Class Overview
10:11 2Photo Basics
07:01 3Top Deck: Mode Dial
27:20 4Top Deck: Custom Settings and Focus Mode
16:55 5Backside:Camera Controls
09:01 6Backside: Function Button Part 1
18:28 7Backside: Function Button Part 2
13:05 8Backside: Control Wheel &
10:53Left & Right Sides
06:19 10Bottom & Front
28:50 11Camera Settings: Pages 1-3
13:02 12Camera Settings: Pages 4-6
24:31 13Camera Settings: Pages 7-9
07:38 14Custom Settings: Pages 1-4
23:12 15Custom Settings: Pages 5-8
24:11 16Wireless Settings, Applications & Playback Menu
10:21 17Setup Menu
20:21 18Camera Operation
15:04Lesson Info
Backside: Control Wheel &
Alright, moving on to the control wheel on the back of the camera. The first, top part of this is the display, and by pressing this, you are going to change the display on the monitor, which is the LCD monitor on the back of the camera, and if you just keep pressing this, the display, it'll cycle through the many different options over here. Now one of the things you'll notice, is that when you get to the one that is called for viewfinder it's gonna have a special quick navigation that I wanna do a little demo with here. So, let me go ahead and turn my camera on. Let you take a look at the back of the camera here, and so, if I hit the display button, you'll see that it. Well actually it's on the focusing point, so I'm gonna hit the center point and now I'm gonna hit the display, and you can see that we cycle through. We're lookin' at the histogram. We're lookin' at the little level, and so actually what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna do something here, I'm going to change it to manual expo...
sure, and I'm going to make it really dark, so that we can just look at what's happening on the back of the camera, so it's really dark in there. Now, let's go back and now you can see if I'm tilting the camera left, or right, so if we have any pilots that are watching this, you're going to be going, cool. Look at this, and it can even tell if I'm tipping forward and backward, and I know tipping's not the right word I forget pitch, and yaw, and there's other terms. I'm not a pilot, so I don't know all the right terms. Alright so, we hit display again and then that hits us, brings us to what's called for viewfinder, which means this is intended for using the viewfinder, and this is just additional information that's going on. Now, if you hit the function button, it's gonna highlight these areas over on the right. Now, what I have found, and I think, is a little bit interesting, is that these are different than if I was to go here, and press the function button down here. And so, I haven't tried reordering the for viewfinder, so let me go back to the for viewfinder. And so, the order is different, and the items are different in here; they're not exactly the same items, and so I don't think that you can control these. I think these are just set as they are. But, if you wanted to go in and control the flash, for instance, we'd press the center button, and then we would have our standard controls in the flash here. And so, this is a good option, I like because normally I like to use the viewfinder on the camera, and this just has additional information about how the camera is. Now, one of the interesting things that I noticed, is that down here is a histogram, and you notice the histogram is way off onto the left side, so let's change our shutter speeds, and even though we can't see the image, we can see the histogram getting brighter, and brighter, and brighter, and so without even looking through the viewfinder, I'm gonna try to figure out what the right exposure is. I think the right exposure is right about here. I'm gonna hit the display and let's see if this looks like a good exposure. Not too bad. Alright so, kind of an interesting histogram that you have displayed, right there in the back of the camera. One of the things to note is down right here, AV, TV. Aperture value, time value it's telling you the dial up here, is aperture value, and the wheel in the back is controlling our time value. We can see our shutter speeds changing there. And we can see our apertures changing there. So, some very good information, and the more you look at it and study it, the more you'll pick up about all the little details in there. Alright, so that is for the viewfinder. So, by pressing the display, it'll also change what you see in the electronic viewfinder. Notice the finder, and you're gonna get most all of the same options in there, so you can either get more, or less information. One of the things that you may notice is down in the bottom, left hand corner there is gonna be a green light. And, this will come on when you are focused. So, this is a little visual aid to let you know that you have focused properly. If it's flashing, that generally means there's a problem, or it might show you that it's in progress to focus, or it's tracking a subject that is moving around. And so, one of the things the cameras do is they beep when you get things in focus, and I like turning the beep off, but I still like to have some sort of confirmation that I have gotten and achieved focus, and that little green dot is that confirmation. That works out quite well for that. Okay, movin' on, and we can go in and we can control which one of these we see. We can do a little custom set-up on the display button, and if we don't like looking at the histogram, let's just say, you can turn that off, so you don't have to look at that when you cycle through the different display options. Alright we have an ISO button, and if this seems familiar it's because it was just in the function menus, and so if you don't want it in the function menu feel free to replace it. I think it'd be a good one to replace because the ISO is something that we change quite a bit in many cases of photography, and having it here on the camera, and it's labeled makes it very easy and obvious to change. And so, there was one other mode, I'll just mention real quickly, you'll notice at the top of the list, there is 100 and then auto, which is auto ISO. And then there is ISO auto, and what that ISO auto is, is a multi frame system, where the camera will shoot multiple frames at different ISOs, and it will try to get you a better exposure. Now, it only works in jpeg, so if you have your camera set to RAW, you may not see this, or be able to get to it. But, it's something that I would generally avoid, but you might want to test out, see if it works for what you do, but it's not something I use on a regular basis. Alright, the bottom of the dial is our exposure compensation and once again, if it seems familiar, it's because it was just in the function menu, and so, this allows us to go minus on the side of minus to make our photos darker, or on the plus side to make our photos a little bit brighter. If you do this on a regular basis, it's probably a little bit easier to do it here than diving into the function menu. That can be a little bit of a long dive in order to get to that change, but if you don't use it very often you can reassign this button to do something else. Over on the left side, we have our self-timer, and drive button, which, once again, we've seen before, and it's in the function menu. If you make frequent changes here, leave it programmed here, and maybe change the one in the function menu. If you don't make very many changes here, well then you can change this, left press of the control wheel, to do something else. Alright, we have our C2 button, and we talked earlier when we talked about the C1, this is a custom button that you can choose to do whatever you want to, by going into the custom key settings on page seven, and selecting whatever it is that you want that button to do. For right now, it controls white balance, which, once again, we saw before. So, as you see, a lot of things kinda duplicate themselves. They have buttons on the outside, they're in the function menu, and they're gonna to be buried into the menu, so there's lots of reasons to get in and knock out some of those and add in the ones that you think are more valuable. Alright, next up is the play back button, and when you hit play back, the camera really changes the way it operates, because we're playing back images, and we're doing something kind of completely different. So, you can change images by turning either the top dial, or the back wheel on the camera. You can change the displays that you see, because you might want more or less information. For instance, what shutter speed, and aperture, and ISO a picture was taken at. And, if you want to see more images, you can press the image index to zoom back, so that you can see multiple images, so that you can scroll through images a little bit more. You can zoom in by pressing the top button, and then there is a send to smartphone, and we're gonna talk a little bit more about wireless later on, but you can send images from this to a smart device very, very easily. And then, of course, we have our trash and delete button down at the bottom. And so, let's go ahead and take look on our camera, and let's see if we can find an image that isn't crazy, bad on our camera. Okay, well, let's just take this image, and this is a basic image. We're playing back. And so, now if we want to go left and right, we can turn, go left. Wait, are we live? So, we should be able to go left and right. Oh I shot the motor drive. Everything looks the same. And so, here we go. We're going back and forth, and we can turn the wheel to go back and forth. Here's some of our photos, and if we want to check sharpness, we can hit the plus button up here, and this is gonna zoom in, and you can see a little thumbnail down here, and we can move the image left and right. And, can I move in a little closer by moving the wheel? Certainly can. If I wanna come back, I can turn the wheel to zoom back out, and if I wanna get all the way back out, I can press, actually that's navigating, so I need to press the center button, and that zooms me back out. So, button up above to zoom in, the center button to zoom back out. Now, if I wanna see kind of a grouping of all the photos that I've been taking recently, I'll hit this button down here, and you can see the photos that we've been taking so far in this class right here. And if we find one that we want, we can then kind of, actually I'm sorry, we can go actually back all the way out to a calendar, so if you were on vacation you can go back to pictures you took on a different day. So, you don't have to continue to scroll through images. And so, you can move your way all the way around. We're having lots of fun shooting other photos before class here. And so, let's jump back in here. And so, once again, the display button, you can use that to show our colored histogram information over here, for detail about the different color channels. Just the image. I like this when I just wanna check for composition. Little bit of information about shutter speeds, apertures, and when we shot it, and then additional information about how this picture was taken and some of the settings on the camera. So, that's a little bit on the play back of the camera. Now, the video play back is a little bit different. You're gonna hit the middle button in the middle to start the play, and then there'll be various controls along the bottom. Whether you want to go to the first frame, or you want to rewind it, or you wanna go forward, and so, just slightly different controls on the camera for doing that.
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Ratings and Reviews
Cassandra Mcd
This was so much better than having to read a manual that often times is not helpful in terms of pointing out tips on when would be the best time times to use a particular function. Love the graphics, the recommendations provided for both new and advanced users and mostly I love the fact that I can go back and watch different segments as I get more use to shooting with this camera. Great Course and I'm really glad I bought it! Thanks John!
Priscilla Read
I'm still working my way through the lessons, trying out everything as I go. I like how John shows everything with great visuals and demos. Also like that he explains when to use the various options available on the camera. Really great! Thanks!
a Creativelive Student
I wanted to learn more about using my SONY. I was not disappointed in this fast-start class on how to use this camera. Jon is a great teacher. He answered my question about photo problems. He also had some great graphics that reinforced what he was teaching. TY! Rosa
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