Class Introduction
07:38 2Defining Brand
06:54 3Finding Your Mindset
03:14 4Winning A Job vs. Getting A Job
09:16 5Busy Is A Decision
02:33 6Honing your Mindset
04:02 7Generators vs. Drains
03:58 8Developing Your Mission (Statement)
10:27Identifying Table Stakes
05:18 10Characterizing Leadership
07:04 11Crafting Your Message
06:27 12How to Master Presentation
07:31 13The Importance of Being Trustworthy
02:30 14How to Achieve Success at your Interview–Part 1
10:32 15How to Achieve Success at your Interview–Part 2
14:00 16Artificial Harmony
04:14 17Developing Your Methodology
07:24 18How to Get the Interview
11:03 19Tips on Self Promotion
05:40 20Email Best and Worst Practices
06:50 21Creating a Stellar Resume and Cover Letter
05:49 22Set Big Goals and Final Q&A
04:30Lesson Info
Crafting Your Message
So, this next session is all about the message. How do you, once you've done the hard work, you've gotten into the zone, you've gotten into the work, you've done the work to develop your mission, how do you then go about getting out there? How do you go about trying to make opportunities happen for yourself? Because you don't get a job, you win a job. And how do you go about getting the opportunities to then ultimately result in winning those opportunities? And ultimately, it comes down to one thing, comes down to selling yourself. Not selling out. Selling who you are to others. Now, everybody is looking at me with some sort of crestfallen face like, "Oh no, we have to know how to sell. "We have to know how to talk about ourselves." Well, you do have to know how to talk about yourselves, but believe it or not, you are selling yourself every single day, whether you know it or not. You are always selling. Who here thinks they know how to sell well? Be honest. Three people and Jim. (audie...
nce laughing) All right, I'm gonna ask another question. Who here has ever convinced someone to go to a movie that they didn't really wanna go to, successfully? Okay, that's nearly everyone. How many people here have ever convinced somebody to go to a restaurant that they didn't really wanna go to, but you really wanted to go? Okay, so, there's a 100% success. Guess what that is, guys, that's selling. That's selling. We see selling as something that is inauthentic or something that is phony, or something that is false, inherently false. But all selling really is, is urging somebody to do something that you're passionate about, that you want them to do with you. And the success of that experience, the success of getting somebody to go to a movie that they don't wanna go to, that you really wanna go to with them, or a restaurant that you really wanna go to that they don't wanna go to, but you wanna go with them, is a process of what I call mutuality. A mutuality is the most important aspect of selling yourself that there is. And I'll come back to mutuality over and over and over again now through the rest of the class. A mutuality is delivering a message to an audience, it could be an audience of one, your significant other you wanna go to the movie or the restaurant with, or an audience of two people that you're maybe interviewing with, or an audience of 5,000, if you're making a campaign speech. And that process is selling a message or conveying a message to your audience that is persuasive, authentic, and memorable in the minds of that audience. That is the challenge. And what you want to do is believe it too. You want them to feel so passionate about what you are conveying, to feel so excited about what you are sharing that they're willing to take the chance and consider it too. That's a mutuality, the process by which you share a message in a way that is so contagious, that who you are sharing that message with wants that too. So, in the case of job searching, the mutuality that you are looking for is essentially you want the job and you are conveying yourself with so much authenticity, and so much memorability, and so much ingenuity, and so much passion, that they wanna hire you too. That's a mutuality. Said scientifically, a mutuality is when our brains resonate harmoniously with others. And that's what brings us back to the first half of the class. We feel happiest when our brains resonate harmoniously with others. And what we wanna do is seek a mutuality, create an opportunity, where people feel the same way that we do about something that we believe so strongly that we wanna share that with them too. So, what are the words that we are using to describe who we are and what we want to be able to convey? You need to be able to have that one specific benefit or that one specific target that will allow you to be able to create a sense of what you are and what you aren't. And branding and positioning is really the art of sacrifice. You can't be everything to all people. You have to be able to take a stand for what it is you believe about yourself, knowing full well that it's not possible to appease everyone at the same time. And at the end of the day, I think you will feel like you've had a more fulfilling experience, if you are trying to just be who you are. It's much more stressful to have to put on the persona of somebody else, and then, deliver on it, as well. It's almost impossible to do that. At least, it's impossible to do it consistently. So, what we're looking to create in any interview environment is this mutuality, the process by which you are passionately conveying a message in a way that is contagious, and they wanna believe it too. And in terms of getting a job, the mutuality that you are seeking is that you are the candidate for the job and they should want to be the person that chooses you.
Ratings and Reviews
Hilary Larson
I was not expecting to get so much out of this accelerated class! Debbie is a captivating speaker who manages to get her points across directly while maintaining a strong sense of relatability with her audience. I really look forward to taking what I have learned here with me as I move forward in my career as a visual artist. Highly recommended.
This class is for a specific audience - young or new-to-the-field designers. It is NOT a branding class for the regular person. The class description is misleading. However, there are bits and tips that anyone can benefit from, but you have to sit through the entire presentation to get those bits and tips. I am not a designer. Because I had the all-access pass, I dipped in and out of different classes, speeding up and skipping as needed. I found enough value in this Fast Class: A Brand Called You to watch it, rather than the long one. I can see how this would benefit new designers as they job hunt.
Matías Obando Ruiz
Debbie the OG