Lesson Info
5. Create Your Own Language Learning Schedule
1Class Introduction
13:07 2Determine Your Learning Type
18:28 3Set Goals For Language Learning
12:47 4Active vs. Passive Learning
19:24 5Create Your Own Language Learning Schedule
24:30 6Technique: Emphasize Similarities
18:34 7Technique: Minimize Differences
38:10Technique: Language Immersion
10:47 9Work Learning Techniques into your Schedule
06:03 10Commit to a Daily Routine
18:16 11Celebrate your Achievements
08:09 12Discover Your Language Alter Ego
28:57 13Fundamentals of Pronunciation
07:30 14Pronunciation: Get to Know Your Mouth
20:39 15Playing with Tongue Twisters
04:58 16Acquire a Native Rhythm
26:52 17Alphabet and Writing Systems
01:59DAY 2
18Intro to Advanced Language Learning
03:12 19Understand Advanced Writing Systems
17:54 20Tackle Grammar
17:13 21Grammar Exercise
15:28 22Syntax: Get The Right Order
07:55 23Acquire Vocabulary
12:48 24Vocabulary: Recognize Rules & Patterns
05:34 25Create Your Own Language World
20:53 26Avoid Language Pitfalls
21:21 27Techniques For Empowering Your Memory
19:55 28Put Language into Practice: Speaking Fluently
10:45 29Bilingual Class Introduction
04:27 30Bilingual Home vs. Bilingual Setting
16:01 31Bilingualism and the Child
06:23 32Basics: Establish and Assign Roles
17:34 33Measure Language Exposure
03:54 34Creating Situations: Techniques For Bilingualism
37:48 35Common Pitfalls for Bilingual Learning
10:58Lesson Info
Create Your Own Language Learning Schedule
Well, now move on to organizing our time. Effectively, Andi, we're almost ready. Almost ready to take a sneak peek at our language at our language journey. And it's now literally to use Teoh. Avoid using a partner and I can't hear too tame to face up two and come up with our individual plan. How on earth can I find time? Toe? Learn a language and the key here is efficiency. Andi, Honesty. Can I afford to learn every day? What if I have a job in two Children and a dog and a cat and the dog hates the cat? And then I have to go to tennis lessons and and and and language learning can easily be fitted and put into a 95 situation for everyone. And we actually have much, much more time toe actively learn a language than we generally think or perceive we have as a very wise American. Once said, failing to plan is planning to fail on this most definitely holds true to language learning and to our own individual language language learning process. We have to plan ahead in order to reap the rewar...
ds. Now, when it comes to organizing our time. The first question that we generally and we should ask ourselves is, How much time do we realistically on actively actually have now? I say realistically and actually because I think there are two differences in this realistically, so actually is the number of the amount of time we have a day. So let's say we get up at six or seven when we go to bed at 10 11 or maybe after midnight, dependent on our routine. That's the time that we have. And then we have breaks in between because we have different activities. But realistically, how much time do we really have? And if we only analyse how much time we realistically have, then were then being effective and honest to ourselves. And I said, one of the golden rules is always being honest to yourself because the only person you're trying to impress here should be yourself. So we need toe know how to use our time wisely and effectively on what's really important here is to space out activities. Don't spend six hours you can do, but my general advice is in situations like this don't spend unless you can afford to. Don't spend six hours. As I said, if you have the ability, the time you're actually able to do it and it's leading onto something that is might sound a bit weird, but I hope you like it. It's just, in this case, too, ready to space out activities. Make sure you're doing different stuff at different times of the week of your timetable. This is important for consistency, for repetition and also for long term memory because, ideally, we don't want to train the short term memory. It's always good, but we need this to stick. We need this to stay in our brains in our minds and for us to be able to recall the information at any given time. And that's why it has to go to the long term memory. Now when they talk about this I was talking about previously Is it possible to learn our language very quickly and the answer is yes. Now is it possible to learn the language by cramming information in? It depends on how you define cramming, but me and my brother, who I referred to before with risk takers, we like doing stuff and we like doing weird stuff and, um to show you how unimaginable time frames can be on before we move on to analyzing ourselves. How much time? How many minutes of the day. We actually and realistically have and can afford to use them to learn a language I like to show you. And to tell you something about what me and my brother did recently. And it might sound that's had crazy. So I told you before that me and my brother usually lag learning languages together that were language aficionados, which is, by the way, Spanish word for fun. And we already now in the whole world in which we use in English sometimes. But it's actually a Spanish word. What I didn't I did actually say So I said that we like to take risk taking, but we like to do crazy stuff and we like to push boundaries. So we decided a while ago that it would be interesting, important. Andi, beneficial to learn another language and ticket was set ourselves a time when we decided that we wanted to learn Turkish in one week. Now the question is, can you learn Turkish in just one week so you can see these clips online if you go to babble dot com forward slash magazine and you couldn't see how we actually went on throughout the entire week. But because of due to time restrictions, I will only show you an excerpt of one of the days. So the idea waas to study Turkish from Monday 8 a.m. to Sunday 8 p.m. On one given week. And in that time we had to do everything we possibly could in Turkey. Active activities, passive activities, combining the two learning turkey as much Turkish as we can. We had an entire week for you. We didn't have to do anything apart from that. Well, besides waking up, going to sleep eating Can you have exercise not going crazy on. So I'd like to show you an excerpt of Day five. Think it's day five on Duh. And then you could see how we got way tithe. I think it's you guys. So yet, as I said, the unthinkable So and I can if you have a question or two. Maybe concerning that, I definitely be willing. Yeah, well, you were in Turkey the whole time. No, that's the thing. So I should have Maybe explain this. We're in Berlin, so and the idea is for us that you don't have to be in the place to learn the language, what you have to do. So there's something that we would be teaching you is to immerse yourself. So we have our active activities. We have a passive activities. And to surround yourself as much as possible in the language on Berlin was really great, because there's a sizeable Turkish community in Berlin that uses Turkish in their daily lives. Much safe example, like in San Francisco, where we have a lot of Spanish speakers and you can really, without going to Mexico without going to Spain, you can immerse yourself in Spanish on in. In this case, we decided to do it with Turkish. So we for a week we only went to places where we knew we could speak Turkish. I mean, you can't do that all the time because if you're on the train and you're not gonna ask the person next to you like can I sit There are because they're maybe not going to understand you. But the idea is to really and this is something I'd like to delve into you into with you later. Is toe really surround yourself by the link with the language? In this case, we made sure that every single day we were doing a different act different combination of active activities and passive activities and by getting the passive activities in. So we had we wanted to go to the restaurant and then order interrogations were doing something actively with the language. And then we're also maybe acquainting ourselves with with the words there on the menu on the sounds the people surrounding I was just generally speaking in Turkish and being in a Turkish language atmosphere, being surrounded by the language and picking up the picking up the vocab Onda. Uh, we going we get up every morning and we bought Turkish food on from the Turkey supermarket on we listen to music and lo and behold, by Day four, we thought a day one that there's a song that was really nice. On Day four, we were starting to realize that the song was the lyrics were a bit too cheesy. Hey, wasn't really the nice something that you thought. On the other hand, there were the songs that you know, you kind of developed a meaning for it. Now the question is, is it possible to learn a language in one week? Can we be calm, fluent in the language? No. Yes. Besides, going to restaurants and such like because for seven days was their did you study something else? Actively. Like, did you listen to the Babel app or exactly way were using? So we're using a lot of comment, different combinations of activities we're learning with the bubble up every day, different lessons different because of the beginners courses, the grammar part. The words and sentences were going through that acquiring the information and then on and then passed exactly when you ordered, like, was it Did you have any challenges doing that? And how did you know? If you are ready to do that, you just throw ourselves into what we thought. If we say something wrong, then they're gonna laugh. What usually is never the case? No one ever laughs at you when you say something, unless you maybe said something offensive, but but I usually don't get to that. But people were just genuinely, genuinely. There's one seamer when I think on day two, we decided we'd learn on day one. We've learned our our fruits. We've learned our numbers upto a 1,000,000 on. And then we were going Teoh going by apples and pears. The market and we spoke to the guys that work there. And the Turkish Andi speak Turkish and speak German as well on we spoke to them in Turkish in then I think they were slightly surprised at the fact that we were these two twins going there speaking Turkish than they knew we weren't Turkish and then spoke to his in German and he was like, No, you know, only Turkish, please. And then they were really enthusiastic about it. And then Oh, wow, yeah. How many kilos do you want? And then we thinking people, one of the I think one of the myths is that people are gonna laugh at me or people have fear that people won't like it. But in actuality, if you try, people are really honored that you did with that. I think that that's a great lesson. Anyone? I let you move on, OK, Your Yeah. So it is not possible to learn any language fluently, maybe a programming language and maybe that's different. But a human natural language is not possible to learn in one week, but most of us are never going to actually attempt to learn a language in one week. For us, it was simply to show ourselves what we're capable of doing in such a restricted amount of time, but also to show other people as well that may be sitting at home thinking this isn't possible. I don't feel motivated. I don't feel enthusiastic about what I'm doing to see that you could. Actually, in a small, relatively small amount of time, you can achieve the unachievable. You could go out and do stuff that you would never have thought you could do in such a short space of time. It's simply about being realistic to yourself and fitting, inasmuch as you possibly can without it affecting your overall schedule, we don't need to be changing our overall schedule here. In this case, it was different because we're learning for a week. But we said we were going to do this for a week, and we had this time we were realistic about how much time we had when we said we were going to do this for a week. So we did it. We were up. If my brother was snoozing around a or five, I was in there eight or two, and it happened. I was doing it morning as well. And it's like, No, we've committed to this. This is what we're going to do. I was sat drinking Turkish tea in the in the kitchen and trying to wake up and listening to the sounds of Turkish and then the radio on day and we were honest to ourselves. We wrote down on our schedule. We had the schedule, we stick, we stuck to the schedule and we had Do we encounter difficulties? There were things that we weren't learning as quickly Way had hoped we had. But that's not the main issue here. The main issue is is coming up with a schedule sticking to it on dis is what we're going to be doing now. So we're going to analyze how much time we have available in our daily life, and we're going to space out activities. Andi, I'd like you to start jotting this down. It should be on the page after this. I think if I'm not mistaken, I know it's not so I'd like to if you can just on a blank piece of paper, come up with a realistic, realistic outline for you. You can take one day or one week. I wouldn't want to do two months because we can always do pkr quadruple the weeks You can say that this is my weekly timetable on, but this is going to This is what I believe in every week for for a month but on we can restrict it to a day. Are we constructed? A week is entirely up to you. I think a week might be beneficial, but it means that we have a bit more tabl you have tow include a few more activities for the for the week. But the golden rules of effective time and the tech effective time management are being honest with yourself. So make sure you're realistically able to do this. And by realistically I mean all this stuff we've been talking about already, whether I have the time for it, whether it's is it going to be too strenuous if is to strenuous, put it off for another time, or maybe split the activity up and then ensure frequency. Ensure that you're doing something with the language constantly. So don't do it for one Friday and then go back there next Friday. Do a little bit every single day, even if it's 15 minutes is completely fine. It's so much better to be able to do 15 minutes a day, then lump everything on one frayed and then do nothing with the language again because you're not using the language and you're prone to forget what you've learned in an hour. Two hours work of Turkish, Japanese, Hindi Um, if you're not using every day. So, as I said, I'd like Thio Thio. You few toe come up with these ideas, and in the meantime, I'll be coming up with my weekly calendar, how I fit language learning into my weekly into my busy week on bond. And also I'd like to show you if I can to go back to the to the app and show you a few a few through the first lesson, or at least the makeup of the lesson. So there were several activities in an attempt to show you on the on the up, but we've already seen. Thank you, Messi. And then Bu young. And then we have week. Yes. And I'm not sure if you have you. Have you seen something? Is something caught your eye? Caught your attention So far. So we have an image. We have the word in English, the word in French and the sound down here. And this is really important because if we just got the word, no and then the English translation, we wouldn't be able. I mean, we might remember it, but the chances are that the we don't have anything to focus on. This is what I said before about visual. Being visual is that usually we were We respond to things more when we're able to see it. Not necessarily. There are some people that could learn completely, but it's also a holistic approach in the sense that you have a visual of the language. You have a visual with the meaning of it, and then you have the sound, so you're able to pick up on on all these elements at the same time on you're restricted. So I say, restricted, you're limited on. That sounds quite negative, but it's not many in that way you have usually a core six words, expressions and phrases in each part. So then we have No. In this case, it's four. Sorry. So then we have Teoh decide which one is? No, we don't have the image now. So, uh, we now being asked how were without seeing the image? Which one is? No, No, exactly. Trey bm no say no. We Maxie would be. Thank you. The Billy thing about thank you as well is it. Majesty is also used in many other languages. That's thank you. In Bulgarian. Even, for example, Messy zu fine, Well done trivia. And yet And we would be Yes. Exactly. So we have this and then we have toe Um Now type it. So how do this quickly would be Massey and then we don't Massey and I'm going to change it now and say it's buying incident, you know? And then we're so we were told that the correct answer is B A But we can go. We can review this later, and then we have weak way and then we have no no And now we're actually ready to use it in a dialogue on this thing is probably too long, but I'd like to go back to this later when we have more time to discuss the techniques. So this was like a little teaser. Let's say on do it now. Like to ask you about how how we got on with the weekly timetable. So would anyone like to share here in the audience off out there in outer space on the World Wide Web? On which activities are they slotted into the timetable? Phyllis, think I could conceivably really do it about 1/2 an hour in the morning and okay, that's great. And right around breakfast time when I'm sitting around, I could work on it and after supper, it would be, uh, with my husband and I because he wants to work on it. Us. Proof of the two of us could work together for that half an hour. So then, if we think about realistically so you've got 30 minutes per day, times two and then say five. I mean, if you can do over the weekend as well, Maybe, but then again, so we're talking about one hour and then either by five or seven, and we've got five or seven hours a week. And if we analyze traditional ways of learning, if you go to a course a an adult education centre, your learning one hour a week and now we have 5 to 7 hours. That sometimes constitutes a semester. I mean, if you add them up over a certain amount of months weeks Sorry, that constitutes what you would learn at university at times, most definitely most definitely. And then we'll see how you can break this up. So you could. The idea that you could do 30 and then to different exercises are concentrate on one what you've got, what's brilliant issue you can do in the morning. You can have a break, and then you can. Maybe I did not passive activity into that. So you're listening to the music. You watch a film with your husband in the evening. In Spanish with English subtitles. We go to a Mexican restaurant on Do you have the menu in Spanish and in English, and you're picking up words here in their on. That's not actually part of your timetable. That could be something that I was thinking about was the movie in Heaven in the Spanish subtitles, of course. Definitely definitely shows. So then you've got that. Plus, then you've even gotten This is way. You can definitely add this as well. So if you're watching a movie, then that's one hour to 1.5 hours. And that's the language activity. Just that you've got in one day, maybe 2 to 2.5 hours worth of language, and that's that's brilliant. I mean, 2.5 hours, that's Ah, yeah, That's, uh, that's an awful off again, like movies or something. It's exactly so you can always and it's something to look forward to as well. I mean, it's something where you think I've done my learning now. And I want to do something fun, something I would normally do in English. But I'm gonna do it in Spanish. So, uh, that's a great example.
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