Introduction and Overview
05:28 2Ableton Push Sections
12:46 3Sequencing Drums
49:15 4Creating Melodies
09:28 5D-Pad Theory
22:27 6Creating Chords
11:03 7Alternate Voicing
09:24 8Creating Chord Progressions
08:33Lesson Info
Tips and Tricks
This segment we're going to talking about tips and tricks life performance and then I'm gonna be using this little guy that's been sitting somebody probably like if you could see that you like why is this sub fatty on here and he hasn't used it so we're going to use that as well to use push to trigger the sub fatty okay, so I'm going to show you a couple of tricks I've said a few of them but I wanted the list them so you can have a place where you khun kind of see them listed and hear me say them and you know, in secession so uh a couple of tips is if you hold down any of the buttons momentarily they'll switch momentarily so I'll do browse let me just add a random patch here and if I want to go to track I can hold track and then let go volume you know all of these momentary holds like I showed you also if I want to look into note mode when I'm in session or fryman note mode want to look in the session I can do that um what are the other ones here also yes solo so I can do hold down mut...
e and then mute different things then go to solo so a different things let go and then I'm still in whatever view that I'm in of these three or of these six uh you stay all within where you want some farming mute and I want to just quickly go to stop stop clips very dramatic there but if I want to go and quickly stop a clip switching on performing live that comes in handy very very well s so that some of those the next slide we have um in session grid if you um hold down shift it will do is zoom that view so if I had let's say one hundred twenty eight uh clips in here it would zoom out and then kind of give me an eight by eight grid so it would do I said I was not good with algebra so I could give you eight by eight's that would equal one twenty eight um and you have that and then you could just jump down or up by banks of eight over and down to where you want to get to also ah let's see yes, I said the mute and solo um user mode so I talked a little bit about this but there's a couple of cool things in here I told you if you hold down user and then you change the pad threshold it gives you a little warning here too says low threshold may cause stuck pads which has happened me I used to be on like negative seven and it works if you just on a table and nothing moves but a couple of weeks ago I was playing chords and stuff it church and then the pastor went up to speak and I picked the push up to put it down and I put it down and there was a a quarter inch cable that was just under the push and they were just like, put a ring on me and I was like, whoa, what just happened? I just unplugged it and I realized uh, that's one of the reasons why it warned you don't, you know, not don't but know that if you put it on a low pad, you may have an issue also, if you're playing with the band could have the rambling could cause it to, um firas well, so that's something good to know and I told you the velocity curves you can do that here clip versus seen workflow so remember that if you are wanting to work in the session view and building down as scenes or if you're just focusing on building down as one clip of the time so it would copy the scene down and leave a blank um, clip in the next scene, if you're in scene work, fallen clip, we just dropped down to the neck scene and not copy any of the other clips from the track you're not on and then the after touch, which we'll talk about in a second uh, inside of these, so if I hit user mode, it goes completely dark and you'll see that you don't really have too many things going on here. And one thing I have to do and user mode to get using motor work iss I need to go into my preferences and turn on the track and sink and everything the user mode get that going, so yeah, now I see, uh, if you are not aware of this and live, if you're ever wondering if notes or many messages air coming in, if you see where my arrow is right now, if you hit a button, you should see this yellow light, and then you'll see an orange one for one going out of life's, if you ever are wondering what's going on, you'll, uh, you can look up there so a lot of these buttons outside of the pads or momentary, like I spoke about so you could map these to all sorts of different things, so I'll actually, just since we're in the use of you, I'll use this browser here and grab some stuff from the grab and effect from a pact that I put out called the joy of racks so it's a bunch of different types of racks that I built and let's see studio this haas effect, and what I'm gonna do is middie map since this is pretty much acting as a mini controller sending messages aiken many map certain things to it so if I do command am I can click on that and then let's say click this volume right here and then go out and so now it'll toggle and as I hold it down it will stay um all the way up when I let it go goes all the way down I'll show you a good example of that let's see search here for one called beat repeat madness that a friend gave me a long time ago so map a map all four of these saw this map this one here this it's I can't fourth and I'll press escape so now when I hold it it'll toggle between the two and let me just quickly put a chord in here. So what it's doing is it's repeating a long tail it's repeating by the intervals of one bar one half so let me actually re situate thes to smaller increments so put this is the fourth eighth sixteen thirty seconds back in the user you can easily just toggle them on and it's great for momentary effects like beat repeats and things like that you can just switch to this mode a lot of these wolf to momentary effects another great one is so these encoders remember you could turn the knob and use them but you can also touched them so when you touch them they'll send out messages so if I want to it's just too straight up regular old auto filter so if I want a map this auto filter uh I can map it to one knob and turn it um which you know it's kind of like most controllers but this one's cool because I can actually spread this over these nine knobs uh and you could do this inside of lives so if you have a clip or an encoder that you want to spread over like let's say c three to c four you just hold down c three and then see for and it will spread it over that so I could do that with these encoders as well saw click on the frequency cut off do command and click on it there and then I hold the first one and then hold the last one so if you see should er yeah the master is a totally different different brain here so if I go through the first eight then I exit out I can just tell like this and just open it up and close it so it's playing I'll go back to user so it's nice for all sorts of different things so you could do percussive things from the different or you khun dial in and out and that's very nice and fun and expressive and something I've found out soon after guys like wait you could do that really easily eso that's always fun to do s o yeah any of these three any of these nine and these two have touches well um and then you can do so click on the filter and hit delete let's do the touch trip so the touch trip it's goingto it stays in this motives default um pitch and so I can play the clip well and then it'll snap back so it's like I thought I was a museum a alright normal so this is not just like a a controller where it's like ok of these couple of things that you could do or these a lot of things you could do and then that's it if you experiment you can find out there's a lot of other interesting things that you could do s o I use um I used that for like weird strange effects and then as well as the pitch will here um as well for strange things so um also the repeat is really nice out of the user mode but if you set what I like to do is like record myself having the repeats happened hall turn off this reverb I'm in this mode net in the other one so let's turn the reverb off since you didn't make effects just off of push I like to also put um delay after so I have the sound that I'm cutting it off I have the repeat going so it's repeating on itself and then I have the auto filter to be able to sweep and then if I put a uh simple delay on there canoe stood out at eighth notes leslie so up ahead s o I just went and went to add effect and then added a simple delay dotted eighth notes and then now I've got the eighth notes added after cia have the pad of the auto filter and then have the eighth note something go and select the pad I have the repeat on its blinking thirty seconds you can use that to create textures and sounds and affects a new track well recorded to another track and then go further and edit it and chop it up and do all sorts of things so I'll do that a lot in productions and different like life performances all set up different things to be able to do that or I'll record it and play it back so that's just a little bit some funky things you could do with it and use their mode and then even in the regular mode here let's see uh the other one issue can enable fix grid while recording, so if I have let's go back to our trusty piano, so load the grand piano again oh turn off the field and so if I want to let's say, just play and then I find something cool that I do in that clip that I'm playing and I want to loop that I can just turn on fixing loop while recording so let me get rid of this clip here I'll start a new clip turn on the metrodome let's record something don't say I like I like that part I could just hit fixed and it'll lock in so I had it on fixed four bars and then it just snapped to the last four bars that I had played and so if I if I realized that those last four bars were great even just turn it on while I'm recording and then it'll it'll snap to it for me uh the step sequence, sir, like I said earlier I mentioned earlier is really great for arpeggio did lines like three or threes and stuff like that using sticks step sequence, sir um I'm don't use it a ton, but when I do it always gets good results. I did a track where like the part that everyone loved was the part that I had just turned in step sequence there and was like, uh did you do you just put in some notes? I was like, ok, cool, that looks good and then I played back it's like, oh that's, nice and then I just sped up the tempo and I'm like oh that's what did you do it's like oh I just kind of and we said happy accident just put in some notes didn't even think about it and then you have that going for me ciro quick um I love this acid meltdown and I'm going to get note again not necessarily that so it's just the first bit makes him this one over goto the device make sure everything's nice and tidy in here one thing that I we'll mention is some of the parameters inside of your devices will not show up by default like so if you have the able to defaults like the filter here this device has the filter already on but if you loaded an empty simpler by default the filter's turned off so that you don't waste cpu push does not have a way to turn the filter on so I also included and downloads a couple of presets that you could drop in your defaults so that the filter and all those would be on so you can automatically get too ah the different sections here so let me see if that's in here one into his turned off ross later volume all that's off so when I see I'll go get over here and change this voice toe one I know that's something you cannot get to and I'll go and turn the glide on and then let's turn the glide up way go duplicate that so darn double if I was saying people okay but it's double have to another note on I'll go up way actually teoh one here one no e and I can do let's say shorter notes kind of throwing that try to get it toe fly up area so since the glide is really high, what it's doing is it's playing and note if another note it comes on top of it or starts kind of a before it it'll glide up and then back down to the notes so that's why we're getting that kind of weird um dragging sound because it glides up really high and then we have notes playing on top of each other and it also changed the instrument to only play one voice of the time so it's trying to jump to different fishes turn off the field you're able to build you know the step sequences the way you want and you can do you know a nice little acid lines and things like that I'm not er uh three or three acid guy like an expert at it do it for fun sometimes here in there but I know a couple of people like that's the jam so if that is your thing you know you hardware is perfectly fine I'm not saying don't keep your hardware or anything like that I'm just saying that you know this it has features for you to be able to do the thing that you love to do um which maybe like step sequencing lines and things like that uh I showed you also already how did load a sample into the drums so you know that's another nice tip but not a lot of people know that usually you go to your your open pad and then selected so let's just do it I could do it again and then make sure you know everybody gets it because repetition breeds excellence copyright me? Um so if I want to swap this out or if I want to do a new note so I'm like sixty four but if I want to do it saying like I really don't like synthesize crashes so I could take this one so I gotta browse hit the crash select that one, make sure you select it because then you like be replacing the whole kit ah browse and then let's say I want to change this to a miscellaneous percussion I think he was going there and quickly change it so you don't have to go to the laptop and do that you can just do that here and if you really this is getting even mohr organized but if you want to organize your samples the same way that you were a nice presets, you could put like your initials or whatever at the top or like zero zero zero and then the samples and they'll show up in their sections as zero zero zero um and you'll have that nice and neat for you s o I mentioned this is well duplicate seen uh duplicate and click on the actual scene which is the same as the grid size or some people call the resolution um size er delete seen same way so if I wanted to lead a scene just hit delete and then I'll delete had seen um pretty much with delete just there's other deletes is well, so really just you just delete and then press something else and see what happens so you could delete individual pads, hit delete and on a pad on the drum to lead it if you want to delete and audio effect many effect track you live has to have at least one track in the live set so you cannot delete the one track that's in there and it'll tell you it'll put a little alert and says one track must be in in live eso pretty much delete you could do it um almost everything in here er like I said prep prep prep make sure everything's good it'll save you a lot of time you'll dio a lot less digging and things like that ah and then I've got the push presets in the download as well
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