Class Introduction
08:45 2Photo Basics
03:55 3Basic Camera Controls
05:11 4Mode Dial
19:08 5Top Of Camera
10:15 6Back Of Camera
06:11 7Viewfinder Display
05:07 8Back of Camera Buttons
22:08Live View Menu
16:05 10Movie Mode Menu
10:23 11Left & Right Sides Of Camera
15:57 12Bottom Of Camera
02:46 13Front Of Camera
03:18 14Lens Options
10:49 15Playback Menu
07:23 16Photo Shooting Menu
08:34 17ISO Shooting Menu
09:03 18Image Quality Shooting Menus
09:16 19Multiple Exposure & HDR Menus
05:48 20Movie Shooting Menu
07:25 21Custom Setting Menu
09:13 22Timer & Bracketing Menus
08:27 23Custom Control Menu
05:44 24Set Up Menu
28:47 25My Menu
03:03 26Camera Operation
09:50Lesson Info
Playback Menu
All right, folks. Let's dive into the menu section of the camera, where we get to see the complete listing of all the features that are going on in the camera. Now, I mentioned this before, but it's worth mentioning again. Depending on what mode you are in on the top of the camera will depend on what you'll be able to see and access in the menu system. So as we go through the menu system, you're probably gonna want to have the camera in a manual mode or one of the more manual modes so that you have full access to all of the features. If you're in the auto modes, they turn on these child safety locks that don't allow you into everything. So when you do hit the menu button on the back of the camera you're gonna notice that there's gonna be a number of tabs, and we're gonna have items stored in each of these different tabs. So we have some pretty obvious categories, and I'll have to admit, Nikon has done a very good job at organizing and putting items where they should logically be found.
The one little trick to the Nikon system that you have to be aware of is that there is a lot of items in any particular folder, and so what you're gonna have to do is look for the scroll bar because there's a scroll bar over on the right hand side, and you're gonna have to scroll up and down to potentially find the item that is in that particular collection of items there. So you're gonna use that multi-controller on the back of the camera to scroll up and down, and then if you want to enter a particular category, you go to the right, and if you want to back out, you go to the left. Now you can also use the touch screen as well. So if you prefer to use the touch screen, feel free to use the touch screen and look for the little question mark. That will allow you to go in and find out a little bit more information about that particular feature. All right, so diving in to the menu, we're gonna look at the playback menu to start with. It's the first item, first tab, and the first item on that is the delete option. Now, you do have the garbage can on the back of the camera. So if you want to delete, that's a quick way of doing it for a single photograph. If you're gonna delete a whole bunch of images, rather than hitting the garbage can, garbage can for every photo, you can come here to delete and choose the items that you want deleted, and then press the garbage can button once to delete all of them as a group. So you can also select all of them to delete or select a particular date to delete all the photographs within there. You have the option of creating and recording to different folders on a particular memory card. If you only had one memory card but you wanted to store two different groups of photos, let's say your business photos and your personal photos, and you didn't want them mixed up in any way, you could go in here. You could create and choose a different folder if you want. What I recommend right now for most people is to set this on all, because if you have taken a memory card from a different brand of camera and put it in here, it's not gonna be looking for those photos, and if you reformat the memory card, those photos from that other card may disappear. So all is gonna let you see all the images on that particular card. If you do want to limit it, you can, but I think all is the safer option in this case. If you wanted to hide an image, and the reason you might want to hide an image is if you were gonna do a slideshow on your camera, and you don't want to show certain images as part of that slideshow. You could go in and do that. The playback display options is what we looked at earlier in the class. This is where you can go in and choose which display options will be shown when you press the multi-controller up or down when you're playing back your images. I think all of these have a really good reason for being seen. So I like having them all checked off. One of the options is the highlights alert, and what will happen here is overexposed pixels will blink at you between white and black to let you know those pixels are overexposed and that you may want to readjust your exposure and retake the shot. So it's a great way of indicating that our picture is a little too bright, and it's time to make a little bit of a change. Doesn't mean that there's necessarily a problem, so something you might want to take a look at on pictures as you go forward. When you take a photo, do you want to be able to see it on the back of the camera after you've taken it? So do you want to be able to review your images? Most people want to keep this turned on. They want to see what the digital version of what they saw through the viewfinder. If you don't need it, don't want it, you want to save a little bit of battery power, you can turn it off. As you're going back playing through images and deleting images, after you delete an image, what's the next image you want to show up on screen? Do you want it to be the next image or the previous image that you were looking at? So it's a pretty nuance detail here as far as how you like the camera to work, but it does give you that option if you want to tweak that a little bit. Auto image rotation will take images that you shot vertically and automatically rotate them when you download them to your computer. This saves you a lot of time from having to go in and select them and rotate them 90 degrees. This is something that most people will want to leave turned on all the time. Rotating tall images will rotate the images in the camera. If you want to rotate them, you can rotate the tall ones, turning it on. That would be very good if you're gonna be doing slideshows. That way people don't have to turn their heads sideways when they're looking at the TV. But for most people I would say turn this off, because it's very easy to turn your camera 90 degrees so that you can see the image at its largest size. This will enable you to see the image the clearest and sharpest and judge whether you got it right or wrong. So I like leaving this turned off, so that you get the maximum use of the LCD on the back of the camera. You can hook your camera up to a variety of monitors and TVs to perform a slideshow. There'll be a little bit of a submenu in here so that you can start the whole slideshow. You can also choose the image type that you want to show. Do you want to show still images, movies, or both? How long do you want to see each of those images? 2, 3, 5, or 10 seconds? So very limited controls but some basic controls for doing your own impromptu slideshow. If you want to go in and rate your images, you can give them one to five stars with rating. Actually, I think you just rate them with a star. So this will be passed into the metadata of the image so that when you look at it in external software you'll see images that were indicated. So if you know a photo was good, you can go in right then and there, and add a rating to it. If you want to select an image to automatically be sent over to your phone, you can select that image at this point in the menu system and send it straight over to your phone once you have the bluetooth system set up, which we'll be talking about in the last section of this class.
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Ratings and Reviews
Helps you master the camera controls very quickly. I'm glad I took the course. Without it, I'm sure it would have taken me years to know and use the full power of this camera. Great Course. Highly recommend.
Thomas Sielaff
Great, great course. Could not be any clearer on what to know, what to do, and in all, making understanding my camera a fun thing! Well, well, worth that cost. A steal really!!
Roy Shenfield
This is a great course! I recently bought a D7500 and was somewhat stymied by the large number of different possible settings and the several hundred page user manual and menu guide. This course covers the vast majority of what I need to know and in a reasonable amount of detail. I especially liked the material on menus as he went through most of them in detail. Additionally all the slides shown in the course are available in pdf as well as several pages detailing the authors recommended settings. I highly recommend, especially given the $24.00 special offering for this.
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