Lesson Info
7. Custom Wall-Hanging Project - Variations
Supplies and Resources
20:46 2Custom Wall-Hanging Project - Basic Cross Stitch
16:44 3Custom Wall-Hanging Project - Zig Zag Stitch
05:03 4Custom Wall-Hanging Project - Oblong Stitch
11:48 5Custom Wall-Hanging Project - Alternative Basic Cross Stitch
19:08 6Custom Wall-Hanging Project - Star Stitch
07:40 7Custom Wall-Hanging Project - Variations
15:54 8Custom Wall-Hanging Project - Finishing Work
25:46Lesson Info
Custom Wall-Hanging Project - Variations
Okay, so now that we've worked through the star stitch on this row, I'm going to walk you through the next step and on the pattern what I did was I left a there's a blank space on the pattern you can choose to fill it with a stitch, but all I did was leave seven holes in the next one so what you're going to do is you're going to leave a blank space of seven count and then your next row you're going to be starting out from that count seven so one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and this is where you're going to be starting the next it's exact stitch so this stitch is going to be matching this one here this next stitch is going to be the same as so again we're working seven across with our basic cross stitch and you can do all your exes across or you can throw in those are the vertical stitches you work the same three stitches across two or is it more than that? The base across the one that you're doing now is they were working on seven by seven yeah, so when you're skipping this spa...
ce, said seven yeah, you're counting seven down also so it's like you're putting it's like having an invisible stitch here you're just having enough is just they're repeating the third stitch that we did then right exactly yeah and on the sample that I did I threw in this little back stitch here just for a variation so you can put something there you can absolutely because it were using the same seven by seven grid you could add in your own stitch here or another color you can leave it blank whatever you want that's the way you can put a variation on it I'm gonna work us through part of this stitch and then show you how to how will be funneling down which will be essentially removing seven stitches and what you can do is you can continue toe work this way or if it's easier for you can turn it upside down so you're adding instead of subtracting now it's a good time to in the process to just kind of look over what you've done because sometimes when you get really involved in this stitch you realize that you miss you know it really is you miss something so periodically while you're working on a project just try and review what you've done because with the exact nature of crossed it you're creating patterns and it's pretty noticeable if something is off so I did something here that I wouldn't recommend doing just for I did it because we're like cruising along but having a thread like this going across your work sort of jeopardizes the integrity of the strength of your stitch so but I'll probably do when I'm done with this is snip the thread and tie it into smaller knots on either side here so on some of these the threat gets played for their out and others you know it's not like it's staying twisted together okay they're away sometimes you can take that a little bit from the back sometimes that happens just where like this stitch sometimes might have split when I was a little then yeah so you might be ableto I would play around with tightening it from the back a little bit okay that usually helps but sometimes we're near sharing the hole with another stitch the needle might split through the threads and that's usually what happens then I have one right here that's a little bit loose that I would probably go back and tighten up from the back I just tried toe replicate that I tried toe split the the threads and I think that's what's happening because you can see that's what I did here I just split them and it's unraveling a little bit so I think that's probably all it is okay so once you get through that long row of the zigzag stitch here what you're going to do is instead of adding seven spaces you're going to start taking them away if that seems too difficult turn it upside down and go backwards but what we're going to do for the pattern is you're going to count down seven again and then your next stitch which is going to be back to the star stitch is actually going to be even with this one okay, so we're going to come down go come down seven one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and then go in seven and that's where your first starts to save me and it should be lining up with your zigzag stitches everything should should line up, you know, like a grid as it does where the stitches are closer together it's just kind of sometimes our eyes can't see it when we're right on top of it, so if you pull it back, you can see how things are lining up to him and this is going to be I'm going to use the same variation I used here, but the horizontal stood so I'm counting in one two from each side for that stitch going across, she has have any questions about narrowing it at all. Does that make sense to everyone now are taking away seven instead of adding okay, I'm going to move on and I'm just going to do a few of the straights stitches so you can see and then I'm going to start walking us through the finishing work so that next straight stitch when that's right here you're going to count seven in which will be where the next cross for your star stitch begins and then seven down justice before, and these are all places where you could add additional variations. I wanted to create something that was a mirror image, but you can switch colors. You can switch spacing for. These are all places where you can put your own spin on the pattern. So while I have a second, I'm just going to show you how I would fix these things consistent. But if you do it, it's, not a big deal, you just want to make sure you have some threads to attach it to where there's places you can make another. Not so, like right here. I could tie these together, that's one way, and here I could tie these together, or I could just put it back on the needle, pull it through some of the threats, and they cannot. But any anything is going to be better than leaving it like this, because this is not.
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