1Class Introduction
13:07 2Determine Your Learning Type
18:28 3Set Goals For Language Learning
12:47 4Active vs. Passive Learning
19:24 5Create Your Own Language Learning Schedule
24:30 6Technique: Emphasize Similarities
18:34 7Technique: Minimize Differences
38:10Technique: Language Immersion
10:47 9Work Learning Techniques into your Schedule
06:03 10Commit to a Daily Routine
18:16 11Celebrate your Achievements
08:09 12Discover Your Language Alter Ego
28:57 13Fundamentals of Pronunciation
07:30 14Pronunciation: Get to Know Your Mouth
20:39 15Playing with Tongue Twisters
04:58 16Acquire a Native Rhythm
26:52 17Alphabet and Writing Systems
01:59DAY 2
18Intro to Advanced Language Learning
03:12 19Understand Advanced Writing Systems
17:54 20Tackle Grammar
17:13 21Grammar Exercise
15:28 22Syntax: Get The Right Order
07:55 23Acquire Vocabulary
12:48 24Vocabulary: Recognize Rules & Patterns
05:34 25Create Your Own Language World
20:53 26Avoid Language Pitfalls
21:21 27Techniques For Empowering Your Memory
19:55 28Put Language into Practice: Speaking Fluently
10:45 29Bilingual Class Introduction
04:27 30Bilingual Home vs. Bilingual Setting
16:01 31Bilingualism and the Child
06:23 32Basics: Establish and Assign Roles
17:34 33Measure Language Exposure
03:54 34Creating Situations: Techniques For Bilingualism
37:48 35Common Pitfalls for Bilingual Learning
10:58Lesson Info
Determine Your Learning Type
So in order to do that, however, we first need to determine our language type. Now what do I mean by determining a language type? Now? This is a really important task because in order to well, sorry by determining by understanding what how we learn, how we best learn how we like learning you're going to encounter in the future, much less discouragement than feel much more motivated and understand your own personal preferences and capabilities behind your language learning journey. So it's really, um, exercise where we're going to be really honest with ourselves. We're going to open up. It sounds a bit psychological, but there is always a psychological element to behind learning a language. Why we're doing this. So that's something that we really need to deal with on. We've already looked at reasons, admits on we subsequently and correctly refuted the latter, so we can now start with our first activity that will prepare us to get mentally ready to take the challenge. The take the challe...
nge of learning a language and language learning just like any other activity, like playing ball. Working out going jogging is an activity that we need to prepare ourselves for mentally and sometimes even physically. And if we want to run a marathon, we have to prepare beforehand. We all know that. So is exactly the same with language learning. We need to put in a bit of effort, a bit of time on the rewards. We will reap the rewards. Now. Speaking of language learners and types of language learners, people learn not just languages. We learn anything we're able, as long as we're willing, were able to learn anything. We want any many different ways, and I think a lot of us actually aren't aware of this, that there's not just one set way of learning anything in this world. We have different ways of acquiring knowledge, different preferences, different capabilities, different wishes, even different personal requirements. Why I want to learn a language. Andi here. I'd like to take a look at some of the most common ways of learning on D. C, where we ourselves fit in here to use this to our advantage. So the 1st 1 will be looking up. Is the visual learner on as it says, as we might be able to decipher a visual learner is someone that likes to learn by looking on by reading. These people generally absorb information on the board blackboard, whiteboard on posters, anything they could get their hands on. This visual pictures in videos is places on Duane's of obtaining and and keeping retaining information. They're very active in the sense that they like to enjoy games My in game, such as puzzles, board games that require visual ality and that require thinking as well. And they also enjoy feeling in things like worksheets making flashcards. Perhaps this is something that will be looking at later in concerning the techniques I'd like to point out here is, well, that we're gonna have. We're going to be looking at a few different learner types, but a lot of people find that their from one they like maybe taking that they're quite visual. There are quite auditory. They're quite impulsive, so don't feel so. Please don't think that because you've not fulfilled the four points of one particular learner that you're there for, not about learner. If you identify with someone and identify with others and that's great because that's basically the person you are. So I'm moving on to the 2nd 1 which is auditory learner, and this is someone that prefers to listen. They like to learn through communication and interaction, and they work well with spoken instructions and explanations. Andi. They also like to do several activities that involve this involved listening, such as listening to music or listening to stories, audiobooks, podcasts. I personally am very, very auditory. I like listening to people. I like absorbing the information and trying to retain. And that's maybe why I actually really wanted to become an interpreter, because I really like this working with the brain and only and only retaining the information instead of writing it down. Writing is very, very important, but it's also very important to train your brain to under tow. Understand how we're able to retain the information, which is also something we'll be looking at definitely later on in the class. So the third type is what I refer to are people out there refer to as a tactile learner on This is someone that's really like going for the hands on effect. They like the hands on approach to learning. They learn literally by feeling by touching, manipulating changing objects on the enjoy activities involving, for example, drawing they like playing their creative. They like creating board games, models building on their own, shaping sculpturing Kraftwerk. And they're also very good at listening and following step by step instructions. They take that to heart. They need someone that says, This is the way it stuck and then we have the kinesthetic learner. This is the kind of learner that likes doing stuff on the goal on the move. They like to move around. They like to feel free when they're learning. They don't want to feel restricted physically. Andi, space wise, they enjoy physical activities. Andi, because it's quite strenuous, involving physical activity and as well. They need frequent breaks between activities. They need toe toe arrest. They need toe, take in and absorb a bit of free time. And that's also something I can I can really identify with us. Well, I really think it's in important to know when to stop learning on and also to take a bit of time for ourselves, which is something will be definitely looking at as well, how to go about doing that in the best way possible. Then we have an analytic learner in an analytic loner. There's someone that focuses on the details, the exact details off the learning process. They enjoy details of language itself. So understanding why the language works the way is on what it doesn't and so on and its components, probably the best one that we have is grammar. They work best with well structured and organized activities on these activities that they appreciate usually require a lot of thought when we saw this before with another kind of loner. So they're really like they really appreciate the really enjoy doing crosswords puzzles, doing these really wordy stuff with the language, which is a great way of acquiring you vocabulary. And they also appreciate clear and step by step instructions. Now we're going on to the impulsive Lerner. An impulsive learning is someone that's prepared to take a risk. They're prepared to take a risk on the like, taking risks. They have, ah, slightly lower concentration span concentration span than other learners are the kinds of letters, so maybe like the kinesthetic ones, they become slightly restless. But on the other hand, when they're up for it, when they're doing it, they're really goal getters, and they're more bothered. They tend to focus more on speaking fluently rather than speaking correctly, which sometimes can be to their disadvantage. Another slightest advantage is their pro to destructions, and I'm saying this advantage. But what I mean is that they need to adapt to this. You need to find a way. If you are aware that you're for example, in impulsive learner on that you are easily, let's say, led astray when you're supposed to. You've committed toe to do in a particular activity, then it's really good to be aware of this. There's nothing wrong, you know, it's out there. People are genuinely Legler, so we just need to find a way of actually fitting that into our time schedule and to see where we can, how we can best go about challenging and adapting to them. Now. The last one that I'd like to look out for this section is the global liner on Global learners really focus on getting acquiring the whole picture. They like the holistic approach to it. They're less interested in specific particular details off the process. They enjoyed games and they're also very thes activities that they enjoy the games. They're very action based, their very hands on and they don't appreciate things that go slow. They like the fast pace. It's also something I can identify with, and it's something that I have to referring myself. Have to stop myself a times thinking you can't learn that much one given time you have toe, take a step back and you can go fast, but not all the time. Make sure you're finding time for yourself to actually step back. See the bigger picture Onda Choir and quiet the retain the information that we're actually taking it. So these are a few kinds of learners that we've seen, and they said these air also, these are a few loner types that we've seen, and they're also learning times that we can combine mix and much because maybe we'll were part of one kind of learner. So we may be right, but impulsive. And then we're back on athletic, and they were a bit global understanding. This, however, is crucial to our own personal language learning journey because it will help us, and we're helping ourselves. The idea is to help us here. What anyone else is were the ones that are learning this language, and we need to remain focused and encourage ourselves toe learn more and to get the most out of it. So I'd like you now to take a few minutes and explain what you consider to believe your own personal learning type and why. I mean, for example, my personal language learning is that I see myself really in a few here. If we flicked back toe to some of them, for example, the impulsive learner, I like taking a risk. I find this something challenging about. We'll see what how important is to challenge ourselves at times. Because if we find that we're not being challenged by anything, then there's sometimes no riel impulsive to actually our imports to actually go out and do it. If we don't feel the need to do something than the immediate need, then we might feel at times are I can slack off to. There can be a bit. I don't need to do as much as I wanted to do how do it tomorrow. And then there's the weekend. I. Then it's January, already 2080. We need to take a few risks, but it's not always for everyone. The idea really here, for example, the analytic liner to focus on the details of learning again. Big grammar geek. Really, Grandma G. K confessed a lot. You know, that's gonna score some negative point to some people because they think crime is the worst thing ever. I think it's the best thing that possibly is. Because if we didn't know Grandma and then we'd all be speaking like Yoda on We'll be going back to the older and a bit as well. The orders. A great character in the language learning process. He's helped me a lot and then to move around. The great idea nowadays are the great. What's really brilliant about learning languages nowadays is you don't have to bring a huge rock sack with 20,000 books and put it on Europe on your back, and then you're walking like a hunchback going toe work. Oh, if I carry one more block, I'm not gonna be ableto I'm going to stop it cause it's no point. Anyways, it's really physically hurting me. You've got stuff on your phones now. We've got tablets, we've got smartphones, you've got podcast. There are so many ways literally of learning a language that we don't have to be restrict were not restricted by the technology that we have today can enable us to learn whenever, however, and most importantly, wherever we want, you can be on a plane. We can be on a beach in Nicaragua and be brushing up on our Spanish in learning on the phone. So, uh, yet seniors, they didn't get round to our Maybe I'll start. I can't see anything, so I will. Ah. Hi, Willow. Very nice name and which you maybe share one kind of learning. I did put five. Okay, Brilliant. I never quit. I just can't commit one. I would say that the top two would be visual. Um, and by that, justify here something I'm an auditory is a little, much more visual. When learning and impulsive. Recently, I was in South America for a couple of months, and I learned Spanish high school Spanish, um, and was lazy about it for many years. And then when I was there, I think I was forced in a way, but taking those risks exciting. Um, I would say definitely impulsive. When on the go to group ups, it's great if you have, you're not gonna take the rest of Maybe you're not gonna get the food you wanted that you'll be like hoping that that it's No. I'm allergic to that, can you? Great. Leading. Thank you very much. Willow. Sandra? Yeah, I think I'm a little bit of everything except for analytic. Okay. Don't like Grandma. I was preparing for this. Hey, Gramma never going to do it. Yeah, I grew up speaking Mandarin and Cantonese and like, grammar was something s I went to a Chinese immersion school, and they always forced grabber honest. And it was just something I didn't like. Yeah, I understand. It's something that really needs to be changed. This perspective, you know, it's very important to understand it, because without criminal, we're not gonna be able to understand why a language works the way it does. But there's so many nicer ways of going about it. I I empathize with your your experience. Thank you, Laura. Hi. Hi. I think I'm more the visual analytic type, uh, product of Catholic school. So you learn how to follow directions when you do that by reading everything step by step. And what is fun here is and the reason I'm so excited about this is that it's going to open up some new ways of learning thinking about learning, approaching learning. So I think it's gonna be a lot of fun. Toe explore some of these great areas. I'm looking forward to going down that generally hit. Thank you. Well, I had three that jumped out on me. The first almost tactical I love ends on a draw, dude. All kinds of arts and crafts. So that one was definitely for May. But I do learn visual. I like to look at the book. I like to look at it, but I'm also, as you said, impulsive, I I want t o. I'm a risk taker. I like to jump into things, but then I'm get distracted because I've got so many things going that I I want to do this and now want to do this. And so I have to kind of rein myself in on that. Okay, we'll be looking at that, especially the time element of you've got so many things to do and how bright do it. Why's there on the seven day week? Another 10 day week? We're gonna find those minutes. I'll need it. Thank you unless, but not least, Christina. You know Christine. Christine Christine on. I actually identified with five of them. Okay, great. Found myself in a little bit of each, except for tactile and global. I like the visual aspects because I liked the reading and just absorbing things through pictures. I like the auditory of being able to ah, here instruction and get their explanations that way. I also like to draw things out because it helps me understand the concepts. Um, but the analytic aspect of it, I also enjoy the grammar and the details of just learning the language. And I am also a go getter. I feel like risk taking is also part of that. And the sense of if I have a particular I need to do something that when I usually have the greatest motivation to do it. Brilliant. And I forgot to ask because I think because of the question. So Sunday you said you were You were brought up with two languages as well, as well as English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Were any of you l also brought with other languages, And I, um my parents spoke to Golic, but we weren't taught that growing up, I grew up in America, but then I spent an extended time in Britain. The accent sounds like it is quite I can when you said that there is like a different persona that comes out of you depending on which language you're speaking, I can distinctly feel that even between speaking American, English and British, definitely that's actually an activity we're going to be looking at later. I thought it be nice toe as a Brit in the United States at the moment, or even discover the differences between English, that it's the same language, but we're still we understand what we're saying. We understand each other, but he's still not the same. And there's something that will always get a little getters into this. If we like that in our own language, within different writers and how we were going to do it within a another one, it's actually really simple, so we're definitely gonna look at that later. I'm really looking forward to that
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