I gotta bring something in and just really make it mine and change some lives so I always say am I using my time enough? Because when we look at the people that the underappreciated commodity in this country like a teacher, or like veterans, or people that go across and deal with Ebola, and go and fight these they make me feel like such a loser. You know what I mean? It's crazy isn't it? They dedicatin' themselves to everybody else. That frontline stuff. The frontline people are amazing so it makes me feel like man you better get up and do more you know? I was married to a teacher. Well I am married to Kate she used to be a teacher and that's in part with like oh God we gotta change there's some stuff in the school's that's just like crazy. The lack of access to resources and great learners and what not again that helps inspire me. I don't know how teachers do it. I watch my kids for one week I wanted to jump out the window. Put 30 of them. They watch like 30 kids for like 10 months. (laughing) I know that's crazy. That's crazy. Okay so that's hard for you that's fair. What's somethin' that people don't know about you that would be surprised to know if you shared with them right now? I'm a big outdoors person you know. Last time I talked to you you were going fishing I think right you like to fish? Oh fishing, snowboarding, I shoot a recurve, bow, knife throwing, I've been learning now kite boarding. Banshees and all that I'm a big outdoors person. Let me see... But an icon of like urban culture. Yeah urban culture right and hip hop and then... You got a hunting line coming out anytime soon? No but listen I like that. I think I'm a joyful person. I think that hopefully I mean you know my staff laughs at my jokes but that's what they're paid to do. But mostly everybody does. Ken didn't even look up. 'Cause I'm not watching him. But if I looked at him he would laugh because that's what I pay them to do. I mean it's Christmas time coming up bonuses right? (laughing) Right. But on the show I'm portrayed not portrayed it's really me, there's no acting. Edited. It's edited right. Sure. Sure. Be real. You think about this a pitch is an hour long. Mm hmm. And everyone of us you only see eight minutes of it. But Mark Burnett and Clay and the producers are brilliant. It really is business theater no matter what. So what do they do? They pull out the characters you are we're all characters right? Robert is Gomer Pyle. (Chase laughs) Robert is Gomer he's the goofy looking. You say that to him or do we have to... Oh you gotta hear what I call him. Okay. I always say man I smile and laugh all the time why don't you show us this and my producer goes no you're the snake in the grass, you're the quiet one, you're the thinker. Robert can smile he's Gomer Pyle. You can't smile. What's Cuban? Cuban's the cowboy. You never know when Cuban's gonna come out with his six shooter blazing guns. What's Kevin? Kevin's the devil. (Chase laughing) Kevin is the devil. Lori, Ms. Crabtree, prim and proper, cute and nah nah you know so people always see me and go man you know he's smilin'. I go what the hell you though I didn't have any teeth or something? Yeah I'm smiling. So anyway that's somethin' people don't know that I have somewhat level of you know I smile. Any other behind the scenes, dirt is the wrong word. But I just know folks at home love access to things they don't always get to see. You know... You guys seem like it's a reasonably fun group to be a part of. It is amazing dealing with them because if you think about it we've been now nine going on 10 years. 10 years if you look at the filming length. We have become very close friends. Well I'm, well here's a better way to say it. I'm like the meat in a moron sandwich. They all come to me for one reason or another. Barbara and I we live in New York you know we hang out I love Barbara plus I always say that she's the favorite shark that I love because then she lets me stay at her beach house. So if I keep sayin' that I can stay at her beach house. She's absolutely amazing Barbara is my favorite shark, uh sharkette. Lori and Dan, Lori's a really really great woman. You know behind the scenes I say stupid dad jokes to Lori and I get her off of her game. When she's trying to do a really like serious you know like hey so you know I'm gonna offer you $100,000 for this and I'm tryin' to get to her I go psst Lori, she'll go what? I go what did the grape say when it got stepped on? She's like what I say nothin' it just let out a little wine. And she will crack up for the next half an hour and I'll go snatch the deal from her. Kevin O'Leary he's the sweetest guy you know off set. The devil? Yeah that's just the way he thinks about money right? I take him to the most ghettoist clubs in the country. I take him to the bowels of the underground. I take him to live on Sunday night in Miami. And you have to see him walkin' through. He looks like there's this one little white man walking through with a shiny head in this huge club and all the black people are like yo Mr. Wonderful, Mr. Wonderful. And he walks through like you're dead to me you're dead to me. (Chase laughing) We just have a good time. Cuban is a beers and chips kinda guy. He is an amazing guy I remember takin' him uptown Harlem one day I'm like hey man I'm gonna take you up to the Rucker Park up there you know you gotta see there's a lot of homies up there be careful. We get up there they were like yo Cube you left your wallet at the bar last week you know? They're just amazing people. And Robert and our daughters, Robert's kids and my kids they go away for summers at a time with each other so. Cool I think I know Mark reasonably. Sir Richard, Chris Sacca, the amazing Chris. I think when I think about from a pop culture standpoint what the producers have done assembled a really interesting cross section of people. It's absolutely amazing. I never thought this show would pass one or two years 'cause I was like who the hell wants to see people just talking like business crap like we all do in boardrooms every day? Leave it up to them they know what they're doin'. I appreciate your time man. It's been super good havin' you on this show. So don't forget about the old book 'cause the old book is very powerful, Power of Broke. Power of Broke yes. But congrats one the new on Rise and Grind check out the little video series we've been doin' with Daymond it's been pretty cool. Little video messages but Rise and Grind drops on the 20, Ted help us with this, 23rd. 23 July doesn't matter when... January 23rd. But don't wait to get started on your goals. Don't wait to get started on your goals January 23rd for Rise and Grind and thank you for havin' me man I appreciate it. Alright pleasure Daymond thank you man. See you again tomorrow. (upbeat music)