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Intro to Advanced Language Learning

Lesson 18 from: Learn a Language

Matthew Youlden

Intro to Advanced Language Learning

Lesson 18 from: Learn a Language

Matthew Youlden

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18. Intro to Advanced Language Learning

Lesson Info

Intro to Advanced Language Learning

so Hello, everyone. And welcome Teoh, the advanced section off the language learning class that we have here learning a language with bubble Andi In this section, I would like to first of all welcome you again in many different languages. Andi, in this part will be looking advanced techniques that will help us to go on to master language. So this is a part that we were talking about. We've already been acquainted with the language. We've already started learning the language. We've already started taking off for steps where comfortable, Maybe I'll feel at home with the pronunciation Onda we now really making the next steps on our natural language journey. I like to always refer to as a language journey because this is really we're following this path on the path leads us to fluency in the language to mastering the language on DNA. Now it's time really to take a step further, and I really can't wait to delve into the techniques and methods I'll be showing you now in this part of the cla...

ss which is improving your language skills. So just to start on day aims and objectives of this section, this class is aimed primarily Anyone who has a previous knowledge of another language on would like to take it further, is genuinely interested in building up the foundations that he or she already has on would ideally like to take this to complete fluency, which I hope you all will will, Will will go on to do, and I'm sure you all will. Andi, additionally, will be looking at techniques to get the most out of your language learning experience, variety family with some techniques that we looked in the previous class. And some of you may already know of the techniques as well, and it's really about finding the right method and finding the right balance to combine these together and to use the knowledge that we already have and to build on this on the foundation that we already have and also a very important element, is how to really deal effectively with common pitfalls with problems that we have. When we're when we're learning our language on, we maybe think that we're encountering difficulties that we're not really sure how to solve these problems on. I would like to show you how we can effectively solve or resolve the problems that we generally encounter on view to also to come up with your own techniques and your own ideas about how best doing this. Because we already know that language learning is a personal endeavour. It's a personal journey is all about making the language your language. And this is something that we want to do because the idea of being fluent in the language is being able to speak the language and being you being in the language. Onda. Therefore, I would like to see this as a way for me to put you on the right track to mastering your language to going out there. Andi owning the language should we say, are facing the language in American English.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Exercise 1 - Pronunciation
Exercise 2 - Tongue Twisters
List Of Major Languages
My First 50 Words
Music Listening Exercise
Learn 400 Words
7 Must-Do Bilingual Activities
Easy Verbal Noun Exercise
My Language Calendar
Reading and Writing Bilingual Techniques
Language Workbook for Beginners
Language Skills Workbook
Bonus Video: Time to Ployglot
Bonus Video: Why Learn a Language?
Bonus Video: Myths About Learning
Bonus Video: Reasons For Raising A Child Bilingually
Bonus Video: What is Bilingualism?
Bonus Video: Getting Started: Take the First Steps
My Language Calendar
Reading and Writing Bilingual Techniques
Language Workbook for Beginners
Language Skills Workbook

Ratings and Reviews

Cris Merton

Matthew has a beautiful voice! It's so easy to listen to him and this lends a great deal of authority to his already clear and lucid content. Bravo!

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