Lesson Info
Playback Menu and Camera Operation
We're into our final little section, the playback menu we've got four pages to go through here. We'll go through this pretty quickly. You could do a slide show in your camera, you can connect it up to a computer and you can go in and select which pictures you're showing in your slide show. The playback mode will let's see what we're going to do normal play picture only you can show the videos or just the three d pictures or your favorite pictures, so it's kind of selecting which pictures you're going to look at location logging. If you're going to have your camera hooked up to a phone, that's got gps coordinates in it eso using the smartphone, you can connect it up using the wireless system that we talked about earlier for logging and gps data points clear retouched gotta check me notes on this one on ly gonna work on jpeg images, and in theory, you're supposed to be able to delete a little bit of your image, like if you had a piece of trash on the ground and you wanted to delete it, y...
ou could give it a try doesn't work so well from what I've seen, title edit will work on j peg images, and you could go in and at a title to a photograph, you could add in text. Tow a particular photograph as well and this would get basically stamped in the meta data of the photograph. If you have a video, you can cut it into two videos so you can edit your videos to some small degree you can play back your time lapse videos uh, so if you have shot a time lapse, you could go in and create a video of them and set the video standards for that same thing with the stop motion you can shoot a stop motion alone and then come back at a later time and create a video for it you can resize or I should say downsize jpeg images so if you want to make a smaller j peg that's more appropriate for email, for instance, you could do that right in your camera, which is a nice option that you don't need to go downloaded to a computer and work through any sort of computer program so you can go in and you can crop jpeg images and crop out something that you didn't want that's going to make a copy of that j pegs he still have the original, but you have a new crop version. If you need a cropped version of it rotate you can rotate images if you're doing a slide show, you need to rotate a vertical image, for instance rotate display ok, this one's kind of important if you leave it on, it automatically rotates vertical images in the camera, which are much smaller in size. I prefer to leave this turn off because I'm more than happy to turn the camera to see a larger image, so if you want to see the large image turned the rotate display off, you will have to turn the camera but that's a small amount of work to go to to see that bigger image, you can also rate images on a favorites eso basically you're giving it a little star rating as so only work on j pegs will not work on ross. If you do want to hook your camera up to a printer, you can print directly from it and you can select which images how many and what size they are printed, but I think you're much better off going through some sort of computer where you have more control and visual feedback of what's what you're doing to your images you can protect images this puts a little electronic lock on them so you can't delete him before warned that you can still form at the memory card and that's a bit of a problem face record at it ok, so it's gonna check my notes here you can replace or delete images and this is dealing with the facial recognition you can delete the information for the facial recognition, so if you had photograph somebody and it thought their face with somebody else's face and attributed a name to that photograph you could go in and correct for that. Another reason I don't like the facial recognition. Ok, delete confirmation. Very few cameras have this. So when you look at a picture and you've decided I would like to delete this photograph, what do you do? You hit the garbage can buy. And what is the camera say when you hit the garbage can button it asked you, do you want to delete this photo? And your general thought is yes, I do that's why I press the delete button. And so if it says yes first it's going to assume that when you press the garbage can button, you want to delete a photograph, which means you're going to have one less button to press every time you delete a photograph. So I highly recommend turning this on, and that in a very large nutshell, is your panasonic g excellent, you know that is just so much information with regard, teoh one, just one camera and so so thorough. Um, it blows me away. Really? How how detailed you go into it and just even that menu section the fact that in that pdf that provide is part of the bonus materials that you've been just quickly reference on off yes no is huge value so um so did you have to have another another section to go? I have a little section here so once we've broken it all then and we figured out all the little parts people are still kind of ok well, what do I actually need to worry about when I'm taking a picture so first off what is your basic camera checklist when you want to go out and shoot pictures? Well, first off make sure you got a charge battery make sure that you have a card in your camera that has been formatted for this camera you're ready to go you got lots of images on the card so you can shoot lots of pictures out there you have made that setting whether it's large j peg or raw potentially something else you've gone through the menu settings and you know that you have the right setting in your camera and if you're going to take a big trip, make sure that your sensor is clean shoot a white wall and see if you have dust specks on your sensor because you want to get that figured out before you leave much easier to take care of it in your hometown than some far off location now of all the controls that we've been going through there's really ten that are ones that you're going to be working with on a daily regular basis and those are the ones that you see here, a lot of them deal with exposure, focusing and then there's a few others in there a swell, so let's set this camera for a super simple operation for this is somebody who didn't doesn't really know how to use the camera or just wants to have it set with really no controls. Other than pointing and shooting, I would put the camera in the program mode. It will figure out shutter speeds and apertures the ice so I would put in the auto isil mode. Make sure that the exposure compensation is set at zero remember that's the little push button dial in the back of the camera. I would leave the meeting mode in multiple and the white balance in auto white balance change, if necessary for focusing the f s for single focusing, which means it will focus on a subject and then stop as opposed to continuously focusing for focus area area twenty three area utilizes twenty three different boxes covering a wide ranged from top to bottom and side to side. So it's going to be looking kind of for anything good to grab onto and for the drive mode, just leaving it in the single mode. But for those of you who have made it all the way here to the end of the class, you don't want to use your cameron the super simple mode you want to do very specific things with it, maybe, like, take a landscape photograph. So in a landscape photograph, I'm thinking, okay, your subject is not moving, so you don't need to worry about shutter speeds. You want a lot of depth of field because he was things in the foreground and things in the background in focus let's see how we would set the camera for this sort of scenario, you're typically going to have more time to set this up, so manual exposure is going to work quite fine. The first thing I would want to do is set theis oda two hundred, because that's, where the image sensor is going to give us the best image quality next, I want my depth of field, and it could be anywhere from f eight thirty two, depending on what lends you have and how much step the field you want to have in focus. The shutter speed is going to totally depend on how bright your subject is, and just as an example, you probably going to need a slower shutter speed, like an eighth of a second if you are using. F eleven or sixteen or having more depth of field in your image, which is why you probably want to have your camera on a tripod if you can I'm fine with multiple meteor and it's a good general meeting system as his auto white balance I'll change that if necessary focusing I just want to focus on one subject and stop I don't want twenty three area I want to be very precise about where we're focusing, so the pinpoint focusing is going to be a very good system where I can choose exactly what point I want to focus and for the drive mode I would use either the single mode in a cable release or if I didn't have a cable release, I would put the camera into the two second self time remote a great way to ensure that I'm not going to have any vibrations on the camera from pushing the shutter release next up let's talk about doing portrait photography and so if you're going to take a picture in this manner, you're probably not going to be on a tripod you're going to be concerned about your subjects movement and a lot of portrait photographs look very good if you have shallow depth of field so let's get our cameras set up forcing portrait photography when I do portrait photography, I'm usually going to take several pictures so I don't mind setting my camera up manually I want that shallow depth of field if I have a lens that goes down to one point four, I'll probably utilize it I'm going to want a little bit faster shutter speed to compensate for my movement holding the camera as well as my subjects movement potentially moving around and I want to have my eyes so is lowest possible, but I may need to raise it up if I'm in a dark environment, we're gonna go ahead just keep this on multiple media ring, which is a good general one as well as auto white balance change if necessary, as long as my subject is not moving around a lot, I'm gonna leave it in a f s for single focus focus and then stops as faras the area that one box area that I can move around and adjust in size is probably going to be the most convenient system to use and for the drive mode I can probably just leave it in single and capture specific moments as I see fit so that's how I would set it up for portrait let's do some action photography so the marylise cameras are not quite as good at action photography as slr czar you can still do it you want to be very careful about your set up and maybe do a little bit of practicing to make sure that you get everything as best you can in the camera I like shooting in the manual mode so that I can specifically set a shutter speed that it's appropriate for the situation in many cases it's going to be five hundredth of a second or faster this is where it pays off to have a faster lens that goes down to two point eight on dh those lenses are not real common there a little bit more money but they sure are nice to have when you're going to shoot sports I would prefer to be a tie so two hundred but the fact that matter is is that a lot of sports happen when it's not great light out and so you're going to need a faster isil set according to your needs multiple meteor in is fine auto white balance and the focusing I'm going to go with continuous focusing I think it's going to be the one that's gonna be the quickest to track any sort of movement the camera's not do a great job tracking moving subjects but if you have that set in continuous and the focus area I would probably go with the twenty three area focusing although you could try the tracking that will work in some areas but it's got less manual control it's a little bit more of the camera taking over control of where that subject is moving so you can try both of those to see what works best with the subjects that you are shooting and of course you're going to want to put it in the burst mode which burst mode depends a little bit on some other factors whether you want to use the elektronik curtain and go all the way up to forty frames per second I think for many things five or ten frames per second should be fast enough okay final one a good one in the class on is basic photography in this I'm thinking how do I want to have the camera set up when I don't know what my next picture is going to be? I wanted to be ready when I walk out the door right now, so aperture priority is my favorite mode because it's got a little bit of automation I select the aperture and I'm usually going to select an aperture reasonably wide open maybe I have four five point six and if I need more depth of field I'll change it when I need it my eyes so I'll leave it at two hundred but I'll be ready to jump it up to any other setting that I might need if I want tio and this means that if I just pull the camera to my eye and take a picture I'm going to get a decent exposure I do need to keep check on that exposure compensation I'll normally want to keep it at zero adjust as necessary metering multiple works just fine white balance adjust as necessary but auto white balance is a good place to start for focusing unless I'm shooting action I'm going to have my camera in the single focusing milk it focuses on a subject I could recompose if necessary shoot the picture as for is the area I prefer choosing one area and just leaving in the middle of the frame it's very easy to work with very precise so that you can focus on small areas and for the drive mode I would just simply leave it in the single mode so that I could take one picture at a time and I would just change that on an as needed basis so folks congratulations you have made it to the end of the class which means you are now a panasonic gx seven expert we have we have a question actually that goes back a little bit when we're talking about lenses sure and this was from esther a bronx who asked if you have a lens with o I s should you turn it off when using the gx seven? So when we're talking about image stabilization, I'm thinking that it doesn't even matter because I believe what happens is that it automatically gets turned off when you put it on the camera because the camera realized that their stabilization going on in the lands and so to be safe yeah turn it off but I don't believe you even need to do anything about that great okay, I think this might be the final question let me go back and double check in the chat rooms. Okay? This one's from skipper john you have reviewed all of the major brands that which one in your opinion has streamlined these menu systems to be most useful for a professional photographer. So they're so many menu items and choices which is great in this camera. Yeah, but talk a little bit about that, general. Well, I like I would probably say I like cannon system the at best it's a logical layout there's nothing hitting nothing hidden by scrolling and you have what calmly compress for two is a mind menu set setting now the nightgowns also have the my menu but they also have a lot of scrolling that you can't see stuff as you go from page to page I think with first favorite is cannon um I wish panasonic had a mind menu section and so I think panasonic in nikon are tied for second. Sony has been changing their menu system and they're somewhere between next and last. Fuji is a little funky on their system I'm not a big fan of olympus we're going to do it on olympus class tomorrow and they at the meeting were olympus sat around the table and they had all their features in their camera, and they kept on saying, we'll put that over here we'll put that over here, and so they have this one little section that is just gargantuan of special modes that it goes into and so it's a little bit awkward. And so this is one of the best. In my opinion, one of the things I like most is the page numbers, page three of seven that's true that you can actually really identify things and on my hand out, I went through, and I labeled in detail what this's paid six of seven this's unpaid seven of seven so that you can actually find these things very easily when you want to refer back and forth from this to your camera. Very, very cool, john. Well, another incredible fast art class. Did you have any final words for us? Well, I just want to let everybody know that if they just watch this class and they don't own a panasonic gx seven, you are you're a strange creature, but I do have a class in a lot of other different cameras, and so if you have other cameras, if you have friends over their cameras and you're looking for a tutorial on him, we have classes on all these cameras, or we will have classes on these cameras, for instance, tomorrow we'll be doing the class on the m d e m one and we don't have a date scheduled for the fuji sixty one, but it will be happening sometime in the next two to three months would be my guess at this point. But all these other classes are available at great of live dot com as our sorry going back a step. Excuse me, I'm a way that it's that many fast start. Constance thatyou done it's slightly deceptive because there's some european numbers and american numbers that were different and both of them are the same class. Yeah, there's some that are, like updates for classes. I think we're in the range of twenty five classes now for fast start. Yes, yes, exactly. So most cameras that you might have out there right now. People that are in our audience at least those are the ones that you've been targeting. So radical. Thank you. So also at creative live is my fundamentals of digital photography class, which is kind of the full on. You want to learn photography, that's the class you probably want to have as your first class, because as you take more classes here, creative, live, you know, I know, like in the other studio right now, today, soup rice is teaching a class teaches some wonderful classes and she's going to say, you're going to need more depth of field. So you're going to need to make your change. And if you don't know what you're talking about, where she's talking about this is where you're going to find out all that information.
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Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
I bought a Panasonic G9 camera and couldn't find a good visual user guide anywhere. I've hunted through YouTube and online, only to waste hours scrubbing through off topic babble just to find bits of useful information, but there is nothing complete out there. I found John's Panasonic G7 presentation, and it's been immensely helpful. Though the camera button locations and handling are different from the G9, the menu system, and camera functions are mostly similar. I try reading user manuals, but it's easy to get lost and sometimes hard to relate to. John presents everything so clearly, logically, and in terms easy to relate to and follow. He puts in so much time to make everything look professional and make sense. I really appreciate all his hard work, and his love and passion to share his knowledge. I'm so thankful he creates videos like this, as modern cameras have so many features now, that they can get overwhelming to learn how to use. Watching him demo cameras is also really helpful. I've also taken his Fundamentals of Photography class, and it's phenomenal and foundational. It's helped me learn a lot. Thanks so much for these great quality classes.
Nhahanh Nguyen
Simply wow! Worth every penny. The whole course is totally professional and delivered in a classroom-like setting. The visual presentation and live demos are flawless and so helpful if you have your camera on and play along. I would never buy another expensive camera without taking a course like this! I've looked everywhere else online for camera-specific information like this in one place (I have no time to browse the poor manual that came with the camera). John also gives great information on basic photography. Highly recommend the class to all newbies to this camera. I will be much more comfortable using this little beast after finishing this course. Thank you!!
Guy Holt
I have had the GX7 for some time, and never fully understood how to use all the settings. This course was brilliant, clear and precise and easy to follow and interesting. Brilliant!
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