Day 1
1:11:27 2Q&A
35:31Day 2
3Basic Introduction
04:30 4Paint and Paint Properties
35:33 5Understanding Color
08:06 6Hue: The Color Wheel
14:16Mixing Colors
15:56 8Other Color Terms
17:07 9Light and Shadows
03:14 10Layering and Glazing
06:19 11Homework
07:47 12Q&A
08:15Day 3
13Watercolor Papers
23:36 14Paper Characteristics
34:12 15Watercolor Brushes
19:15 16Basic Brush Techniques
32:32 17Putting It All Together
09:28 18Q&A
07:08Day 4
19Drawing for Painting
1:03:45 20Proportion and Perspective
06:41 21Good Composition
29:16 22Last Class Preparation
05:40 23Q&A
09:10Day 5
06:29 25Creating Textures
19:45 26Other Fun Techniques
33:13 27Reserving Whites and Lifting
53:13 28Things to Remember
21:54Lesson Info
Basic Introduction
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Wherever you are. Ah, in the first class we had somebody watching from dubai and today we have somebody watching from india two o'clock in the morning. So whoever you are, thank you very much for your dedication and participation in this class. Um water color one o one this it really is a beginning class and when I did this class and crafted it, my goal was to come up with enough information that if you don't go out and take a course anywhere else ever again you can still get started painting in this medium. And so I don't go into extreme depth on anything but I give you the subject matters that you can go out and look up yourself any time you want to in order to get started and in order to move yourself into another direction. So that was my my thinking and doing this course. As you can see, I'm a pretty realistic watercolor artist. I don't paint abstracts very easily. I just when I get into the zen of painting for some reason I just go deta...
iled it's just the way I go and it's how I love to paint so but you can do everything in between you can go from the most abstract to the most realistic and every single stage of art imaging in between with watercolors so first of all, I want to say many thanks to daniel smith because they have been just wonderful deb you're fantastic tweeting and facebooking and everything about this course and daniel smith has been incredible to come on as our sponsor and provide the supplies for the end studio participants and and just all around great guys and a great store and great education and I I'm very, very happy that they decided to come and be our sponsor okay? This is our five week course last year last week we did the overview and the overview was what's so exciting about watercolor, the challenges of it, the things you can run across, how to set up your space, the different kinds of supplies that I was making a wanted to make available to everybody and certain reference links and things like that some of my favorite artists and places to go to look up information that you might be interested in this week is paint and colors that's all about pigments will not all about it, but I'll give you enough to go research your own but it's about pigments the properties of the pains howto work with a color wheel various color terms that will be talking about that you'll run across as the watercolor artist how to mix colors layering and glazing that's this week that's a lot to cover this week next week we talk about paper and brushes there's so many different kinds of papers and paper surfaces very, very many different kinds of brushes, different strokes, different techniques to get certain edges with your strokes and how to use your brushes that's next week then week four we drew drawing and composition uh that is well, let let me say this I'm not going to teach you how to draw in week for that is something that you need to learn and practice on your own, but what I will teach you is give you various ways that you can transfer your drawing onto a piece of watercolor paper so that you can paint it and that's really what's most in porton and I will say you don't have to be an amazing drawer to be an amazing watercolorist it helps to have a good foundation it helps to have a good line because watercolor will show pencil marks and things like that underneath but it's not absolutely necessary and then week five we do the fun stuff we do the techniques and the special effects and masking fluid and using salt and texture ring and those kinds of things week five a blast we don't there's not much in the way of presentation that week, but a lot in the way of participation okay, so I always usually like to start this class with some kind of quote and this one it was the whole world is. We experience. It visually comes to us through the mystic realm of color. And there really is. I mean, color is the one element that is common to every medium, even black and fight white. Photographs are color, so color is incredibly important, and you can have a wonderful painting if you have wonderful colors in it.
Class Materials
bonus material with purchase
Ratings and Reviews
I would also recommend this class with some hesitation. This course is a broad and sweeping overview of watercolor painting. It is a good reference course and I will probably be treated like a reference book for watercolors. The skills we covered were valuable. It was beneficial to hear about the watercolor artists that Molly enjoyed and to have a list. The exercises were appropriate. I would recommend this course to someone who likes to know all the details of things before getting started. If you are someone that wants to jump right in this may be frustrating. Obviously, I am the latter. A few suggestions from my perspective....limit the product pushing. The references to Daniel Smith were off putting. I will try to avoid purchasing their products at all costs even if they are the best. It was very difficult to get access to the paint colors that she wanted us to have as some of the names are slightly different than what is available to me locally. I have already taken a beginner color watercolor course which I loved!! If I had not taken that course I probably would have been lost here. In that course(also online) we finished a project for every 10 minute lesson. I learned the basic technique's and it was FUN! I wish this class had more projects to practice that can be completed by a beginner and intermediate. Portraits seem like a large undertaking and it would be helpful to build confidence with smaller and simpler projects. I just felt a little discouraged. Molly is very talented and the work she shared was very thoughtful and showed incredible skill! I am very thankful that she took the time to teach the class and share her knowledge.
a Creativelive Student
This course was fabulous. Molly is a great artist/teacher. Her instruction has really unleashed my creativity and given me confidence to create.
Looks like a really fun class! I'll take it soon!
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