Sue's Background and Philosophy
15:16 2Sue's Posing Rules
12:23 3Live Demo: Flow Posing
14:12 4Wardrobe
06:27 5Freestyling
05:35 6Twos and Threes
11:13 7Natural Light Studio
06:54 8Business Sue
10:29Lesson Info
Marketing Your Business
If you want something, pay for it. If you want aumento pay for one. Don't don't email people and ask for free. If you want advice, pay for it. If you want information, pay for it because it will come back to you tenfold. But there's no such thing as a free lunch. What if we go online? Gift vouchers? What if we do online gifts? Luxury rifles, private events, gift? Beg champagne parties in the studio, Women love champagne parties. It's like the Tupperware party, the boudoir party, the jewelry party. We love parties. We love talking. We love getting together with our girlfriends. What about How can I use my social media staff intended its rewards programs. Current database. What are you doing with your current database? Are you managing and working your current database? Do a community book to a fights his contest to a referral system? A billboard. It turns out I have a studio with a wall the size of a billboard airing the landlord. Oh, say, can we put a billboard up there? He said. Sure,...
two weeks later, we have a campus billboard on the side of our business that you can see from the road. Amazing Cost US $400 Database. Lions Business Network, multimedia product, YouTube. So I put every one of these pieces of paper with a black Sharpie, and I wrote that title on every one of them, I think invited, Ah, whole lot of women to my home, and I gave them wine and cheese. They were a focus group. I told them to come in twos. Women and more honest. When they come in twos, they also less shy because they have a girlfriend with them and they break the ice easily. I asked for 20 women. I wasn't interested in having men in my target audience because they're not my target market. The men come with the girls anyway. I didn't need to bring the boys in. If you're going to do a target audience for wedding photography, I suggest you invite couples. It's very important if you're selling to couples marketing to couples, that the couples that they're in your target so that you can get them men's perspective. What I wanted was a female perspective of how my audience was speaking. How might marketing was speaking to my audience. So what? I've ended was got all of these women together, and I lay all of these 20 ideas out on the floor and I said, Right, I need some help. I need you to expand on every single one of them. I want you to help may expand on every one of them. All of a sudden, people were doing things like where I wrote community book, multimedia product, current data by staff incentives, my staff for like, what's that? And I said, Well, what if I give you 50 vouches each to give people a gift vouchers and the person who gets the most amount of people in? So that's the most meant that you gave away with a recommendation. I'll give you a $500 gift, whoever wins this. So I gave my staff incentive to actually sell us. And why would your staff go out and sell you? They don't have to That come, they turned up. They get paid, they go home. They don't care about your business. Nobody will work in your business as strongly as you will. Nobody will sell your business out of hours like you will. Very few staff members were actively work on marketing your business when they're out of work, they don't really care. They need to do a job. Why should they? I wasn't employees. I didn't care when I wasn't working. I used to get around telling you when my bus was an asshole. There's no actively marking my business. I was actively de marketing him in devaluing him because I didn't really care. Okay, that'll changes. It's like when you're a teenager and your horrible teenager and then wonder you have teenagers. And you think If only I knew then what I know now, my poor parents Tim Ferriss, your network is your net worth The people that have spent money with you and your business or your biggest supporters? They've spent money with you. They will come back and they will spend more. If you do not have a current database, shame on you. It means that you have absolutely no respect for your client list. You have no respect for the people that have paid you. You have not befriended them. You have treated them like a fly by client in the night that you potentially will not see again. If you do not keep hold of this client. You have no reason to remark it to them. And so how do you pipe up after three years, Expect an update of the details in the in stroke, A deal at them over Facebook or over email. Shame on you. Okay, Because if somebody has come to my studio being photographed by me, you would know by now that you know enough about me to be friendly enough to me on the phone that you could call me and I could call you. Would you not say that that's true? That I could bring you and say hi, I'm up Wana. It's Sudhir House of kids. Also, it's time we photographed you again. What's more, you're gonna say you're gonna say one of two things? No. So I really can't afford it at the moment, times are tough and, you know, I just hit the kids photographed by somebody else, or she's gonna say yes. And what happens if she says yes, I get another client. But more importantly, I care enough to not any no here to know about her Children and to ask her that I should be able to call somebody that spent money with May and say, Is it time we photograph Johnny again at that time? Yeah, If you are not connected to your database, you will need with if you're not connected to your network in a currently marketing to them, you have missed a golden opportunity to create in your business the sort of referral and name that you build over time. Which is what a solid businesses Action is the single thing that counters stagnation. If you were stagnating in any way, shape or form, you simply need to take action. Take one brave step for mankind to make your business successful. As soon as you take a step forward, the fear falls away and you're suddenly left with a feeling off power and you are moving in a Ford motion. At some point, the thinking must stop in the action must at this is something that's written big on the wall in my studio. Very important, we don't gossip. We network 12,000 words a day. That's not gossiping. That's networking were brilliant networkers. We will network you on the positive. We will network you in the negative. It depends how we feel about you, but what you need to know is we are talking and we are talking about you. The more stories woman can tell, the more words they can use. The more words they can use, the more successful they are spitting through the 12,000 words a day and the more happy we are about it. So you've got to give these reason women to talk and talk, talk, ability, storytelling in your business. What story could you tell in your business? Do you get the idea that I could tell quite a few about mine? Do you get the idea that being shot in doing this whole thing is a bit of an experience and something you want to share with all the other women that you are in contact with Every time you tell a story about May I get that client
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