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Checkout and Notification Settings

Lesson 16 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

Checkout and Notification Settings

Lesson 16 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

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16. Checkout and Notification Settings

Lesson Info

Checkout and Notification Settings

Welcome to the checkout and notification settings lesson in case you didn't know the checkout is where most people abandoned their purchase. So we really want to keep these settings in mind. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to set up your check out in a way that avoids high cart abandonment and triggers the right notifications. It is super important to really think of how you can optimize these checkout settings in order to get those buyers who are still on the fence about completing this transaction. In the checkout settings, you can customize the checkout style and also access a number of other things related to the customer accounts. The theme editor allows you to customize the style of your checkout pages to match your company's branding style elements you can edit include your logo, your accent colors, your brand or your theme fonts as well as your background color or image. For customer accounts, you can choose to make it mandatory for customers to sign in before they ...

check out. This option is particularly popular with people who run wholesale or member only stores for other types of stores. Making customer accounts mandatory can contribute to a higher abandoned cart rate. So think about it pretty carefully. That's why you should always consider allowing people to check out as guests whenever it's possible. Technically you can make your customer accounts optional or disable them altogether. Pro tip I would recommend allowing account creation if you think your customers will benefit from tracking their order status, viewing their order history or speeding up the checkout process. We'll discuss how to manage customer accounts in a later chapter. Now in 2014, mobile traffic accounted for 50.3% of all online traffic. Fast forward to the first quarter of 2019 and 79% of traffic and 69% of orders on Shopify stores are now coming through mobile devices as more shoppers use their mobile devices primarily to complete transactions offering the option to enter a cell phone number instead of an email at the first stage of the checkout can improve the overall post transaction experience. For example, notifications can be sent by smS rather than email to provide customer service by smS. While keeping an email address. As the main customer contact method, you can add an opt in for smS. In order updates, we provide further information in a resource document as always. When setting up form options. Consider the following tips based on common scenarios. Make address line two optional. Instead of mandatory. If you shift the residential addresses and make phone numbers mandatory, so you can contact your customers in case they have questions regarding their order. When an order is marked as fulfilled, a shipping notification gets sent to the customer. The system can either automatically mark an order's line item as fulfilled or require a staff member to manually click fulfill in the order summary page, automatic fulfillment is the most hands off way to fulfill orders, but it is only suitable for some type of products. If you hold your own inventory or have a processing time before shipping out your product. Manual fulfillment might be the best option. You can use the checkout script fields to add conversion tracking to your order status page or add other javascript that affects your checkout. The checkout is where most people abandoned their purchase. According to the bamar Institute, a Web research company. In the U. K. 67.45% of online shopping carts are abandoned. Shopify provides configuration so merchants can send follow up emails to customers who have abandoned their cards in order to complete their sale. You can also translate the checkout language within the stores. Language editor from the checkout settings, you can find a full list of order processing settings. Additional scripts and help for abandoned cards linked in the resource guide available in the beginning of this course. Next up are some of the notification settings and this is where you can view stylized and customize messages that will be sent to your customers Shopify provides notifications to aid in the automation of your fulfillment process. And these are designed to be triggered automatically to ensure customers are responded to promptly. Notifications are broken down into these groups, orders, shipping customers order notifications, fulfillment and staff emails and web hooks for your orders and shipping notifications can be customized using liquid variables and html for proactive customer service and additional marketing. You can find a course on how to build a responsive website using HTML five and CSS three available on the fiber learn platform. You can also hire a professional on Fiverr as well. Most orders, shipping and customer account notifications are mandatory to be sent out to your customers automatically. These cannot be disabled. So how are we doing so far professionals? The next aspect of your e commerce fundamental scores is going to be the ever confusing shipping, legal and tax settings. This might be the most complicated portion of setting up your store. But don't worry, we've got you covered join me in the next video so we can set you up for success.

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Exercise - Create an Engaging About Us Page
More Recourses Part 1
More Recourses Part 2
Build a Successful Business with Outsourcing
Shopify Resource Links
Shopify Glossary
Creating an Engaging About Us Page
Create your own Site - Final Project
Business Model Checklist

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Outstanding course for shopify store fundamental

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Amazing course for learning basic Fundamentals of shopify

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