Lesson Info
Menu Systems - Custom Functions & Playback
Okay, so now we're moving into the big custom functions. So we got six different pages of this. We'll try to get through this pretty quickly. There is a nice start that will actually automatically start to focus as soon as you put your eye up to the camera. Uh, just don't like that. Next step, the finder lcd. Do you want this to be manually turned on or off the auto saying setting is really nice and helps conserve on battery power. And it's seems to have a good proximity sensor on it makes sense. If you have a flash on you can turn on red eye reduction. I tend to like to leave that turned off. Do you want to be able to take a picture? When there's no lens on the camera, you're not going to get a very good picture. So this is one of those things that you can disable it so that the shutter doesn't even fire. I don't know why you would want to fire the shutter, but in case you did ok some difficult ones here. Superior auto, continuous shooting in the auto mode. I failed to tell you the wh...
ole story as I do very carefully, uh, the camera will automatically allow you to shoot continuous shooting if it thinks you're shooting sports it's not something you can turn it on and off it's kind of out of your control, and this allows it to go into continuous shooting if you want. Another thing in the auto mode is that it has this scene recognition program where it in some cases will recognize what you're shooting a portrait landscape of sports shot and in some cases will decide to shoot a syriza pictures to get one picture, and this allows you to go in and pull images out of that if you want so that you get to keep all the pictures that it shot or you can let it choose for you, I don't tend to use those mode, so it doesn't really matter, but I'd leave it in auto, alright, next group of custom controls here, and so we can turn on our grid lines if we want to those of the grids that we were just looking at in the display, normally I'd like the camera to review two seconds is a reasonable amount of time you could bump it up to five seconds if you want or more in here, you can go in and customize which one of those display screens that you see at first, if you're a new owner, I would just check everything off. And then as you don't like something go through and subtracted see you're not bothered to look at it but to start with it's nice to have the options the first one is for what you see in the monitor the second one is what you see in the finder I level in the camera all the options are a good one to start with eliminate down is you know you don't use him or needham all right third page in the customs we're going to be dealing a lot with button customization in here so the range button on the back of the camera you could have this do a couple different things for the beginning photographer the range thing might be going right over your head in which case turn it onto the in camera guide and when you press the button it's like a help button it tells you more about the features that you're accessing and looking at for the more advanced photographer could use the range control that and the range control assist this one I'm not a big fan of remember those hundred to focusing points this turns him on more of the time and that just kind of clutters up the screen and allows you to see what they're doing in blank in at you so you might want him on but I tend to like to leave a clutter free screen so I turn him off peking level all right um maybe maybe I'm about to go all out on this, but maybe the coolest thing about the whole camera is the digital focusing and peking all right, say peaking to a photography friend and see if they yeah, yeah, see if they get excited, then you'll know there are super nerd, okay? Because what peking is digitally when you're looking at a digital screen and you focus in and out it's sometimes hard to tell what's in focus and what peking is is the pixels that see a lot of contrast that are in focus blink at you so that you can see exactly what's in focus, and so as you focus throughout a depth range, you'll see all these lights blinking up and you can tell exactly where you're focused at and this is just awesome manual focusing, and so you could turn this peaking level on and there is no other camera that does this eye level from canada or an icon like this there's some marylise cameras that can do it and you're going to see pretty much a lot of new cameras coming out that will eventually have this, but right now very, very few cameras have it so you can focus these carl's iceland's is very, very precisely using the peking and you can adjust it, you can have different levels, what we have, we have hi mid low I tend to want to leave it kind of low so that it doesn't get to write on like big bright lights in front of me like this whole room right now but you can also adjust the colors that they are they can you can get red, yellow and white and I tend to like yellow I think it just kind of looks it stands out from what I should I'm glad that you don't like that and address that because we had jimmy p had asked earlier about the focus peaking and several other folks were very excited to hear your thoughts on it. Yeah, focus speaking is just so cool when you see it in action I I don't have a good life demo of it here, but just imagine every area that's in focus sparkles okay? And so you can see like if you're focusing along a series of people lined up, you could just see different areas sparkle up and you know exactly what's in focus it's a very, very good system I would arguably say it's the best system out there there's a number of system and that's one of the simplest quickest ways to get sharp focus thank you all right live view display ok, so the display that you see in your camera can do two things it can mimic what the final picture is going to look like, which is what I like, which is what I like, which is why I want to turn that setting effect on or you can have it just to display the best image possible problem with that is if you set a shutter speed like, say, one a thousandth of a second in a dark environment it's still gonna look pretty good to you and you're going to take a picture and you're gonna look at it you like not going to come out and so I like the display to mimic exactly what I'm going to get okay moving on next tab custom number four you get to go in and customize the auto exposure lock button you might want to leave this as the on button depending on where your finger falls on this camera I kind of prefer in the a f on, but some people might prefer this in the a e l lock position as well where you could hold your exposure in the I s o button you can customize that seems to me that I would leave it it s so does a very good job of that you can customize the imf button on the back of the camera you might want this is halfon you need a little bit bigger finger to reach that one it's a little bit smaller but a little bit further away the customized button, which is kind of over on the side of the front of the camera normally that's f e a lock that's fine, you can change it to whatever you want. You got thirty one options to change it to the depth of field preview, but and I probably wouldn't touch. I would leave that at depth of field preview it's a handy feature toe have from time to time the smart tell khan button in the back of the camera I'm not a real big guy on digitally zooming in and that's one of the options that you can do in here and I prefer focused magnifier what it does is it magnifies a middle portion of the image so that you can focus more easily so you could use that you know, in lieu of focus speaking if you just want to magnify a little area and the focus hold button is a button on some lenses it's not on all ends is it's not on this lens, but I think it's on maybe the seventy two, four hundred to three hundred to eight, five hundred lens and so you can control what that specific button does on the cameras well, her excuse me on the lens movie button in this case you can turn off the movie buttons so that it doesn't do anything when you're normally taking pictures and so movie button I likely been it always that way you can always get in and start recording a movie if you want to if you want it if you accidentally hit this button all the time, you could turn it movie mode on lee so it on ly works when you're in the movie mode controlled I'll set up these air the control dials on the front in the back of the camera and if you don't like him you can move him not physically but electronically you can change the controls of what they dio and seeing how they overlap a lot of what they do I don't really know why, but if you want to switch it, you could dial exposure compensation ok? This is where if you're coming from the cannon world, you can make this camera mimic a cannon kind of mimics it okay and so here's on a canon camera when you're in aperture priority, you can just turn the back dial to change the exposure well on this camera you would normally press a button and then turn a dial. But if you have this cameron aperture priority one dial will control the aperture the other dia will control the exposure some people like it for quick access some people don't like it because it's too quick of access and so I generally leave it turned off so that you're not accidentally changing the exposure compensation, but if you use it a lot, you can turn this on exposure compensation setting, whether you're using it with flash and ambient light or just ambient on lee for the more advanced photographers they want to separate the's, which would be ambient. Only the beginning photographer flash is one of the most complicated parts about photography just leave him combined. For now, you can switch that later rocketing order this is when you shoot that syriza pictures that's correctly exposed under exposed it overexposed and if you don't like the normal process of normal under over, you can go under normal and over purely an option there. Ok, what we are at is the final section in the custom settings uh, there this is where the camera's going to step in and it's going to start changing your photographs. So in general, I don't like this whole section here, ok? I don't like the camera changing things on me in most cases, so shading has to do with vignette ng that's, another term that we could use and a lot of lenses, especially like a one thirty five one point eight a fifty one point four it's going to be a little darker in the corners, the camera will automatically go in and brighten up those corners and fix it. Sounds good, but I think it's something that should be controlled later in the computer in some software so I leave that turned off chromatic aberration is a bit of an issue as well and now that I think about this you could have this turned on because nobody likes chromatic aberration and so some people don't want to do with this in camera and so you could go with honor off distortion this's one exception. Another exception, I guess is I would leave this turned on and so it's going to fix lenses that have a slightly barrel distortion or pin cushion distortion to them e front curtain ok, I think we may have discussed this a little bit, but this camera has the shutter open and when you shoot a picture do you want it to close the shutter open the shutter closed the shutter open the shutter that's the process that would normally go through if you turn this off with e front curtain turned on it just starts the exposure which is going to be a little bit quicker response time less mechanical stuff moving around, maybe less vibration. However, there is a few aberrations that can happen in highly unusual situations and I believe it has to do with large aperture lenses and it might be backlit or flare situations that there could be some slight ghosting that happens because of the way the light is entering and it's not a physical curtain, but in general I would say give e front curtain to try it's probably going to work if you have any issues with exposure go to the physical front curtain by turning this off there's a whole face tracking thing in here that I don't even test, I don't even play with I don't like face tracking, but it can do it if you want to. I leave it turned off and you can have it recognize faces so you can point it at a particular person and say, this person I know so track this this face that I want to know haven't tested it, I don't want to play with it not going to touch it. Sorry, folks, I don't test everything, they're not paying me enough. All right now we're moving into the playback mode not too much to talk about in here if you go back in the play back there's a lot of things you could go through, you can select toe look just for stills or look for movie pictures. You can delete pictures you can use the delete button on the back of the camera. If you want, you can delete more pictures more easily with the menu setting, you can create a little slideshow, hook it up to an hd tv image index you khun when you zoom back after you see one picture, you can go to four or nine pictures in the thumbnails if you want you can protect pictures which really doesn't give him a lot of protection because you can always reform at the memory card so it's only a very light level of protection on the card you can go in and print directly from the camera if you do good luck, tell me how it works you'll be the first person who's done it that I know of printings better done from a computer someplace else but it can do it if you're desperate all right playback number two you can choose which card slot you're looking at two playback image for instance, if you have business clients and you have personal photographs, you could separate those on two different memory cards in two different slots so that you're only looking at one group of pictures you can copy all the images from one memory card to another memory card so it's a great way to back up images if you're not shooting simultaneously at the same time when you play back the movies how loud us the sound you can adjust that playback display I would turn this to manual rotate so that it doesn't automatically rotate vertical images when it rotates vertical images the problem is is that your vertical image that you shot like this becomes a very small sliver of what the screen shows you, and so to get the full size, you want to turn this into manually rotates that way, you do have to turn the camera, but it's bigger and I think it's worth the effort of flipping that camera to get that bigger image size. Ok, moving on to the card things dealing with just the memory card and so all right, complaint time. Can I can I lodge a complaint here? You can select slot one or slot too here's what you've got to be careful of let's just say you put a card in memory slot too, but you selected card slot one it's not going to be able to record pictures it's going to tell you that there's no memory and you're gonna have to switch card card to the slot one or you have to switch the direction of it. It doesn't just automatically go to the other one and that's something I'm sure that they can fix in a firmware update. Mr president of sony, I'm sure he's watching this fix that ok, next up recording mode this is where you get to go in and customize how it records to the different cards, so complaint number two is that or is that a we're up to if you are recording and there's two cards in the camera and you fill up card number one and there's a car just waiting there like a catcher send it to me sent me some pictures it won't automatically go to slot, too. You have to select it to go to slot to doesn't a lot of other companies have what's called overflow assume his first ones filled up the second one, so you do have to be kind of aware when you have to memory cards in the camera, and the other thing is kind of going along with it when you have to memory cards in the camera it's only showing you how many pictures you have left on one memory card. Another option is you can shoot stills to both cards and so let's say, if you're highly paranoid and you really don't want to lose these images, you could shoot pictures to both memory cards simultaneously might be good if you're shooting professionally, getting paid lots of money to shoot something, you can have movies designated to go to both memory cards, or you could have stills dedicated to going to both cards. If you want, you could shoot stills and movies, and those go to both memory cards so there's a lot of different options here and then, if you want, you can separate raw images and j peg images. And finally the last one of course is that you can separate stills on one card and movie on the other card and so feel free to choose which one but just be aware that it doesn't have an overflow and it needs to have a card in the slot that you have selected you could go in and form at the cards and it is very mohr important if you're moving from nikon or canon it's important to know that this camera it likes to format cards okay it's very good at it but if you just take a card out of a nikon or a cannon it's probably not even gonna let you shoot pictures what most other cameras do is they just start a new folder and they start shooting pictures this camera wants to have specific communication and so you need to initialize that camera two card communication on it so make sure you format I wouldn't play around with the file number, but you can go in and change the file numbers that are being used in the camera manually reset them, you can go in and create different folders and you can select different folders if you need to organize images on the memory card you can do that it is more than I'm willing to do in a card I'll just have another memory card and this is where you're going to create those new folders all right, next tab on the cards. Occasionally. If there is any problem, and the camera needs to kind of repair the data brace database, I haven't had this happen. I think it's, quite rare. The camera has kind of a self heal mode. If there's a problem with a car that it's not reading, you could send it through this, and it might kind of resurrecting, you might say, kind of nice on the card you could go through and display exactly how many pictures you're going to get. How much time recording, how much of that card you have used.
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Amazing... The sony corporation should give a gold medal. Congratulations on the professionalism and elegance in worshop. Thanks 'John Greengo and all Creative Live team for providing such a wonderful experience.
a Creativelive Student
Congratulations CreativeLive and John Greengo for stepping outside of your more typical Canon/Nikon comfort zone and giving us this introduction to the A99. I have never seen any pro photographer treat this camera as fairly as John does - least of all with this much enthusiasm. John's course is thorough, comprehensive and very enjoyable and, once I'm able to, I will be purchasing this camera. With any luck. Now I'm looking forward to a course from John on travel photography that's just as brilliant.
Bob Wurst
I don’t have the Sony A99, I have the Sony A65. It doesn’t have all the features of the A99 but it has many of them and this course helped me understand them better. The material is very thorough and well presented. Thank you John Greengo!
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